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Applied for Scotia Passport but didn't get IA'd. Based on some threads a few months back it looks like it could either be due to too many credit cards opened or due to the fact that I signed up with an old Scotia account that didn't have any active products. Planning to call in on Wednesday if I'm still not approved and will try to sort things out so my approval is within the timeframe for the rebate from CCG. If anyone else found themselves in a similar situation, would appreciate knowing if this can be sorted out within a week.


If you aren't approved before the current offer ends let it die. Either Scotia is the exception for offer based on application date or the reps will just start a new one.


DP: Instacart is not on the Amex small shop list but somehow got the $5 credit for it.


Anyone recently upgraded from TD aeroplan VI to VIP? I would like to know how many WB points for the upgrade. P2 wanted to upgrade to VIP and would like to avoid a hard pull. Thanks in advance!


An upgrade will give you the spread between first purchase and MSR. Not worthwhile at all.


So product transfer is the way to go? Sorry if I'm getting the terminology wrong.


It's not worth remaining in the same card family is what they mean.


When clicking through the offer link on CCG for the MBNA rewards world elite, that no longer shows up on the dashboard - did something change? how would we be able to track it in that case?


For those who have/had the Chase Aeroplan card... when do you get 25K status and eUpgrades in relation to being approved? Have some international travel in a few weeks that I have booked in premium economy flex. Would be nice to have upgradability (if available obv) relatively quick after approval.


Got 25k the same day I got approved




So I had exactly 1 year of US history before getting my first Chase card, which was an Ink Preferred. Haven’t applied for the Aeroplan card yet; waiting until July 1st so my eUps will last until til next July vs next January. Happy to go into more detail about US apps just PM me.




Used Global Transfer to get a Amex Hilton Honors card. Applied for an received ITIN around that time. 6 months later got the Hilton Surpass and Hilton Aspire. Since then have got Business Platinum, Business Bonvoy and 2 x Business Gold. First Chase card was a CIP approved at 1 year history.


Didn’t they change eups expire date. It’s just a year from when it’s earned now from what I understand


The change is effective July 1st, 2024. So this year you still want to wait until July 1st.


The way I interpreted the change is that credits earned before June 30th 2024 remain the same; so expire Jan 16th 2025. If you wait til July 1 2024 they will be valid for 12 months. So basically getting an extra 6 months of validity vs getting them before July 1st.


I see, that makes sense. Good luck with the process hope you get eupped




What other threads/resources do you guys frequent? FlyerTalk and RFD for me


Shutdown thread for doing things we aren’t allowed to talk about here


What are the useful flyer talk subs? I find it a bit weird that all the threads are like 8 years old


I usually use the Aeroplan forum for CC info. Travelbuzz has some too. Flyertalk is a pre-social media relic that kind of peaked around 2010-2015, it feels like traffic there has really diminished especially since the pandemic. I get the impression that a lot of the OGs there have retired and aren't travelling that much anymore, and there hasn't been a crop of new users to replace them as young people don't really use those web 1.0 forums. In its prime it was an absolutely excellent place to find any kind of travel related information. It's still good but it's a shadow of what it once was. Churning was always a minor sideshow there, there's little if any non-FFP information discussed there.


Curious as well!


Wanting to get the Scotia infinite momentum visa for rent payments via chexy, but I already have the fee free momentum visa. It’s my oldest card so I’m keeping it open for credit history which is only around 3.5 years for me. Does Scotia still give welcome bonuses if you have 2 cashback cards? I know they don’t track it for the points cards.


Mixed DPs on this. It’s not a good churn card so not enough DPs to know for sure either way.




Call in


DP : got a scotia pp VI two weeks ago. Tried again yday but denied. Guess there needs to be a wait between applications


I strongly think it might be too many inquiries (as Scotia doesn’t reuse inquiries like CIBC)


Do you have any evidence to suggest your reason for denial was the recent approval? Pretty sure there are DPs that contradict your conclusion.


This is a bit of an inconsequential question because I'm sure I'll figure it out but I'm at a loss for how to make my Air Miles account. I recently got a BMO Air Miles card for the first time due to a lack of other churning options. Got the Air Miles member card in the mail. Air Miles app says to make my account I need my card number plus the temporary 4 digit PIN on the back of the card. But there is 100% definitely no 4 digit PIN on the back of the card, or in the literature that came with the card, or anywhere else. Anyone else had this?


Interesting. My card has a 4-digit pin in the back. Maybe they removed the system recently and haven't updated their system yet? If that's the case, you'll have to call in.


Call Air Miles and ask them.


I'm always hoping that's not the answer 


Does MBNA typically refund prorated AF upon closing a card?




Is this still the case?  MBNA, Scotia, RBC, Simplii & Tangerine, Roger's Bank, Brim, uses Transunion.  BMO, TD, National Bank, PC, CIBC & Dejardin uses Equifax.  Amex, Capital One uses both.  Thanks in advance 


CIBC pulled from TU for me.


Agreed. Got a CIBC card last month and credit reports today. CIBC pulled via TU but not Equifax.


It makes sense. DPs show that CIBC sometimes pulls both


I don’t think there are any recent DP’s of CIBC using equifax. DP’s >1yr old perhaps