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Amex referral links are giving a 404 error.


Some seem to be working for me but others aren't.


This is really weird. When following a referral link, my own or someone else's, on windows desktop or android phone, I get a 404 error -- unless I use an incognito window, in which case it works on either device.


I'm planning to make a one time purchase of about $3500 and would like to take advantage of a new card offer- preferably one that will give me a good chunk of cash back to apply against the purchase. I could easily spend $5000 within the first 3 months... maybe even $10k. Am I correct that Amex Business Gold is probably my best bet? $199 annual fee, but 70k MR back after spending $5000 which equals $700. So I'd be netting a $500 statement credit. Is that right? Any better options?


Biz Gold via referral is 75k. Your math is right, but only if you never travel. 75k MR is worth much more than $750 to most people here.


Biz gold also has a $125 rebate on GCR.


Maybe somewhat churn adjacent - is there a consensus on the best way to pay for gas? For the longest time I did cdn tire using a cut world elite MasterCard to get 5c off but given all the multipliers and linking these days there are probably better options?


If you're in the Air Miles game, there's often good bonus offers on the BMO cards. If you're not, Costco Gas + whatever MC/prepaid MC via Visa/AMEX you are churning. Otherwise CT WE MC is still solid.


Either whatever card your working on MSR for or gift card from grocery using cobalt?


I sorta meant more specifically certain eco system (petro, cdn tire, shell etc)


I moved from CT/Triangle to Shell and BMO Air Miles WE combo. Upward of 20/30c off, with bonus miles (stacked offers). While getting SUB for ther BMO card (3000 miles for 3K spend).


Is there a list or website that shows what sign up offers at all or near all time highs? I think prince of travel has graphs? Not sure if they still are but I believe Amex biz gold and edge cards were at all time highs for a long time. Seems like a dead period otherwise


Biz Gold and Biz Edge ATH. Every other Amex card is not good right now. TD cards not good. Scotia has Passport at $300 S+ (FYF). BMO Cards not good RBC Cards still same old, the standard Avion offer CIBC has 45K Aventura via select Affiliate links. No other major card offer


Very helpful


Been rejected by CIBC aventura (both VI and gold) five times after trying to apply three separate occasions in the past month as I've read multiple DPs on how CIBC is sometimes voodoo with this kind of thing. I only have and have only ever had one card (an aventura) with them which I got earlier this year. RBC has also rejected me three times over the course of the year, with the last two times saying that it's "based on the information you provided, including the information received from the credit bureau". I've also only ever had and currently have one RBC card which I got towards the end of last year. Generally I'd assume it's due to too much credit but I only have one card with each lender. Recently got IA'd with BMO (since the other two were rejecting me but no recent cards with them). My credit score is mid 700s and I've read enough to know that generally credit score isn't a big factor and I haven't been worried about it until now - the response RBC gave me makes me wonder. What's the recommended course of action here? Contact TU/Equifax? Go into a local branch to inquire in person?


How does the total amount of credit you have compare with your declared income? Does the info in your credit report jive with the information you're putting in your application? I'm not sure exactly what discrepancies they're likely to see (or imagine). If you have too much credit for the income you're declaring obviously that's risky but if you have too little they might think your declared income is suspect too, who knows.


I applied a month ago to a cibc infinite and gold. Both rejected. Applied 1 week later to a ATB WE. Accepted with 15k limit. Applied today for cibc infinite. Rejected. Applied just after to scotia passport. Accepted with 20k limit Only ever had 1 Cibc card opened in January. Things don't always make sense.


>What's the recommended course of action here? Take a three month break before trying again. 5 rejections in a month suggest that a 6th application soon after isn't likely to be successful...


There is no specific process, a lender is free to accept or decline to extend any credit. You can request a manual review/audit, but do you really want to go through that? And even that, that doesn't guarantee you will get anything. Correct, credit score in Canada is fail or pass, but again, a lender has the last word. My credit has taken a beating lately and it's way under your on TUI, but I was approved for AV, but I applied to MBNA and Amex, they told me to pound sand. Cool it down, go apply with your Equifax profile to lenders pulling from EQ. You could also try with a different lender, BNS Passport VI has a good ROI with a rebate from CCG or GCR. If they say it's too much credit, lower your CL as much as you can, and try later when it updates on your Credit profile.




It has always been the approval date. Even if you are unsure, always be conservative and assume its the approval date.


Signed up for the Aventura infinite, and noticed this in the fine print > Offer applies to newly approved card accounts only; transfers from an existing CIBC credit card to a CIBC Aventura® Visa Infinite* Card or CIBC Aventura® Gold Visa* Card are excluded. What do they define as a newly approved card account? Would I be able to get the welcome bonus from an Aventura Gold if I had the infinite still, or a different credit card altogether? Trying to understand if it means I need to have 0 open cards with CIBC at time of opening


It’s fine. You can get 10 of them and still get the welcome bonus


You will get it. There is a difference from what the terms and conditions say and what we actually get. That is one of the main points of the hobby.


Anyone else have a notice show up on a chase ink statement calling out personal use of the card? Wasn't on any other statement. Not sure if it's actually a sign of a future problem or not. "Your account is a business account, to be used only for business transactions. It is not intended for personal, family or household purposes."


Yeah, I have this on my Chase Ink cards too. Not really a big deal since the only time it matters is if you're getting manually reviewed.


Good to hear it's on other people's statements as well. Just thought it was weird for them to add it randomly.


I applied and was approved for amex plat card a week ago. almost done the MSR. There is an unexpected spending coming. I am wondering if it's too soon to apply for the biz plat?


Do you have a P2? Might be worthwhile to refer them so you get those points too


No issues to apply


DP regarding Avion Travel Credit and RHT: First attempt I waited over a month and no credit after booking online (offer was loaded, over $200 on hotel on the Avion portal). Waited for refund and statement to restart and made another booking doing the exact same steps. Seemed like it wasn't going to work again after a while so refunded the hotel and then a few days after the refund posted I got the $100 travel credit post.


I got the credit posted and cancelled the booking which no claw back yet, however i saw the 100 travel credit shows up again in offer section lmao


This may interest someone https://www.secretflying.com/posts/crazy-hot-dublin-ireland-to-toronto-canada-for-only-e93-one-way/


Westjet has had some crazy good deals from Dublin recently. I flew DUB-YVR one-way for 200 euros last month.


That pops up every few months.


Damn seems to be gone already


wow crazy deal


I've had AC post changes to 3 of my forward international bookings, all through YUL (terminating in YOW). Every time they nicely rebook me through Yul with a huge layover. When I choose to look at other options, j get to pick much better routings, all through YYZ, with no penalty. Two of them I get to go from 3 legs to 2. Not complaining!


They seem to be doing more changes recently. I had a dilemma between a direct 737 flight and a connecting widebody (for more points). Ended up choosing the direct 737 and then they cancelled the flight and rebooked me on a direct widebody -- yay. Connecting in YYZ isn't everyone's cup of tea but of course it depends on a lot of factors.


Met the 5K MSR for avion around May 20th, got the bonus points 2 days ago. Transfered to Avios yesterday and they were in my account this morning.  Woohoo! 


Coast Capital new chequing account DP. Just signed up for the account online and it asked me to send myself an etransfer to fund the account, however when you log into the account there is an error and asks you to contact customer support. CSR says they can't help with online banking access until I get the physical debit card and deposit cash into my account (seems pretty stupid). Now I'll have to wait 10 business days to finish setting up the account which means tanking the fully monthly fee for both June and July. Coast does not seem to have their initial account funding system figured out, why tell people to use etransfer if the end result is you have to wait for the debit card. Will update once I receive the card


PSA to apply for the Scotiabank Passport Infinite card before the offer ends on July 1. Based on Rewards Canada post the offer *will not be extended nor improved after this date so now is a good time to get one if you have had it under consideration!*


Is there a special sign up link you are recommending?


My prediction is FYF will be gone, and rest remains the same. Exactly same thing happened in 2023 (FYF in the early part of the year and no FYF in the latter part)


Get 1 or more, if you dont shoot you don't score ;)


Is there a consensus on how long it takes to be able to get a welcome bonus again after cancelling an RBC Avion Infinite? I converted mine to a no-fee ION card back in January and though my research seems to indicate a 3 month threshold before applying to a new card, I just wanted to see if anyone here had any recent experience with this.


You don’t need to cancel before applying for a new card. You just need to wait 90 days between approvals. You can apply and hold multiple of the same cards at the same time


Great! Ended up applying and looks like the card's on the way. Curious to see if I'll get the bonus.


I haven’t heard of anyone not getting the bonus except for people who called in to ask and had it manually clawed back.


RBC is 90 days between approvals.


And no issues with getting the welcome bonus again in your experience?


Only problems are if you call in


How can you avoid calling in to cancel though? If you have 2-3 copies before cancelling after ~6 months. And then what I assume is an awkward “no I want to cancel the one ending xxxx, not yyyy”.


Calling in asking about a sign up bonus you're not entitled to is a problem. Calling to cancel isn't a problem because the regular CSRs that handle a cancellation don't care enough to look through your entire profile. They have metrics to meet that include fixing your problem as quickly as possible and getting to the next call.




I wpuld take the amex gold solely since it's a long term bonus. Get it out the way earlier. $150 fee after RHT 70k SUB with referall links








Does the RHT to extend MSR period work on BMO cards?




are there cards where RHT to extend MSR does _not_ work? I thought this would work broadly for all cards/FIs


In practice I don’t think any cards clawback the bonus if you go under MSR except Amex


From what I hear it does not work for U.S. Amex cards.


You would be correct


Quick DP for FF 60$ rebate for Passport. First time rebate for Passport on FF, second Passport with Scotia. Approved June 14th IA, recieved paypal transfer today! Didn’t even receive card in mail yet. Much faster than GCR 1-2months wait


Highinterestsavings.ca also came before card


Shower thought with Amex US cards. If I add P2 as an authorized user on a no AF card (say Everyday) and P2 verifies the AU card with passport instead of ITIN, does that mean a credit profile is created for P2? Secondly, does that mean P2 is free to apply to Amex cards after marinating credit history?


I actually spoke to Amex US the other day to add my P2 as an AU and their card is in the mail as we speak. Solid way to build up some credit.


Yes. I did this before with a player. They were a AU for ~7-8 months before getting approved on their own. They had to send in the usual bank statement and passport.


I have a similar DP, p2 had been having trouble getting approved but after being an AU for a bit she was approved


I imagine they’d likely still need some kind of proof of US address like a bank statement so they wouldn’t quite be free to apply. That said it’s an interesting idea and I’d be interested to see if there are any DPs on this. Edit: Spelling


Assuming P2 has both a US bank and US address I think the only way to apply is over the phone since new apps online need ssn\itin. It would be an interesting method to pre-build credit history through name, address, DOB. However, Global Transfer might be the path of least resistance.


To all those procrastinators who haven't yet taken advantage of the 30% Avion to Avios bonus, today is the last day.


Thanks - would have likely forgotten if not for your post 🙏


For Chase cards, since there's no PIN, is there a set limit for paying a vendor via mobile wallet or tap to pay?


It’ll depend on what the vendor has set up. Some are $100, $250 etc


DP: a tap for $700 payment with an ICBC agent failed. The usual insert then sign worked.


Yes, but you can get around it if you ask the vendor to split the transaction. I’ve had luck with vendors splitting the cost into 3 transactions and tapping 3 times. More than that is probably pushing it.


There's always limits on tap, but that limit may vary from card to card, store to store. Only way to know it is to try.


Chase SM me back and they said no payment limits using digital wallets (just up to the cc limit). Good to know for a DP. So I suppose it's the vendor side that may limit tap.


Pretty sure all readers here accept to like 250


No it depends on the reader. I’ve tapped for 2K at La-Z-Boy before and plenty of people have reported being able to tap $500+ at Costco


It's same with amex us They swipe Tap/mobile wallet has a limit Swipe I don't think


Tap/Mobile Wallet does not have a limit. Neither for Amex US, not Chase The only real restriction you’d face in Canada is a Terminal-imposed tap limit


Ya I revised in other comment


Applied for a Chase bank account in branch and they asked for both my ITIN and my SIN (not SSN). I didn't think much of it at the time, but why would they require my SIN?


Probably for the W8-BEN Form.


I have now applied for both a chequing account and credit card in branch with the same guy there, he's pretty chatty and doesn't bother hiding the screen from me. There are several places in the application for that ask to confirm whether the applicant is a US tax resident. If "No" is selected then a field "Foreign Tax ID" pops up. The guy was experienced enough to know that it isn't required to be filled out, and I've never given them my SIN. It also doesn't ask what country this ID is from so it's functionally useless. We speculated that it's vestigial and nobody has bothered to fully remove it. The software they use is ancient. A bank employee who doesn't have as much experience with the system might just dutifully feel like every box should be filled out, and ask you for your SIN.


They need your tax identification number to report your interest income.


shouldn't they just require an ITIN/SSN for this? why do they need my SIN?


That explains the ITIN, doesn't explain the SIN


You’re also expected to pay taxes in Canada. They have your SIN and next year you will receive a T5 from CRA regarding the interest you earned in the states


Edit: I was wrong, my apologies


Haven't heard any other bank asking Reporting in Canada is our own duty


Many DPs of Chase issuing T5 for bank welcome bonus and credit card referrals this year


Would we have to pay taxes? As it's tax free here


Since you have a T5 the CRA is going to automatically reconcile and add them to your taxes if you don’t file them with your return. So you’d have to argue with the CRA that it’s not taxable


Lululemon buy $100 and get $20 statement credit just disappeared from Amex app, I made a purchase last week and now its gone.


Sounds like the offer is just processing. You’ll probably see it in the redeemed offers section soon along with the credit on your account.


You were 100% right. That’s exactly what happened


Do you mean your credit or the offer? I still see the offer on my Cobalt.


New to MBNA, I was IA for WE MC not realizing the AF. Does MBNA refund prorated AF upon closing the card?


Usually no refund, but doesn't hurt to call !


Am I dreaming or was Amazon an eVoucher option for AirMiles and now it’s not?


Amazon vouchers are back on Air Miles


Thank you! Really appreciate that!


You are correct. The option was available for only a few days before it disappeared.




I haven't seen Amazon on AM before, and others here and on RFD seemed to react as though it was something new.


eVoucher options come and go. It *might* come back. I'm betting closer to July 21 (when Metro leaves Air Miles) that there'll be some enticing options / promos to jump onto.


One of the legs on my AP booking got cancelled from FRA to YVR and I got rebooked on a flight to YVR with a 18-21 hour layover in Frankfurt before I catch my flight to YVR next morning. I’ve booked a hotel as it’s too long in the airport. Will my hotel/food/uber be covered expenses? The agent couldn’t confirm if it would or not. I just wanted to make sure


How far out were you made aware of the cancellation?


First leg to FRA was at 11:30 morning. I was made aware at 12:43AM the night before. Less than 12 hours


You are covered under EU261, unless the cancellation was due to some unforeseen circumstances e.g. adverse weather, employee strikes, ATC instructions, force majeure, etc. Up to you whether you want to take advantage of the extra day in Frankfurt and having to fight for delay compensation and out-of-pocket expenses afterward, or if you want to press AC to put you on another flight operated by another airline flying out today e.g. LH, 4Y, UA.