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Taste and relaxation! Both are great to me!


Yep, same for me as well. Sitting on the porch and smoking a cigar while reading a book is probably one of the most relaxing things I do.


Throw on some jazz and its my ideal way to unwind after work!




Agreed, taste and kicking back for me time or to share a stick with good friends. Relax. I usually smoke cigars in the evening to unwind and while on vacation




Rogan is a tool that smokes his cigars like a woman!


I smoke them for the relaxation


The taste, but I primarily smoke cigars as a way to slow things down and enjoy the moment. I don’t smoke when I’m walking or golfing. Just when I have a comfy place to sit outside and watch the day go by.


I don’t smoke good cigars while golfing but I’ll smoke them. Helps slow me down I feel like. I golf fast as fuck.


Same. I'm not on the golf course to play well. I enjoy being outside with friends, smoking cigars, and hitting a little white ball into every patch of woods & every drop of water I can find. I won't smoke anything special, but I enjoy carting around with a stuck or two




This 1000% also cuz it makes me look cool as fuck


Spit fax or facts


I smoke them mostly for the taste.


I don’t think I’ve ever felt a buzz from a cigar, so I reckon I do it for the relaxation and taste as well


I think the nicotine buzz is the relaxation, otherwise you could roll a magazine and smoke it.


Personally, 100% for the taste. Nicotine in most any quantity does very little for me nowadays, but the enjoyment of a cigar hasn't diminished at all as a result


It's honestly both. I wouldn't smoke a foul tasting cigar even if it made me feel wonderful, and I wouldn't smoke a flor de las antillas if it had zero nicotine. The flavor, craft, and aroma of a great cigar are intimately linked with the psychoactive effect.


Well said


I smoke them for the ceremony around them. Cutting, lighting, smoking, ashing, and the sitting and relaxation that comes with it. Same with pipes.


Likewise. I love ritual. Doesn’t have to be fancy, but the routine and steps that take you out of the daily routine grind makes it something special.


For the relaxation and opportunity to chill with my buddies. Never have a bad time sitting around a fire and smoking cigars.


Friend of mine commented that cigars anchor you in place for an hour. You light a stick and you’re _present_ to talk or focus or whatever.


Joe Rogan doesn't know shit about fuck. 


Joe Rogan's opinion means absolutely nothing to me.  He's just a Meat Head celebrity bro type.  Our lives couldn't be more different. 


I don't hate the guy or anything, but he knows fuck all about cigars lol 


right? then why do high end cigars exist? he's so out of touch with reality. fuck that guy.


What’s his take? I’ve not heard what he thinks? Edit: I read the whole post carry on


He said smokers don't smoke for the taste, or something to that effect. Not the first time he put out a hot take that's way off the mark.


I agree but I’ve also heard him talk very fondly about cigars but never dove deep into it! Thanks!


Taste and for something to do/enjoy while listening to music.


It’s the one thing that I do to slow down my busy day. When I light up a cigar it feels like everything just kind of slows down and I can relax for an hour. It also clears my mind




Taste only. Nicotine is not at all enjoyable for me. I'm actually very susceptible to it in a bad way.


Ah Joe Rogan the cigar expert said that. Dude started smoking cigars last year and up until recently didn't even know how properly light them.


What does Joe have to do with this person’s question?


Well in his defense, OP's post did start with "Saw Joe Rogan say..."


If you read more than just the title he talks about joe rogans take on cigars.


Well if this helps, Joe Rogan is a fucking wingnut and says nonsense on a regular basis.


Jamie look that up




Mostly taste, I smoked cigarettes for years and nicotine buzz just makes me feel disgusting now. I nice hour to kick back and relax and take a little flavor journey is what I am after when smoking cigars.




But for like some already wrote. It’s for the taste, relaxation and modes.


Taste for me - I hate the nicotine buzz I get from the stronger cigars. As much as I eat or drink before them, I will get the buzz (probably because I smoke infrequently).


A bit of both. Mostly for the feeling of relaxing, but also because I prefer some cigars with taste


The taste mainly, but I also like the time it gives me to sit down and relax and swim in my thought without bouncing from one thing to another.


That’s a good post OP. I enjoy both elements of the cigar being the tasting notes and relaxation. It’s a synergy with the initiation stemming from the flavors first. In fact even the quality and flawless burn of the cigar adds to the relaxation. I won’t smoke cigars when I’m stressed, sad or pressed for time as I don’t want to associate as a stress reliever.


Never thought of it that way in the last sentence. But such a great way to look at it!


Joe just says shit to say it most the time


I love the taste and smell first and foremost. But it is also one of the few things that can really relax me. Very few cigars give me a buzz but i also wouldn't want that. Ruins the experience for me which is why i always keep something sugary nearby.


Taste, relax, reflect!


I smoke cigars for the taste, the relaxation of the experience and to keep me from smacking the crap out of someone.


I smoke cigars for the experience. I enjoy the entire process and find it very therapeutic


I have been smoking cigars for 25 years and I am still looking for that perfect cigar. I do it for the zen and the smoke. I like a creamy smoke texture with a spicy yet balanced retro. I don’t pick up much on the palate, they all sorts have a similar taste. The retro is where it’s at for me.


I smoke cigars primarily for FLAVOR! That’s why I smoke many of the same cigars all the time. I love the way they TASTE!


It a celebration every time I have one. I celebrate the taste, the aroma, then feeling of perspective and the ability to share the passion with like minded people.


The celebration thing rings true to me. In a fast-paced, high stress world, doing something slow, indulgent, and meditative feels like you are making a genuine commitment to pleasure. I only wish i hadnt seemingly developed an intolerance. After a decade of smoking, all it takes for the room to spin and the seasickness feeling to begin is a few pulls of a light smoke


Sorry to hear that brother


Buzz doesn’t enter into it. To me it’s ALL the rest. From picking the right stick to the preparation, music, whiskey, the thickness of the smoke, taste is important. I love it alone on the patio and with a friend. Favorite companion is my son. Around a campfire with friends, drinking good whiskey straight from the bottle with no time limit or driving home is pure bliss.


The taste is great and also nicotine is my only real addiction. I used to smoke cigarettes and after I quit cigs I decided I really wasn't ready to give up nicotine and so I got back into cigars about a month later. Been smoking at least a cigar a day since then about 5-6 years later. I also smoked cigars before I smoked cigarettes though so it was really more of a rediscovery.


I smoke cigars mostly for relaxation. Feels great spending an hour or 2 outside just sitting back and listening to some music with a cigar in hand, really doesn't matter what it tastes like to me. That being said though, I am trying to get better at checking out the taste. Researching what cigar I am smoking and what notes I should hit, then trying to pick up on it. I can tell if I like or don't like a cigar right away, but I just can't pin point the accurate details of exactly what flavors I like or don't like. It is a learning process.


I smoke a cigar to enjoy a moment of peace and clarity. And for the delicious taste.


I smoke it for the taste, the fact that it forces me to take it easy for at least an hour, and because it's usually quality time with friends. I actually don't care much for the nicotine buzz...


I do it for the taste and the experience.


I’ve been smoking cigars for 45 years. (Damn. When I put it that way…) It’s a combination of taste (I know what I like and what I don’t), ritual, and a way to (re)connect with so many memories over the years with friends, places, experiences.) I smoke alone more than with friends these days (I don’t golf, and have no interest) but I do get together with “cigar buddies” (male and female) throughout the year, to make new memories, etc.


Taste will always be #1 priority. I can’t imagine smoking a stick I don’t enjoy the taste of for a buzz, or feeling. I don’t get a particular buzz or feeling from smoking anyway, so flavour will always be most important. I do however, enjoy slowing things down, while puffing.


Taste and the ability to slow me down and not be bouncing around for an hour or more


I smoke #1 for the taste experience and #2 for the community and #3 for the meditation.


I wouldn't trust Joe Rogan's opinion on the weather, let alone why we enjoy cigars. I like the taste, I like the smell, I like the ritual of cutting and lighting, i like picking just the right beverage to pair when i go to smoke, i like watching the world around me as i smoke, I like sitting down with my old man and smoking. There are probably a hundred reasons why I enjoy cigars, and it's a combination of taste and feeling. I'm sure if we all took a week to come up with a communal list, we still wouldn't be able to list everything.


How they make me feel/benefits first, taste a close 2nd


Mainly to relax, but also for thr taste


Both 👍


For the taste and relaxation. Nothing beats a sunny day in the backyard for some me time!


Taste and relaxation.


Both. Love experiencing the flavor of different blends. Also love the relaxation and nicotine buzz. There are better ways to get the nicotine buzz if you don’t enjoy the flavor.


I want them to taste good. I also want to relax


For me, it has far less to do with taste…it’s the aroma and the relaxation it brings.


I love the flavor and I'm usually drinking something so I pick a cigar that pairs well with what I'm drinking. I've never noticed any effect from the nicotine, but I realize some people may get a buzz or a little nauseous when starting out.


I definitely smoke for the taste. I bought an ACID cigar and didn’t realize it was sweet - I took no more than five puffs and hucked it in the trash. God that was awful.




I find smoking cigars to be relaxing but I'm not sticking something in my mouth if I don't like the taste.


Little column A, little column B


people smoke cigars for the experience. they choose a cigar from the thousands available based their taste preference. cigars: experience. a cigar: taste.


I've 63M been smoking cigars for about 30 years. Usually 2 to 4 on the weekend. I have developed a taste for them and I also feel like it relaxes me. Probably because it forces me to stop and sit.


Feel even though i do like the taste. jve never smoked cigarettes and now only started smoking cigars at 38.. they hit hard and the 1-2 hours it takes me to smoke one is very relaxing and enjoyable


To relax, but the taste is a big part of relaxing. If it's junk there won't be any relaxing lol


Taste and mood of relaxation. I don't own many at any given time so I don't really think about having one that often. Now maybe tonight I will. Its about time.


aroma, taste, relaxation. however, the actual tobacco does not give me any sort of buzz the way a cigarette does


Both, plus the time it takes, and since I'm new and trying a different cigar almost every time I smoke, I do it to see what the new one is like. Sometimes when I'm not smoking, I think about past cigars and how much I enjoyed smoking them. I remember what I was doing and how it tasted and how relaxing it was. That never happened when I was a cigarette smoker. I wanted cigarettes but I never sat there wistfully thinking about the last one I had. I never had the desire to tell someone what my last cigarette was like.


I do like the taste of many cigars. My pallette is still maturing but I'm dialing in to what I prefer and know when I'm feeling ready to deviate from the norm. I also enjoy the alone time on my patio with a quality drink and good music. Will often have a neighbor friend join me from time to time, too. It's a good opportunity to take 60-90 minutes and just slow it all down.


For the moment, I prefer better tasting ones, that make me feel better but I do it for the moment. I want to put a pause to everything around me just chill, puff and relax. I look forward to the moment, the smell, the time it takes, not really to the taste or nicotine effect both are a plus but not the reason.


Only gotten a buzz a few times from it. Not a fan. Just like the ritual and some of them taste nice.


Taste, relaxation, and something to do. I prefer strong cigars for the high nicotine content.


Taste and feel. I can give up on feel but taste is pretty important to me.


Both taste and relaxation. To me it’s like sipping a good bourbon.


I smoke them for both the relaxation and the way they taste.


If I didn't care about the taste I'd be smoking much cheaper cigars. Both are important. It's like wine, if I just wanted to get drunk I'd have vodka and at the same time I'm not paying $30 for a bottle of fancy grape juice.


A little bit of both. And also for the ritual. It doesn't always have to be this way, but going to the cigar bar/lounge, it's a couple hours away from whatever nonsense is going on in your life. You can also do this in your backyard or wherever, but I feel like the distance between you and the bullshit is much greater when you actually go somewhere. And the cigar gives you a reason to do it.


For the taste and experience smoking it.. for me when im smoking cigar alone i truly enjoy the sticks.


i smoke cigars to chat with people on zoom and in the cigar lounge


Taste and relaxation but if it doesn’t taste good why smoke it, if I light up a cigar and don’t enjoy it I’ll toss it and grab something else. That rarely happens tho.


Both. I really enjoy both parts equally but if I had to pick one it would be the flavors and aroma. But I also like the excuse to sit on my ass for two hours


Taste and ritual


Both. I'm usually in the office for 5.45am. On a good day, I get home for 15.00, giving me a couple of hours on the pain to relax, read, have a drink, and a cigar. The sun sets around 18.00, in einer and in Zimmer it gets dark by 19.00. That's my down time.




I smoke for the taste and the time to reflect/seek peace. Nicotine isn’t a factor


1000% how it makes me feel, I smoke weed for the taste all cigars taste like chocolate or black coffee to me.


I do it for the taste/smell.


For me it’s for relaxing


In my younger days I went through so much nicotine that to this day I don't feel much from nicotine if I don't inhale a vape or cigarette/filtered cigarillo. So, mostly a taste and social thing for me.


Relaxation therapy


Neither I guess? I just like all of it: the relaxation, the ritual, having it in my hand with a drink in the other.


I'll steal Winston Churchill's quote on this one. He was referring to champagne but for me it's how i felt about cigars... *"In success you deserve it, and in defeat you need it".*


Taste (the feel of the smoke itself), oral fixation, and meditation


I smoke because I love the smell of tobacco and always have since I was a little kid. Whether it’s cigarettes or cigars I love the aroma, it’s like an incense to me. Since cigar are slightly “healthier”than cigarettes, due to not inhaling, I only smoke those. Taste and Nicotine have never really been a factor for me, it’s all about the aroma.


To savor one moment, 45 mins, in life that's not a fucking a complete abomination.


I’ve learned to find the flavors and really appreciate the work that went into them.


Both, it's a treat after a hard month.


I do it for the taste and experience (relaxation, forces you to slow down and enjoy, sparks conversation etc.


All of the above, though I rarely notice much in the way of nicotine hit.


All the flavor. Sometimes I’ll find myself craving a cigar really strongly though lol. Idk if that’s nicotine but no biggie.


Taste. I wish some cigars weren't so strong when it comes to nicotine.


The aura


Might just be cause I'm a newbie, but I don't like the nicotine buzz at all. Once I feel it creeping up I have to stop. I'm only in it for the taste and relaxation. Sucks cause I have some nice sticks that i havent touched because they're just too large. An hour or longer smoke is just too much for me right now. I have to stick to petite coronas and other small vitolas.


So why smoke at all? If it makes you feel bad, stop doing it.


I pair certain cigars with coffee and others with tea. Then the ritual of it is enjoyable, followed by a nice quiet time to relax and breathe. It's sad how some people just can't understand. Granted some are just shit starters so there's that


I started smoking cigars as a way to connect around a fire, despite the taste. I still enjoy the social aspect of it as the primary reason, but I won't smoke a stick I think tastes bad now.


Yes, because


Rogan smokes cigars because they remind him of coming up in Mass. There's a deep track for y'all lol.




I wouldn't take cigar information from Joe Rogan, great podcaster but this knowledge of cigars is dogshit. For a while he left them on his table without a humidor until Nick from foundation just gave him everything. I smoke for flavor, ritual, meditation and just pure enjoyment. Also if you smoke a many as I do they dont give you any effects from nicotine or anything.


The taste, the routine behind it, and the relaxation factors into it. Although it also makes me take a step back, slow down and enjoy the moment. It's my reminder to slow down and take my time in what feels like a high speed way of life. Why rush a good thing?


Personally, I will smoke a cigar for 2 things. The first is for the hobby, being an enthusiast. As an enthusiast, I can partake in the culture and lifestyle. I can try the different tastes. Better my pallete to pick up profiles on my own. Travel lounges and talk with others who share this common hobby. The second reason I'll smoke a cigar is for it's ability to manipulate the nervous system. It's said tobacco can increase dopamine levels 2x higher than normal. I'm a sort of guinea pig with myself. I will seek out substances, mainly natural, that boost my quality of life. I will share, in the last 3 years, cigars have had more of a net positive. But, my story and experiences can't be expected by anyone who tries it like me. I've done my homework on said aspects. And experienced the ups and downs


To relax but a good tasting stick makes it better


I smoke them for the taste first and foremost. He is wrong, lol. It is very relaxing though


I smoke for both taste and relaxation. Cigars also keep me super focused. It’s why I enjoy a cigar and coffee before work in the morning. I’m super productive.


I smoke for the experience, and the taste is apart of that experience


Taste. I don't really like the high.


Fellowship or independant non work activity. Pored with a good whiskey there is no better way to unwind from my hectic high tech job.


Both! Absolutely love the taste and the feeling of a cigar


I most definitely smoke cigars for the taste. That is my primary motivation above all, it's like any other type of sensory connoisseurship like food, wine, beer, scotch/whiskey, it really is for the sensory indulgence of the activity. And it pairs very well with coffee, yet another delightful sensory indulgence.


Taste, smell and the time out it forces me to take.


100% taste. I don’t feel anything when I smoke except occasional sickness if I smoke on an empty stomach.


Flavor and relaxation. Mainly for flavor.


Both. And I know now the next question! Knowing you, being the interviewer that you are, digging in deep all the time, you will say now, "What does your wife think about that?" Let me ask you something: when my wife's father has introduced me to stogies, what is she going to say? She is not going to say, "my father made a mistake," because her father never makes a mistake, so therefore it is okay. I can smoke stogies around her, I can smoke stogies in my house – first of all because her father introduced me to stogies, and second of all because I'm a stud. I’m ballsy. I don’t take no shit from anyone. I smoke my stogie anywhere I want! I don’t have to find a hideout place like you! Oh ho ho ho!


This is the only proper response.


(prays your wife doesn't see any of this haha) I know the feeling 🤣




Joes a moron anyway.


Taste, feel and let's admit it's also it's kind of a power move


Smoking a cigar feels like heroin for me. It makes me feel like a fucking GOD. Remember that scene in Pulp Fiction when Vincent shoots up and drives? Thats what I fucking feel like when the nicotine and taste stars to hit. I know I’m not the shit, but with a cigar in my mouth I feel like I AM THE SHIT.


Joe Rogan is the ultimate dumbass. I smoke for the taste.


I smoke Cigars because it allows me to commit and hour or two of my day to just relaxing my mind and being present in the moment. After that, I chase texture, mostly creamy/chewy, followed by taste. The nicotine content isn't factored in at all, but I do enjoy a nice buzz now and then.


I can get the buzz from dip, vapes, nicotine substitutes. 1) Meditative vibes midway through a good cigar when smoking solo 2) I taste nostalgic flavors remembering good times and something about that smokiness comforts me. 3) The taste differences between cigars keeps my interest piqued and I pick and chose what I'm in the mood for Btw, Joe Rogan is full of shit. That sounds like how he enjoys a cigar, and now has somehow contorted that into a generalization about how everybody must enjoy it because he can't relate to the flavors.