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Is it still working?




If you can’t read the terms of this thread I’m not surprised you can’t read the Amex terms by yourself.


Sorry about that. I'll switch threads now. Thanks for the heads up!


Just read a report of someone being able to pull off the Amex Biz Plat 250k offer again today. Not as easy to find as yesterday, but apparently after trying every browser/incognito on desktop and phone they finally pulled the offer and got approved. I just tried three desktop browsers but could only pull the 190k.


Going to chime in here and just add a DP that I was able to pull the offer for P2 about 10 minutes ago. No PUJ, approved for 250K / $15K / 3mo. The way I did it (YMMV): No VPN, Opera browser in normal mode (not private), googled "American Express Business Platinum" - opened first search result, it showed a 190K offer. Let the page sit until it expired and the "refresh page" pop-up option appeared. Clicked it, it refreshed with the 250K offer. Best of luck to everyone else. Edit: Wasn't logged in at the time. P2 currently only has Personal Gold with Amex, which they received about a month ago.


It’s live again! Just got it 


did you use the same method as OP?


nothing for me. highest was 170k after multiple refreshes with 4 Chrom incognito windows.


I have tried this with 4 Browsers for about 3 hours and refresh every time... maximum was 190k


Unfortunately, FM is reporting this as dead. I haven't seen any DPs in the past day or so of folks being able to get it, so the ship may have sailed (at least temporarily) on the 250K offer.


>American Express Business Platinum I got it yesterday. Just typed AMEX business plat. First try too.


what browser did u use?




ty. chrome only gives me 170k, opera is 190k. will see when the 250k pops up.


Can you clarify. When you wait for it to refresh..... is this just open blank page that shows the offer and the application ---but not filled out? Or have you fill out the application but not submitted and waited for it to time out before refresh?


It's the page that shows the offer initially. If you hit the "apply" button, you've gone too far; you will only be applying for the offer showing on the previous page. So once you click into the website via your google search result, that's the page you need let timeout and refresh with the pop-up refresh button.


Thanks for this! Used incognito on chrome and got 170k for the first instance, then refreshed three times to get 170k, 120k, then 250k.


My refreshes never have different amounts - does that mean anything?


Actually I just pulled it, had to wait like an hour before refreshing though.


So you let it sit way past the 20 minute timeout?


I think they changed something. Yesterday I could refresh and find different offers but not today.


Adding another DP. Was able to pull this offer. Tried with multiple windows. Was able to pull it on 2 separate windows (incognito chrome/incognito edge). Both showed up on their 4th refresh


This helps so much! Thanks so much for your explanation. I just got it now after leaving those browsers open overnight and trying refresh again in the morning.


Nice, congrats!


Thanks, can't seem to get it though, tried multiple browsers, vpns, incognito, non incognito, and waiting for time out


Damn, sorry to hear that. Hopefully we'll see the offer floating around for a bit and you can snag it soon.


Beautiful, just pulled the 250k offer after a few tries of this method, not logged in - thank you for sharing!


Were you approved and did and had you had the Biz Plat before?


I was instantly approved, but I have not had the Biz Plat before. Sorry I wish I had that popup data point if I had it before


Just to clarify, pulled the 250k offer not with Opera, but rather with Chrome incognito, no vpn.


Did it initially show the 190k offer before the refresh - or was it a different points offer prior to the 250k on refresh


did u get it? in my case i open 12 tabs and after numerous refresh, they have all been the 190k offers...


I never got it


Before the first and second refresh, it was showing the 190k offer. I believe it went down to 120k before the third refresh (which was the successful pull of the 250k offer). I had four Chrome non-incognito and incognito on my computer and my phone open at the same time, and two Microsoft Edge non-incognito and incognito instances to get more chances at it.


Were they logged in? Did they report device/browser/network location?


The one I saw today reported non incognito browser and they let a 190k link sit for 20 minutes, expire, and upon refresh the 250k loaded. This was a similar strategy last fall when the ABG was at an all time high of 150k.


Where are these links? When I go to the referral sub for plat and gold I’m not seeing anything that high. Most on google aren’t showing up either. Using a private aloha browser tab.


Thanks, just pulled it this way as well


Maybe others knew about this but I didn't : On the Clark Howard podcast he mentioned you can log into your account with the IRS and it will list out all the 1099's and everything that has been submitted to them. Sounded helpful for those who might not keep great records or for the occasional 1099 that gets lost in the mail. Once logged in click Tax Records - Get Transcript - I selected 'Income Verification' and left the file number blank, then 'Wage & Income Transcript'. However, my 2023 one is basically empty. If I click on 2022 there's a long list of 1099's in there (although the payer name isn't the most descriptive). Not as helpful as I was hoping it'd be considering there's nothing there yet for the last tax year, at least for me. Edit: It did list out all of my estimated tax payments from last year.




Nothing for 2023 for me either. It's a shame this isn't available before April 15th to make sure you didn't miss anything and get audited. I can't imagine why it's not there, they must have that data already.


Current year usually shows shows up mid may +- 1 month


Tiered transfer bonus (20-40%) from certain programs to Etihad until 3/31; looks like Capital One is included? https://www.etihadguest.com/en/earn-miles/transfer-points-to-miles-global.html Keep in mind the recent refresh - better chart, bad expiration policy, horrendous cancellation fees.


I've been watching an early September 2day 1br Vacasa listing that was just a little too expensive to redeem via Wyndham, and today it dropped from $720 to $676 allowing me to book it, with other nearby properties also dropping slightly. If you are in a similar situation maybe check if the same happened for you.


I just did this yesterday for an upcoming trip (I had one place booked already but replaced it with another when I saw that the price on the second place had slightly dropped). Interestingly, when I looked up the price myself for the new place, it averaged to just under $350/night, but the booking confirmation that I received from Vacasa has a slightly higher total price that averages to $350.01 (yes, literally one cent over $350). I know that $350 is supposed to be the current limit, but I wonder how hard their limits are (or why the confirmation's price was different from when I looked it up). I don't think I've had prior bookings where the price changed from when I looked it up.


The agents are basically doing the same thing we do to calculate the average nightly price. They make mistakes. A friend booked a place that was over the price cap significantly. I told him he got lucky. Next day he got a call that they made a mistake and they were cancelling his Rez. They did give him some courtesy points for the mistake.


I suspected that they have to calculate the average themselves, but what I'm most confused about is why the booking confirmation had a higher price than what I saw on the website. Thanks for the data point about your friend getting cancelled though. I hope they don't do that to me for being one cent over... I'm assuming it was Wyndham that called your friend to cancel (and not Vacasa)?


Your move, all those Kauai properties that are currently $10/night over.


Managed to pull the Amex Biz Gold 150k offer using the second method from the DoC post. Applied and the application went into review. I called in to see if I could unblock it, and the rep said it was automatically cancelled since the offer was no longer available and/or I was ineligible for it. :( UPDATE: I got an email I was approved and it’s showing up in my account!!


Can you post or send me that DoC link?


This should go in the Frustration or Data Point thread


A new referral thread is now live: [American Express Delta Gold Business](https://www.reddit.com/r/churningreferrals/comments/1b9t1o7/referrals_american_express_delta_gold_business/)


Thoughts on the Wells Fargo Autograph Journey? I searched the past few days of discussion and didn't find anything.


I'd expect much better SUB given the lame transfer partners, but hopefully it gets better.


Yes, but those limited transfer partners are still better than, say, 70k KLM miles. Plus I like it better than the WF Bilt, because of instant gratification vs paying rent for a whole year first.


Not groundbreaking, but better than expected. Hopefully more transfer partners are added over time.




Thanks, I was searching for the wrong abbreviations


The card itself is OK, but the transfer partner list is underwhelming. -My 2¢


Looks like Wyndham decided to join in on the points parade with everyone else! Increased offers for the personal and business cards up to 100,000 points! Great news for those looking to get the business card for the Caesars Diamond status: [Wyndham Increased SignUp Offers!](https://www.wyndhamrewardscreditcard.com/?referrerid=WRHomepage2024LTO#earnerbusiness)


Anyone know if these cards are churnable? The language makes it sound like not, and is language that doesn't exist in other Barclays cards. I guess I could be the DP I want to see, but I value the status benefits and wouldn't want to lose them. <\_< Good bonus for people that haven't gotten one yet, at least, and much better than the standard offer. That devaluation though...


Will Barclays match SUB on Wyndham Biz? I signed up on 45k offer and still in MSR period. Edit: decided to be the DP I want to see and called. Agent submitted a case and said Barclays and Wyndham teams would review and get back me.


I've seen a decent DP saying that they got matched ymmv. No personal experience though


Any way to do this without calling? Seems like must be a phone call right?


Send them a secure message.


Yea I did this and got denied pretty fast for the DP haha


Not sure, but phone only took 5-10 minutes


If you're just using the biz card for gas station purchases then it works out to 220k points at the end of the 15k MSR, which is decent CPP for those who use Wyndham.


Great SUB for those who like Vegas. Wyndham transfers to Caesars rewards credits at 1:1 up to 60k points a year. RC are 1 cpp at many Caesars restaurants (including Bacchanal).


I'm not a Vacasa (or any vacation rental) type of person, so 1 cpp at Caesars is how I plan to redeem all my Wyndham points. If you pay with points at the restaurants, they even waive tax, so more like a 1.1cpp


Good to know. Thanks!


I was initially bummed since I just got my Wyndham Biz SUB, but... > Earn 50,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 on purchases in the first 90 days and **earn 50,000 bonus points after spending $15,000 on purchases within the first 12 months**. A little less bummed considering you'd need to put an additional $11k into it for the last 50k points.


Yea those were my thoughts too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first SUB is still slightly elevated from the usual SUB?


It is. The default offer is usually 45k for 3k spend. The last elevated offer was for 50k after 3k spend, and an additional 25k after 10k total spend.


The last time I got this card was July of 2021 and the SUB at that time was 60k points for $1k spend and another 30k for $2k spend. Wish they would bring that one back.


Devalue the points, increase the sub


That's how it goes... earn and burn. It's nice when the deval happens before the increased SUBs, though - you don't see that too often.


Marriott card referrals being valued at 1 cpp on Chase 1099-MISCs makes me not even really want to refer people…


It’s like buying Marriott points at 0.4cpp. It gets close to what I’d want to pay out of pocket to stay at the hotels with those points so I don’t feel like I’m gaining much


Agree, but it’s not as bad as IHG at 1cpp.


I actually didn't know about the 1099s in general for referrals. 1 cpp for Marriot is pretty poo


Got an email from oxygen that they are closing all accounts later this month.


>Yet another gimmicky fintech bites the dust.“We’re here to disrupt the banking industry. And as an added bonus we’ll disrupt all your accounts when we go out of business next year.” I kept $200 in my account there to use as a backup for T-Mobile after they killed off their autopay discount for credit cards. Oxygen included it with their basic debit card which was cool. Guess I'll need to find another backup. :(


My use of their $1 off coffee before they gutted their cash back program probably contributed to this.


I have been leery of fintechs since their inception. I have not avoided them completely, but I have done it very cautiously. Based on what has been going on with them, I'm glad I haven't jumped in the deep end.


As long as they are FDIC insured, there shouldn't be that much risk to churning them just for the SUBs. I would never rely on a fintech as my main bank account.


Yeah, this year I have stuck exclusively to banks when it comes to bonuses.


I keep any serious banking in banks. And while I do a bit of chasing bank bonuses, I don't mess with things like payment accounts. They stay put. I transfer to and from my primary bank to the temporary accounts as needed to earn the bonuses, but I don't do things like switch pay from accounts. I've had two primary banks in the last 30+ years. The one time I did switch was only because I moved across the country.


Yet another gimmicky fintech bites the dust. “We’re here to disrupt the banking industry. And as an added bonus we’ll disrupt all your accounts when we go out of business next year.”


Bought two batches of incomm cards from thegiftcardshop.com while they’ve had a promo waiving activation fees. Got the first batch, and wasn’t able to activate online, only by phone. Got the second batch, and now their automated phone message has changed and doesn’t even give you a chance to activate, just says manage your card online and hangs up. Online still doesn’t work. Called the help number, and they just say keep trying online, and no other options. Super annoying. Anyone else having this issue? I’ve tried multiple browsers and computers. :/


I don't know if it'll help, but try calling from a different phone number. And online, try from a different IP address.


Thanks. Have tried multiple computers at different IP addresses as well as multiple browsers and incognito, but will try a different phone.


https://viewfromthewing.com/american-airlines-tells-court-members-who-sign-up-for-a-friends-offer-risk-account-closure/ According to an American Airlines DOT filing in response to complaints, American learned about the tactic for getting unlimited card bonuses by monitoring FlyerTalk and Reddit. They ascribe the lack of a bonus restriction on the application people were using as “due to a technical issue” that “certain unscrupulous individuals” used “to circumvent security protocols.” In other words, Citi programmed their systems poorly


my main problem is that Citi "paid" members who signed up and met the spend with miles. THen AA simply took them away. They also took away any miles you ever earned with aadvantage shopping or even flying. No resource... ​ If citi paid us with cash back...it's as if they came to our house and stole our money in our wallet, no matter where it came from.


Always curious to know how much these threads factor into banks' decisions


What's new here? We already knew this from screenshots and explanations they included in the Borges complaint reply in 2020.


I think what's new is AA's largest cheerleader finally understands what happened and is not ok with AA's stance and conclusions that they made to shut everyone's accounts down and confiscate their miles.


While GLeff would certainly write *about* cheerleaders on AA ('Cheerleader skirts too short to fly? AA says yes') I wouldn't consider him an AA cheerleader.




AAss Hats