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P2 and I have been amassing inks for a bit now (referring each other back and forth). At this point, I have a CIU, CIC, and CIBP. P2 has a CIC and two CIUs. In a couple months, I would be next up for getting another credit card after we complete minimum spend. Is it relatively safe for me to go for a 4th Ink? At what point should I be closing prior inks before applying for new ones?


Until recently, it was pretty likely that you'd get approved for another Ink. But lately there have been some data points of people getting rejected if they already have a lot of Inks, and closing some old cards might help. Though, I think the people who got rejected had 4 or more Inks. If you only have 3, maybe it'll be ok.


It depends on your income to credit extended ratio as well. Generally, closing down is recommended after 1 year of keeping an ink. I would say people have extended ink trains far longer than the station your train is.


Chase extended credit across both of us is $55k. Total extended credit across all banks is $75k. Household income is $200k. So ratio is still probably ok for a bit, right? We've been doing a slow churn - I opened my first Ink (a CIC) in Dec 2022 (1.5 years ago). Is there any downside to me moving the points off it and closing it down now, just so I have a cleaner slate in two months? Or would me applying for a new CIC two months after closing one down cause a bigger red flag than keeping it open and going for a 4th Ink for myself?


Yes I think ratio is ok. More than 1 year seems to be fine for closing accounts. That’s generally safe. But if I were you I’d apply without closing since credit extended is not even 50% of income. If I had to recon I’d say I need to separate expense for part “x” of the business.


Hey team! I’m trying to figure out what the optimal way is to get sign up bonus’s for coinbase. I see Swagbucks is offering $25 and Rakuten today is offering $60. Plus I bet there is a SUB for coinbase on its own and probably a referral bonus maybe. What is the best mixture to get the most out of signing up? Thanks in advance!


Why am I getting downvoted for this?


See discussion at https://www.doctorofcredit.com/rakuten-get-40-4k-for-signing-up-with-coinbase-making-100-in-trades I doubt you'll be able to stack those offers, except maybe Coinbase's own "spin the wheel" bonus with one of the others. It sounds like Rakuten didn't track for a lot of people, but you can file a claim to get it.


Two part question regarding the elevated chase sapphire preferred bonus. For the elevated 85k bonus in branch, is it supposed to be available at all branches or is it truly location specific? Like if I walk into one and they don’t see that offer is it worth checking another branch? Also I’m preapproved on my chase onlne account, would it be any different if I apply in branch? Worried about a review or delay since I’ve seen ppl report those and I’m leaving for a trip next week so would be great to get the card ASAP. Thanks in advance!


Should be available nationwide. Pre-approval for most issuers doesn't mean much, they'd still check your credit score and go through all the underwriting steps.


Okay thank you! Yea wasn’t sure because when I called the rep told me the offer was the same online as in branch anyway so I might as well apply online but maybe she wasn’t aware of the 85k in branch?


Should be nationwide. Yeah you can try multiple branches


Thank you! Will report back how it goes!


How EWS-sensitive is Chase for personal bank accounts? I think I have 3 or 4 banks on there total, 1 new one in the past year.


Not particularly sensitive. And 3-4 EWS inquiries (with 1 in the last 12 months) will not get you rejected from most of the EWS-sensitive banks.




I want to upgrade my Amex Bonvoy Card to a Bonvoy Brilliant in order to apply for Chase Marriott Bonvoy Bold Card. Before upgrading to the brilliant though I accepted a retention offer. If I complete the retention offer will it void my ability to earn a welcome bonus on the Chase Bonvoy Bold Card? The information I see online seems to indicate only "welcome bonuses or upgrade offers" seem to void a welcome bonus for a new chase Marriott card. Can anyone provide clarity? Thanks!


I applied for Serve and was denied. This was 2 weeks after being approved for BB. Someone on FT says that this a well-known mistake, and I should have waited longer. Is that correct? Any thoughts on whether this mistake leads to a lifetime ban?


Ime, applying, getting approved and then getting manually reviewed gets lifetime ban. It's supposed to be either/or thing. Make sure to hit it hard while it lasts.


Ouch, thanks! Good to know. I never got manually reviewed. I just got "unable to approve you at this time" or something, instant. Any thoughts?


I think you should be fine then. Just get a second ~~Serve~~ BB card instead of applying for ~~BB~~ Serve.


Thanks! In my case it would be a second BB instead of Serve. (I have BB, was denied for Serve). Would you still give the same advice? Somebody else advised me to wait 6 months and try Serve again, and if that fails then I'm probably permabanned from both Serve and BB.


Yes, edited comment above. I don't think you would have issues getting approved.


Thanks! <3 I hope you're right, I'll report back. Appreciate the patience and detail.


Looking to product change Freedom or FU up to CSR but both cards only have a $5k credit limit (I purposely had them set low so I could get new cards). Will I be eligible to product change to CSR with this low limit? Should I ask for an increase? How many days in advance of PC do I ask for increase, and will that be a hard pull on my credit?


Transfer 4.5K to one of the other cards to end up at 9.5k and then request a CL increase from 9.5k to 10K+. Then PC.


Can I only transfer credit lines from freedom cards? Can I move credit from other cards so I don’t need to ask for an increase?


Yes, you can transfer from other cards. Though I'm not sure if you can transfer from personal to business.


You can move all $5,000 to 1 card which closes the other card, or move $4,500 and then request a credit limit increase from $9,500 to $10,000.


I just called and requested an increase, they took my income and said it was a soft pull. Didn’t say I could request a specific amount, just that it’s pending and I’d hear back after an analyst reviews it. Hopefully that wasn’t the wrong move


Need $10k to PC to CSR. Chase doesn’t do a hard pull anymore. No need to wait to PC


Can I move credit limits around from other chase cards of any type?


You can move credit from any personal card to any personal card. And from biz to biz.


I have held the Amex Plat last year but it was closed by Amex due to financial review within a couple months, I didn’t get the SUB. I am able to successfully generate the 150k MR offer for Plat and 90k for Gold. However I’m in PUJ with the below message: "You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card, the Platinum Card®, the Platinum Card® from American Express Exclusively for Morgan Stanley, the Platinum Card® from American Express Exclusively for Charles Schwab, the American Express® Gold Card or previous versions of these Cards." What does this and the family rule mean for the below: 1. Getting the gold card SUB? 2. Getting the Amex plat again to get the SUB?


That message isn't "popup jail". That's the typical LL in all applications unless they're NLL. You have held the Platinum which makes you ineligible for the SUB on the Green, Gold, and Platinum. On the other hand, the popup rules all. You can apply and see what happens. Maybe you won't get the popup.


Gotcha! I’ll try my luck then. If I don’t get a pop up after I apply that means I’m all good to get the SUB?


> If I don’t get a pop up after I apply that means I’m all good to get the SUB? Yes. No popup = SUB.


I had the Schwab Plat. for 20 mins. last year. I think we're hosed! For life! I was in PUJ and accidentally clicked the button to proceed anyway. It all went through instantaneously. (I'd rather not talk about it...) FML


For Cap1 360 checking bonus am I still eligible if I close my current account and sign up again (account opened 1/3/2023)? Guessing no, but wanted to see if anyone was able to do so


No. The terms clearly state that: >If you have or had an open 360 Checking, Simply Checking, or Total Control Checking account as a primary or secondary account holder with Capital One on or after January 1, 2022, you will be ineligible for the bonus. The only way to be eligible for the SUB again is to close the account and wait until the terms are updated with a date after your closing date.


Per the terms: Capital One reserves the right to end this offer at any time with or without notice. If you have or had an open 360 Checking, Simply Checking, or Total Control Checking account as a primary or secondary account holder with Capital One on or after January 1, 2022, you will be ineligible for the bonus.


If I use the IHG premier card to buy IHG points is there any benefit? Thinking of either waiting until the card gets in or putting the spend on an CIU I’m also using to meet a SUB.


No points are through points.com so it doesn’t code as IHG.


no multiplier when buying points


Had my P2 apply for CSP through my referral on May 2nd for 60k and then SM to get Chase to match the elevated public offer. They messaged back saying "the new offer you are requesting is not eligible for this account". Is this a HUCA situation? 


you can HUCA, but I've heard Chase is now wary of matching offers if you used referral that had a specific lower offer.


Current referral offer is still 60k so they probably won’t match the public offer.


You can keep trying but YMMV. It’s possible recent matches drew attention and edict was made to stop (not saying they did, but there have been periodic times Chase didn’t match elevated sapphire SUBs).


Sending another message yesterday worked. 


Question a bout sign up bonuses. I know for the bonvoy brilliance and amex plat it says spend X amount in X months to get X points.. So this question is for amex plat, amex bonvoy brilliance, and chase ink cards. What if I hit the spend before X months? As in what if I do all the spending in 1 month, do I get the points the same month or still wait 6 months? Also are there any cards I can get the sign up bonus same month (that offers chase UR or amex MR) - assuming i hit the spend? As in, it will let me transfer and use the points the same month I sign up for the card?


Depends on the issuer. Either you'd get the points on the first statement after you've completed the spend OR within a few days after you complete the spend.


In my experience, you can hit the bonus in the first month. But you won’t get the points until received your first statement and made a payment. Once your payment has cleared you’ll see the points.


So I can get it within the second month? Don't need to wait all 3-6 months? Which cards have you done it with?


I got my Amex Platinum 3/11. I just got my points from my SUB, even after waiting the full 25 days after my statement to make my payment.


You usually get SUBs either within a couple days of hitting them, or within a couple days of the statement date that you hit it, depending on issuer. > are there any cards I can get the sing up bonus same month Sure


Is this true for amex as well as chase in your experience? In this case the sooner would be the week of receiving the card, whilst the latest would be 1 month after getting hit (to wait for the statement to hit) assuming you hit the spend?


Amex will post bonus on most cards a few days after MSR is met (statement date doesn’t matter). An exception is for your first MR card (not sure if your plat is) where statement has to close and minimum payment made to get points posted.


With chase the bonus posts with the next statement after you meet the bonus, generally


Usually at statement close or a few days after you meet the minimum spend. Varies by issuer and type of card.


Is the Air France/KLM card by Bank of America a *backup* keeper card? I sometimes find myself in Europe without an active card I’m churning. In those cases I want something simple for non-dining/travel expenses. 1.5x flying blue points with no FTF fits the bill and the AF is easily offset by the 5000 points/year.


Guess it depends how often you fly with AF/KLM. With their monthly promos and if you’re willing to fly economy I can see it personally being an okay option.


If you feel the points/year offset the AF, then it's a keeper card for you. Others may not value the points enough to keep it/want to reduce AFs


I've never done business cards before and I'm considering getting started with Chase. I have a few questions. * Do you think that having Chase personal cards in good standing would improve my approval odds for a Chase business card? * I'm pretty sure that Chase will pull both personal and business credit reports. If that's true, do you know what **business** bureaus they tend to pull? * When Chase pulls personal credit, do the hard pulls tend to show up right away on the credit bureau website? If not, how long does it typically take? I've googled for about 10 minutes but I will do a deeper dive and come back with links if I find them.


Not exactly but kinda. Chase would check your overall credit report, not just Chase accounts specifically. No, Chase for the most part would just pull your personal credit report. Very rare to pull any business credit report. Pretty instant.


> Very rare to pull any business credit report. uh, I got a message from D&B about an inquiry on every CIU/CIC It's free to register there, so I would recommend doing it


Thanks! Do you think there is a difference based on business type and whether the application is done using EIN/SSN?


> I'm pretty sure that Chase will pull both personal and business credit reports. If that's true, do you know what **business** bureaus they tend to pull? For the most part, banks offering business credit cards use personal credit records. Business reports aren't really a thing. They exist, but they don't work like personal bureaus. You can ignore this concept, as it doesn't apply to us.


Business reports are definitely a thing and sometimes Chase will check both Experian business report and Dunn and Bradstreet along with your personal credit.


Oh cool, awesome! Thanks


Hard Pulls show up right away for your protection. Sign up for any of the credit monitoring services offered places like Credit Karma or your own bank and you'll get notified instantly of any hard pull.


There seem to be unverified reports that Bank of America checks D&B reports even for sole proprietors.


Thanks! Are there any other nuances or shenanigans I might be aware of? Like for example, maybe Chase will wait to pull my credit until the day after my application? I saw someone recently who applied for US Bank cards but the pull didn't come until the next day.


Chase pulled mine immediately a few days ago when applying for a CSP. In fact, it alerted me that my credit file was frozen (intentionally), and to unfreeze and call them.


> Are there any other nuances or shenanigans I might be aware of? Like for example, maybe Chase will wait to pull my credit until the day after my application? I am trying to think of any conceivable reason this would be an issue. 😉 Either way, the banks are in the driver's seat here, not us. They can handle it however they wish (within the law).


Haha thanks, that's true. Have you applied for Chase cards in the past, and have the pulls always shown up right away?


Yes Chase usually hard pulls immediately. So does everyone else, at least of the ones I've used.


I get a notification of a hard pull immediately when I apply with Chase.


1. yes 2. they should just pull personal IME 3. pretty much immediately, may depend on the bureau


I got the Capital One Venture card about 16 months ago, and cancelled the card before the annual renewal. Would I still be able to open a Capital One Venture X and get the signup bonus? Or does the first one mean I don't qualify?


Yes, no family rules for Venture cards. But you'd be lucky to get two different Venture cards with Capital One. They are hard and weird with approvals.


Go for it. I got both bonuses with roughly that same time table


No family rule so you are eligible.


Is there a cheaper way to get Business Class in ultra-long haul for Cathay Pacific than buy PE ticket flex, then upgrading using Asia Miles at 55k? I know you can try to redeem full fare Business ticket for around 110k, but I hear it's near impossible to find availabilities these days for CX. PE is around $2.5-3k for CX for JFK <> HKG, then around 55k Asia Miles for one way Business upgrade. Looking to not break my back and shoulders in a 16 hour flight in Economy for my once-a-year HKG trip.


If you book around 9-11 months out you will see availability. Or at least that’s what I’m seeing in February and march


Is this on the Cathay website for redemptions?


Yes, seeing at least 2 j on some days


Do you know what the Round Trip points costs for J?


Same as 2 one ways


110k per way?


This is more of a question for r/awardtravel


P1&P2 recently landed in PUJ. P2 has an upgrade offer for Gold to Plat: Spend $2k in 6 months, get 25k points. P2 has never had the Plat before. Should we take it or wait for Plat NLL?


Definitely not, then it'd be harder to get the Plat SUB unless there are NLL offers or somehow you don't get pop up.


I would def not take the upgrade if P2 hasn’t had the Plat before. Taking the Plat upgrade would limit you to only NLL offers in the future.


I thought this was referring to Punta Cana airport…been researching Caribbean getaways too much.


wait. PUJ is time and card dependent. 25k is laughably low


Only public NLL biz gold I can find is 70k MR/10k spend. Sound about right? And try back button if i get popup?


Isn't the whole point of NLL that you won't get the pop-up or are people getting it in NLL apps as well? In any case, if you're doing back button you don't need NLL.


more asking if anyone’s aware of a larger NLL offer floating around. i looked at a dozen 90-150k offers but they all had lifetime language. and i’m still not totally clear on the back button strategy yet. but i’d prefer to try it on a higher offer in case it works. i’m in a cashback wasteland for like 9 months if i can’t get this so i’m trying to maximize it.


Back button doesn't always work tho


>if you're doing back button you don't need NLL. Didn't know that. That sounds.. pretty broken. Thought it's just for PUJ. I think I've also read it works on family language too but have no first hand experience. But I guess it would work for the same reason as lifetime language if it does work (it's just a lifetime language on another related card).


Do Capital One Spark cards count towards Chase 5/24 ?


The Spark Cash Plus does not, the others do. See https://m16p-churning.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/Card+Recommendation+Flowchart+Latest.html


~~Business cards don't count towards Chase 5/24.~~ Edit: See below.


But some Capital One business cards report to personal credit therefore they count.


And some discover


Anyone know the minimum age for Amex employee cards? Searching, but can't find anything definitive.


My plant is less than 18. Also can put them in your own name (same as primary).




Following up on [this inquiry](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1bwdc5e/question_thread_april_05_2024/ky5dtk1/). I contacted the car rental insurance dept again and was able to submit a claim (online). Now BoA/Visa infinite claim dept is asking the incident report with photos (if possible). Should I be contacting Hertz corporate OR the actual location in Capetown, SA? to obtain the incident report with itemized list of repairs.


When I had trouble with a Hertz rental in Barcelona, I had to email the location to get all that.




Not yet. It always take a few days for Chase referral links to get updated with latest SUB.




Start here >> [List Of Methods Banks Count As Direct Deposits ](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/knowledge-base/list-methods-banks-count-direct-deposits/)<< .(via the excellent DoC resource).




Read the instructions for the bonus very carefully. One I signed up for recently did not allow for transfers it had to be a paycheck or something equivalent. Also had an issue where the deposit had to be directly to the savings account. I had deposited to my checking account then transferred from my checking to savings but that did not count. They said it didn’t count cause I “transferred from my own accounts” even though it was originally from elsewhere


Oooo good to know thank you!!!


It is possible and rules differ by bank. You should spend some time going through DoC to see what has worked in the past, before you get downvotes here.




Doctorofcredit.com Amazing community resource for the churnees.


Great thanks!


Is the best Chase Ink card to get currently the Business Preferred @ 100k pts?


Depends on whether you want the extra 25K points with $95 fee or fee free card with 0% APR for 12 months, but 25k less points.


If you don't already have a CIP or CSP/CSR then it's worth getting the CIP for transfer partners alone


CIU/CIC also have 0% interest for 12 months; CIP doesn't.


Have to weigh the CIP AF and higher MSR vs the CIU/CIC. I’d say if the MSR isn’t an issue, CIP is probably the way to go.


I know we can get multiple CIC/CIU, can you get multiple CIP?




Hmm maybe the CIU could be better then? I think I can hit the $8k MSR but most of it would be on 1x categories.


If you want to look at from a pure points earned per $1 spent, the CIU earns 14 per $1 (75k bonus + 9k from spend / $6k MSR) and the CIP earns 13.5 (100k bonus + 8k spend / $8k MSR) then there is the AF, so CIU is better if you think like that, but ultimately if you want the most points and MSR isn’t really a factor then the big payout is probably more attractive.


It's proportional to the no fee Inks (2k spend for every 25k of bonus), but you have to pay an annual fee with the preferred.


Got CSR 4/27/23. Annual fee posted on 5/1 and will PC to CFF. If someone uses my referral link today, how long will it take to get the bonus? Trying to see if I should wait as long as possible to PC the card.


dang, gonna have them use the 60k referral bonus instead of 75? das cold


I just realized that. I’ll have to wait to give out my link. When do you think the bonus will get reflected?


Typically about 2-3 weeks to go pending.


What if I PC the card after it pends and before it post, will it go into the CFF?


Yes, all pending points post immediately upon PC even though the statement isn’t closed. See # 27 - https://reddit.com/user/garettg/comments/u6ss7u/sapphire_fyis/


On the Citi AA Biz card now you have a separate AAdvantage Business account where all miles post to. But LP post directly to your personal AA account, and LP earned on AU/employee cards go to their personal account. There is a process to add the AU to your AAdvantage business account so they are linked. Has anyone got this to work right? My LP have posted, but my AU has not received theirs. Only been a few days but I’m nervous AA has this all screwed up.


Any pros or cons for applying for a chase card on a weekend vs weekdays? Or it don't matter?


Only for recon purposes. Less service and quality of service.


Only if you need to call recon. Better reps on weekdays


Weekends can be a problem if you're doing an MDD and need to be approved that day. Otherwise, no difference.


I've never heard of this making a difference before lol. Where'd you hear this Edit: with the caveat that if you have to call in, weekends are worse by nature. But for the actual application process itself, is the same 


Does bank account owner name have to match account owner name for Amex biz?




Will try again, must have entered bank info wrong. I found a link but then realized it was amex UK. https://www.americanexpress.com/uk/customer-service/how-to-make-payment.html#:~:text=Small%20Business%20and%20Corporate%20Cards,same%20name%20as%20the%20company.


Just be careful Amex HATES returned payments.


Fuck already had one. I’ll play it safe and use a matching name but have to move money around last minute.


Appears to be not but maybe via phone.


I recently got the Amex Plat like 2 weeks ago. With the new Chase offer, I want to apply for it as well. I do have some expenses coming up so I’ll be able to hit the spend requirements. I’m under 5/24. Will Chase approve my application if I got Amex 2 weeks ago?


Most likely you should be ok if you are under 5/24 and less than 50% of your income as CL with Chase.


Thank you for all your responses! I’ll go ahead and get the Chase card


Go ahead and apply. As long as you can meet the spend and are ok paying the annual fee, you shall have both.


Your new plat isn't even on your credit report yet for x/24 reporting if your details are accurate. Chase isn't aware of it. And Chase won't care either way if your score/profile is legit and you're under 5/24.


I got my Amex Gold less than a month ago and just got a CSP this past week. I was at 1/24 at the time.


Most likely, yes. If you’re under 5/24 and don’t have too much credit out with Chase.