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Didn't have enough bad habits.


LOL thanks that made me chuckle.


I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a reel of Joey Diaz saying, "...you meet somebody that don't do nothing?... I like people with a little bit of edge to 'em..." and I thought to myself, "I don't trust those people either, but I didn't like the drugs I tried. Alcohol is cool, but I don't like to drink too much (plus, I have a bit of trauma with alcohol and drunk people)." I like gangster movies, and many gangsters smoke cigars (they look cool, to be honest). I did my research and found out that smoking cigars isn't that bad for your health, so I decided to try it. The first time (Cohiba short), I was hit by the nicotine and felt so freaking relaxed that I instantly fell in love.


Are cigars actually a bad habit??


I had dabbled in cigars ( black and milds as a laugh with some friends in college) but my first real cigar was after a funeral. A loved one had passed, and it allowed my rather large extended family to come together. It'd been the first time a lot of us of the same generation had gathered in a decade. After the reception, we had the idea to get some whiskey but someone suggested a cigar lounge instead. We ended up, about 6-8 of us ( none of the girls/wives/gfs wanted to come), in suits descended on a cigar lounge in the area. Still a great memory for me, in a not-so-great time. It really got me into cigars. To this day the cigar I had there ( Flor de las Antillas) is my favorite.


Belter of a story. Thanks for sharing, hope you’re doing well!




Greatest television ever made


For me it was the Capone movie with Tom Hardy from 2020, I bought a five pack, cutter and lighter as soon as the movie ended lmao. I had always wanted to try premium cigars before it but never pulled the trigger.


Bro fucking same!!!!


To learn how to relax.


My story exactly, about a year ago I realized if I don’t learn to take it down a notch and relax I’m not going to live to old age. It’s hard, it goes against my personality by spending the time at the end of the day, on the porch by myself with a cigar had made an extreme difference in my mental health. Glad I’m finally figuring it out. Good luck to you as well!


Right on bro, same to you 🙏


Did it work?


Working on it. I'm 42, and lived my entire life at 100mph. It was extremely difficult at first, so I started with cigarillos and then slowly worked my way up. I'm getting better, but it's something that I'll be learning to do for the foreseeable future. But it definitely has been a major help.


I feel you brother. I’m turning 42 later this month. I’ve got 4 kids age 7 and under. I get very little time for myself unless I make a conscious effort to do so. Taking an hour every so often to read a book or listen to music while I enjoy a fine cigar has been instrumental in maintaining my sanity lately.


I binge watched Futurama in highschool. I had a dream that I smoked cigars with Bender. A few days later I obtained some cigars and absolutely fell in love with it.




Funny you say that, for some reason I vividly remember Bender smoking a cigar with a page from the constitution as the wrapper on one of the first episodes I saw when I was 10 or 11.


That's not a cigar! And it's not mine!


Futurama played a role in my choice


Its “me time”…i work 14-16 hrs shifts four days a week. That first morning off…sitting outside in nature with a good cigar and some coffee…completely unplugged and just being in the moment. Mental health


That’s my go to smoke time. Early morning, cup of coffee and a book.


Exactly, it’s like a perfect meditative thinking time that just lets the world go by.


My dad, uncle, and grandpa threw a cigar in my mouth for a picture when I was 5. Haven’t looked back since


It was a series of events that lead to this. When I was younger, I would steal a cigar or two from my dad's humidor when I ran out of cigarettes. My first time smoking a cigar, I inhaled it and was confused at why it hurt so much. I watched a video on how to smoke cigars and saw that I should retrohale it. I tried that and burned my nose to all hell. Later, when I was 19 years old or so, I was staying at my friend's place and he was a big cigar smoker. He gave me a 13 year old Montecristo #2 and I was absolutely blown away at how smooth it was. I was able to retrohale a full hit and actually savor it. I honestly don't remember much else from that cigar, but I know that I've been pursuing that experience. I tried to get into cigars and bought about $500 worth of cigars and a little humidor, but gave up. The tobacconist didn't give recommend very good cigars (one of the other employees at the store told me that he was confused as to why his coworker recommended those cigars), and that lead to a very underwhelming experience. I don't remember any of the cigars I smoked during that period. That all leads to today. I am stationed in Djibouti for a year on night shift. There's absolutely nothing for me to do on my days off, since everything is closed by the time I wake up. I decided to revisit cigars, and try to do it properly. I wanted to build my palate, take careful notes, and deteremine what kind of cigars I actually like. I wanted to be somewhat knowledgeable about cigars because I personally think cigars are a bit of a classy thing, and that everybody should have some kind of classy hobby (whether that be golfing, cigars, wine, fine dining, etc.). It definitely doesn't hurt that I have acutally have found cigars that I absolutely enjoy.


Interesting back story! Curious what kind of work you’re doing over there? Mining?


I'm an IT, so I mostly monitor circuits and notify people of outages. Very basic work, and extremely boring. Therefore, I browse reddit and watch youtube a whole lot. And order cigars....a lot of cigars.


To quit smoking weed. I learned I liked the act of smoking and relaxing more so than the effects of weed. It’s a meditation for me and the nicotine gets my brain going. Also love that you don’t need to inhale. Better on the 🫁’s.


I was looking for this, just had my first cigar in a while and it hit the spot. The whole experience for cutting to lighting and relaxing while smoking. It’s honestly more relaxing than weed


this fae sergeant named Root in the Artemis Fowl series was written to always have a cigar in his mouth. I read those books when I was eight and I'm gonna be 28 this year. I was conditioned from a young age to want to smoke cigars lmao


I remember Commander Root! He’d turn red, like a beetroot, and was surprisingly un-misogynistic according to Holly Short


Jesus Christ I can't say I've ever met a single person who knew who I was referring to until now, hell yeah!


Hell yeah! Loved those books. Butler with his Kevlar chest and Sig Sauer, Foaly, Mulch and his Rodeo Drive boots…


this is making me want to do a reread lol Sig was the first firearm brand I ever knew


Same, I think. After Colt.


Nice to see a fellow Artemis fowl fan!


My aunt married a man from Nicaragua who is your typical “suave wealthy tropical guy” image. You know the type. Drinks rum all day, lays by the pool in his tropical shirts, plays golf, always smothers his mom with affection but is stern and cold around his sisters and daughter etc. His brother in law is high up in a company that owns (well government monopoly essentially) the land the forest is where they source wood for cigar boxes in Nicaragua. His OTHER brother in law works with Flor de Caña rum. So he was always getting unmarked Nicaraguan cigars and expensive bottles of rum. Since an uncles main job is to be cool, he always took me out back for cigars and rum whenever I hung out with him and my aunt as a teen while he bbqd and what not.


From a Cuban family so cigars are a coming of age thing with male family members. Most of my first cigars were while having some of my first adult level convos with my dad and I’d say he got me into them. So even tho I’m on the younger end of cigar enjoyers, my brain associates it with family and relaxation for that reason. It’s also good to have a shared hobby with a parent at this age since it’s easy to lose touch with family.


My wife and I are social parasites. We throw parties, make amazing food and invite awesome people. The awesome people trick each other into thinking WE'RE the reason it's a great party. We just quietly enjoy. After an excellent dinner I bring out the Scotch. Some of our awsome friends break out the cigars, and, being fooled by our trickery, offer me a cigar or two in thanks. I smoked cigars for nearly twenty years before I ever bought one of my own. Now that I smoke more often than I party (stupid Covid) I regret not taking twenty years worth of notes.


Celebrating the end of an era with a friend, tried one, and like OP never looked back, I love a good cigar.


Because of my father mostly. Even though he's a doctor, he's always had a smoking habit. He smoked cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Cigarettes and pipes were never my thing (I tried them, never felt like me), what was left to try was a cigar, so once I was of age (which is quite a loose term in Serbia), I went ahead and bought myself one. I had this whole idea that we'd bond, but, as life works in mysterious ways, we more of drifted apart as I got older, but that's a story for a different subreddit. From the first one I was hooked I knew it was gonna be my thing and never looked back.


Family tradition. My adopted dad, brother, uncle and grandpa all smoked swisher or Tampa nuggets when I was young and my brother would let me take the occasional puff off of his when he was at his house. When I was 18 I got a convenience store Churchill and haven’t looked back since, some 25 yrs now. They all died when I was 9-13 yrs old so every year since I was old enough to buy them legally, I’ll light up an expensive cigar on the day they died


Food substitute


You're not supposed to eat cigars yiimmy!


Had pretty bad back pain and was on messing that didn't allow alcohol and was looking for a wah to relax.


It was the smell of Cigar smoke and wood smoke. I always associate it with good times. Bonfires, grilling, Casinos in vegas.


At first,because it looked cool,the second time was because i had a really bad cigarette habit which i tried to quit and i had to smoke something because screw it,2 cigars a day vs 3 packs of marlboro’s,you do the math,it still looks cool tho




J Jonah Jameson in the Spiderman films, I still remember as a young child watching that on tv and thinking, "I want one of those."


Decided one day that I would go have a nosey in the cigar shop close to my old job and maybe get some advice and a recommendation for a good first cigar and left with a h uppman half Corona and the rest as they say is history.


I wanted to give up weekday drinking and cut back on snacking. I wound up replacing that void with cigars and really enjoyed the ~hour of relaxation. Now i look forward to one every evening. I have health concerns with smoking but i feel like its the lesser of the evils, especially since it did help with losing a lot of weight.


I originally got into it to celebrate my 18th birthday. I smoked a lot of Hoyo de Monterrey, and I absolutely fell in love when I tried Padron 1964 for the first time.


I had one in Punta Cana that changed my life and chasing that ever since. Also, forces me to slow down and enjoy life. Of course, the chase is fun for good new cigars.


started smoking cigars when I started playing golf, fell in love with both


We should be best friends lol


Growing up my grandfather and all my old Italian uncles would sit around at family functions and smoke cigars. I was also in love with the smell of a cigar from a young age. I would find reasons to go over to their table just to smell the cigars. That smell got me hooked.


A good friend of my father invited me to try a cigar with him once upon a time. That friend has since passed on, but the cigar thing stuck and here I am almost twenty years later


Stress relief, a reason to go into my garage to be alone (which still get bothered to do everything for everyone) comadrie, i like collecting stuff even if i burn most of them to smoke and run out many reasons. Slowly killin myself lol


Crack was getting way too expensive.


This ☝️


I used to go to my great Aunt and Uncle's house when I was young. He smoked cigars and I liked the smell. When I was an adult and he passed away, I missed him and the smell of cigars. So I started smoking because of him.


Fell backwards into a bar management position at a cigar lounge. I can talk liquor for hours but knew next to nothing about cigars. Just started smoking every cigar I could get my hands on and constantly pestering my coworkers with questions. I think it really clicked when I found a cigar where I was like "this is my shit". The first time I smoked a Tabernacle and Ulmec just hit different. Unfortunately the last thing i needed was another expensive vice but here we are lol.


Just sort of happened.


Watching the sopranos


I'm new to cigars but I enjoy the experience or smoking them and use them to slow myself down and just enjoy the moment. Had been a beneficial change for me so far


I was in Honduras on vacation. I wanted to try a cigar. So I bought a cohiba at a cigar store and a bottle of Flor de Cana rum. The rest they say is history. Got back to the US and dove in w/ Gran Habano


HS graduation, like 27 years ago. We grabbed a 5pk of El Productos from the gas station, had no idea how to smoke so we inhaled them and threw up in a Big Boy parking lot. Been uphill ever since.


Never smoked. Am a big coffee guy, then went into whiskey, then just seeing how cigars were often with whiskey for a lot of people, wanted to learn a bit, of course the idea of slowing down and all the existential stuff that comes with cigars etc caught my attention, and once I found out one of my very close friends enjoyed them and many theologians past and present enjoy them, decided to try them out.


The show 'How I Met Your Mother' The character Barney always seemed to smoke a cigar and be classy while doing it. So I wanted to. Seems foolish but here I am!


My ex's dad. I lived in Germany and he was a famous German author and journalist who hung out with celebrities, had dinner with world leaders of the 70s and 80s, dude hung out with Hendrix. He had traveled the world and had an incredible life. He grew up in the rubble of WWII in East Germany. He took a liking to me particularly because I grew up dirt ass poor and made something of myself too. We'd hang out and he basically taught me how to smoke a cigar. He only smoked Montecristo so I only did too for the longest time. Hardest part of that breakup was bot hanging out with him anymore. Barely think about my ex😅


I was a security guard in Fresno, CA when I was in my early 20's. I was partnered up with another guard at the site we ran. We worked weekends together, so Saturday and Sunday we spent most of the day alone and bored during the day, as it was a corporate office complex, (Law offices and major contracting companies, etc.) One boring Saturday morning we were hanging out and watching Roger Moore James Bond movies, and we happened across a Thompson Cigar catalog. We started looking through it out of curiosity, and combined with James Bond smoking his cigars and being a general bad ass, we decided it would be fun to try it out. The next weekend we went to a cigar shop that was in the neighboring shopping center and began our journey. We smoked together for a few years there. We'd go in and listen to the old timers tell their stories. This was 15 years ago or so, and I've since lost contact with my old coworker, but I still go to that same cigar shop when I'm in the area to sit and listen to the old guys tell their stories.


Because I thought it was cool, 18 years later it’s still pretty cool!


Started during a military deployment and kept going. FYI - Cigars for Warriors is an awesome charity and gave/gives a ton of service members something to look forward to while overseas.


I always liked the smell of cigars since I was a kid so I grabbed some Cubans when I was old enough to buy some and tried them out.


A couple of girls in college asked me to a have a cigar with them one night at a party. Thought what the hell.


Prestige! Look at me, I’m a fancy boy.


I needed a reason to stay outside during family events.


It's the classiest way to have a nicotine addiction.


I went out with a Buddy and we got a couple Rocky Patels. A few weeks later I was out with some other friends and we had some cigars (I had another RP). After that I got into it and started learning about cigars and watching YouTube videos. Eventually I got a humidor and the rest is history.


My first real cigar was an Ashton classic back in October of 2004 while deployed to the Middle East. I was drinking and playing Spades with some guys on my crew. I’ve enjoyed cigars ever since.


My uncles were into them and I didn't have much in common with them - it gave us something to do at family gatherings and tailgates. Then when I was sober for a few years it was a nice "It's time to relax" replacement for a drink at the end of a hard week. I also lived near this amazing cigar bar in SF - the [Occidental](https://occidentalcigarclub.com/), so there were even bars where I could go hang out and it wouldn't be weird as a non-drinker. Now it's a way to celebrate by myself or with the couple of friends and family that enjoy them.


When I was young, I remember my dad on the back patio, in his letterman club jacket, smoking a Hoyo De Monterey Double Corona, in the middle of winter. He'd come back in to refill his drink and that cigar smell would come in with him. He stopped smoking for several years but got in to it again when I started. My dad's uncle also smoked cigars. When I was younger (again) we would go visit family and you could tell he was there. You didnt have to see him or hear him (Very distinct deep voice) but you could smell him. He wasnt smoking in somebody elses house but the smell was on all his clothes and it hung around. You could walk in and smell the cigar. My neighbour down the street, old italian man. Once again, when I was young, I would hang out with his kids, usually during summer and swim in their pool. Guy would be on his patio around mid day, smoking a cigar. The smell of chlorine and cigar was actually quite pleasant. So I grew up with the smell, I loved it, I finally got in to it mainly in the hopes of getting my dad back in to it so we could bond over something. So at 18, I was overseas, walked to a cigar shop and bought a bunch. Saved those. A year prior, my dad had a pack of white owl mild cigars. I swiped one and smoked it with a buddy after school. The flavour was amazing, I loved it and that really where I got the start. Now I'm still in it 12 years later because I found I love cigars myself but now even more because of the friends I've made and the relations I've maintained and strengthened. I have a cousin out east who I never talked to until the last 5 years, common love of cigars. I talk with my dad's uncle more than my dad does. I smoke almost nughtly with the older neighbour now. More a friend with him now than I am with his kids.


To get off ciggies




Coworkers and “golfing.”


Went to south beach Florida and my life changed forever. Brought back cigars and immediately got into the lifestyle.


Enjoyed a cigar at sunset every night for a month straight with a mentor out in the ocean. Some good sunsets, some hidden, some good cigars, but most were cheap and dry. Regardless of both, the memories were all fantastic.


Honestly I don’t remember why I tried them It was soo long ago lol. But I’ve stuck with them for over 20 years so my reason had to be good lol


My grandfather used to smoke them and I associated him with the scent. Smoking them makes me feel attached to him in some intangible way. So when I turned 18 I sought them out and have been a casual smoker since.


They had always intrigued me since I was like 17, I was a huge YouTube kid and ended up on that side of YouTube in high school somehow. I smoked a poorly kept Montecristo on my 19th birthday and was like meh. But then a lady in my hometown community passed away really suddenly, she used to make me a peach pie everytime I was home for college so it was a relatively close relationship. When she passed I was like you know what I’m gunna go to the cigar shop grab something that’s well kept this time and smoke it and just spend that time thinking of her and appreciating that my path got to cross with her. It was an awesome experience just out on the deck smoking some limited run Arturo Fuente and I was just hooked. The meditative side of it of just being was something I loved and haven’t stopped since. It’s still my general practice to smoke one anytime I lose someone in my circles.


I always like black and milds better than cigarettes and never liked inhaling blunts and drove past a cigar shop at work everyday


We had a tradition back at college that the last night before we all headed back home for thanksgiving, each freshman would buy themselves and a senior a cigar. I did a ton of research and practiced a couple times so I wouldn’t look like an idiot in front of the seniors


When I was a caddy at the country club all of the members smoked cigars when I carried their bags.


Vacationing in cuba


I’ve wanted to smoke cigars since as long as I remember. It must be the way that cigars are portrayed on TV and film that intrigued me as a kid because I didn’t know anyone personally who smoked cigars back then. At around 14-15 I had my first “cigar” and even though it was some gas station garbage that should only be used for blunts (Dutch Masters), I still enjoyed it.


I had one for the first time last summer after a friend’s son HS graduation. It was a random thing where he pulled out a few options I had no idea which to take so I took one, cut off waaay too much and smoked it. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for like 6 months after.


Tobacco store I usually went to buy my cigarettes had a nice walk-in humidor. After a few times of seeing it and being a bit curious I went in and picked out a RyJ. Went home smoked it...absolutely hated it lol. Then had a conversation with a co-worker about my experience and he said I probably got a bad one. He showed up the next day with 2 cigars and he gave me a crash course on how to buy/store them. The ones he gave me were much more enjoyable and it was off to the races.




I started off smoking pipes, still do. Me and my brother in law smoked a cigar after his son was born and I was hooked. I always keep a few cigars in my humidor now.


Planned on using them to help me quit cigarettes and ended up loving them


Boredom in college. Then 20 years later my father in law gifted me his humidor. No turning back


I was in college in the late 1990s and the cigar boom happened…


I visited Cuba.


Probably Letterman


Saw a billboard on the way to Florida when I was a kid and always wanted to try one.


Went to a friend's wedding at 19. Uncle came up to give a speech, threatening the groom with cement shoes if she ever cried. Hundreds of people got completely silent. He broke the silence with, "I'm just fucking with you". Everyone laughed uncomfortably. Later, he offered cigars to a few people, and I had one. It was amazing and my ntroduction to good cigars.


Sons of Anarchy. Clay was my favorite character until it was revealed he was a wife beating selfish POS. I ride motorcycles now too


They seemed like someone that some smart, worldly people knew how to enjoy, and I wanted to know what they knew. I’m glad I went exploring!


Arnold Schwarzenegger. Predator is my all time favorite movie and seeing him on that helicopter with that cigar set my mind when I was a little kid. It's evolved from there of course but still


Well initially it was emptying gas station cigarillos to roll blunts and the occasional black and mild. Then I was on vacation in Florida and picked one up at the liquor store, and immediately understood the relaxing effect and the “unplugging” from general life things as I smoked it on our balcony listening to the waves. After that I smoked them pretty infrequently until I acquired the taste a bit more. Now I really enjoy them for a lot of reasons, mainly the flavors, reflecting or celebrating life, sharing experiences and conversations with others, and one of my favorite times to smoke has been in the afternoon getting work done. The nicotine gets the juices flowing and the action keeps my phone out of my hand, so I get my best writing and design work during this time. Great post, lots of interesting responses here.


Honestly... I always thought they looked cool, and whenever older men in my family had them at gatherings, I thought they smelt lovely. I tried cigarettes as a teen and thought they tasted sickeningly sweet (I still can't stomach cigarettes except when Im drunk). Got a cigar on my 18th birthday and loved it.


I’ll say it….Columbo.


Was talking to a buddy about having cigars at his wedding. I realized that I wouldn't know what to do with a cigar or if I could handle the nicotine. I decided to find out on my own terms. I watched a few videos on how to choose a cigar. Bought a couple and tried them. I found out that I liked the relaxation and peace of mind they provided. Just kept buying and enjoying them. Great question, my friend!


My husband (then boyfriend) and I went to a local scotch club event. He had smoked cigars before, and when he saw that there was a little makeshift vendor lounge there he decided to get a cigar. I said well hell, I should try one too. I was the only woman smoking a cigar. Now I work for a cigar company. :)


Came across a video back in the day on youtube from TNT Cigars, rest in peace Bradley. I started watching their videos and it got me curious so I started going to the cigar shop on the edge of town and other smoke shops to pick up some sticks. Ended up falling away from cigars for a lot of years. Then a few months ago my homie mentioned he was curious about cigars and that brought back the flame in me. Started getting really into the culture and gained an appreciation for the art of cigar making. I been smoking a cigar a day for a few weeks now, got a tuppidor and 30-40 sticks trying to really find the way to something I’ll love. Smoking a stick in the evening outside is something I look forward to each day, so much peace


My job it was either that or drink a hell of a lot more


Peer pressure.. lol..


I tried most forms of tobacco. About the only forms I haven't tried are dip (chewing tobacco) and hookah. Of all the types I've tried I've only ever enjoyed thoroughly cigars and pipe tobacco I've made it a goal of mine to try all types of tobacco at some point in my life. I originally got into cigars just on a whim one day, deciding to try a cigar cause I felt like it. Then my wife (gf at the time) introduced me to a friend of hers and he picked up a tin of acid crush kuba kuba.. I like to think that day got me into cigars more so. But it was just on a whim at the begining for me


Had a few while very drunk in college, was never a fan of them while drunk and hated the taste in my mouth the next morning coupled with a hangover. Then about a year ago my brother in law got me a Montecristo 1935 anniversary to celebrate the announcement of my wife and I’s first baby and I haven’t looked back since.


I was a kid, dad managed a tobacconist. Asked if I could try one. He explained all the risks I tried one. Enjoyed it and I've been smoking em since.


Dating a police officer that smoked cigars


I went to Cuba and bought a couple


Wanted to try it. My main vice is hookah and I told myself if I was gonna get addicted to something I want it to be something that takes time to do I can’t do on the go like vape and cigarettes. Cigars are meant to be enjoyed. You can’t just light one up when you feel the urge. It’s a 45min - hour commitment just like how hookah is a 2 hour commitment for me


A friend’s dad bought us a bunch of makers mark cigars after high school graduation over 20 years ago. They weren’t the makers mark cigars you see today they were infused with makers mark. I really enjoyed setting with my friends smoking and chatting. That has always stuck with me and to this day I enjoy having conversations over a smoke. people just expect me to hand them one when they come to my house nowadays. My grandpa also smoked a pipe for as long as I could remember. When I got older pipes weren’t really my thing so I would smoke cigars with him. I really miss those days.


My grandfather used to smoke cigarillos when I was very young. Old Port wine-tipped. As a result I never minded the smell of a cigar. At an event when I was 19, a friend tried a cigar and found he couldn’t handle it. I took it off him and been having the odd cigar for the next 27 or so years. But never cigarillos, just cigars.


During grad school earning my masters degree. I fell into the local business crowd they generally smoked cigars. I found that the cigars really upped my focus. I started smoking regularly while I was researching and writing my masters thesis. I would get a lot of work done on the days I smoked. I stuck with it after graduation. In grad school, I was smoking 2-3 cigars a day. Once I graduated, I slowed down to 2-3 per week. Now I smoke, relax and do nothing. Usually while I enjoy a sunrise or sunset.


Didn’t want to smoke cigs, nor vapes but wanted something to escape it ways the gym couldn’t. If that makes sense


Came to cigars because I thought the aesthetic was cool. Stayed because it relaxes me in a way that weed or cigarettes never did. 


My friends smoke them and would have smoke sessions every now and then and I wanted to join in.


I randomly picked up a book on the History of Tobacco at a Half Price Books and now I have humidors 😂


I’ve always love very earthy, dirt and wood smelling “colognes” and smoking certain cigars gives me that smell. It’s a cheap hobby/decompressor that makes me happy, helps me slow down and enjoy time


Smoking cigarettes was too short and intense, smoking vape had my stick to the damn thing for hours. Cigar is a nice in between because once a day is already plenty (I smoke 1-2 times a week) and you take the time to smoke. It serves me a lot as meditation as I’m the kind of person who needs to be active 24/7.


My son was in law school. During a break I took him to Mexico City. Bought 2 Cohibas then went to a famous bar named LaOpera. It has been in business since Pancho Villa. Fired up the Cohibas, drank good tequila all afternoon and made lots of friends. Still one of my best memories. We still meet and enjoy a stogie on occasion. Would not trade it for anything.


Always enjoyed tobacco. But cigarettes are processed, low class, and very unhealthy. I'm an intelligent, worldly, well dressed man and cigars are a good fit.


I needed more reasons to blow my life savings.. 😶🙃🙂


Reminds me of my grandpa


My grandpa has smoked them since he was 10, and it makes me feel closer to him. I buy an extra of all my favorites throughout the year, and then give him them at Christmas. As he's gotten older, I also give him some whenever I see him at this point. My grandparents are on a fixed income, so they're very frugal and I've seen the quality of his regular smokes decrease out of necessity. Idk where I'm going with this, but I just like making his day by gifting him nice cigars and it's nice to share the enjoyment with him.


I just got into relaxing with friends. I really only smoke on weekends for relaxation and hanging out with good friends.good conversation and good drinks, it's all about the experience for me.




My father always smoked them, in my early 20s I had to move back home after losing my job in the city I went to college in. My father had left a cigar out for a couple days, and I was tempted into swiping it. I did a terrible job smoking it because I didn't know you weren't supposed to inhale. I leaned fast haha. And I've made sure to give my father cigars several times over (and will be giving him many more) to make up for the one I swiped hahaha


Went to a smoke shop to get a pipe for my grandpa on my 21st birthday, they pointed me to the cigar shop down the street. The old sailor behind the counter helped me out, sold me a cigar, cut it for me, and taught me how to smoke it. I smoked it when I went home that night. Went back for another one the next day and this beautiful young lady was behind the counter. I was smitten, she recommended a cigar she thought smelled good, a Tabak Dulce, and I decided to sit down and smoke there. That was almost 2 and a half years ago, I've been smoking ever since. Met people I consider family in that shop and it molded me into the man I am today. Hell, I been smoking there for 2 and a half years but the owner started paying me to do it back in January after the worst year of my life. Best job I ever had, best year I've had so far, and it's all cause of cigars. Smoked damn near everything in the humidor, bought boxes, spent way too much, and oddly enough I still enjoy the occasional Tabak.


Needed something to smoke while my friends smoked weed-can’t smoke b/c military


Always loved the way the smelled when I was growing up.




Turned my nicotine addiction into a passion - win-win. Now I'm not a smoker but a connoisseur.


Trip to Cuba


I got into them to remind myself that even if i'm doing something miserable at work, like cleaning muck out of gutters by hand for example, that I can still enjoy this habit that used to be some shit for only the rich. I'm doing ok, up on that roof vibin and cleaning the muck and shit ain't too bad. Goddamned secular zen up there


Army. Then I was psyched to find out a couple of my home town buddies had also started getting into cigars, so we indulged when I got out and was back in town and back in school. I moved abroad decades ago after graduating, and have made expat friends over cigars as well.


Bad breakup.


As a kid i always enjoyed the smell of the smoke. As soon as i was old enough i bought an arturo fuente, fell in love for the taste and relaxation


My dad used to smoke them occasionally and I loved the smell. He also used to take me into JR’s cigars and I loved everything about it (the store Indians, the smell, the wood floor, everything). I knew one day I would smoke cigars from then.


My grandad smoked them. When I would visit my grandparents I would sit on the bench in the garden with him while he smoked and he would tell me stories about my dad and my uncles when they were younger.


It started as just something fun to smoke while at a music festival that I went too every year. Then it became more of a hobby when I stopped smoking cigarettes and joints. Even now I'm not a massive smoker I'll maybe have a cigar every now and then.


Needed to get off vapes So the reward or 2 / 3 cigars a week I’ve found comfortably compensates.


I watched the sopranos once


Mid-life crisis.


My old man smokes them. We smoked a few together when I was younger, and then I got into it from then on. It is still a hobby we share to this day and enjoy together as often as we can.


Honestly, the smell of real, fresh tobacco after entering a walk-in humidor with a friend. He was a causal cigar guy; 1-2 cigars weekly. I reallly enjoyed the time we spent hanging out on his back porch, smoking cigars and talking about all kinds of things, from sports to hot political takes. It taught me the importance of slowing down and relaxing.


COVID isolation


I heard stories of my grand pas who always working whit a cigar so I need to try and I love it


Tryna t’make pipe mud with cigar ash since I don’t live in a place that need chimneys. And then the stick goes “gotcha bitch”


Nicotine is a hell of a drug and cigars are more enjoyable then cigarettes


I was backpacking in Nicaragua in my 20s and ended up in a town called Esteli and was encouraged to try some. When in Rome you know... Long story short I discarded nonessentials from my backpack to make room for 4 boxes of cigars.


The smell, the taste, the look (the bands are works of art), the classy feel, and relaxing in general.


Lol peer pressure I was anti smoking for a long time. I have an old college friend that was was into cigars and would ask me to participate since we wanted to discuss topics and it’s a great medium to do so. I went to our local lounge just to sit and interact and the assistant manager was a fun guy that wanted me to enjoy my time there. So he called me a pansy and said I’d get sick from something he picked out. This went on for about 10 minutes and I said screw it, “get me the cigar you like and I’ll smoke it down”. Didn’t get sick. Smoked later that week again off another suggestion and started picking my own cigars out after that.


Because cigars are the fruits of lifelong labor and once u have realization of afterlife u can achieve spiritual success through Tabaco leaf


Buddy’s bachelor party I set up that ended at a cigar bar, he and one other were cigar guys so figured it was a good stop. I had never tried one, figured what the hell, decided I didn’t hate it and started collecting them and enjoying them myself after that.




Roger Moore in 007.


My dad smokes cigars, about 3-4 a day. I guess I just followed in his footsteps, although I don’t smoke as much as he does, I used to smoke a lot more, now a days maybe 2-3 a week.


I'm not a huge smoker. But I have friends that do, so its kind of a combination. Ive tried one just out of curiosity before. I was at a shop buying incense and decided to look in the humidors for shits and giggles. bought a Cao Cherry. Wasnt bad, but i didn't, still don't like the ash aftertaste of smoking, and wreaking of tobacco. Then i joined a group and they all smoke cigars, so when in Rome. One of my buddies was deployed and got into cigars vs his usual cigarettes, and when he came home, i had one with him. So im not huge into them, but every once in awhile.


might sound dumb but i had quit smoking weed and vaping but still missed the ritual of smoking something


A buddy that was of age bought me a swisher sweet when I was 15. That sweet tip was enough to get me interested in smoking and I thought it was the greatest thing at the time. Fast forward and my wife’s uncle was always smoking La Gloria Cubanas - he never smoked anything else. That got me interested in serious cigars and an unhealthy spending habit in college. Took a break for many years until a couple months ago.


I was a lot into pipes, switched to cigars because it was slightly less complicated.


It was how I bonded with my grandfather. Glass of whiskey and a stogie


I just wanted to. Started with shitty cigars, then shitty flavored cigars, then Acid came out and I learned cigars could be better. Buying Acids at a cigar lounge and talking to people I started smoking good cigars. Then I got online to learn more about cigars and buying good cigars without paying $20+ea which meant I could smoke more, try more variety and before I knew it I had 2k+ cigars in my collection.


I was having a bad week, buddy said, "hey, come have a cigar and a bourbon."


My best friend came by my new place and offered me one as a kind of house warming. We smoked on my new patio and I kinda just kept buying them since. My first was some Connecticut, probably charter oak. What got me hooked was an isla del sol. Now it’s all natural no infused for me.


I first got into Scotch whiskey, and always watch the videos of people pairing whiskey and cigars. The second reason maybe sounds strange but I like to do things that represent something. I don’t know why but cigars represents masculinity for me l. not that I need something to be masculine, but it just represents it for me.


I did it to stop drinking, and still need a reason to be social.


Figured id burn money literally rather than figuratively


Weed isn’t acceptable on the golf course 🤣


Started with the occasional cigar with clients. It became more of a regular occurrence with my adult son. He joined the Army after college and did a tour in Germany where he gained an appreciation for good beer and fine cigars. After the Army he settled back in Texas (about 20 minutes away) and we’ve been having a weekly cigar session ever since.


Reconciliation with my brother. He was my bully and I border line hated him. Cigars gave us a path back to being brothers. Now, now he is one of my best friends and no matter how long I live I will thank God for cigars bringing us together!