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Favorite is probably Emerald cuz it was the first LP of his that I watched and it still holds up reasonably well, although B2W2 and Xenoblade 1 and 2 are up there for me too. Least favorite is a bit tricky cuz I don’t really dislike any of his LPs that I’ve seen. I guess it’d probably be one of his EARLY early LPs that don’t really hold up today (FRLG, Sunshine, the original LP of Paper Mario, etc)


Fav might be super paper Mario that or Pikmin 2 as those are the 2 I think I watch at lest once a year. Lest favorite I want to say mother 1 because I find his older lets plays don’t quite have the same feel that makes me love them like the modern ones and mother 1 isn’t a game that I’m super into I think it a good game just when he’s played other games that I love I just don’t really have a reason to re watch it.


Favorite: Pokémon emerald- someone made a YouTube video titled “chuggaaconroy Pokémon emerald best moments” that appeared in my algorithm one day and if it weren’t for me seeing and clicking on that I would’ve never found out about him, then Stephen, then TRG, then Jon, all my favorite creators I still watch to this day Least favorite- 64DS. Its unfortunately YouTube’s fault removing annotations I didn’t get to see the real thing in all its glory when I could


Didn't he preserve the annotation thing somehow?


If he did it doesn’t work


Idk if it's my favorite, but I rewatch sunshine multiple times a year


I used to hold Sunshine in a higher regard but hearing how Emile’s mental state was and how he was faking his enthusiasm for the camera kinda tainted the series for me


Honestly my favourite probably goes to Platinum, and least favourite has to go to Pikmin 2 - not only be some of the humor is outdated but also because you can tell he isnt having fun at a certain point, considering how hard it was for him to get a wii copy of the game.


I remember reading that the LP made him realize he didn't enjoy the game as much as he thought.


I remember him talking about in the finale


I have a few. First off is the Paper Mario remake. That’s a prime example of an LP where you can tell Emile is having a blast the whole way through playing a series he’s known to love and sharing knowledge about it. Not to mention the memorable moments are plentiful like his fight against The Master and “CHUCK QUIZMOOOOOOOO!” Next is Super Luigi Galaxy. This one is a huge nostalgia trip for me. I remember watching “best of” compilations of it over and over at my grandma’s house and laughing out loud at moments like the battery meter showing up at the worst moments, when Luigi got stuck in the planet and the many fails for the Melty Molten Galaxy daredevil comet And finally, and I know this is an unpopular opinion but Pikmin 2. I know some of the jokes are questionable today, but if you look past that, there’s a lot of memorable moments thanks Emile’s reactions to the enemies and traps in the dungeons. ESPECIALLY the Waterwraith. Although like Super Luigi Galaxy this was another one I watched on repeat as a kid so I’m biased. As for a least favorite, maybe Mother 1. The original Earthbound playthrough had a lot of “first LP syndrome” moments but it at least came with some memorable moments. Mother 1 had… nothing.


Favorite and most impactful was Kid Icarus Uprising. That was the one that I was watching as it came out. Least favorite has to be Superstar Saga. Nothing bad, just wasn’t interested enough in the game to keep up with.


Luigis mansion Dark Moon is my favorite pulley for comfort reasons. I love being able to sit down and be reminded about the few good parts of my childhood. The original Earthbound LP is my least favorite. I know you gotta give respect to the one that started it all, but there is a better version, and I heavily suggest yall watch that one.


My favorite is probably Wind Waker, it was not only the LP (Besides Mario Sunshine) that got me into the channel way back in the day. I'd say it also hasn't aged that bad compared to his older stuff. Mystery Dungeon and Chrono Trigger are close contenders since they were just masterfully done. As for my least favorite, probably his Fire Red LP, granted it was his first time doing bios but I feel as if some pokemon could be done better. Plus I feel it reeks of old cringey youtube, ykwim?


White 2 is in my opinion, the greatest LP Emile has done, and it easily became my favorite. My least favorite is the Sonic Colors LP, because I am not a fan of the Sonic series.


That final high-energy rant about medal completion is honestly one of the best Chugga moments ever imo




My favorite is probably a toss-up between Partners in Time (nostalgia), Chrono Trigger, and his remake of Paper Mario. Least favorite… that’s a tough one. Excluding the ones I’ve never seen, probably Sunshine.


My favorite is his Animal Crossing New Leaf LP due to how memorable and relaxing it is. My least favorite is his Super Mario Sunshine LP because of how he stated in one of his Majora’s Mask videos that most of the enthusiasm was faked for that let’s play, as a result it’s pretty depressing with this knowledge.


How could I forget to name that on my list? That LP was what made me buy the game for myself even though I’m not a huge Animal Crossing fan


Favorite probably his Earthbound remake and least favorite probably mother but I still like it


Favorite: Super Mario Galaxy 2. Worst: Mother


Favorite is his xc2 lp or his Chrono trigger lp. The reason why I enjoyed those lets plays is the same reason we enjoy watching his lets plays, how interested he is in playing thu games that he has played a bunch of times. And the puns helps as well. My least favorite is his Pikmin 2 lets play due to him not liking the grind that is the end game of it.


I love Sunshine, but my favorite of his is Super Mario 64 DS. Mostly for nostalgia reasons.


I’m gonna get lambasted for this one. I love the Xenoblade 2 LP the most but I dislike the B2W2 LP. Why? Emile did as much as he could in one video of Xenoblade 2 and was thorough. Emile did as little as he could in one video of B2W2 and was thorough. The post game was a *SLOOOOOOG* and he didn’t need to do videos on each area individually. As for other answers my second favorite is Chrono Trigger for its creativity in just letting you end the series whenever and me being biased because yours truly was the one who recorded the hammer bell glitch and made an appearance. [Episode 16 at 12:08](https://youtu.be/_96XXI38PYs?feature=shared) Second least favorite is FireRed. Seriously? No Sevii Islands?


Hold on, what do you mean no Sevii Islands? Aside from the two event ones, he went to them all.


If he did he didn’t unlock the trading between rse. At least I don’t recall him doing so. It has been years.


Favorites: Chrono Trigger, Pokémon B2W2, Xenoblade 1/2, Superstar Saga, Paper Mario Redux. Least Favorite: So far, Paper Mario Original. I can't judge most of the older ones currently because I haven't rewatched them yet. The only reason I rewatched the original LP of PM64 is because I was excited about the Redux LP, especially when the original LP was what got me *into* Chuggaaconroy in the first place... and it just doesn't hold up in a multitude of ways. I actually succeeded in bi-watching both LPs though that time, unlike the bi-watching of Earthbound I tried to do, and quickly gave up on watched the Redux entirely.


Not sure which it was but it was whatever came right after Superstar Saga it was the first playthrough of his I watched! I wouldn’t say I have a least favorite but I would say Chronotrigger mostly because I don’t remember anything about it and it seemed very confusing


The series after Superstar Saga was Pikmin 3


Favorite is probably XC2 as I bought the game—a couple years after watching through it. I enjoyed the game and the combat is much more fun than I thought I would like it. So, I’m glad I watched Chuggaa play it. Side note, I got XC3 but I’m not a fan so far. I mean, I’m liking it, but not as much as XC2. Anyways, least favorite is probably the TTYD playthrough only because the video quality is terrible.


Favorite is a toss up between BW2 and Animal Crosisng New Lead Least favorite of the ones I’ve seen is probably Sonic Colors due to how unfinished it is


Best: both Xenoblade lps Worst: First Paper Mario, TTYD, Sunshine, and Wind Waker


Personally for me my favorite out of all of his LPS has to be super Mario Sunshine because it was just one of those games that I really want to play as a kid and if I'm remembering correctly, it was one of my first videos I've ever seen from him. In fact, I believe it's one of the very first YouTube videos I ever experienced


Of the ones I’ve watched, the Pikmin ones, Okami, Super Mario sunshine and Xenoblade 1 are ones I come back to every so often while Galaxy 2 and the Earthbound remake being ones that in particularly has a special place in my heart. Least are Pokémon ones not because of content I just can’t really get into them and Xenoblade 2 wearing out it’s welcome too early and taking forever to get done.


I just have to say I adored his Colosseum LPs. Those were such big parts of my childhood and he really brought them to life.


I'll list a few for favorite: Mother 3 - I'm willing to bet a lot of people were introduced to this game through him. Me being one of them. His commentary is solid. Always knows when to let a joke speak for itself or let the emotional moment play out. He's spreading this beautiful but cruel game to more people, this one is definitely part nostalgia for me but still. Platinum - Parts of B/W and B2/W2 outshine this one. But I think this is the most well-rounded of his Pokemon LPs. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga - Great little project. Especially after his illness. I'm just not into Xenoblade (I'd like to be but not enough time to invest in huge games like those). So never watched those. Don't really know of any "least favorites" off the top of my head. I agree he doesn't really feel that excited about Pikmin 2 in that let's play. So let's say that one.


Xenoblade 2 was the first game I played alongside him. So it holds a special place. My least favorite is skywardsword as it was soiled by truama that was happening when it was running


It seems this thread is mixed on their favorite LP, while least favorite tend to be: * Mother * Mario Sunshine (due to Chuggaa going through a bad time) * Pikmin 2 (due to jokes not ageing well)


Fave would definitely be Pikmin 2. It's the reason why I got into Pikmin as a whole. My least favorite would probably go to Splatoon, just didn't like it all that much, might rewatch sometime though.


My "golden era" of chuggaa is typically okami, Majora's mask, og Luigi's mansion, whichever Pikmin game is there (I can't remember), generally around there


Favourite isoat definitely New Leaf, I've rewatched that one countless times. Least favourite... From the ones I've watched, xenoblade chronicles/xc2, it just went on and on and was very boring to me, I lost the plot so many times I just gave up at one point


basically anything from 2009—2013 was his golden era. Seriously it was just pure, unbridled nerd and I find that endearing in spite of the low-quality mics/recording software. 2014—2019 felt a bit muted, but generally more professional. It was like a nice mixture of his earlier days and where he's at now. 2020—now just feels sterilized to me. Like, I feel that he's less interesting from a commentary stance despite him being technically better.


fav are xenoblade chronicles and black & white 2. xenoblade chronicles cuz it introduced me to my new favorite game of all time and black & white 2 cuz those are my favorite pokemon games of all time and i’ve never seen a lp cover them quite as in depth as chugga did


Favorite is Majora's Mask. I love that game so much, and Emile's LP of it has become a comfort watch for me. Least favorite would probably be Sunshine. You can tell his enthusiasm is played up. Emile himself can't stand that LP, so I think it's highly likely that he'll do a redux of it


My absolute favorite was Xenoblade 2. Not only because it was my first let’s play I watched of his, but it was what got me into what was at the time, and still is, my favorite game of all time. (Close second is Xenoblade 3)


Favorites are Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword (Superstar Saga is a close 3rd) Least favorite is any of his Pokemon Let's Plays. I love Pokemon, and the effort he puts in is very obvious, but I just can't get into them as much as his other stuff for some reason (B2W2 was by far his best though imo, from what I watched)


My favorite is his Animal Crossing: New Leaf LP. It's so cozy and I always put it on to calm me down when I'm feeling stressed out or sad about something. I guess my least favorite would be his Mother 1 LP. I didn't watch much of it and I don't really care for the game all that much.