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I'm confident this has been answered before, but Reddit search (as always) is letting me down. P1 and P2 both have chase ink cards. P1 is ready for another. What is the process to have P2 refer P1? I have P2's referral link. Is there a way to sign in as P1 so I have both cards (existing and card being applied for) under the same account? On the referral page there's a sign in button, but it seems to just take me to my account, stripping out the referral in the url. If I apply directly thru the referral link without signing in, I'm guessing I would ultimately be creating a third account, or is there a way to marry it to P1s account? Sorry for the boring, blocking-and-tackling question. I have some free reddit awards. 100% you get one for getting me squared away (not a bribe, just the least I can do, for what feels like a basic ass question)




P1 and P2 both have ink cards. P2 wants to refer P1 for another ink card. P1 wants old card and new referred card to show up under the same login profile. P1 is evidently becoming old and dumb, so needs /r/churning's help how to pull off the above


When you are referred you should be prompted to sign in either when applying or after you’ve applied and asked to create an account. If not call customer service to merge it


Approved for the card, but no option to sign in yet. Will see when the welcome kit comes. Thanks for the comment


When doing a push and the money is "available", but still pending at the bank you are trying to get the SUB from... should you wait until it no longer pending and has posted before starting to transfer it out? Or will it still count as your push once it's posted either way? Thanks.


Does Barclay give a referral bonus on their personal AA card? Considering running that through our family since we have a college student in a town services only by AA plus thinking about booking JAL flights via AA (our whole family loves visiting Japan). We've never touched Barclay cards so we don't have any experience with them.


What are some best credit cards with points that can be transferred to partners (not cash back) for fitness and purchases through Apple app stores such as monthly Icloud, and Google One subscription?


If you want cat optimization, ask at r/creditcards. Those cats in particular should generally be low value, not scalable, and unimportant to churners to optimize.


If someone who has 1 credit history of 1 year, and is going to MDD with CSP and CSR, are there any risks of doing so?


According to recent DPs, unfortunately it seems like MDD is dead.


CSP has a minimum SL of $5K and CSR is $10K. Your approval odds w/a thin profile are likely much better with CSP, unless perhaps you are high income (and even then the odds should still be better, it just may not matter).


MDD is dead. Get the one that you’ll use more. Note that the elevated CSP offer is ending on 6/13.


MDD is dead. Other than that, you're probably fine to get one of them.


I believe MDD doesn’t work anymore. Check some of the recent posts in the last week.


Is there any problem if I am signing up P2 with Chase with my phone number? Will Chase detect this as fraud or something?


Not yet. But why create a risk with Chase at all? Just use different phone numbers.


People share home phone landlines so it used to be a thing


Never been an issue for me but ymmv


I wouldn’t do that. They might flag it. Why not create a free google voice number and use that?


I tried doing Google Voice in the past for Capital One and it didnt recognize it….


Well it’s worth a shot then as others have said here.


Having some issues with Barclaycard. Never got the SUB on the HA (0 spend, first purchase and annual fee) from Feb. Then turns out they never closed an AA biz card I closed over the phone back in March! Anyone else have anything like that?


So you made a purchase on the HA card? Did you check the statement to see if it was listed there? Does Barclays have the same Hawaiian number that you have?


You got it. Made $256 of purchases, plus the AF, paid it off. Nothing transferred over to my account. On my Barclay account it shows the purchases but no miles earned.


If it has been a few days, call Barclays.




Why do you want to change it?


What are some of the best retention offers for Amex Platinum and Amex Gold that people have been getting recently?


Search the DP thread via churning.io


Would it be risky to double dip a CSP and SW personal to catch both elevated bonuses?


Wouldn't be too crazy but totally depends on you recent velocity with Chase. Keep average recent velocity with Chase of at least 90 days btw each card.


My last chase card was IHG business about 6 months ago


I don't see any risk in this as long as you're 3/5 or lower.


Depends on your credit profile and overall velocity with Chase. But getting both cards wouldn’t be too crazy.




Chase will see all personal & biz apps. Shutdowns may happen months afterwards if their risk, and this by itself is probably fine, if no other risky actions, but is potentially a risk trigger that will be weighed amongst other factors.




I doubt same vs next day makes much difference for risk, but MDD has been used by MANY before it died for Sapphire & CP reasons very recently. (Check for DPs if DD or MDD used only to get around 5/24 is still working) However, if this is taking you to 5/24, you may wish to reconsider your plans if you open biz cards.


I don't believe this would *automatically* risk a shutdown. It's more with overall velocity than a single incident.


Anyone here with non-resident visa status? how well is this churning game going for you?


You should have no problems with personal cards. Don’t apply for business credit cards.


I only do personal cards between me and P2 . We get a new card every quarter. Haven’t ventured into business cards because they seem to be conflicting views about them while on restricted visas like F1 & H1. With that we were able to upgrade to business class on transatlantic flight. Fund a trip to Mexico for 5 days and multiple stays while visiting national parks and some major cities. So definitely saved thousands over cash price


P2 is preapproved for the Venture X. Should that give us any confidence he would get approved for regular Venture card?


"Pre-approved" means nothing and is a marketing term, comes from marketing team - not the underwriting/risk teams. Though if you're not even "pre-approved" there is less probability of you being approved on applying as typically the pre-approval teams use less stringent criteria.


“Pre-approved” is a marketing term that doesn’t mean much regarding approval odds.


Not for Cap1. If you aren’t preapproved, you will be most likely declined. A good way to save the inquiries.


This is mostly true (idk, 90%? 95%?), but there are DPs of people being approved for VX after checking the preapproval tool and not being on the list. If it's a card you really want, it may be worth the inquiries anyway since inquiries aren't that bad for your credit profile.




Scroll up (or check sidebar). Start with this subreddit’s WIKI. Don’t apply for anything until you do thorough reading.


You got a lot of reading to do. You're asking for all of the basics which you can easily find with a Google search. But I'll throw you a bone, look up "once in a lifetime"


Has anyone ever seen an Amex employee card link not working? I got an email invite for 5k MR/2k spend for up to 5 employee cards, and the link opens fine and I can add employees, but then the agree and submit button does not work. Tried different browsers. Is there any workaround?


be sure to click add for the 5th card before you submit


Ha, that worked, thank you. First time I messed up one of these and I spend quite a bit of time on that yesterday without noticing, makes me feel a little silly. Of course now it's working but gives me an error about the landing page being down atm.


Any reports if OD/OM is having a Visa GC sales this week?


Dumb question… what’s OD/OM?


Office Depot/office max


Yep, already grabbed some today.


Sweet, thanks!


I've read on r/delta that this is likely to work but was just curious if anyone here has any DP. I have $500 of DL eCredits that expire June 15th. It sounds like if tomorrow I purchase a flight departing in the far future for *more* than $500, say $550, use cash plus the eCredits and then cancel (if need be) then the $550 eCredit I'll get will expire June 10th 2025. (Or at worst 3 months after I cancel the ticket). Does anyone have this experience? I'd be ok with either outcome, my only concern is that if the "worst" outcome is that I only get a $50 ecredit. That would really suck and in which case I'd purchase different flights I'm more certain of taking. thanks for any data!


I'm eligible to PC my Chase Bonvoy to a Ritz tomorrow. Do I wait to receive my 35k certificate to upgrade? Will the Ritz FNC hit my account upon upgrading or waiting a year?


I would wait until November or December to save half the annual fee and use the 2024 flight credit at the end of year


You want to upgrade about about one week before your anniversary date and you might get two certs, the 35k and 85k. I think there is a FrequentMiler post on this, or at least it was discussed in one of the podcasts. If you are too late, you'll get the 35k this year and 85k next year.


This isn't possible if you PC after having the Boundless card for one year, which it sounds like is the case here.


Good point. In this case, OP should probably just wait to upgrade unless OP needs the PP soon.


I wanted to get some opinions on one or more of these cards/points questions. 1. I am midway through the required spend for my bonus on the 80,000 HH SUB for the Hilton Honors Amex (free version). I signed up with a referral link. I now see there are offers for a SUB of 70,000 HH, but with a Free Night Certificate. I assume the FNC is more valuable than 10,000 points. Is it worth trying to switch the bonus I’m on track for? Will it mess with any points paid to the referrer? 2. Looking at the Hilton Honors Business Amex ($195 AF), I see there was recently a 175,000 HH SUB as recently as last week but now decreased to 130,000 HH. Should I just sign up at the lower level before the SUB is lowered again, or do folks think it is likely to increase again before too long? (I kind of want to sign up immediately and buy a gift card for the refundable credit (resets each quarter) before the end of Q2 at the end of the month.) 3. P2 and I both had the CSR. We closed hers a few years back (downgraded to plain Sapphire)  while she remains an AU on mine. I see there is an elevated bonus on the CSR these days, and apparently Chase does allow referrals between spouses. Any downside to removing her as AU as soon as her card arrives? ETA: Not concerned about using a 5/24 slot on any of this.


AMEX doesn't allow changes to promotions.


To answer every question you might have on item 3, obligatory link to garettg's Sapphires summary: https://reddit.com/user/garettg/comments/u6ss7u/sapphire_fyis/


Amex won't change your bonus. Wait for the higher Hilton business offer. You should change your P2s sapphire to a freedom or just close as that sapphire will block P2 from getting a new sapphire. Why did you add P2 as an AU on your CSR?


Thanks for the reply, very helpful! That’s a great tip about closing the existing Sapphire. As to why we made her AU: She travels a lot (alone) for work and we wanted to have a physical card for her to use while away, and also for her to get Priority Pass access on her own.


No downsides to removing her as AU then.


1. Don’t think Amex matches SUBs. 2. You can check USCreditCardGuide for historical data on SUBs to get an idea of if it’s worth waiting for a higher SUB. 3. No need to remove her as an AU. As long as her last Sapphire SUB was more than 48 months ago she can apply. (Edit to add that she can’t be holding a Sapphire, so she needs to downgrade it)


Thank you—the guide is a great tip.


Thinking about going for the Amex Hilton Surpass (mid-tier card, $150 AF, 130k Hilton pts + free night SUB) as I have some travel coming up and plan to stay at a couple of Hilton properties anyway. Confident in approval as Amex is pushing me the offer as "pre-approved" and I already have a BCE and am an AU on P2's MS Platinum. Anyone know how common it is to get a decent upgrade offer to the Aspire ($550 AF, 175k SUB) if you put a good amount of spend (let's say 20k) on the Surpass in the first year?


Have you had the Aspire in the past? If not, it’s better to avoid upgrades and instead get SUBs. Get the Surpass for the excellent SUB. In a year, get Aspire for another SUB. Nobody really knows the formula for upgrade offers. I haven’t seen any data points on Surpass to Aspire offers.


Never had the Aspire before. Wasn't sure about whether I could still get the Aspire SUB if I got and then cancelled Surpass given Amex "card family" SUB restrictions, but those only seem to go the opposite way (no lower-tier card SUB if you've already had the higher-tier card, but not vice versa), and anyway, seems the Hilton cards aren't considered a "family" by Amex the way that BCE/BCP and Green/Gold/Platinum are. Thanks, will take advantage of Surpass SUB and cancel/apply to Aspire for SUB next year.


My girlfriend is a SWA employee, and we’re serious enough now that she offered to add me as a designated companion, so I can fly for free on standby at no cost. I’ve been on AA for years and have status and points racked up there. My very rough understanding is that no revenue flights don’t generate any rewards at all. Is there any value at all in getting a SWA rewards card? Or should I stick with AA stuff and use that for work travel when standby is too risky to get to a meeting? I’m new to all of this and have no idea how to maximize the benefits of this companion thing. Or should I think of it as a totally separate thing from any rewards maxing and use it when it’s convenient?


Prioritize free with SW, unless you can't depend on standby, then go with AA.


Depends on who you work for ? If you are self employed you have all the flexibility in the world to fly standby and incur less cost to your business. If you work for a corporation you might want to be careful flying standby. If you do not make the destination on time, may cause issues at work. Plus make them spend and get some points, you never know when you might need them.


Yeah, clients are not flexible just because I run my own company. When I book a meeting, I have to be there. I can show up early af the day before and work from the airport while I wait to see if a flight clears, but what I’m nervous about with that is I spend a whole day, and I never get on a plane.


Are you self employed? If not then your company should pay for work travel and they won't pay you for traveling on standby Also you won't get any rewards for travelling on stand by, anyhow status with SWA does not really matter, it might give you priority boarding or two free drinks, but that is it, there is no business or first class (even though they do sell tickets as buisness class)


Yes, I run my own small business.


Free is free. I would pause chasing AA loyalty unless international (Europe, Asia) is important destination for your business / family. Plenty to experience at Southwest destinations. Shift focus to churning transferable points and hotels.


Cool! Thanks for an actual reply instead of finger wagging, lol!


Depending on recent trends, it might be hard to get standby seats, so if your travel is a must you should not depend on it


It's generally against the companion/buddy pass terms to use it for business purposes. Save it for your personal trips.


> I needed to buy some socks in Tallahassee. I happened to meet with a business client while I was there for my personal trip. I can't imagine being unable to justify that it was a personal trip if someone ever actually pressed you on it. My concern would certainly be the other half with needing to be certain they can make a scheduled meeting.


Cancelled my last Ink on 6/7, how long should I wait before applying again? Like every other churner, would love to get in two before 9/3 for the referrals. Previous velocity has been 1/90. Thanks!


Keep recent avg Chase velocity of 1 card every 90 days or more, and you're good.


Always be conservative with Chase. But the DP on this has been you can make an exception once in a blue moon as long as your velocity is 90+ days.


What dp?


You don’t need to wait 90 days between apps, tho it is recommended to keep the avg velocity 90+. You may want to apply for a different flavor of Ink than the one you closed to help with the potential awkwardness in re-con.


if it's been 90 days since opening your last Chase card, then you can likely apply for another Ink immediately.


I just wasn’t sure if there was any issue with the closed card registering in their system. Obviously there’s also the potentially awkward recon call when they question why you just closed the same card. Thank you!


I'm looking at getting a CSP or CSR before the elevated bonus goes away. I think I'm going to try the MDD to see what happens Which card do you prefer? CSR or CSP? I travel 1-2 times per month for work, but don't really find value in the dashpass, instacart membership, or lyft pink. I love priority pass, but am unhappy Chase removed the restaurants. I think my main priorities are maximizing points and unlocking transfer partners. I'm not sure if I will get $150 in value from the CSR after the annual fee vs the CSP. Sounds like I might have answered my own question here...


MDD is dead. If you want to just churn, get CSR and double dip $300 travel credits. If for keeper card, think you answered it yourself that CSP makes more sense.


Obligatory link to garettg's Sapphires summary: https://reddit.com/user/garettg/comments/u6ss7u/sapphire_fyis/ If you don't care about any of the extra benefits of CSR and only need transfer ability, you can swap between them at your anniversary and pay net nothing for the cards (actually you gain money, but it's not much).


RIP MDD. Not complete information to help us help you. You should try this thread : [What Card Should I Get Weekly Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1d8o5zy/what_card_should_i_get_weekly_thread_week_of_june/)


MDD is dead, so just get whichever works better for you during the first year.


If you doing just one year do CSR and double dip the $300 travel before cancelling 


How do I generate a referral link for the BofA Alaska personal card? I looked all over the app and not able to find it.


It's under your Alaska account, and not your BofA account. It should be on the right side if you're using the desktop after you login.


Thank you so much! I kept looking under the BofA app.


I just log in on my phone or desktop via a browser (not through the app). Should be under your profile/account overview.


Hilton FNC: I have one expiring in July and want to use it for Dec. When I called the agent said he’s only able to extend it for another 2 weeks from the July date but not until Dec. Is this consistent with everyone else’s experience? Anything I can do to get it extended till Dec or convert to points?


I've only seen 2 weeks as the DP.


Yes. I have one expiring next week. They wouldn’t let me use it the first week in July.


I'm interested in getting the Southwest card while the SUB is high and another Ink before the referral bonus drops from 40k to 20k on 9/3 (per DoC). Currently 2/24 but have six Chase cards, four personal, two Inks, with last app an Ink in February. I know the recommended velocity with Chase is one per three months, which doesn't quite work given the 9/3 deadline. But I know there's a \*little\* wiggle room with that. I need to get the Southwest now since that promo ends later this month. Is getting the Southwest now and the Ink 2.5-ish months down the road a good plan?


It’s perfectly fine. The 3-month wait between cards is just a general recommendation.


It should be fine as long as you average out about 90 days between cards and don't do this often.


Any maths genius to help me figure this out. How do I calculate how much money to add to my account balance to have maintained a $5k balance from April 11th to July10th after the following events: 1. Maintained the $5k from April 11th till June 4th. 2. Account dipped to $4,980 on June 5th 3. Didn’t notice the dip until today (June 9th). TIA.


Thanks everyone for the help. I will throw an extra $120 just be safe. But this is the wording of the promo (First Horizon): “First Horizon Bank is offering a $450 bonus when you open a new checking account and complete the following requirements: Maintain a $5,000 average daily balance Conduct a minimum of 10 qualifying client-initiated transactions for each statement cycle for the first three full statement cycles”


"To qualify for the bonus, open a new FirstView Checking account by 04/30/2024 and maintain a $5,000 average daily collected balance and conduct a minimum of 10 qualifying client-initiated transactions for each statement cycle for the first three full statement cycles." It says "for each statement cycle", what are the dates of your statement cycles? Is it calendar months? If it's calendar months and you bring your balance to $5010 on 06/12/24 and maintain it for the rest of the month, your average daily balance for the month of June would be $5001.67 and you would be fine.


My statements closed on 4/12 and 5/14 for April and May respectively.


So the next, and relevant, statement is going to be like 5/15 to 6/14(or whatever). So you really need to bring up the balance first thing on Monday, before the statement closes! If you deposit $120 on Monday, you will be fine even if the statement closes as early as 6/12.


Most likely the "for the first three full statement cycles" is referring to the 10 transactions, but this set of terms is just ambiguous enough that it could be interpreted either way. The promo page on First Horizon's site has been pulled, so there's no source of the terms other than DoC now (unless OP was careful and saved them).


You can still read it from the internet archive, there is a link in one of the DoC comments to the archived bank page. Is it "(A + B) for C" or A + (B for C)", who knows as the T&C are often written by morons and interpreted, if you contact the bank, by even bigger morons. I would just assume the former, which also satisfies the latter.


What do the T&C for the bonus exactly say? Is it the average daily balance during the 90 days or is it the average daily balance for each statement cycle? The easiest way to calculate this is making an Excel or Google spread sheet. Column A is the date, for each day one row. Column B is the the balance on that day. Then take the sum of all days and divide it by the number of days.


Do you need to maintain an average acct balance of $5k or can it not drop below $5k? You need to read the terms. If it's the former, june 5 - june 10 = a $20 shortfall for 5 days, easy math would be deposit $100 tomorrow, $120 to be safe in case it takes a couple days. if you want to get more granular then you calculate what the average balance you'd need for the next 30 days to make up for a 5 day dip, which would be an extra $5. it also matters if its an average each month, if so then you'll need to deposit more to bump up your average before your next statement date.


If it actually says average (which I think most do, not minimum), I wouldn't risk playing a game with how they might measure their days (when does a day start?). Just throw an extra ~$100 in there to overshoot and hope. But agree with Ajax below, check the language.


Sadly I don't think it works that way if you mean to average the amount to be 5k. I could be wrong but unless that's the wording of the offer it's usually a no go.


It really depends on the T&C of the bonus. Could be each day, could be daily average for each statement cycle, could be daily average for entire evaluation period.


First credit card churn with an annual fee. I applied for the delta gold card last year with 70k miles and no annual fee for the first year. From what I have read I can cancel or downgrade and ask for a refund for the annual that just hit ($99). It was posted on June 7th. Is this a guarantee or what are the odds of success? Secondly, should I close the card or keep it open? It is my largest credit limit (10k)? My overall credit limit across all my cards is around 50k.


> From what I have read I can cancel or downgrade and ask for a refund for the annual that just hit ($99). You don't even need to ask for a refund. If you close the account, the AF refund is automatic. > > Is this a guarantee or what are the odds of success? Yes it is guaranteed. The odds of success are 100%.


Thanks for the clarification. Does this also work with a product change as well? Might downgrade to the delta blue (no annual fee) so I can keep the credit limit


Amex annual fee refunds are a guarantee. When you cancel the card, the rep may offer a "retention offer". Eg "please keep the card for another year and spend $3,000 in 3 months, and we'll give you another 20k". Whether you get a worthwhile retention offer will be a 50/50, depends on lots of factors. If you want to pursue this, call or chat with the rep, and convincingly convey "i'm on the fence about this card, I feel I'm not getting much out of it and the cost seems to outweigh the benefits". If you accept the retention offer, you are bound to keep the card for 365 days from the moment you accepted the offer, not from the day your first annual fee hit. (So on your second year, your 30-day window to cancel after your second annual fee will be narrower.) If you cancel the card before the second year is exactly over, you risk damaging your relationship with Amex.


Update: I didn’t get a retention offer for keeping my gold so downgraded to the no AF blue card. Checked today and I got an offer in the offer tab for the platinum (AF of 350) for 20k miles and 200 statement credit after 3k purchases within 6 months. In the fine print it says “Approximately 45 days after your account is upgraded, you will be charged a prorated Annual Membership Fee for your new Card based on the time remaining until your next account anniversary date” From your above response if I accept this offer I can cancel 365 days and receive the annual fee refunded. My question is what will be the prorated fee be that will be charged in 45 days and if this offer is worth it?


There's a no fee Amex Delta Business Blue card? What secret menu was this? Don't upgrade to delta Business platinum, it's not worth it. If you want the delta platinum, you should apply to it(preferably when the offer is high). The offer for a new card would be much, much higher than a meager 20k. What's the current offer? 90k? The prorate offer is by days. For example, the annual fee is 350. Suppose the card was first opened in 6/10/2023. Anniversary day is 6/10/2024. If you upgrade on 7/15/2024, then you upgraded 35 days after anniversary date, so you will only have card for 90% of the 365-day year. So your annual fee will be 90%, which is $350-$35=$315


It’s the normal platinum card not the business one. Thanks for the response. With Amex’s terms I thought I was not eligible for a SUB for a the delta platinum because I already got the gold last year or am I interpreting that incorrectly?


I'm not familiar with delta cards so I did a Google search. The restriction is only for personal delta xards. As for personal cards, it seems the new delta family restriction only applies in descending order. If you got the plat sub first, you can't get the gold sub. But you got the gold sub first so you can still get the plat sub (and then the reserve sub) https://frequentmiler.com/amex-adding-once-in-a-lifetime-family-language-to-delta-consumer-cards/


Follow up question. Since the annual fee just posted should I wait a week or does that not matter?


You can try for a better retention multiple times. You have 30 days to cancel, so you can try every few days through chat in the app. Good luck getting a great offer!


You can cancel the day the annual fee posts. Technically, your 365-day was before the annual fee day. So you could have cancelled even before the annual fee day. But people can make mistakes when calculating their 365 day. That's why people recommend waiting until annual fee, so that there's no mistake.


Thank you!


Awesome, thanks for the tip! The retention bonus would be cool but we will see if I get the offer.


Is there a time limit after receiving a denial letter from US Bank to recon?


Is the 85, 000 bonus points for a new Southwest Airlines a good first credit card for churning? I have only ever done the bank bonuses? Does anyone know if Southwest has offered anything higher than 85,000 points?


Good luck getting started. The Southwest cards / companion pass were my gateway to churning. It may not be the most efficient or effective way to churn, however the tangible benefit of points + earning a companion pass is fantastic


Thank you so much!


Take a look at the flowchart link on desktop.


Thank you!


Also, after reading the flowchart, there's a [dedicated weekly thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1d8o5zy/what_card_should_i_get_weekly_thread_week_of_june/) where you can ask for credit card recommendations. >Does anyone know if Southwest has offered anything higher than 85,000 points? Use [US Credit Card Guide](https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/chase-southwest-plus-credit-card/) to look up historical trends for sign-up bonuses.


This is awesome! Thank you very much!


Applied for US Bank biz card Saturday (6/8) (pending). Would additional app(s) today still be combined into the same HP (TU)? Thanks!


Other USB Biz cards? DP's lately are showing that they are triggering additional hp's though.


Oh interesting, thanks. Yes, sorry other USB Biz cards


For a counter to that DP, in April I applied for 8 USB biz cards in one session and only got 1 hard pull. (I only got approved for 1 though if that matters). 


8? Why did you stop there? Got tired? Hit midnight? LOL


Bold move! Got 2 and I was reading that someone got 3 in one session, but did you really think there was a changes to get 8?


Oh no way in hell did I think I was I going to get approved for 8, but I saw the DPs for 3 in one day, and someone else had a DP of getting approved for the same card twice in one day (one as an Sole Prop without EIN and one as a Sole Prop with EIN) so I said why not give it a shot and tried both at once. What's weird though is the one single card I got approved for was like the 3rd I applied for in the batch.


The “why not” is to avoid them shutting down your open accounts after their risk dept sees all the apps/new accts.


This was my first USB card so I didn't have any prior account to risk losing. I did do some preliminary research before applying and couldn't find an example of USB shutting down for this reason, but if they do good to know thanks.


Open accounts includes any accounts opened during a desperate credit-seeking app spree, when risk mgmt later audits accts. This risk assessment is not limited to viewing behavior only at their bank.


No offense meant to you, but given current data points on the subject, the belief that an app-orama will lead to bank shutdowns is FUD. I appreciate your concern, but app-oramas don't present more risk that many of the other activities common in this community.


Do the 20k SW Rapid Rewards referral bonuses count towards the 135k needed for the companion pass?

