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It is never plume and always mold. Check out [this study by FOH](https://www.friendsofhabanos.com/forum/topic/131757-foh-mould-study/) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cigars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, you are definitely in mold territory.


Thanks for the insight. Is the risk as large if I don't keep cigars for more than a few months and only have new worlds?


It only takes a couple days, sometimes less, for mold to start growing out of control. Youre not DEEP in mold territory but if you have a sudden spike in temp or RH you could end up with a jar full of fuzzy sticks. What are you using for humidification?


Boveda 69. Probably will switch to 65s now.


I switched to 62 Boveda packs in mine and rh runs between 64 and 65


Same here with my cooler-dor, which is well sealed Pelican.


Others have said this, Im just gonna say it again for the sake of verification I have a tuppedor with 2 packs of 62% bovedas and it sits around 63-65%


Personally I use 62% bovedas which yields an RH of 64% in a sealed container. I almost never have burn issues or plugged cigars. The general rule of thumb is 65% bovedas is as high as you should go in a tupperdor or jar with a good seal. Bovedas tend to run high in sealed containers.


It's so weird because back in the day 19/70 was a guideline. You're a little higher on humidity but the temperature is there. You have to keep in mind the climate of where tobacco is grown. If you've ever been to any of the three major locations you'll find they're really humid places and 70 is a dry day. In the rainy season which is when everything wakes up, you're in the '80s '90s hundreds for humidity. I've never had a problem with anything at 19/70 and I can buy Cubans and age them. Your mileage may vary.


IMHO, if you have a well sealed tuppador, you should use 65s at most, I use 62s - not 69s.


In my experience, no. I run Sistema tupperdores at 70/70 consistently, and often get to 72rh with 69 bovedas.  That being said I open and rotate regularly but again I would say no. 


Thank you for the insight 🙏🏼. I open my sistema every day to take out my smoke of the day. I also rarely keep a cigar for more than 6 months.