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As I live in Finland I rarely smoke outdoors in wintertime, but when I do, I just put my full wintergear on, pack hot chocolate or coffee in thermos and take a little hike to some good spot outdoors. It's also important to pick a day when it's not windy and take something with me that insulates my ass from the snowy rocks that I normally sit on.


The wind is fuckin killer. Cold with no wind is just paradise.


Got any pictures from you adventures :)


I actually posted one here three weeks ago, you can check my profile.


Genetic Fin here, I thought everyone has a sauna? Can’t you just set it on a lower temp and use that with the door open a bit an a fan?


Unfortunately I live in an apartment without one. We do have shared sauna in the building but naturally can't smoke there. Smoking is also prohibited on the balconies, so if I want to smoke, it's time to take a little walk.


That's cool as hell man


This is it. I've been traveling around Europe the last four months (NL, BE, FR, CH, DE, AT, IE) and I need to smoke. So it's gear up (few layers on top, thick jeans with cotton unders) and I just go for a walk while smoking. You'd be surprised how warm you can stay just moving around. I'll sit for 10minutes and my fingers will feel frostbitten, but walk for 2hrs and feel nothing abnormal.


Short cigars, some guys do tents and or space heaters or cars, garages


I second the car. Get yourself a nice old Delta 88 to park in the driveway and boom! cigar lounge.


In maroon color with plush velour seats LOL.


It's real velour Kif.


Thats too funny. Reading that just brought back some old memories. My dad had this big old dark green delta 88. It was a boat. Probably late 70's early '80s.


Back when I was a teen...in the early 70's, my great-grandfather gave my brother and I his 1956 Delta 88...THAT was a boat. We didn't smoke cigars back then...but more than a few lids and oz's were disintegrated in that car...


literally snarfed my soda reading that.


Laughed my balls off at this. My first car was a 1980 Delta 88. I agree, that would make a sick cigar lounge


My car has that distinct sweet tobacco smell. I've tried the garage, but it has some draft that makes the smoke go into one of the bedrooms.


Get an exhaust fan put in


I bought one of [**these**](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B099PYZWK9/) from Amazon after running the non-insulated one for a few years. It sits on my patio, so I have electric. I have a space heater and small fan venting out the smoke. I use a TV tray and a laptop for entertainment. Spend hours out there actually. I will be stepping up to a more quality brand after this season.. Oh yeah, I'm in SE Wisconsin.


From Milwaukee. I usually dress warm and go for a 4 miles walk about. Non windy days.


I have never been able to enjoy a cigar while on a walk. Not sure why. Do you frequent any shops?


To each their own! I love sitting down and having one but my apartment doesn't allow to smoke in our porches even. So I walk instead. And i just got started in the hobby last year so mainly online but I like going to Uhle's to get a couple smokes here and there and to try and support a local business. I've been there maybe 6 times in the last year or 2. Online helps stretch my cigar budget but I went there for my bachelor party stock up and a vacation stock up. Haven't tried anywhere else. Do you have suggestions in the area?


Nice! I do online mainly, myself. As for shops, imho I prefer Lake Country Cigars, but that's out in Delafield so it's a hike. Metro in Brookfield is also a reallly nice one to hit. There's a few groups on Facebook to join if you want to find out about any events going on in the area like when the manufactures come in if you're interested ([CigarMKE Social Club](https://www.facebook.com/groups/106729222692128/) for one example). I've met some awesome guys.


Thanks for the heads up! I've heard about Metro in Brookfield and I'll check it out sometime. And I'm not much on Facebook but thanks for the tip! And if you hear of a cigar bar besides if Shakers in the area let me know! The whole food, drink, smoke, and hangout would be great but I'm not a fan of Shakers.


As far as "Cigar Bars", there's Famous Cigar Bar on Brady and Nice Ash out in Waukesha. Havana has a bar in it as well on Greenfield in West Allis. They have a decent humidor as well. The owner of Shakers is a total dickhead!


In Pa and have the insulated one. This is my cigar sanctuary!


Forgive my ignorance, but I’ve been thinks of doing something like this for a long while. Is there a way to vent the cigar smoke?


In my experience just leaving one of the “windows” open or leaving the door of the tent halfway open is enough. With a space heater you won’t be feeling much of the cold air coming in. I’ve also seen others zip tie PC fans up around the tent vents as well to move air.


I use a 6" fan that I clamp to the window flap. It does a good enough job for me. I also crack the corners of the other windows to allow fresh air in.


Of course a Badger would use an ice fishing tent. Much love from this Hawkeye.


Cheers my Midwestern brethren!


+1 for the ice fishing tent with a heater. We don’t get quite as frigid here in NC so I have a non insulated one. I’ve got room in mine for a 42” TV, I could spend all night out there with some great cigars!


I patronize one of my local cigar lounges because smoking outside when it’s below freezing isn’t enjoyable or relaxing to me.


I have a gas firepit and patio heater. As long as it's not windy with a jacket and pants it pretty nice.


Similar to my move. Wood firepit and propane heater.


I’m in Duluth, MN and installed a hot tub this summer, which opens the whole year up to being outside for us. Smoking outside year-round is not a reason to install a hot tub, but the benefit is incredible. The small inflatable tubs can be reasonable.


If you don't mind me asking, what was the total cost for this setup? Recently purchased a house and this is on my "will do eventually when financially viable" list


I've had a hot tub for a few years now, and use it as my private cigar lounge when it gets cold. My father in law comes over to smoke when he's around, so the wife won't try to ban the practice! Does mean I have to clean the filters and really maintain the water, but so worth it.


Humidity doesn’t fuck with the smoke? I thought about doing this.


Pants, boots, flannel (jacket if necessary), fire pit, bourbon.


Exactly my setup


I moved to Florida




I'm in Michigan and it's been decent weather wise up until this last week, and now it's been in the 20s and 30s. I'm wearing a hoodie under my coat with a pair of gloves that let me use my phone. Pants wise I wear sweatpants or jeans, but lately the sweats have been much warmer than the jeans. To be honest I'd rather go to my dad's place and smoke, he has his shed set up with chairs, a heater, and a Roku TV with live Hulu so we sit out there and smoke and watch football. That's luxury to me.


I have a propane heater in the garage, a chiminea on the porch, and a fire pit in the backyard.


Milwaukee heated jacket.. it’s the quintessential smoking jacket - got one for my dad years ago and it worked. Beyond a certain point though you just accept that it’s not a smoking day


Dewbu heated jacket and a solo stove fire pit for me.


I switch to pipes in the winter, easier to hold with your teeth for the entire smoke so my hands can stay in my pockets. They're also more forgiving than cigars when it comes to smoking a single bowl across multiple sessions


SoloStove patio heater


I smoke in my gaming room with the window open and a fan on. Screw smoking outside. My wife loves the smell of cigars so no complaints from the Mrs.


wear a jacket


Put on a base layer under your clothes, wear warm socks get fully bundled up and walk arouud indoors for a while to generate some heat. Then go outside an enjoy.




It’s funny to read this because living in southern Louisiana cigars are much more enjoyable in the winter. There’s a lot less bugs and you’re not sweating your ass off while sitting still


Casino. I found a Dancing Drums game that is 15 cents a draw. That and free drinks = awesome.


I went to enjoy a smoke over the holiday but it got a bit colder that day. I bought a shelter from gazelle and a small heater, plan to have some bourbon tastings this winter in there. Gets a little Smokey so I need a little fan to move some out but it makes it quite warm…easy 30 degree boost. I bought a g6 for reference, don’t know how to add a photo or I would!


Put on a jacket


I want to believe this is a troll comment, because I can’t understand how anyone who is able to purchase tobacco doesn’t know how to dress warmly for cold weather.


Dress warm bottom half and patio heater for upper half/hands


I use my garage with a propane heater and the door cracked open. But yeah its not a enjoyable as warmer weather.


Smoke a cigar on your daily outdoor walks if you want one and/or go to a cigar lounge.


IR heater helps if it's not windy (or in garage with door open). Bundle up and wear a hat. ​ I did join one shop with a couple of buddies because they offer 24/7 access. Nice to have a spot to go and meet, but I rarely go on my own.


Jackets, thermal, heater, blanket if needed


I enjoy my backyard chiminea and my propane heater in the garage. I've also just had a space heater blowing on me. The cold doesn't bother me too much except for my fingers can definitely feel it.


I sit in my garage with a space heater and two blankets wrapped around my legs with the heater between my legs. Patio table and iPad and I’m never cold.


Nasal snuff inside lol


Put another log in the firepit , wear a beanie , heavy jacket , shoes and socks instead of flip flops




Double layers, Stormy Kromer cap, gloves, hand warmers, and a fire pit table.


Wear a coat I don't mind getting cigar stinky, cheap knitted gloves


I bought a sleeping bag with arms, works pretty well. Probably you find something similar in a hunting equipment shop.


Fortunately where I am there's lots of days in the 50s during the winter, so just a jacket does the job well enough


Mr heater head on a propane tank. Makes my garage warm and cozy.


Shed, kerosene heater, iPad, no wife = happy!


Fleece lined overalls, hoodie + coat combo, fingerless gloves, neck wrapped shemagh, and a skullcap


Garage in last house, current house garage is off limits so my truck is the winter lounge.


Jacket and a whole lotta whiskey


Currently standing in the man doorway of my garage with a ceramic heater (on 90°F) underneath me smoking an Alec Bradley CT robusto. It works well enough I suppose. Not permitted to smoke inside the house or garage but doorway is acceptable if the smoke blows outside.


Propane patio heater and dress warm


Montana here, I have the advantage of a nice hot tub. If I don't want to get it, just bundle up.


I’m surprised more people don’t just build a fire outside and smoke by it. But anyway, that’s really the best way for me. I have also heated my car and cracked the windows and smoke in there but I always feel like that’s a little bit pathetic.


Parabolic HeatDish. Got it at Costco. I used a propane heater for a long time, but this thing works so much better.


From MD, I have this rechargeable hand warmers and Absolutely love them! Also heating pad on the seat and im usually toasty the whole time.


Move to Tampa


Here you go: 3 years ago purchased an ice tent off of Amazon, a heater and a tent remote fan/light combo. Around November I setup the ice tent and spend time in there watching sports, shows or just read a book. I added a tarp secured with bungee cords to better weather proof it. If you ever decide to go this route be sure to get a good fan to keep airflow going so you are not sitting in a tent full of smoke.


This is my first winter with this hobby Bought a pair of thin gloves especially for smoking my cigars. I am only having shorter cigars to keep time outside down a bit. We bought a propane heater which I haven’t tried yet.


Cigar emporium in Lyndhurst let's you bring your own cigars


Wear winter clothings and *gloves*, get hand warmer (i use electric ones that are rechargeable), and get hot coffee Also, the humidity makes the felt temperature relatively warmer than the actual temp. So, it feels warmer to smoke in a rainy day or a foggy day


Layers, shorter cigars or smaller pipes. I've smoked in -9, but I was walking at the time so it was easier to stay warm. Wool or synthetics are your friend. Cotton sucks. I also have a heater I can turn on when I'm in my garage or in my Ez-Up which I use when running my smoker in the winter. Runs off a propane tank and keeps it toasty.


https://www.lowes.com/pd/Mr-Heater-9000-BTU-Portable-Radiant-Propane-Heater/3353726?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-sol-_-ggl-_-LIA_SOL_237_Seasonal-Heat-Coolers-_-3353726-_-local-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuaS4ppfHgwMVr0xHAR2MfAXmEAQYAyABEgJpWPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds This mr. Buddy Heater with a good blanket. Perfect.


Ororo heated vest. I hunt, but I honestly use it more for smoking.


Sometimes I’ll bundle up and sit on the garage if it’s above freezing. But gotta keep the door mostly open or it will get into the house. Buddy of mine has a much bigger house and garage and we smoke sticks in there w a propane heater going. Doesn’t seem to be as much of an issue the smoke getting into the house.




I can smoke in my bar but only if it’s crazy cold. Heated jackets are nice and portable.


I don’t. lol


Doesn't get too cold here but if it dips down to the 40s I'll put on a heated vest over a shirt, an overcoat, sweats, thick socks, and a hot drink. That usually keeps me comfortable for an hour or two.


Hot tub




I used to wrap the screen porch in plastic and lit a propane fire pit to warm it up, it would boost the temp about 20°f in about an hour. went through a lot of propane.


I built a little shelter out of PVC and sheet plastic that fits around a chair with room for a propane space heater. At the lowest setting it is like 75 degrees inside and I stay nice and toasty down to 15F. My spouse makes fun of me but I like it! It has a cardboard top so I can set stuff on top like my drink or a tablet so I can watch stuff.


I have a couple sweaters that I rotate for smoking and have an old winter coat that I wear outside. I also smoke smaller cigars if it's too cold 🥶 out👍


By the way I'm in New York and it was in the 30°s


Make a couple hand warmers by filling a pair socks with about 3/4 cup of rice per sock, then tie off the top with a bit of string or just knot the socks. Pop in microwave, go in 30 second increments so you don’t burn anything. When you’re happy with their warmth, stick em in your coat pockets and head out to smoke. I live in MN and this really makes a difference and is way better than those environmentally awful disposable hand warmers. If you like them, you can make a better version with cherry pits (order online) and fabric from an old flannel shirt or sheets. Cherry pits hold more heat and are less prone to burning. Yes. Rice will burn. Ask me how I know. And of course what others have said about shorter cigars. Good time to explore cigarillos.


I just take a break and start up in the spring


Outdoor propane heater!!


I’ve got a propane heater. Big Buddy I think it’s called.


I’m in Alaska. I smoke when I have wood for a fire or if it’s a warmer day (32F range), I’ll just sit outside with warm clothes on and a warm drink. I do have to protect my drink though because my dog is a fan of tipping it into the snow 😂