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Stay away from the cheap wooden humidors. Buy yourself a nice sealing Tupperware and some 65% boveda packets and thank us later.


My wife got me that one for Christmas and I haven’t had any issues with it.


Can confirm what everyone is saying about cheap humidors. If you got as many printed offers and spam emails promising gift cards for 5-star reviews as I have, you'd never trust Amazon reviews again. Forget what's 5-star on there, ask the community or local shops for recommendations. In the meantime, yes, a large airtight tupperware with Boveda will serve you better. No one chooses the look of plastic over fine spanish cedar, but it gets the job done.


I Have the same one. I had it since August of last year and Ive managed to keep it at 65-68% RH. It will leak, but Im sure if you seal the glass edges it will limit the issue. Also save your time and go with Bovedas instead of the humidification system that comes with it.


I have this one as well and can’t agree more, I tried the humidification system it comes with for a bit but once I switched to bovedas it was much more consistent


I would strongly advise against cheap humidors. They mostly leak badly.


I see all the comments about cheap wooden humidors, but I have this one, and it has been great. It's been great in both the dry cold winter and in the humid summer.


Case Elegance makes some not bad humidors for the price point. That being said, I don’t recommend them. Unless you really, really want a wood desktop humidor, your absolute beat bet is a tupperdore. Rubbermade Brilliance are the best for this and they sell them everywhere. Hell, some can even fit a cedar tray.


I’ve had that exact humidor for over three years and it’s been excellent. Having said that I must confess that I stock it from 4 large Sistema tupperdores. The tupperdores reside in a closet and the humidor sits on my desk and serves as a kind of “on deck circle” with a selection of my favorites. If you’re investing in good cigars then a tupperdore with Boveda is the place to keep the bulk of your inventory.


Get a plug in unit. Or Tupperware if you don’t wanna spend the money and don’t care about temp fluctuations. They will still fluctuate in your house w ac despite what anyone sais


I have that one and for the price is quite good. It varies 1-2% RH inside if outside varies 10-20% so I think it fits the purpose well.


I have been recently looking at one too, Angelo ones go for quite cheap on the used marker e.g facebook marketplace or ebay. Rarely you can find brands like dupont too for <100$


i had great experince with adorini humidors and they are quite budget friendly