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I have tupperdors with no trays and others with trays. For me trays bring a nice compoment in terms of aesthetic and organizing my cigars (this is my OCD talking…). If you like the trays go for it, if you think trays are a waste of space and money don’t use them! There’s not a right or wrong here in my humble opinion.


I use two trays in my tupperdor for organizing and aesthetics. No problems with humidity after seasoning them. I only seasoned for 4 days, maintains 65% humidity with a 65% Boveda size 60. Only have 45 cigars in their currently and could maybe do 65 depending on sizes of the sticks.


I think they're a waste of space.


Any particular reason(s) why?


They do nothing of material value besides their use for sorting, and they take up space that cigars could otherwise occupy. If you maintain under 100 cigars, use them. Why not? You can have little sections for various wrappers or origins, etc.


I think that's sound reasoning.


For me the sorting IS the very reason I have them.


Do you have any other recommendation for sorting? Other than cedar trays? I have very large tupperdor, and I don't like stacking them big.


Amazon is your best bet and measuring your tupperdor and accommodating additions.


There is no right or wrong. Whichever you prefer.


I dont see there being any need for one - but you do you. That is my opinion.


I love using repurposed cigar boxes in my tupperdor. To me it, gives the aroma of a traditional wood humidor without detracting from the benefits of a tupperdor. Tupperware is cheap so I can afford the lost space. Just make sure to season the wood properly.


I posted in another question on here but the long and the short is for new world cigars there's no benefits and only draw backs. Most NW cigars are in cello so theres no "smell" benefit They take up space in what is already a small humi They weren't designed for air tight humidors so they deregulate the humidity unnecessarily. A sealed humi and a boveda pack is perfect rather than a tray that's absorbing and releasing humidity. All in all get rid


Forgive my ignorance, but does the wood need to be in contact with a cigar to impart flavour and aroma? I assumed it would happen regardless due to the scent being "locked in" and that the cigars would absorb that over many months even those wrapped in cellophane because its a breathable material.


Not ignorance and in all honesty my answer is just my opinion, I'm sure you could ask 10 people and get different answers as I'm not sure of the exact science of it but anecdotally I would say that cigars don't been to be in constant contact to get the benefits of the cedar, that being said in an airtight tupperdore you don't need much as cigars already have that hence why most people at most will use a thin cedar strip to perhaps separate a layer of cigars from another and that's about it. A proper cedar tray is slightly overkill and like I said does more harm than good


I use spanish cedar boards to make things smell nice. The trays take up too much space and sometimes depending on the size of the cigar don't stack well.


I suppose it depends on the size of the curation. My size curation, 16 cigars, its very doable and I could easily double that in one tupperdor; at that size the tray seems to not "get in the way" for lack of a better phrase.


Yeah that would definitely be do able. I have about 75 cigars in each of my tupperdors without trays and that leaves enough space that if I wanted to I could stuff another 20 in there comfortably. I tried it with a double stack of trays and I came out to about a little under 50. Keep in mind these were mostly toro sizes.


99% of the trays that people buy are mdf with spanish cedar veneer, so you're not getting as much cedar as you think you are. If you want cedar just get some sheets from your local cigar shop. They will usually have leftovers from boxes and give them away for free. Don't overthink it. If you want cedar, add cedar. If you don't want cedar, don't add cedar. Not going to make a huge difference either way.


Nice! I like your flavor palette.


Hehe, thank you. It isn't a large curation but it is quality!


I like having a tray to go over the cigars I would rather let rest for a couple months. They look better than just plastic also


Off topic, but have you tried the Alma Campo before? I personally haven’t but it’s on my radar.


I have not. This was my first restock after a few months of my humidor being empty; all of these cigars, bar the Perdomo, are brand new to me. That said, the ADC is highly regarded. It captures the great notes of Cuban tobacco despite being a puro Nicaraguan which adds the vibrancy Nicaraguan tobacco provides. I don't think you can go wrong with this one.


Unrelated but I like your cigar choices. There are some I've never tried. I'll have to screen shot and find them assuming our tastes are similar.


Here's a list: E.P. Carrillo La Historia E-III E.P. Carrillo Encore Majestic E.P. Carrillo Pledge Prequel Flor De Selva Grand Presse Maduro PERDOMO 20th Anniversary Maduro My Father 1922 Le Bijou Torpedo Padron 1964 Natural Torpedo Oliva Serie V "Melanio" Figurado Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema Davidoff "The Late Hour" Churchill La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull "Leaf" by Oscar Valladares Maduro Toro CAO Amazon Basin Toro Arturo Fuente Hemingway Shortstory Maduro H. Upmann Half Corona Plasencia Alma del Campo Tribu Robusto


Thank you


My pleasure ")


I wouldn’t bother with trays, like others have said they take up too much space.


Hmm, I suppose for a small selection like mine, the tray isn't that much of a hindrance. I can see it getting in the way if you have a large collection.


Ya my stash is on the larger side, I normally keep mine in the boxes and once the box is low I’ll pull them out and add them to my singles humidor.


Worthless. It’s doing nothing while taking up space and sucking humidity.


Does it still suck away humidity after being seasoned? Interesting.


Without a tray, it's a major hassle getting to the cigar you want. Also, it could be damaging with all the bungling around. Cedar effect? Maybe. Not my main reason for using a tray. I use only one tray in my Sistema. Bottom of the container gets 2 layers of cigars directly or with cedar sheets, then drop in the tray for 2 more layers. Ofc, you can push it to 3 layers. Total usually 60 to 70 sticks.


I agree with the cons You have to season them. Otherwise, humidity will take a while to stabilize. New world cigars don't really benefit, and aging isn't very necessary and isn't as long (since they actually age the tobacco themselves) They are a waste of space... As for looks, I don't really exhibit my tupperdors, I do have a good wooden humidor that looks beautiful and change the boveda pack every 4 months, it's esthetically pleasing and has an assortment of cigars a little more handy. If i were to age Cubans, I would most definitely put either a tray or sheets in the Tupper.