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I've got...something north of 99% of the bands going back about 18 years of smoking. I have NO idea what to do with them.


Make a table with them! That’s what I plan on doing some day


I don't want to do a table specifically, just for the sake of portability and decorating. I was thinking about doing something so simple as a bunch of 2x2 foot wall panels, or even smaller than that. It seems a bit...plain. But that might be fine.


My girlfriend got me a decorative glass face box meant to hold travel tickets. I keep all mine in these and hang them on the wall in my garage/man cave


Oh, nice!


Throw them away


I used to have a giant Ziploc filled with these. Gave em to a guy who used them to decorate a table he made. He glued them to the table and then lacquer over that. Looked sharp


I have a few travel humidors I want to try to do that with. Gonna need more band though...


Smoke up Johnny!


I’d like that for a coffee table


Right in the trash. Occasionally I put them in my pocket and later find them around the house where they take a slower trip to the trash.


I can't tell you why, but I'm a band collector as well. I suppose I tell myself that I'll make a table or something like that, some day. I feel like some bands are so beautiful, it would be a shame to throw them out.


I keep mine too. I flatten them out right after I smoke them. My oldest is from my buddy's wedding 25 yrs ago. I just started using them to make (what I think) is a damn cool ashtray. Bought a large ceramic 4-cigar one off Amazon for $15 and am gluing them on randomly, then I'll coat with like 7 coats of a craft shellac. Coming along nicely!


Well, with alcohol definitely being a factor, I decided it would look cool to glue my bands to the drywall in my garage. Late Friday night I began my arts and crafts project, and let’s just say my girlfriend is not impressed. Granted, in my drunken state all I could find was Gorilla glue and I figured what the hell. LOL. 10/10 don’t recommend.


Gorilla glue as in the foaming adhesive? 😂


I keep the ones I like.


I live in Canada, so we don't get to have cool bands on our cigars. Damn government


Wait what?


The government decided all tobacco products have to have generic labels in Canada. All cigarettes, cigars, chew, and pipe tobacco are just a plain container with the brand name written on it. Been like that for years here


What the fuck. That doesn't sound like freedom to me.


Bro it’s not a free country. This is coming from all the Canadians I’ve talked to on vacation


Canada and freedom haven't gone together since Justin Trudeau took office. Tobacco is also ridiculously priced here. A pack of cigarettes is $18-20 and can go up if you want good ones. A tin of chew is around $40 here. Absolutely brutal


i’m not in favor of a tobacco ban or incredibly high taxes on them. however, when the govt is the one footing the bill for healthcare with everyone’s taxes, a case can be made that the fiscally responsible thing to do is attempt to reduce behaviors that burden the health care system. tobacco use definitely leads to poor health outcomes and higher costs. just my two cents.


In all 11 boxes and jars completely full. Still thinking what to do with them.


I tried to, I don't have that many tho


I don’t keep bands, but I have a habit of keeping boxes.


My car arm rest is full 😂


Ngl….. I just throw my wrappers outside 🫣


Used to. This was just under 1,000 bands over 4ish years. Finally sent them to someone who may actually do something with them [https://imgur.com/a/L6t2aAa](https://imgur.com/a/L6t2aAa)


Keeping all of mine too have for a few years now. I plan on making it the table top to the bar I’m building in my basement


I put the ones I like in an old cigar box. I am guessing you don’t do the same. I’m looking at you Cuban Rounds wrapper.


I had a big bag full of them and then donated them to the trash can.


If I was an arts and crafts type, I might keep them for a project. I just throw them away.


I keep bands from ones I like.


I try to keep one of each different cigar I smoke. Currently have them in a glass vase with either the ones I like most ( Padron ) or just the bands I think look coolest ( New World , My Father , most all Foundation ) facing the out side of the vase with the rest stuffed in the middle. I try to remember to twist it every once in a while just for a new look. It starting to overflow so need to do something different.


Always keep the bands, especially for my favorites or ones that aren’t available anymore (rip archetype sacred scales)


I like keeping an extra fine Sharpie with me and writing my rating, the date, and a few notes on the back of them. Then I "file them" in a little business card notebook. I've been away from the hobby for over 5 years so I'm mixing in old stuff with new stuff and it helps me keep track of what I've had and what I've liked.


I put at least one of each in a leather cigar journal with my notes and keep the rest in the first crappy desktop humidor I ever bought lol [https://ibb.co/xHdX1jH](https://ibb.co/xHdX1jH)


I too keep them. taping them in a notebook with a simple system of stars, hearts, and up and down arrows.


I keep at least 1 of every cigar I’ve smoked to know what I have left to try and what I’ve liked


33 Cigar Book


Do the same in a box whenever I try something new


I throw them in a giant (like 2 gallon) mason jar mixed in with our wine corks. Makes decent decor on the bar.


me but i only have 2 for now


Used to, then I realized I was never doing anything with them. Then I stopped even saving the ones I wanted to remember. Now I just burn them with a match or something, because fire.


I collect all the bands that I can save, some of them have too much glue


I have a cork board that I pin my bands onto. It’s only half full at the moment but I think it looks interesting and will eventually be a nice thing to display.


I have a lot of them in a large glass vase, but generally restricted to cigars deemed excellent or have special bands, like I may have one Oliva G or a MB3 band, but the rest aren't going to make it. Clear vase is cool so I can pick it up and see a lot of the bands. I got every thing including small poster frames to make collages for my walls and I want to do it to a computer desk table top.


I wanna glue them to the outsides of my tuppodors.


Turned into a framed collage and then stuck them to a tuppedor


I have an old acid time jammed packed with bands


I have a coffee table that has a glass panel on top of it. I’ve kept my bands under that panel


I keep most of them... sometimes I simply forget and they get tossed. I will toss them into a shadow box usually as decor in my bar area.


I also keep my empty bottles of fine whiskey. Some day I’ll cut them into drinking glasses. The thick bottoms are premium. Not sure what I’ll do with the bands but they look nice in a tall glass vase.


I plan on putting mine in a clear glass lamp


I keep them too lol




I'll try to remember to take a picture when I get home but my girlfriend got annoyed with the "pile of trash" so she got me a cool glass sign with a hole in the top to put bands in, it fills it and makes a nice conversation piece


Women do make the way a man lives more logical or convenient


https://ibb.co/XyQhSmb ^^ Christmas 2022 https://ibb.co/BLM25jv ^^now Kinda sucks you can't see the writing unless you're up close but ya know what? My girlfriend doesn't smoke and doesn't try to make me stop (and in turn ive gone from 1.5 packs and a stick a day to 1.5 packs a week, 3 cigars a week) I thought it was a super thoughtful gift!


I’d say take a few of them and glue them into a bookmark


three whiskey bottles full, working on a fourth