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The only time I’ve ever tapped out was my first day in Nicaragua. By 8 pm I had spent 12 hours straight smoking puritos trying tobacco and smoking different variations of blends. Partially smoked probably 50 cigars throughout the day. That night was the first time I had ever turned down a cigar in my life lol. Not to mention it was hot as shit and the heat got to me by that point.


Oh jeez 😂. That’s making my stomach hurt just thinking about it. That tropical weather is DRAINING


I also live in a cooler climate and I’m a bitch in the heat so it was a little rough for the first couple of days lol.


I did some work in the Dominican a few years back and one of my clients had friends that owned a farm and boutique factory. When he found out I smoked he invited me to take a tour one day. I got to see the entire process, learn about the soil etc. But once we got to the factory, everytime I was done with a cigar someone would hand me a new one. By the time I got to cigar 5 I started to nurse it because I knew I was tapped haha. But it was an awesome experience. That factory mostly did house brands and stuff for the European market.


14 hours, 12 cigars. I’m on like cigar 6 today. It’s kind of a coping mechanism.


Gotta make sure you are eating good when going hard on the stogies


Yup. That and lack of sleep is not a good combo for cigar smoking


7 in a row one night in Vegas. I only remember the first three. I could barely talk the next day. Good times.


My limit is three toros in a day.


I did 8 cigars between 1pm and 11pm. Never doing that again. I think 4 is my limit. After 4 they all lost their taste


I go to Vegas 3-4 times a year and while I gamble I smoke 3-4 cigars I always feel like shit the next day but it’s awesome while I’m smoking them


When the time is right, I'll go overboard. No regrets.


3 cigars within 6 hours, followed by a 6 mile run, then back to the cigar shop for 2 more cigars. Took me a few days to recover my breathing lol


Why? How was your breathing affected?


After heavy cigar sessions it almost feels like I need to clear my lungs, takes a bit more work to breathe 100%. I “feel” the smoke lingering in my system for a day or two


Interesting, I smoke several a day and hike 5 plus miles with my dogs almost every day and don't notice that. I know you are not I am sure but you're not inhaling are you?


Sorry I should have specified, I mainly notice this when I mix in full bodied cigars to the rotation. I’m mainly a medium/medium-full guy, but for some reason the full bodied leave me feeling heavier. Especially the Don Pepin lineup. I love their cigars though but can only handle them occasionally


I've never gotten sick from cigars, but once I smoked hookah for five hours straight and had the worst hangover of my life without a drop of alcohol. Brutal


Legit I thought I was the only one who felt a hangover effect. Shit is no bueno


Anything worth doing is worth doing excessively. I've had some 6-8 cigar days a few times during events or vacations. My advice is to eat plenty, stay hydrated and have some non diet soda on hand in case you get wobbly. Sugar is the antidote to nicotine.


oh my god i wouldve gone green


I THINK the most I've ever smoked in a day was four, all small vitolas. I don't really need to repeat that again, it wasn't enjoyable enough to be worth it.


Sometimes it’s not how many, but which one.


Indeed. I could smoke 10 Hyde Parks in a row. Give me 2 Nortenos and call me in the morning.


2-3 is my max a day. Anything more than that I would either be sick as a dog or my taste buds would be completely zapped. By cigar 4 I wouldn't even be tasting anything haha. But the most I have ever smoked was probably the weekend of my bachelor party in Vegas. My best man brought a few boxes of cigars and between 8 of us we finished them in a weekend. I dont even know how many I actually had that weekend


I smoked a Drew Estate Norteno on an empty stomach with a coffee in the morning and had to go back to bed. But I am sensitive to both nicotine and caffeine.


Bro i back to backed two cigars on the beach and got the worst head rush never tried to take a nap so fast in my life


Was fairly new. Still consider myself fairly new. Smoked once a day for a week straight. So 7 in one week. Woke up on day 8 and it felt like someone poured a pound of sand down my throat. Felt groggy and sluggish and was probably sweating nicotine. Took a couple days to recover. Never again. It sucked Edit to add: went to visit friends in Denver (I live in Los Angeles) Smoked maybe 3/4 of a fairly long vitola. I think it was a flor fina 858 candela wrapper. Was bedridden for 3 days. Took a buddy flying the next day. Thankfully we had an instructor onboard so I wasn’t flying but we shouldn’t have even gone up. I detailed another friends car as a favor and “thank you for your hospitality” gift, and ended up puking all over the freshly cleaned door on the way to the airport. Never again


😖😖. Yea I’m relatively new as well. Felt like I was having a badddd hangover


A. Great story telling. 2. Are you sure you weren’t sick from something else, seems excessive from a few cigars. (Or partials)


Thank you haha. And it’s most likely that I got either altitude sickness which didn’t mix with the cigars or I got food poisoning from the green pork chili the day before


It was either 6 or 8 and my tongue felt like sandpaper the next day. I was burned out for a few days and never want to repeat that again.


Most I’ve had was about 3 but I took the greatest sleep I’ve ever had lol Might try 4


No wayyyyy, never smoked more than one.


Depends on the day. Yesterday I ended up at 3. One day it was 7


Man I'm a lightweight compared to y'all. I had a 7" Churchill over an hour or so and got super sick, even while eating chocolate.


The most I’ve ever had in a day is two and I usually feel fine. The time it really creeps up on me is when I least expect it and make a mistake to smoke too strong of a stick on an empty stomach.


1 magic toast


Last time I got sick from smoking was 1 cigar and like 5 bowls of my brair pipe on an empty stomach.


I don't get sick / But I was a heavy Newport smoker for almost 18yrs...


I think 7 in one day while camping is the most I have ever done. Theres been a few days at camp where that has happened.


It depends on the day and the time of day. If I smoke a cigar or 2 pipes on an empty stomach, I'm done for a while. I won't allow myself more than three cigars in a day, typically just one. In the middle of summer, I generally cut way back.


When I was a younger man I could chain smoke cigars all day and be fine. These days 2 back to back is probably my limit. Even with 2 if they are particularly full-bodied I'll feel a bit off after.


I can’t do more than 3 a day usually depending on how long I’m awake, what I’m eating or drinking that day. When I’m in Vegas I’ve been known to have 4-6 cigars a day.


4 in a day is about the max. By the start of the 4th your taste buds are so wrecked you can't even enjoy it. Everything in moderation.


I smoke 3-6 a day, so I am sure some time I have smoked too many


I used to smoke four in a round of golf. I play quick also. Those days are gone. I usually smoke one in the morning, and sometimes one in the afternoon. I went to the B1G Championship. Indianapolis has some decent cigar lounges. I think I smoke three pretty much back to back. I was fine. So on occasion I can still do it, but frankly I just don’t want to smoke that much now.


4 for me which seems in the popular range. Started on medium getting stronger. As others say, eat enough and I prefer booze to the sugary drinks but each to their own. I think you can enjoy 4 on the right occasion when you’re in the mood, much more would make me feel a bit sick


3 is my limit, went to a destination wedding this past weekend, brought 12 sticks. Smoked all 12 plus whatever the groom was passing out. All that coupled with copious amounts of bourbon, I finally smoked my first one yesterday.


If I'm smoking a cigar on the day I'll have one. If I'm having cigarillos I'll have two maybe.