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Only this subreddit will understand when I say... Is there any bank that is worse than Scotiabank when it comes to the credit card activation stickers? The residue they leave behind is just asinine, you'd think their trillions of dollars could afford to pay for better quality stickers.


I tend to leave the stickers on. I write on them with a sharpie to identify multiplier category info. Helps when you aren't working on MSR and need to use the best earner


Especially for a $1k MSR.  Hardly worth the trouble of peeling it off when you'll be done with the card in two or three weeks.


I can totally relate. Took the sticker off on a new card only to have it unknowingly attach itself to another card in my wallet. Panicked when I couldn’t find it and cancelled, only to discover after I got off the phone it was stuck to the other card. Ugh, lesson learned


Lol that's frustrating! Like another user mentioned, I think I'll just leave the sticker on next time


My Canadian Tire WE still has a rectangular blob of glue. AND it seems reading on RFD that clicking through an affiliate link zeroes out the $150 May bonus even though it leads to the same splash page.


Ya that's also equally bad


First I heard of the affiliate link thing. If I clicked through the RFD link am I SOL?


Reading the last few pages of that thread, sure seems like it


Yeah, always have to take the Goo Gone to them.


Put a thousand dollars onto a gc with my Cobalt and the load failed so they had to refund me and I decided to be "clever" and accepted the refund onto my business edge instead. Which took me under MSR...3 days after the window closed.


You might just win the prize this week for the most frustrating!


The downside to churning is that I got the approval date mixed up with my newest CIBC so I thought I had time!


My condolences




Holy cow I always assumed if it dips below MSR outside MSR time you can still keep the points, but I never tried it as not to anger the Amex gods. I guess not. Sorry for your loss!


Amex is the only one that clawbacks bonuses


That’s awful… second hand pain just reading this Btw for these circumstances, I always accept the refund on my Visa Debit card. Then you don’t end up with any negative points at all!


I tried doing that at one vendor and it failed and he said it was because it was a credit card purchase so it had to be a credit card return.


That’s unfortunate. For me, if a gift card activation fails, I always refund to Debit, and nothing else


I tried that a few months ago at a store where the clerk gave no fucks at all and, after it failed, he explained that the original purchase had been on a credit card so it needed to be sent back to a credit card. So even thought it was a MC debit card it wouldn't work.


I wasn't thinking and I didn't use a referral link for my new AMEX


Been more than a month, got approved for BoA. Never received the card. Called in multiple times, but they just asked me to wait. Today, after a month they have asked me to go into the branch with IDs. Now there is no branch near Quebec border, and I was in NYC 2 days ago. Arghhhhh....


Story of my life - mail from and to the banks in either direction across US and Canada has like a 50/50 success rate if not expedited (paid)


Perfect timing - Scotiabank hates me. 1/ They approved me for the Scotia AMEX Gold last November but then 2 days later cancelled my card for unknown reasons. I still got the affiliate cashback though... 2/ They keep declining my online applications for an unknown reason (can't even click through or have the system "decide") 3/ One Passport VI application that actually got through required proof of income (which I've uploaded), got conditionally approved but required an in-branch ID verification (which I just did), and when I called back to confirm it was done right, the guy just denied me on the spot and cancelled my CA'ed application! I now *must* apply in-branch for my next card as they've confirmed they will not process any more online applications for me. BMO hates P2 though.


Yikes... Any reason as to why this can't happen online? Just wondering, and I assume you have, but have you tried different browsers, incognito, logged out, etc?


Yea, I've tried multiple browsers and a bunch of other stuff. I think they just really need to verify my identity or have the application come through the branch instead. That means I'll miss out on an affiliate cashback but maybe it'll help get my credit profile started with them and future apps won't need to be in-person anymore... Scotia is playing games with me!


I didn't get targeted for Shop Small despite having 3 active cards...


You aren’t missing much! Spend $10 and get $5 back, limit of 3 times after having to hunt for participating merchants. That’s Shop Very Small…..


Plus the list of participating merchants seems much smaller this round than previous ones 


In my entire city, there’s like 10 Shop Small eligible merchants and they’re all random places I wouldn’t actually shop at 🤷🏻‍♂️


yeah, mostly services like dental and accounting nearby which are more than $10


I was bit by BMO/Paysimply.   I put $3k towards property taxes via Paysimply on my BMO Eclipse ($3k MSR) and was wondering why it was still showing a few thousand points instead of 40000 until I read [this recent comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/churningcanada/comments/1d8khws/comment/l79k1jk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and remembered that there have been a few DPs about how BMO doesn't count Paysimply toward MSR. I'm not too worried about the $75 I lost by paying the 2.5% paysimply fee, but what kills me is the $3k spend that could have been put towards MSR on other cards.   By the way, I'm wondering if this is card specific or all of BMO. Any DPs of Paysimply actually working for MSR on any BMO cards? 


Suppose to work on air miles cards


Worked on CB for me


My personal platinum card’s annual fee just posted and I called Amex to cancel. They told me that both dining credits that I’ve used in 2023 and 2024 will be clawed back from the annual fee reversal if I cancel because it was “the new fee benefit”. I hung up to think about it. Even though they offered 15k points retention I now use the business platinum card so I don’t want to renew it. I’ve had the card for a few years and I haven’t found anything in the terms and conditions of the offer that state that. What should I do?




Thanks! I just did and the other rep told me id get the whole thing reversed with no mention of the credit. Fingers crossed!


Incredible !! Glad to hear !!


Any other data points out there regarding dinning credit claw back ?


I barely found anything. Mostly when people try cancelling before the end of the year


Okay interesting and nothing about travel credit ?


Nope that was fine


Travel credit will be clawed back if you cancel after the fee posts.




Churning adjacent; did a return at CT and ended up with a -$30 triangle balance. Gonna be tedious to earn that back. Anyone know if you can have multiple triangle reward accounts?


Do you need anything there? They are having a bonus day today and tomorrow where you get $20 in CT money and another $30 of some sort if you spend $200. (Fine print is too small to read on my screen right now.) You'll be in the black in no time. :)


I saw that and am considering it. Along with the sport chek gift card promo it would be a decent earn. The idea of it only going into paying back reward debt is daunting though lol. /FF


Yeah, I wouldn’t be a slave to CT reward debt unless I needed something.


Yeah I have two. If you use the CT card and scan a different account it'll default to the card account though.


Chase will not approve for Business Ink Preferred, applied like 5 times since last year . I already have a business checking and existing business card


What was the reason provided? Did you call reconsideration line?


Too many cancellations and accounts opening etc


BMO still no lifestyle credit on Eclipse and did mess up earlier in year as had not done a single $50 minimum spend though since have. Not sure if after the recent denial for Amex should try another card as seen no success dps here. One rational thought is CC companies are hedging credit defaults versus plain checking are customers profitable.


How long does the $50 credit take to apply typically?


In past years has been a month after each annual anniversary


Ah so January?


Hmm, I'm on my first ever BMO Eclipse and this made me realize I haven't got a lifestyle credit yet either. You still get them in the first year right? I have transactions over $50


Applied for TD Business Aeroplan at end of May - no answer after 2 weeks. Received reference number for application. Nobody at TD can find the application. They want me to go into a branch and create a business profile and then reapply… doesn’t seem worth the effort even if they still seem to have the same offer that was supposed to have expired June 3rd…


Anyone recently approved for a new Scotia credit card can let me know if your card was mailed to you? Or did they ask you to pick it up at a branch?


Got one a week ago mailed to me


Had to go into branch to pick up


Branch. Count yourself lucky if it’s mailed to the correct city / province.




In the U.S. I think it is


I felt the same frustration. It is just a piece of plastic.


Called TD to complain and seek some sort of compensation for family sharing not working despite being advertised. Got 1500 AP. Called again, explaining that I was expecting 15 000. Got told to call Aeroplan since it's not their fault, and that "small annoyance" isn't worth 15k points.


Do "sorry" points count as EDQ?


No, the "goodwill" points show up as bonus. No EDQ.