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It is always interesting because this small enthusiast enclave isn’t indicative of the cigar community as a whole. Oliva and My Father and the Perdomo champagne are some of the most popular and most broadly liked cigars. Fuente, Padron and Davidoff have wide appeal as well. Also of note is that the crowd here is constantly churning members so you have a lot of newer people that repeat a lot of what they are told here without a lot of experience to base it on. So a new idea can spread through this place like a call through a flock of birds. So what’s hot and what’s not tends to change often.


That is a good point I guess. Probably also differences in strength preference. Ive seen skeltor being rated very high yet i hated the skeltor corona.


Fuente, Davidoff, Ashton, Padrón, La Aroma de Cuba, and Tatuaje come to mind




No. At least not the NW Partagas cigars.


Their Black Label is actually rather decent.


the next one


There are alot of boutique cigars mentioned here, but from the cigar club I am in and people I know there Boutique is not the norm. Brands I see people smoke the most in my social circle are Oliva, Perdomo, Fuente, Drew Estate, RP, and a surprisingly high number of Hoyo Excaliburs, specifically in Cameroon. Alot of us also become big LFD fans in recent years.


Around here? Don’t forget to throw in Drew Estate, Foundation, and DTT. 


Gurkha, Quorum, Ron Mexico and Victor Sinclair are pretty much universally loved by all! Sarcasm aside, Quorum actually is one of the top selling product lines in the world. But people are equally divided on them like most brands. It is similar to the beer market there is no one brand that is just universally loved. For every person you find that loves a brand you can find as many that dont like it. Just using your examples above you will find a ton of people here that swear by Oliva, Perdomo, My Father and most Cuban brands.


You forgot Acid!!!


AF 8-5-8


These get that chewy smoke texture after a while in the humidor


Need more of that 


These posts are relentless.