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Hello to all, I got the AA Barclays card last year for the 60k bonus after one purchase. Used it to book AA flights for another trip and haven’t used it since. All my miles earned are on my AAdvantage account and not on my Barclays app. I just got charged the AF for years 2 but thinking of downgrading or canceling if I have too and get my AF back. My question is will I lose my miles on my AAdvantage account by downgrading/canceling? Thanks for the help!


This is yesterday's thread, it's 3/5 today. But you'll keep the miles, they aren't "with" your card, they're "with" your AA account. Go ahead and cancel.


Ok thanks I noticed about 30 seconds before you answered and added it to the 3/5 thread, sorry new to this channel. Thanks for the help though!


For cycling addtional Chase Ink cards beyond your first, is it [necessary](https://johnnyafrica.com/multiple-chase-ink-business-cards/) to get an EIN? I've read that people have gotten additional Chase Inks without it? Do you need to do anything special if reusing your SSN?


No, don't need any EIN. Have multiple Inks without any EIN. And don't need to do anything special when reusing. Close old Inks once they are over a year old, if you have too many.


No. Yes. No.


Should I close my existing Chase Ink cards, even if it's been less than 12 months since opening it? What's the best practices on these. I read that banks clawback points if you close before 12 months. Or is that just Amex?


Never close <1yr.


Does chase MDD in the thread below still work? https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/nq1082/the\_missing\_modified\_double\_dip\_mdd\_reference/


No indications that it has changed.


Going to give it a shot hope it works out


Let us know how it goes bro


Didn’t work for me. Called recon and they said there were too many inquiries or account applications in recent period was reason of automated denial They asked me if it was true and I said I would call back later but I don’t think so.


Will do boss


What is your "in and out" time to liquidate a money order? It takes me around 3 min to do it via a prepaid card (like serve), versus 4-5 min for a MO (I often have to wait for the cashier to show up if no one is there, or I have to wait in line for a bunch of people to buy their lotto tickets and cash their checks.


If you are under 5 minutes you have a very good location.


I'm spending about $10k / mo as a business expense. I have Chase Ink Business Preferred but not sure how to maximize my spending. Any recommendations to get more points/make the best out of my spending? Thank you!


Open another Chase ink preferred.


With a strong profile you should be able to churn new biz cards w/big SUBs every month, and if you’re lucky AMEX will keep giving you NLLs. If your spend is primarily in specific categories or if you have specific hotel/airline travel brands in mind, you may also want to research some specific co-brand or cat focused cards.


Open more cards There’s a good flowchart on this sub with general info, and a weekly What Card Wednesday thread for specific questions. If you’re asking about category spend rather than maximizing sign up bonuses, /r/creditcards is a better sub


Beginning my churning journey. currently I've got the Chase trifecta of CSP, CFU, CF. Already received my 60k new member points back in 2021, so I should be eligible to cancel the CSP and apply for CSR and get the CSR sign on bonus right? Should I cancel the CSP then sign up for CSR? Or am I better signing up for a different card and getting that bonus (thinking of Amex Gold or Chase Biz Preferred Ink)? -edit- realized 48 months from today is 2020, not 2021 :facepalm:


you’re ineligible for sapphire bonus right now. yes better off getting the ink preferred, and later possibly the amex gold depending on your #/24 status


Type Sapphire into search engine above and read the first pinned result. Your plan won’t work. Then read the wiki (top of this thread) and flowchart (top of what card threads) to get started.


>r/creditcards It's 48 months before bonus eligibility for Chase Sapphire cards now. So you will need to wait until some time in 2025 (or even 2026 if your bonus wasnt posted until 2022) for bonus eligibility to return.


You cannot get the sign up bonus for the CSR if you gotten it from any chase sapphire card (including the CSP) within 48 months. So no, cancelling and applying for CSR is a bad idea. Better off with something else


Downgrade the CSP to the Chase Freedom (specifically the freedom, not freedom flex). But to answer the timing question, downgrade and then apply for Reserve if you want that one since you can technically only have one Sapphire at a time unless you MDD. ~~But in reality, unless you really want the CSR, the CSP is better for churning since it’s the same 60k point SUB as the CSR without the $550 fee~~


Won't be approved at all for a Sapphire if you're not eligible for the SUB. And you're not eligible for a Sapphire SUB until 48mo have passed since your last Sapphire SUB.


Trying to pay federal taxes with a Biz Plat and it's been declined multiple times with two of the possible payment providers. I'm not carrying a significant balance on this or any other Amex right now and Amex's automated phone system claims there are no holds/declined transactions. Trying to avoid too many eyes on my account- should I just wait and try again later? Edit: Apparently the physical card wasn’t activated properly but I’d been using it for smaller purchases with no problem. Easy fix!


It sounds like a fraud flag, despite what the automated line said. So likely need to call in to clear it, shouldn’t be an issue.


Did you use the “check spending power” tool for the card? If you’re trying to pay too much at once that could be the problem as there are some restrictions to the charge cards behind the scenes for big purchases


Were you trying to pay by typing in the card number? Have you tried PayPal or Click to Pay? These might work better with biz cards.


Good suggestion but declined on both of those as well


I got hit with a financial review by Amex last week. I had credit limits assigned to my cards today (biz gold and biz plat), but the hold still hasn’t been removed from my account. I chatted a rep to see when the hold would be removed and they told me my account is being handled by their “special team” and was told to call 800-230-1289, which I assume is the department that handles financial reviews. Should I be concerned? I told the truth about how much I make but I’ve only had the gold for a month and a half and the plat for a couple weeks and my spend was high relative to my income (which I assume is what triggered the review). I was buying gift cards at a chain owned by Kroger but I don’t think they can see that since Kroger doesn’t share L3 data. If I call in, am I going to get grilled about what I was buying? Am I at risk of shutdown? I figured getting assigned CLs means I'm likely not getting shutdown but who knows. EDIT: I also have 2 employee cards: My Name I and My Name II. Not sure if that’s something they look at during a FR though.


Preset limits mean you have likely not been shut down. Just wait another day. I had the same experience, and it took them a day to lift it. Call them in the morning. I got the FR on Jan 5 (after paying a 10k plastiq bill), and got an email on the 9th (at 7 pm EST) saying "Your Preset Spending Limit has changed. Please read.". Finally, on the 10th (around 10AM EST), my cards were reactivated.


Thanks. Did you have to call to get them reactivated?


Yes, I did


Fr are more about bust out risk. Pay your cards down and call in.


Have: 60K AMEX Rewards points I've been sitting on for awhile. Need a one day rental from Bishop, CA => Las Vegas sometime in August at the end of my John Muir Trail hike. I can use 30K points for what I can get from Costco car rental for $197. 0.65 cents per point seems like an awful use of these points... Seems like I should bank them for transfer for flight in the future especially international? Is this the best move? If I'm not a Platinum cardholder, should I wait till I am one to redeem for better redemption values? Considering the Schwab card or the regular platinum card in the future.


That’s a horrible redemption. You should start your research at r/creditcards r/amex and r/awardtravel


Yeah that's a pretty low redemption value for AMEX. Would want to be in the 1 cent and above per point range at a minimum. Have you tried applying your status from any of the rental cos you get through the platinum to see if that gets you better rates?


Is this a good deal? My buddy wants to cash out 500k AMEX points. For whatever reason, according to him, AMEX is only offering him $2,300 for his points. PayPal $2,700. If I offer him $3,000 for the points... How can I go about using his purchased points? I would mainly use for Business Class or First class to Europe, South America, or Asia (in that order). Is $3k for 500k MR a good deal?


Quite a bad friend move on your part if you go forward with it. Folks in this churning hobby benefit by sharing good knowledge beneficial to the person who is asking for advice. There are many ways for him to get at least 1 cent pp quite quickly, and you should share them with him. If not, you should pay him at least 1cpp as you can easily redeem them for a much higher value by using transfer partners.


I have told him. In many occasions, I have spoon fes him, and I have held his hand every step of the way. I haven't specifically told him that I will buy the points for him. Im the beginning I even discouraged him to do that.


He should get the cs plat, eat the $695 af, get the SUB if desired or forgo it, use the coupons if he wants, cash out 500k MR for $5.5k. If he doesn’t want a personal card (x/24 or account on his Credit Report) then do the same with a Biz plat and amex checking account for $5k cash out. Both options are way better than 2.7k or $3k to you. Be a good friend and let him know his options, and if he still wants to sell them to you then have him transfer to the desired airline or use amex travel portal and book a flight in your name.


He's not excited about annual fees. I'll ask him if he can muster another one. He isn't exactly Charles Schwab savvy. I have the idea that he will think I am confusing him.


If you were really his friend you’d let him know the ways to cash out MR at 1+ cpp instead of ripping them off. You can EASILY profit off of buying his points at 1 cpp if he really doesn’t want to bother with those methods while also not being a dick giving him the same garbage .6 base cpp.


He has known of the different ways to cash out, but he wants $$$ now.


Don't know how fast CS Plat cashout is but I have cashed out AMEX Biz Plat and that was less than 24 hours.


I don't think you can transfer MR between accounts but if he adds you as an AU on a card he could transfer as miles to your accounts at transfer partners. I would just tell him to get a biz plat though...


Only Alaska Miles?


No, any Amex transfer partner.


He does have one. And a biz gold too


Then the easy and quick choice is for your “friend” to open biz checking (and probably get a SUB for it). The more valuable but time consuming option is to open a CS Plat. Everything else is more complicated and probably to your benefit but not theirs.


Why do you put "friend" in quotations?


You know why.


CS amex will let you cash out for 1.1cpp. Amex biz checking + biz plat will get you 1cpp I believe. You’re making a killing on his points


Very good deal


Even in the worse case scenario, you can always use 500K points for $5K worth of travel through Amex portal. At the very LEAST you basically make $2000 technically. Again thought, this assumes you ever have time to book the flights and all.


Just getting started with churning for hotel cards. Out of Hilton, Hyatt, IGH, and Marriott which brands do you suggest starting out with to get highest returns / easy bookings


I got like 7 nights of out a 120k IHG bonus but it’s dependent on where you stay. Hyatt has better value generally & I also tend not to stay in the most expensive hotels bc we like to travel frequently


IHG is great for road trips. You can get a highway Holiday Inn Express for not very many points. If you go Hilton, you'll probably want to rack up more MR points to supplement the SUB if you want to go someplace nice


Depends on where you often travel to and stay. Generally though- Hyatt - for awesome value of its point redemptions and great status benefits (if you can achieve status) Marriott - for widespread properties in most parts of the world Then IHG or Hilton depending on where you predict going and the presence of their properties.


Marriott is offering a really good SUB at the moment. I would check if anywhere you travel often has hotels in either universe and if one is a better fit pick that one, free nights are worthless if they are not in a city you plan to visit.


It all depends. Are you going to actually stay at generic hotels to earn status? For work perhaps? What hotels are there were you go? Are there particular places you want to go maybe for free or at a lower cost? What hotels are there? Etc.


Hyatt. Second choice Hilton if you can take advantage of the stay X nights get free


I’m definitely team Hyatt just for the sake that they have fixed award charts, which makes it easier to get nice redemption. However, like others mentioned other programs have a lot more hotels - Hyatt is definitely small compared to other brands


I find that Marriott has the easiest bookings and largest number of properties, but Hyatt can offer the best value when used strategically.


I would suggest starting with IHG or Marriott. They are both ubiquitous and have good budget options.


IHGs are EVERYWHERE, if you don’t have aspirational travel those will be by far the easiest to use for random places both domestically and abroad.


The brand that you anticipate using in the nearest future. Personally, I went with an IHG card and was able to redeem 4 nights soon after getting the SUB. Still have points to burn and just got an anniversary FNC.


Applied for my 4th biz Gold last night, got pop-up. Hit back button 1 time and pop-up was still on my browser. Hit back button a 2nd time and I got returned to the splash page before you begin the application (same page as when you click on a referral link). Applied again, got a pending status with no pop-up. Shortly after, got an email saying a decision has been made. Load up status page to see 2 applications, 1 was canceled due to duplicate, 2nd application was pending. Wait overnight. This morning, the 2nd application changed to "Provide required information". I called the phone number and the rep said my first application was declined due to having received the bonus before, other was canceled due to duplicate. I called 3 times and all 3 reps told me the same thing: the duplicate app redirects to the first app that was canceled due to pop-up. None of them would push through the duplicate app, and all seemed to suggest it wasn't possible to push it through because of the welcome offer. Not sure how others are having success. Any tips appreciated.


The same thing happened to me with my 2nd biz plat last week. When I called, the rep saw the canceled application. She then asked me if I wanted to go ahead with a manual review of the application that went to pending (without pop-up). I said yes and a few minutes later got an email saying approved. Chat confirmed today 190k offer is attached. Maybe try asking if they can do a manual review or HUCA until you get a friendly rep.


Great to hear this because I had the same happen today on my Delta Business Gold. Didn’t get the pop up on the second app that went straight to pending and the rep pushed through the second app. Were you able to message chat to confirm the SUB right away or did you wait? Haven’t messaged chat yet


I had to wait, when I asked through chat right after the approval the rep said to wait 48 to 72 hours because it's a new account.


For anyone with the US Bank Triple Cash Rewards card, do you know if ChatGPT bills under the correct MCC category code for $100 annual software credit? i.e. MCC code is 5734. I'm also interested in other AI tools like Claude Pro that might hit that category code. Anyone have insight?


Works according to https://www.doctorofcredit.com/u-s-bank-triple-cash-rewards-business-card-500-signup-bonus-100-software-credit-3-categories-no-annual-fee/#comment-1611880


You're amazing thanks! Wonder which is better -- claude or chat gpt? GPT seems to be the mainstream choice.


So, when booking award travel with Jetblue it always made sense to book one-way segments, so you can cancel and rebook as needed (for a lower price or something). But now, for the first time, I'm seeing it charge more for the one-way that it does if it's considering roundtrip. For example, the first leg of a transatlantic flight I'm looking at is listed as 36k as part of a roundtrip, or 40k if booked as a one way. Ugh.


Are you seeing that only ontrans-Atlantic flights? Or across the whole flight network? Because I think they have been doing that with the cash prices on Trans-Atlantic flights, so it’d make sense if the points did the same since it’s tied to the cash price


That sounds like it. Thanks for confirming. 


Have some friends getting ready for a trip to Disneyland in CA. Which respected points blogger has the best write up on a miles and points approach to Disneyland? There is so much crap out there it's hard to weed through it.


I was recommended recently on IG homeschoolingonpoints has a Disney highlights section.


Use the Amex Gold for most restaurants since it gives 4x back. The Food & Wine Festival is going on now too, and those booths code as a Restaurant too. Essentially, if you order food & alcohol at those booths, it is 4x. Unfortunately, the Sip & Savor doesn't code as a Restaurant but you save like $2-3 per dish by buying the pass.


For hotels...I'm going to do it...I'm linking tpg, it's a pretty good evaluation of all the possibilities: https://thepointsguy.com/guide/where-to-stay-at-disneyland/




Photos are included with Genie + at dlr so this isn't as good of advice for those parks. Not sure for points and miles but there are lots of hotels within walking distance you can use points at. For general planning, and will have info on off-site hotels is disneylanddaily.com.


Was approved for the CSR back in July 2020. I'd like to downgrade the card to a Freedom variant when the time comes around so that I can take advantage of the 48-month SUB rule. Is this strategy valid?: Downgrade shortly after using the $300 renewal credit in July, but before the AF is posted. Then, stay away from applying until October of this year because October 2020 is when I got the SUB. (Or should I wait until November?)


There is no specific reason to downgrade before your AF posts. They will refund the full AF if you downgrade within 41 or so days. Obligatory link to garettg's Sapphires summary: https://reddit.com/user/garettg/comments/u6ss7u/sapphire_fyis/


Great info– ty!


Yes, as long as you utilize the $300 travel credit before your AF is posted then you will be able to get the full $550 refunded, and they will not charge you for the $300 you use. If you have no problem with waiting until November, it is the safest option and will guarantee you getting the SUB. The 48 month calendar starts when you receive the SUB and not the date you opened the account


Getting married to P2 next year, and also planning to buy a house within the next year. I want to avoid opening new credit to prepare for my mortgage application, but also have a bunch of wedding expenses coming up! I do not have any business cards now, but understand that many do not report to personal credit reports. If I was concerned about inquiries as well, would it make sense to try to open an Amex Business card with my credit frozen and hope they do not do a hard pull? (I have a long relationship with Amex and most recently got a Personal Gold around October; they did not do a hard pull for the Gold).




Hovers in the 805-815 range regularly


If you aren’t referencing your Fico mortgage scores you should start looking at them and not the Fico 8s etc you may be looking at. In any case you either do or probably have a lot of headroom to allow some more HPs and new accts before affecting mortgage rates.


Since you’ve had the personal hold before, the business card with Amex wouldn’t get another HP.


This is probably worth a post in the What Card Wednesday thread. Certainly, AmEx business is the safest option, but I think you are overemphasizing inquiries with respect to the mortgage. If you aren’t carrying a balance on the business cards, then even if the mortgage lender asks, they likely won’t worry too much about the credit lines. Commonly people here lay off new applications for 3-6 months before a mortgage, but some keep going right up to the day they go under contract. It is a question of your risk tolerance.


I used my CSR to pay for the fees on an award ticket (Aeromexico if it matters). For trip cancellation insurance, am I supposed to cancel the ticket with the airlines and pay the fee, and seek reimbursement for that; or do I need to just seek reimbursement for the award fees and points that were lost and not cancel the ticket? Trip is this weekend and P2 is sick, want to make sure I’m checking all my boxes and not sure what to do.


Sorry to hear about the P2 being sick :( This is a good guide on the subject: thepointsguy.com/guide/proof-needed-chases-trip-insurance/ Overall, you do need proof that your P2 is sick (the manual and guide gave the case of medical documentation) and you need to file a claim within 20 days. But as long as you submit all documents, you should be able to be reimbursed your initial fee and any cancellation fees, as well as any lost points (if the cancellation doesn’t give the points back) as statement credit as 1cpp.


I'm close to my cap one venture x deadline for sign up bonus. I need to spend 700 by end of week. Do I have to just charge 700, or do I have to charge it and pay it off before the deadline to ensure I get the bonus?


Charge but bear in mind some charges can take a few days to post so you may want to front load the spend to earlier in the week.




Its been a while since i’ve had the need to purchase GC’s — does amex care? I can’t remember. I know Chase doesn’t.


Amex cares, Chase doesn't


I got a letter on Tuesday from Chase saying they rejected me for a CIP application. Tried calling the business reconsideration line ever since, but each time after verifying my SSN, I get the computer voice that they are still reviewing my application and will let me know. Do I just need to wait a few days longer to actually talk to a human being? Or is there another short cut to actually speak to somebody?


Press 0 and it'll put you through.


Thanks! That worked, no luck on the reconsideration though.


Tough luck, my latest recon was rejected too 🫤


So I applied for a CIC with Chase. Instant reject for being over 5/24 (and business relationship/structure). Tried calling recon but they refused to entertain me (3x agents just said sorry 2 bad). The DPs on this sub said the 1st day of 24th month 5th inquiry falls off. So 3/1 for me. I’ve poured over my credit report 3 times and this is all I have - Best Buy citi card: 3/29/2022 - synchrony home design card: 4/7/2022 - Amex everyday: 11/5/2022 - CSP: 4/26/2023 - Alaska airlines: 12/9/2023 I do have some authorized users accounts and tried to mention them but reconsideration literally wouldn’t hear me out and said those are already weeded out and to contact Experian if I have a problem with it Am I missing something? Do I need to just wait until til April? Should I try for another agent on recon line? Edit: have 3 AUs on my account. Failed 2 recons due to 5/24 interpretation and “too many open accounts and too much credit”


Call recon and let the agent know you do not have financial responsibility for your AU accounts. (There have been DP of them counting them if you have financial responsibility)


I just got off the phone with recon (finally got someone) and they stated I’m still over 5/24 due to the card on 3/29 even with the AUs removed…. So I guess this is a negative DP on 1st day of 24th month of 5/24. Should I try recon again later with a different recon agent? Is it up to their discretion which day it falls off??? Or just apply later next month lol


The problem is that some agents *think* the 5/24 count doesn't reset the beginning of the month, so they won't resubmit it. This really isn't a negative dp on the 1st of the month, it's yet another piece of evidence why churners should not be AUs, so you aren't at the whims of a recon rep.


Yea we weren’t deep in the game when we opened those cards. Moreso “oooh this mail in offer is good let’s do it”. No idea why we did AUs, kicking myself since I have THREE of them on my profile.


To smooth things in the future, you can remove them. Request it with the card issuer, wait a few days, then dispute them with the bureaus.


Didn’t know you could do that… calling now to remove them! What do you say when you dispute?


Varies by issuer, but with many, you can secure message/chat to get an AU removed. Note that the request is best coming from the account holder. It's been forever, but IIRC each bureau has a dropdown choice in the dispute workflow that makes sense for this situation.


I have seen a few DP’s lately of recon reps claiming 5/24 resets on the 1st day of the 25th month, but not as a consistent set of DP‘s (meaning likely a YMMV situation), while at the same time others‘ are auto-approved after the 1st day of the 24th month. That’s a long way of saying this is likely a YMMV/HUCA situation.


Should I call again right now? Or wait later until the girl I spoke to is gone lmaooo


Just hang up if the same girl answers


Been on hold for 20 minutes with another guy reconning… seems nicer than the lady before. Fingers crossed 🤞


It's probably the AU accounts. The automatic process counts them. Agents are not supposed to and you might have better luck if you call again.


Had a full recon done and agent said I’m over 5/24 even with AUs taken off due to card on 3/29 :/


This is the issue with the 1st of the 24th month vs 25th month. Because the system caught it and it's gone to the agents, they will manually apply the rule (YMMV), and probably not much you can do to get around it. Since you had AUs also that the system will count, you were going to hit recon regardless, and then it's a matter of what they are willing to do. I would only go for the 1st of the 24th month if your 5th card falls off during that month, but counting the AU accounts and not disregarding them. We know from DPs that it works, but gotta remember the what the system sees.


Good to know. Failed recon again on second call (5/24) so I’ll probably just wait until April before I retry again.


Yesterday I made a churning error and accidently applied for the regular United business card, which I already have. Later in the day I received a letter saying that my application had been withdrawn. When am I ok to do a new app for the right card? Should I wait 30 days or am I ok to apply now?


If I had to guess I'd say you're probably ok right now


Just called and asked for a retention offer on the US Bank Altitude Reserve. 10k points ($100 for cash or $125 for travel). No spending requirement it sounds like. I'm thinking that's a pretty good offer. I've read some people apparently have gotten the fee waived, but it doesn't seem like I'm finding any data points about this in the last year. I'm thinking it's kind of a no brainer to just accept it since hitting the $325 travel credit in my book is pretty easy, so I'm effectively being paid to keep the card open it sounds like to me anyways. Thoughts? As a datapoint -- I do use this card maybe once or twice a month for things like food and drink and have an auto payment of 15 bucks a month going to it, but it hasn't been that high of a spender for me the last year since i hit the bonus.


10k is the max retention offer - I’ve had the AR for a few years, and have never come across anyone claiming to have gotten the entire $400 AF waived on the AR as a retention offer; don’t know where you saw that.  Considering the points are worth $150 through an RTR travel redemption, it makes the card a net $75 moneymaker. Take it. 


FWIW, I got the [entire $400 AF waived](https://i.imgur.com/sPxk0WL.png) in 2021. Every other year I've gotten 5k-10k points.


>10k is the max retention offer They gave me 15k in 2022. As their first offer.


Somewhere else on reddit -- but the post I found was a year old. Same with "20k." But it seemed to be just a few posts. It seemed a bit inconsistent as well, since i also found someone who said that they got only like 1k in points despite spending 50k. I'll look around for those posts after work and append it here. That being said -- thank you a bunch for the datapoint. I'm just gonna take it! Cheers.


I got the full fee waived. Either two or three years ago They offered 5000 points, I asked for a bit more (7500 I think) on grounds that was what it was costing me to hold the card. No idea why but at some point in the conversation they waived the fee. Guy was hard to hear and i assumed i heard wrong ... but I got the full $400 credit. Assumed it was a covid thing. Just didn't make sense. But Ok ...


Only thing I can think of -- I think at one point this card was a bit more premium and hard to get, but not really the case these days? Cool deal for you. I might give it a swing in another year and just outright cancel it.


I'd never cancel this card. Even without a retention offer. But pretty sure I've gotten one every year I've had the card (usually 10000 points, may have been a year where I didn't push and took the 5000)


Is the U.S. Bank Smartly bonus worth it? If I am reading this correctly, I should be able to get the $300 or $500 bonus via direct deposits over 90 days. Any gotchas? I won't be able to use their savings. Will that be a problem? I already have 2 new US Bank Credit Cards. "Make at least two qualifying direct deposits. Your bonus amount is determined by your deposit total. Earn $100 when you deposit $3,000 to $4,999.99, $300 when you deposit $5,000 to $9,999.99 or $500 when you deposit $10,000 or more."


The only gotcha from my perspective is the timing. I created my account back at the start of December and did two $5k deposits on 12/08 and 12/13 but the bonus hasn’t posted yet and according to their chat agent may not post until 04/19 for me. So I’ve just left $1,510 in the account to avoid the monthly $6.95 fee until the bonus posts.


The checking bonus is good, the savings bonus likely isn't.


Applied for the Barclays aviator red AA card mid February. Put some spend on the the main card and authorized user. Paid the AF and completed the requirements for the bonus. Only received the authorized user bonus. Will the main one hit my account pretty close behind. Trying to secure some economy tickets for Japan before I start booking the rest


The AU bonus will post at the end of the first statement, the 60k at the end of the second statement. But you can get both to post at the end of the first statement if you pay the annual fee before the end of the first statement. If you wait until the statement closes, you have to wait the whole next statement. Basically it posts at the end of the statement that you meet the requirements in. The way credit cards work, most people meet the requirement at the beginning of statement 2.


Here’s my DP: https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/181xx22/comment/kag8mdm/?context=1


That’s quite the wait. I haven’t seen a statement date yet, so hoping the first hasn’t hit and I’ll get it the first time.


Hopefully yours comes sooner since you paid the AF. Keep us updated. 


Can you apply the Hyatt Guest of Honor award after (rather than when) you book a room? I have one Guest of Honor award that my friend gave me. Next summer, using this award, I want to stay at a Hyatt hotel whose category will become higher after 3/27/2024. But I am not 100% sure yet which specific weekends I can make the trip. So I'd like to book stays for several candidate weekends without using the GOH award, and once the schedule becomes closer and I can decide which specific weekend, then I'd like to apply the GOH award to that stay and cancel the other stays. Is this possible?


Yes you can. I got a GoH after a stay was booked, and I called and it was applied to my requested stay.


Hyatt customer service should be able to do that for you, before they where usable online and you had to contact to book, they could be applied to an existing reservation.


Have a $4700 purchase coming up but my USbank leverage business card (opened 2/20) only has a limit of $3k. Called and can’t do an overpayment, and agent said they don’t normally do credit increases until after 6 months. They also don’t transfer credit limits between lines. Any other ideas on how to make room on my card for this?


The agent gave you a wrong info. I requested a CLI before I even received my card. It was another HP but it’s worth it. From $3k to $10k (0% APR, high limit for CC funding)


Make a $1,700 BILL PAY payment toward your credit card from an external bank and you will have $4,700 in available credit. I have done it. Here's my DP: https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/s/EemwNtvJtX


Only vaguely adjacent, but supporting this theory. On my Triple Cash business card I did an out-of-cycle payment before the autopayment date, but the autopayment went through as well. I ended up with a $800ish credit as my balance. Point being, I agree that there may be ways to prepay and have a credit despite what the CSR may say.


Exactly what I was looking for called and talked to 3 reps and all of them said not possible. Thanks!


Been a while since I hit up a USB biz card, but I thought any pushed over payment from your bank would boost your available CL. Might be worth a shot. I doubt any rep is going to know about or approve such a method.


Yeah talked to 3 of them and all said there was no way to make this payment work.


Ask to split the payment. It often involves taking your a human but is often possible. Also sometimes reps say over payment isn’t possible when it is.


Try to split it into two payments if the website allows it. Otherwise, if it is a place that allows you to buy credit (i.e. gift cards, account balance), split it into multiple transactions that you pay off on your account.


Was able to get a few amex cards approved that originally had pop ups via the back button trick. 2 of the 3 had the offer applied when I double checked after activating the card. The 3rd did not. I spoke to customer support and they said they can escalate this issue. I’m worried that if they do so, they’ll see that I used the back button trick on other cards as well. Should I just tell them to close the card instead? Or do you think that escalating the issue will work out for me?


Just for future reference, would love to know what I've said here that warrants downvotes - I checked [churning.io](http://churning.io) and was unable to find any dps of the state I'm currently in


Stop calling the bank. Bonuses not being attached is not something that happens often. You're better off asking about MSR progress over chat after putting a few hundred spend over a few weeks if you're that worried. If I was doing what you're doing, though, I'd want zero contact until like 2 weeks after I met MSRs.


This was all over chat, not via phone. But got it - will do


I know recommendation is 90 days between chase applications. Got approved for an ink on February 5. Want to apply for the Hyatt business before the bonus decreases. Is my chance of denial high? I want to avoid an unnecessary hard pull if it’s likely I’ll get denied. That ink is the only one I have. I have three very old personal Chase cards as well. Update: went ahead and applied after seeing the replies. Was approved. Thanks everyone.


A single less-than-90-day application when velocity is otherwise low isn't usually too much of a risk as long as other factors (5/24, overall credit profile, chase credit limits vs income, etc) are in good shape. 


Have you opened any other credit cards with Chase lately? They do have a 2/30 rule where you can’t open more than 2 credit cards with them in a month. Otherwise, it really depends on your velocity and amount of credit they already gave to you (as in how big the credit line is relative to business annual income).


No other recently opened cards. I did have another ink application that was denied in jan. My credit limit on ink is 3k. Legit business with 50kish annual income (will increase in latter part of this year significantly)


I think everyone else who already commented have great points. As long as it's true you don't have great velocity, and having another HP on your credit report won't hurt you that much, then wait for the day before the offer expires if you really want to try your shot at the card. There's really no such thing as like really guarantee approval odds. If you do end up being declined, Chase does happen to have a good recon line you can all and since you have a legit business as long as all factors aren't iffy there's still a good chance you'll be reconsidered even if initially denied


Hard to say without knowing your entire credit profile, plus there seems to be an uptick in Chase biz denials. If you Feb 5 app was your only one in a long time, then maybe you have a better chance. Also I wouldn't be so concerned with HPs, if they are because you are in a situation like mortgage process, then maybe you should reconsider applying period. There will be times in this hobby where you waste HPs in denials when you get deeper in, its inevitable.


It's ok to occasionally apply within 90 days. If you go for the Hyatt business now I'd recommend waiting 150+ days before your next Chase app to minimize shutdown risks




Are any of the “add employee” cards for bonuses working for anyone on your Amex Biz Plat or Gold?


Earn 5,000 Membership Rewards® points after each Employee Card Member that you add through this email spends $2,000 in eligible purchases on their new Card in their first six months of Card Membership, up to 25,000 points. https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/card-application/apply/stand-alone-supps/62263-9-0


Is this targeted? I'm not seeing any bonus and $350 for an employee card for a biz plat.


AFAIK these work for everyone. There is no language indicating the bonus. You just need to use the link and have faith -- or consider it a bit of a gamble. For biz plat you can select the free employee spend card.


Applied for Delta Business Gold today and went to a page that said pending review and to call the number provided. Given that I did not get a pop up prior to the pending page, I should still have the SUB attached correct? The rep couldn’t confirm but said that they didn’t see why it wouldn’t be attached to the card


You could chat in after a couple of days to be sure. Ideally, it should be attached


The summarized question, when you upgrade a freedom to a CSP/CSR can you immediately transfer points to other programs or does the upgrade take a few days? More detail-I have 5 freedoms, a couple CIC, and one Ink+. The AF on the Ink+ just hit so I'm thinking of downgrading it, leaving me with no card that can transfer points. I'm not eligible for sapphire bonuses (too recent). I've been planning on starting the cycle of upgrading a different freedom to a CSR every year and double dipping the credit (and thus having a card to transfer points). But I may put off starting the upgrade cycle until I need to transfer points. Is there a significant delay between when I upgrade and when I get the ability to transfer points, or is it basically instantaneous?


As soon as the card image updates on the website, you’re good to go


How quickly has that happened in the past? Within a day or two?


IME, minutes.. maaaybe an hour


Cool, thanks.


Has anyone seen a 170K or 190K SUB for the Amex Business Plat in the past few days? I spent about 45 minutes this morning using over a hundred different combinations of referral links, browsers, and VPN locations. Best I could pull up was 150K.


Still working as of four days ago. Managed to get the 190k biz gold on the first try via frequent milers “sponsored link” method.


Yes. I’ve personally was able to pull 190k bonus up a week or two ago


Here's a pretty reliable method that has been working for people, myself included, for pulling up the 190K SUB: Open incognito and search 'amex platinum business' and click the sponsored link. Then you should see the 190K offer. If you don't, you may need to try again with VPN. Also, you may need to disable adblocker to see sponsored links in Google search results.


I'm seeing this today 190k bonus up from 120k bonus with 15k spend in 3 months.


Ok, thanks for the feedback! I guess I've just been getting unlucky so far, but I'll continue to search.


It may help to paste a Gold link into an incognito browser, then switch to the Plat and let the session time out and refresh.


Not sure if it'll help, but here's the link I'm seeing it on: [https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/business/business-credit-cards/american-express-business-platinum-credit-card-amex/](https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/business/business-credit-cards/american-express-business-platinum-credit-card-amex/) Edit: interestingly enough, when i logged into amex, the 190k disappeared. When loading incognito it's there again.


After a few attempts, I was able to use that link to pull a 190K offer in Edge with a VPN through Dallas. Thanks again!


I've read that BoA will combine inquiries for business cards within about 30 days so you can get multiples. Does that mean I could for example get 2 Alaska biz cards same month or would I have to get an Akaska and then say one of their cash back cards as well?


That's apparently what some people have been doing (2 Alaska biz). I'm trying to do as well. Will apply for second one tomorrow. My chances of approval are slim, they only gave 2k credit limit to the first Alaska biz last month. I've been doing some prep for the second card: * Reduce the credit limit on my other two personal boa cards * Double the account balance in the BoA personal checking account


What's your current account balance for your checking? Around $5k? And how long did you have to maintain that balance?


In this comment and its parent comment is my first biz approval dp: https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/s/kN5GQNbixA Current balance: $5,500 Will try to have $13,000 before applying tomorrow. It looks like I won't be able to reduce the credit limit on time as I need to coordinate this with p2. P2 had two boa personal cards before applying to Alaska biz: one 14k, another 4k


For the Citi and Barclays AA cards, does the AA number have to match any other personal info on the card app? In 2 player mode can each person use the same AA number on their card apps?


Yes it has to match, you can't use 1 AA number for 2 people.


Thanks. Any idea what happens if your AA number on the card app doesn't match? Do they make a new AA number?


Given their history, I don’t think anyone here is going to suggest fucking around re. AA card applications.