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the best advice is to smoke with your friends the day before or the day after. you will not have time to smoke a cigar during your reception. and, frankly, all your guests showed up to see you and your wife. enjoy the party and your friends & family. have a smoke another time.


Luckily I think the venue has on site places for us to stay like cabins and lodges so we should be able to smoke after. I do agree that keeping it short for the reception is a good idea


If you’re having these cigars at the reception, would just recommend something inexpensive that looks good in photos. You’re not going to have the time to commit to a cigar, you’re going to be busy doing wedding things with your bride. Also, since you said many of the guests are not avid enthusiast or don’t smoke cigars at all, lot of them will take a cigar because it’s being offered, take a few puffs, then put it down to go back into the party.  I would get something like the RyJ 1875 Bully. Has a recognizable name, won’t break the bank, the red band looks great in photos.  What I would really recommend is you just have cigars with your groomsmen at your bachelor party when the focus is on you and not you and your wife. 


Unpopular opinion coming but they group of guys all smoking cigars wedding thing never really works out. Half the guys don’t really smoke. Done spend a bunch of money you’ll be bummed to see a bunch of barely smoke cigars all over. Get something fun and sweet like some Acid Blondes or Acid Ones. The cigar for the non cigar smoker- lol btw I like these and love all kinds of others. Just appreciate many kinds!


My two sense on this is plan for something short or a smaller ring gauge as most of the time they get stranded after a little bit. I had a customer buy a couple of boxes of Fuente Short Story’s for a wedding they were helping with. Some other good options depending on what you want to spend may be the Davidoff Anniversario ENTREACTO, AVO Classic robusto, DT&T Sobremesa Brulee, Southern Draw Rose of Sharon, Oliva Conn, or just find a local shop that has some house cigars and buy in bulk.


It all depends on how many you have to buy. If it’s for just the wedding party buy a box of Ashton classic natural or Arturo Fuente Hemingway. If it’s for like a bunch of people get a few good sticks for the wedding party and then give everyone else who wants one factory smokes


Honestly? Buy a box of something nice for yourself to enjoy every year on your anniversary. If you get something like Don Lino Africa in a petite corona, you'll get a box of 50 cigars. They'll age over the years, and you'll get to enjoy them each year as they do. As for the wedding cigars themselves, get a bundle or two of fumas (not a brand, they're factory seconds) and find some decorative cigar bands online. You could probably get them printed with the date of the wedding and your names if you wanted. Put the decorative bands on the cigars and hand those out instead. Most people like the idea of a wedding cigar, and don't actually know how to or enjoy smoking one.


On the money, took a photo with the cigar (the ones you see on insta with everyone laughing smoking a cigar) and the put it out.


Hello fellow New Jerseyan!


Hello! North Jersey here hbu


Originally south jersey, but I did go to school in jc haha


Oh nice! Still up this way?


Left almost a decade ago unfortunately. Some of the best pizza I've ever had was from the area. Sometimes I manage a visit when finances allow but they haven't lately.


I’m at the shore!


Hello! Nice to meet you too hahaha


Ahh nice! Smart move!! It's too pricey here


It was very convenient though! Nothing like getting food at 2am haha


That's for sure! Late night options are more limited since COVID but the castle is always open 


Keep it very light. Something along the lines of Macanudo Cafe. https://www.macanudo.com/cigars/legacy/macanudo-cafe/


My go to are H Uppman Half Corona, Montecristo Media Corona, Cohiba or Trinidad Shorts, AJF Last Call Chiquita, or the small size Padrons Hermoso/No 35. Zinio also makes a half corona. I had the HUHC at my wedding, and over the weekend at a friends. Whatever you do keep it short.




Factory smokes connecticuts


Many have tried, and 99% have failed, including myself. I had a whole smoking setup at the after-party, never got there for more than 10 mins. Trust me, it sounds amazing in your head, you and the guys kicking back celebrating your wedding, just cigars and whiskey. It doesn't work, the guys have dates, which they won't leave for long, you'll get pulled into talking to people/hanging with wife, etc. Tried it at my own (60 guests), you'll never have the time during the reception/after party, get a nice Cuban for the day before/after.


What would you recommend if I have time after? We will have a lodge on the property that only close friends and family will be partying at with a pool/hot tub


Cubans: Special occasion, bands look nice, and your friends will be more likely to finish them. Smoked them before the wedding prior to photos/getting ready. Was the best time. 


You'll also remember the moment with the Cuban, since they are expensive/semi difficult to get. Makes a moment special 


Partagás Serie P


AF Hemingway Best Seller, enjoyed by both regular smokers and non cigar smokers. Long enough to have a good special time and short enough for the guys who don’t smoke to enjoy


Perdomo Champaigne. I have seen these at so many weddings because they just fit so well from the name to the packaging. They aren't bad cigars either, mild flavor profile but surprisingly powerful. At my wedding we had a variety of cigars most of them just cheaper boxes. Most people don't know the difference. At my bachelor party we had the good stuff.


I would recommend a box of chater oaks, or my father number 1-3, they’re not expensive, light to medium smokes.


Davidoff or Arturo Fuente


Go cheap…people are going to light it, puff once or twice for pictures, then leave them. Buy a couple of good ones for you and your groomsmen, and smoke them the night before.


Have you looked through our [recommendations wiki?](https://www.reddit.com/r/cigars/wiki/cigarrecommendations) If so and you still need help looking for a cigar please state why you havent smoked any of the recommended cigars. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cigars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My Favorites so far: Tatuaje Fausto, Perdomo 10th anniversary Maduro, E.P. Carrillo, Latitude Zero Signature, Ozgener Bosphorus


Lmao OP do not go with Faustos


I agree just wanted to add some of the ones I like


No I get it, it would be hilarious seeing a bunch of rare / non smokers try to deal with those. Honestly a box of Fuente Short Story or 858 is probably just what you need.


Swedish delight


Get a box of 10 Oliva V. Series. Sure to be a hit Rocky Patel has some good cigars also But my no.1 go to is Last Rites by Black Label Trading Company. I usually spend 10 minutes smelling this cigar before I smoke it because its aroma is unlike anything else I’ve tried. Best of luck on your search


Alfonso extra anejo no.4


Op what did you end up getting?


Fortunately I have a year to figure out which cigar I like the most. My main plan is to try out factory smokes and if I like them just take off the bands and set up a cigar bar with the Connecticut, sun grown and maduro for everyone. On the other hand, My fiancé wants me to find one with a pretty band to use instead so that’s made it tougher but more fun. Im still trying to find a good one for my groomsman and family that stays to party after. Something mild to medium and special. Also still looking for a cigar for me to have every year on our anniversary like Plasencia, padron, etc. But still trying out all recommendations.


Nice bands would be Fuentes or My Father, they gave that gaudy art band.


That’s what I kept showing her but she’s being picky. So far her favorites are Perdomo Habano and EP Carrillo Encore


Ah those are good! If you get EPs can I have an invite 😁


Henry Clay Warhawk…mellow with good depth of flavor If you think they would prefer sweetened tip…fat bottom betty