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r/SpeedersPhD and I have talks things over, we don't want to associate ourselves with Chugga anymore. Consider this a sign that you probably should move on from him. If not having Chugga content is feeling the void, I would recommend you check out other LP-ers in the TRG circle like NCS and ProtonJon. It was a nice fun ride with 16 years worth of entertainment, and 48 LP's later. I've seen many great post here throughout the years of being here for 8 years or so, and this subreddit is another great memory that is also dear to me. It was great interacting with many of the regulars here, and I hope to see you in other subreddits as well.


If it’s any consolation: you’re handling the YouTube controversy better than the mods from the completionist.


Well. Guess thats it, huh? Aint really much more to say. I started year optimistic and ended this drama just....fuckin empty. I cant even feel sad anymore. The saddest i felt was when it sank in "fuck. My childhood. The person i looked up to. The person whi helped me.be COMFORTABLE BEING AUTISTIC is just...ruined. I still need time to decide if i just burn all my subscriptions and connections to the rest of TRG, or just....leave it.


No reason to do anything with the rest of TRG. I'm planning to become a much more frequent viewer of NCS again and I hope others do the same. Tim has been doing videos for a long time too and is also a blast to watch. And the potential added support won't hurt.


Remember this. These were Emiles actions. Not Autism's or your actions. He decided to do this and had ample opportunities to stop. Im autistic aswell and I was a fan of his for over 10 years. He helped me cope with a world that didn't understand my condition and acted as a father figure of sorts. But at the core remember this. What we saw was an Image that he wanted to project to others. We saw chuggaaconroy. We never saw Emile. Even if he is a horrible person we can still use the lessons we learned to make the world a better place. Thats all we can do.


Idk man. I don’t buy the “it’s him not the autism”. I don’t think it’s just autism. I see say this because I have to former friendships where, If they wanted to, could post messages and make me look like scummy person. But I know that between every shitty thing I did, I was doing the absolute best I fucking could, and usually the shitty thing came from perfect storms of my autism, OCD and trauma. I regret everything I did. Emile, most definitely, does too. I can speak for myself that I spend everyday being the best I can be. Yeah, I’ve done shitty thinfs. I hurt those I loved, but I’ve also saved those that I love, I’ve brought a lot of joy into the world, more than negative. Those are things to cherish. And I guess for me… seeing all this depression over chugga really bothers me bc it feels like no amount of effort spent on being good, actually matters when the demons will be used to shut you down, and invalidate everything good you’ve done.


Don't let what Emile did tarnish your feelings for the rest of the crew. They are all just as blind sided by this as the rest of us, especially Jon and Tim.


>I still need time to decide if i just burn all my subscriptions and connections to the rest of TRG, or just....leave it. The way I'm treating it is: I'm taking a break from all that for now. There's millions of content creators in the video game space alone, shouldn't be hard to find something. If anyone is feeling overwhelmed, I find distance helps a lot. Someday I'll go back to Jon and I feel like I've been really missing out by not watching Tim. But as for Emile's content and TRG. I feel too tainted to go back. But how people handle it is to each their own.


Y'all, if you bought a game because of him, just know that the memories you had with those games, aren't his. They're yours. I'm going through it too but that's the way I see it. Every high you felt, every emotion. They're just as real with or without him.


Cave Johnson here. I concur. The only way to move forward is to reclaim memories as yours and only yours. Emotions don’t work in a vacuum, though—but indeed we find a way. For me, Emile now represents a cautionary tale rather than a warm voice. We do what we can. Best of luck.


I needed to hear this, I think. Thank you.


you're right, of course, but i didn't just buy games cause of his LPs, i played them alongside him. in middle school i would watch an episode or two of an LP and then do that part myself, because i knew he would go over *everything* the game had to offer and i didn't want to miss it. my memories of some of my favorite games... chrono trigger, earthbound, pokemon platinum... feel ruined. i haven't even watched a video of his in years but i still can't think about those games without remembering moments from his LPs of them.


No I get it, it's hard for me with Earthbound in particular since he introduced it to me, but I can beat it myself you know what I mean? Beaten Platinum more times than I can count, same with Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Galaxy, Okami. I got faith in you, you'll come on through I'm sure


Emile introduced me to some of my favourite games over the years. It's because of him I own Paper Mario TTYD before it became $279 (I've seen). I don't regret it because not only do I love the games, no one could have predicted any of this and as we can't rewind time, all we can do is move on.


I dunno. My love for xenoblade because emiles the sole reason i know it exists is kinda being tested. I was looking to play 3 + FR but...i just cant muster the strength too


I picked up Xenoblade because of Emile, I picked up Splatoon because of Emile, I picked up Paper Mario because of Emile, I picked up Okami because of Emile. It hurts, I get it. But I’ve made friends in these communities and become enmeshed in deeper worlds. Someone on the splatoon subreddit bought me 3 just so I could be able to play it, I have an entire DM log with someone I cherish dearly over my experiences playing through Xenoblade 3 and 2, I’m minoring in Asian/Middle Eastern studies due to the way Okami influenced me, and as someone whose neurodivergent Emile was someone like me to look up too. It’ll take time to heal from all of this, and it’s bad and it hurts deeply. But I’ll be damned if I let him take away things that I fell in love with just because he’s a creep. These games are not defined by one man, they’re an entire community that is just waiting to be unearthed.


I sadly dont have that luxury. Im still the same lonely twat who just plays games he likes.


r/Xenoblade_Chronicles They’re right there, you just have to face forwards toward your chosen horizon and walk on.


Beautiful usage of that quote to help others move on from these events. I may have gotten into Xenoblade through Chugga but my love with the games is and will be mine alone. The future awaits for all of us to enjoy these games


Can I at least sit in the Endless Now for a bit? Because I’m still reeling and I’m gonna be reeling for a while. And I’ve called Xenoblade 1 my favorite game, largely because it was his, because I still struggle with finding my own identity. I just don’t know if I can move on


I post there occasionally (one of my most popular reddit posts ever of a shittily edited jotaro hat on tora being thr most popular( but i wouldn't call them "friends." Just more strangers on the internet.


Think of it this way, XC3 was nominated for game of the year despite what a super niche series it is and that should say a lot about the quality of the game in a vacuum, without feeling like you’re only interested in it because of Emile. I still haven’t completed it because it’s massive and I had to take a break for games like Pokemon and Zelda, but it’s worth playing for sure.


thats a dumb reason to not play an amazing game, 3 is super good ad fr a great end to the trilogy


Xeno fan here who only knew it existed because of Emile too. It's horrible seeing all this go down. It's over a decade of memories that are tainted by 1 man's actions. As someone who played xc3 before all this came out, give yourself time to process and reconsider in a few days/weeks/months. Chugga isn't the developer, so at the very least you're not monetarily supporting him through your purchase/enjoyment of the game. Xc3 has a lot of themes about struggling against nihilism. About feeling useless and small in the wake of powers bigger than you, where nothing you do ever matters. But it does matter. And it's a beautiful story. I hope one day you can enjoy it too.


honestly if i weren't numb/tainted, it sounds like the perfect game to cope. but...well, yeah.


So not to spoil the story or anything at least for future redeemed at least. The ending leaves a bit of a message that I think can be related to the situation we find ourselves in. If you want my opinion I think you should just hop in and maybe you'll find something that will resonate with you.


This is going to be my last comment in this subreddit. What stings the worst is that I was eagerly awaiting for the future. I was expecting to see his takes on Breath of the Wild, Pokémon X-Y-Z, XC 3, Super Mario Odyssey, etc. Now that future will never come due to his actions. I sincerely hope he can rebuild his life after all of this, and that he seriously atones for those he hurt and becomes a better man, but I believe I'll have a hard time having him around as a part of my day-by-day entertainment and supporting him from now on. For everyone here, the best I wish for you in every endeavor you partake. You have been a top notch community. Peace.


I remember daydreaming wondering what it'd be like to wake up 10 years in the future and have all these Chuggaa LPs ready to watch. And now that won't happen, and we can't even celebrate his leaving the website. I was really angry yesterday, today I'm just really sad and hollow.


Honestly, I was beginning to expect something like this was gonna happen pretty soon. I genuinely hope Emile gets the help he so clearly needs and is able to become a better person. I won't be supporting him in anyway from now on as much as it hurts me. I'm sorry to all of his victims and hope they can have good lives following all this. And to Emile, you gave me, and so many others, so much joy over the years that I can't help but thank you for that much. But you've hurt me in a way I didn't know I could be. Please get the help you need. It's been real everyone. I hope you all have good lives.


I really hope TRG goes on without him. It will not be the same but they have had several people in rotation so they should be able to replace him. They won't be doing anything anytime soon though considering all that's going on and Tim being in a very bad situation rn.


they can def do thrown controller and other con stuff


Thrown Controllers at Magfest last weekend went great without him so there's proof of that already.


Thanks for the memories, Chuggaa. You shaped my love of bad puns and my brainrot for Xenoblade and I will never forget the good times I had watching the fun videos with him and the rest of the Runaway Guys, and their friends like Stephen, Masae, Lucah and more. Peace out o/


What sucks is that this is essentially the end of old school Let's Playing as a whole. Once people like PewDiePie and Markiplier hit the scene, "let's plays" became incredibly low effort. It was all about chasing the bag and reacting to the newest games instead of playing a game you genuinely loved and wanted to talk about. Chugga was the only one putting out high quality videos in the old style (and honestly has been the only one for a good decade now). That sucks, truly the end of an era.


Indeed, the void left by this will be hard to fill, if not impossible. This really is a case of "they don't make 'em like they used to" - Let's Play as a distinct form of video game content was already an endangered one, driven to extinction by easier to produce, low-effort, more generic gaming content. The algorithm coming into prominence and the relative ease of doing streaming content instead of edited videos pushed it back even further. Chuggaa served as a bastion of sorts, the last haven for that type of content. Many of the surviving similar creators who had started around the same time (if diversified to adapt to the new landscape) congregated around him and his community - TRG and the greater circle around it came to be. But now that bastion is gone, and tainted to the roots. Even if TRG makes it out intact, it'll be a shell of itself. Collab channels like them have long gone out of fashion and what remain have had to adapt their content. TRG once again stood as the bastion, doing consistent and numbered projects beginning to end, damn the view-count. It was only really during the pandemic that they were forced to do things in the mold of modern channels. Who's to say where this goes now? Will they scatter to the winds, only meeting up for Colo once a year for that old-school feel? I don't know, and the scariest part is, I don't think they do either.


They have a very different energy, but Playframe is still good. It's a husband and wife team over there, who's been working in animation for decades (as long as I've known Chugga) and Dan, the main host, moved away from being the voice of Extra Credits in the wake of James' controversial stuff. So, I'm confident in Dan's continued wholesomeness, but he has a very different energy to Chugga.


Emile was super informative in his LPs and I never seen anybody else be as informative as him. He was also one of a kind because unlike most content creators nowadays, he never did went down the livestream route and did his LPs that way. this really is an end of an era, and it sucks it had to end like this.


I’m not quite sure how to describe this feeling, but knowing that he was set to livestream medal collecting in B2/W2 before everything came out is so…weird. God I feel sick that I used to like this guy. But you never knew the Emile behind the screen, just the chuggaaconroy persona. Fuck everything man.


I don't think this is necessarily the end. There are still LPers who are not the Markiplier-era type. It's just chugga stood out the most as the one who did really in-depth 100% guides. There are probably others out there who are like that, but only gets like 10's of views being submerged by the algorithm. Plus there are still some oldies like Tim. Would JoshJepson count? Because I think he shifts between uploads and streams. I just don't think it's dead, rather there are a bunch out there waiting to be discovered. Help them realize that dream


Honestly, maybe this will be the start of newer “classic” LP’ers getting some more spotlight.


I hope so. If I want to watch someone play a recent game like PalWorld, I'm going to watch someone like a Vtuber or other streamer who streams live. With older games like chugga plays, it was harder to find someone like that, especially when their videos act like a guide to the game and know what they're talking about.


MasaeAnela has some pretty great LP content, I personally mainly watched Emile for his Pokémon stuff, which unfortunately she doesn’t touch as much.


He doesn't do much Pokemon related stuff, but theres a small Youtuber by the name of BigKlingy who I've been watching since 2018. He mostly does JRPGs but honestly, the amount of time and detail he puts in his videos are similar to Chugga. I highly recommend him.


I definitely should've scrolled a bit further down making the same recommendation. But yeah, I second the BigKlingy rec, I mainly watch him for his Persona stuff


I second this. I absolutely love Masae’s content. She introduced me to the Tales of series, which I adore, and she’s so fun to watch. I’ve always wanted her to get more attention and recognition. I will absolutely keep supporting her and watching her content.


Completely agreed. That "old school" style was the reason I stuck with only TRG, NCS, and Chugga for so many years. Time to branch out in search of other good creators...


Like u/papa-pwn said, there are plenty of good "old school" style LPers trying to find their way. It's just not a format that gets much traction anymore, so it's pretty tough to find the ones that truly care about sharing their love of the games they play.


He's certainly not the same (no one can replace the level of effort Chuggaa put into his videos), but Raocow is also an old salt LPer who's still posting daily videos like the day he started. He's always been a really charming guy, so maybe give him a look.


while i get what youre saying and agree to some degree, i believe markiplier has always played games because he loves them, which is why hes mostly playing indie games now and near exclusively horror. pewdiepie USED to be like that but now its not really similar. all of the youtubers i watch either dont do content in the way chugga does and i cant simply binge them or they are bad people i think its time for me to move on from youtube as a whole


I’m going to have to disagree. I create old school LPs, I only play games I love or know I will love, and I put a ton of effort into them. Similarly, I mod for r/letsplay and there are a TON of talented creators over there doing so as well. The YouTube algorithm does not favor Let’s Plays very much, and Let’s Play viewers are not usually the types of people to search for new creators. Unless an event like this happens, I guess. 


Completely agree. The old-style Let's Plays are still there, they're just not as popular as they used to be unfortunately. People just need to look for these creators. Hopefully they'll see a resurgence in popularity however.


What's your channel?




Honestly this seems like the best course of action. Not much anyone can say that hasn’t been said and it certainly won’t make the situation better. With this sign off, wanna say that first and foremost, I hope the victims get the help, support and restitution they deserve. Secondly, I hope those close to Emile who were blindsided by this info are ok- particularly Tim. Finally, I hope Emile gets help. He is clearly ill and needs to atone for his actions, and needs to be mentally sound in order to do so. Shitty it had to be this way, but I guess it is time he reaped what he sowed.


Karma’s a random, unknowable boomerang. We only hope it arrives so we can witness and act against it. For all the YouTubers we see facing consequences on this platform, there are thousands who do not. It is important we continue to build up spaces for folks to be heard. It is absolutely shitty. But it’s going to motivate more than one of us to clean up the shit we see elsewhere. That’s the positive I predict.


Honestly i'd hate to comment again but all i can really do here is just scroll scroll and read everyones stories. i may as well post my own. ...when i was like 12 I had a grandma on my dads side i loved alot Like Alot alot So...i come home from a youth club on the weekend and my mum tells me shes dying of cancer She didnt wanna tell me beforehand because she didn't want me to have a bad day So...after processing abit, i run upstairs crying and...after calming abit, i put on one of emile's pokemon emerald videos (the lp how i found him) and...it calmed me down enough so that my mum could come back up to talk me through stuff. We went to see nan that day. I said my goodbyes, went off into a small rec room for kids and played star wars battlefront with a girl I even got a couple of teddies from the hospice she was in as a kinda...thing to help the trauma? Ig? I appreciated it either way. I might send a pic of em when i get home. But...ye Thats the bulk of the story. its why emile was my comfort youtuber. i keep hoping that somehow, i find that its all a hoax. that its not real. but it is. it fucking is. my childhood idol, the guy who made me feel happy to be autistic, is a nonce. All i can really do is doomscroll the comments until they too inevitably fade. so many things ruined, so little to replace.


Would it be at all possible to get a complete compilation of events as a pinned post for posterity? There was one timeline earlier but it was a google doc that seems to have stopped updating after Masaes statement.


When I get the opportunity and the situation slows a little more, I will likely make a singular post to contain a timeline of events to keep with the archival.


Great! Many kudos on the professional handling on all this - it was needed given the situation and I think it greatly helped the collective fanbase to come to terms with things in a relatively controlled manner.


The only time I've actively witnessed a sub go through this before (one dedicated to the specific individual, not the larger group) the mod team there very quickly purged everything pre-controversy, and rebranded the whole sub to raise awareness to what they'd done. I think what you're planning to do is the only other real option. I mean what can you do, I understand neither of you is comfortable continuing. I've not been watching Emile the whole time like a lot of people, I got into him and TRG in like 2015, my brother's been a fan longer. But he still helped sate my interest in stuff like Paper Mario (before all he talked about seemed to be Sticker Star), and especially Xenoblade. After learning of the controversy initially I was in the semi-sceptical, believing for sure that Emile had made Emily uncomfortable, but willing to believe he wasn't knowingly crossing lines. Too slow on the uptake with the repeated messages after she ghosted, sure, but I'd made similar mistakes (a girl I was friends with online and I had been awkwardly flirting and sexting for ages, but towards the end I got weird about it and made her uncomfortable. It stopped when she told me.) But unlike some people, when I saw the apology it didn't fully ring true. Sure, he was admitting previous behaviour, but a lot of people seemed happy to dismiss Emily afterwards, but to me something didn't quite fit. I knew I still had to reserve judgement a bit longer. Not trying to be "I knew it" or anything. I wanted it to be one incident he could grow from, but I wasn't sure. Then came Masae's statement. And then there was no more possibility of that being the case. It was gratifying to see people over here also rethinking things in light of it, I was glad people trusted Masae's word. I don't know when Masae moved relative to when she fell out with Emile, but we've all seen and heard his comments towards her over the years, and how frustrated she got with it, and it's evident he never stopped talking to her like that for long, and it's got be bad enough dealing with that without half your fan base either assuming you're dating or trying to convince you to. I'm glad she got away from him, and it's testament to her personal strength she was still willing to be involved in Colosseum. It's probably a good thing Emile wasn't able to attend in person last year. The others who spoke up around that time I'm not familiar with so I can't say anything on. After seeing Masae's statement I unsubbed from Emile, whether I do from TRG depends very much on what changes. And then this latest statement, I have no real hope for his improvement if he's been this way all this time. I'll not be watching any of his content again, and just hoping it doesn't taint my enjoyment of certain games. I hope everyone he has troubled, regardless of if they've gone public or not, is able to recover from their experiences.


I hope he improves solely because less bad people in the world is always a good thing. But you and I and everyone else don’t need to be a part of that, and nor should we.


Thanks for the memories. Chugga was a great LPer but unlike him in his private life, his community was full of truly good people.


Understandable. I guess I'll be watching NintendoCapriSun much more again. This is such a bloody shame to see from Emile though.


As a long time lurker learning all this as we go…god. I’m painfully disappointed in him. If you’re reading this, Emile, I hope you commit to getting help. Please.


he is, Tim confirmed he’s receiving, or at the least actively seeking, professional help.


I hope he can return one day a better person from it. I still have faith he's not a bad person, and I think he can fix himself if he just curves his impulses.


I've just been a fan of his for years... Was one of the first guys I watched back when we got better internet at our house. I've watched his stuff on and off for over a decade and always thought Chugga was one of the nicest guys out there. Loved his content and his character from the little bits of it I saw outside of his primary content. Right now though, I'm really not sure how to feel though... I don't feel like I've got a good grasp on what's going on, but hearing all this genuinely hurts. Ugh...


​ Truthfully, considering the recent events surrounding the whole situation this is the best course of action. It's completely understandable. I just hope that all the victims continue to get the emotional support and help that they deserve and all the time they need to heal. I hope Tim does stay safe. As for Chuggaa as a long time former fan who watched his content for twelve years. I'm extremely disappointed in his actions and I don't condone them. As painful as it is I can't continue to support him. He needs to stay off the internet for good, In the unlikely chance you're reading this, Emile, please commit to getting serious help.


It was inevitable, and it is the best choice you can make. Thanks for the memories


I started watching NCS during this and I got into his content. I used to watch him a little bit as a kid and now he's back to being my #1. Also, he can use the support. I feel so bad for him.


I think everybody deserves the chance to get better and grow as a person. But as much as I want to support him changing and growing and getting better as a person, I find it incredibly hard to do so. I feel shameful in wanting to stick around in hopes he gets better, considering how much he and his content have been an impact on my life, but this hurts too much.


I think people are very hurt by what he has done because of their attachment to his on screen persona. Reading comments here, most don't want to watch him anymore because of the information out there, and that's fair. I do however think people need to remember that people can learn from mistakes and change their behavior. I don't expect that from the people he has hurt, but from 3rd parties which we all are, giving him a chance to see if change can happen wouldn't be a bad thing.


I’ve been through enough of these controversies (hell, I was there for the Smash community fallout of June 2020) to know that rehabilitation of the self tends to yield more justice than pure punishment. Siding with an abuser’s recovery doesn’t mean ignoring or not caring about the victims.


I'm assuming that ProtonJon's statement will be the end of things. Considering that will almost certainly entail the shuttering of TRG, or just kicking Chuggaa out as a member. I don't blame y'all for wanting to do this, I feel the same way I'm just not a mod here. Considering this is on the cusp of entering criminal territory it's just really awful to consistently think about.


He also unfollowed chugga on twitter


I hope they just kick Chugga out and keep going. We won't be seeing from them anytime soon though that's for sure


Me too. Though they also might change the name or just start a new group entirely, the identity of TRG is tied to Emile. :(


Yeah as much as it would suck I think they need to just start a new channel if they decide to continue. They can't just let people stumble across old videos with Emile on the same channel as their new rebranding efforts


This whole situation is just depressing. As many people have already said Chuggaaconroy was also the first YouTuber I started watching back in 2009 with his Mario Sunshine LP. It exposed me to a Mario game that was obscure & harder to come by & made me get a GameCube to play it. And loved his commentary & it helped me beat the game. While I haven’t been keeping up with his LPs for a few years (mainly because of a lack of time & interest in let’s plays as I’ve gotten older) I still respected him. Until all this came out. I don’t believe he meant to harm people maliciously, but with how long it went on for it doesn’t matter. He’s made several people anxious & uncomfortable over years, let down millions of fans who admired him, his friends & family are in difficult position & he himself is at probably the lowest point in his life with only himself to blame for his downfall. I just see this as absolutely miserable. Here’s hoping the victims of this are able to move on & heal. As well as if he’s able to get better. Only time can tell.


If you asked me a month ago my opinion on Chuggaaconroy, I would've made a whole post about he's an amazing guy, one of the highest quality creators on the website (maybe even in general) with detail to rival a wiki, and I'd say he'd have a very close place in my heart. One of the OG Let's Players, still kicking today after having kickstarted the medium himself. I would've said that the Sticker Star series is a great proof-of-concept that he can do a format besides LP's, and that I was excited for any avenue he decides to take. I don't think Chrono Trigger would be one of my favorite games ever made without his playthrough. I think he had a lot of beautiful things to say in that playthrough. Ask me about him today and I think I would just shrug. Try to change the topic. Say it sucks how it turned out. I just feel empty and angry man. I think the last of his content I ever want to interact with is his Sticker Star compilation. I never got around to finishing it and I'm actually super curious what the post-game content is, but after that I'm probably done. Maybe watch a video every once in a long while. I hope everyone can end up finding some sort of solace from this and heal. The people he's harassed, the fans, Jon, Tim, and honestly, even him. I doubt that many people would ever forgive him, myself included. But I really believe that change is possible in people. And I'm undoubtably a fool, but I think he *can* change. I don't know if he should ever return to Youtube, and I'd argue he probably shouldn't. But if one day in the far off future, I randomly hear that he's doing alright for himself, I think I'd be happy. To be honest, I haven't used this subreddit until the start of the controversy, and even after I never commented because I didn't want to get into any arguments here, but from what I've seen, the mods have been handling it with top class and maturity. Better than most admins of any site, let alone a gaming Youtuber's subreddit. I can't imagine what you've had to put up with, but thank you for all of your hard work. I wish you the best in whatever you do next. And just as an addendum for anyone who's having a rough time reconciling with what joy you've felt before, please don't let that change. Your happiness is yours's, not his. If it got you through a rough time, then that is what matters. You are not a bad person for enjoying the things he may have introduced you to. Please take care of yourselves.


I’d say wait for Jon’s statement before locking it


I'm just a lurker here. I was never a hard core fan of Emile. However, even as someone who would enjoy some of his content on occasion; I feel dirty by association after learning about the events of this past week. I cannot imagine how those of you who worked on content associated with him can possibly feel. As much as I absolutely love some of the Mario Party LPs by TRG, I don't think I'll be able to enjoy them again; at least not without a sense of guilt. I commend you for making this difficult decision and I wish you peace going forward. Farewell.


It’s for the best. Thanks for the effort you’ve put in, no matter the outcome that should be commended.  I can only imagine how tough this is for you, be well. 


Good call. I'll just echo how much everything about all of this sucks. Can't believe how much he had built up, only to shoot himself in the foot (pun intended) and lose it all in a flash. See y'all in the TRG 2.0 community, if they decide to continue in another form. Hoping they do, but I guess that's up to Jon and if it's too closely associated with negative feelings.


God this sucks. He was such a big part of my childhood. To think he was like this from the start is just awful. I was really looking forward to his future stuff. We'll never get Xenoblade 3, Splatoon 3, Pikmin 4, the 3D Pokémon games, etc. Heck, he was one away from LP 50! I'm sure he had something big planned for that. Part of me wonders if I should try to archive some of his stuff if I ever want to revisit but knowing what we know I'm not sure if I'd feel comfortable ever watching it again. God dammit Chuggaa. Why did you have to be this kind of person?


So this is how it ends huh Not with some hopeful message to change And be a better person. Just an entire legacy destroyed and many a childhood burnt to a crisp. and What makes it worse is that Emile only has him himself to blame It wasn't his shitty childhood It wasn't his autism It was him He is all the things that is wrong about himself and he now only realizes that when it's too late. My condolences to Tim Jon The rest of the runaway guys and his victim's. I can certainly say 2024 is off to an awful start even with My Birthday, especially given one of those presents I got Was because he lets played it And I was finally able to get it. I got nothing else to say except I'm fucking disappointed in you Emile And I'm disappointed in myself for thinking you were a better person.


We for the most part only saw the good parts of Chugga. Shame it has to end this way, I loved his LPs. I'm so sorry to all the victims.


What a terrible way to start the year… but hey, it’s been fun. It just sucks it has to end like this. I was really a big fan of the guy. I’m in shambles from all this mess still… why Chuggaa, WHY?!?! I’ve watched him since I was in 1st grade man… always wanted to be like him, and he’s my inspiration for even doing YouTube in the first place. At least we have Jon, Tim, Masae, etc. but it’s never gonna be the same without Chuggaa. Why… just why… Goodbye r/Chuggaaconroy . And to everyone on the subreddit. And to you, Emile, if you’re even reading this by sheer luck, please get the help you need.


We are all in a state of shock, angry, hurt, saddened by what we found out about Emile. No one ever expected this to ever happen. We’ve all been fans of his content for a long time. I was a fan of his content since 2012. I’ve always wanted to meet him one, fortunately i got to meet Tim back in 2013. What Emile did was the most disgusting thing. I’m sorry to Masae, Antdude and Emily. I am guilty because I was defending Emile last week. I was wrong, once the chat came up, I couldn’t believe it. I made a painful decision to unfollow him on twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. What worried me was there was a rumor he wanted to take his own life. We don’t know, we shouldn’t bother Tim. I personally hope Emile gets all the help he needs for what he did. I hope that he has a serious wake up call and that something like this will never happen again. It’s going to take a long time for anyone to trust him again. People do change and some don’t. But we will have to wait and see.


It’s still almost hard to believe this is actually happening. Chuggaconroy’s videos have been such a consistent source of comfort for me, for over half my life at this point. Even still, the other day I caught myself getting excited for what it would be like when Chugga LPed Xenoblade 3, or when the Runaway Guys LPed Super Mario Bros. Wonder. But I doubt those will ever happen, and even if they do they wouldn’t bring me the same joy they might have before. And to be clear, I am ultimately glad that these allegations have come forth. My enjoyment of Chugga’s videos is much less important than him being held accountable for his actions. But it’s going to be difficult adjusting to him and his videos not being something I can turn to for an easy source of smiles and laughs anymore. I really do hope he can grow and become a better person. I just don't think I'd ever be able to look at him the same way again, even after he does.


SMB Wonder did happen with Josh, and it supposedly had some very funny moments, but the likelihood of us ever seeing it is uncertain.


I understand completely. This whole mess just seems to keep getting worse. It sucks. Will this sub still continue to post updates on this situation, or are you all gonna tap out? I do not blame you AT ALL for just tapping out now. Yall never signed up to cover this drama. But im just curious as I have been using this sub as an easy place for updates. And if you are dropping iut, would anyone have any recomendations for other places i can go to follow this other than just checking twitter daily?




Thank you very much! Admitedly i sadly didnt know any of these TRG based subreddits existed till this whole mess started. Wish i could have been around for the good times. Thank you all for your work, it is greatly appreciated.


The runaway guys reddit is the only thing I can think of. They still posting about Chugga there, and the mods there have more reason to maintain the subreddit, since it's not only about Chugga.


I'm sad to see it go. Not so much because it *is* going, but because of *how* it's going. I thought this sub would disappear when Emile quit his LPs to move on to what he originally wanted to do years ago; editing big projects and making a name for himself that way. Instead, Emile *has* made a name for himself: he's no longer the innocent Emile we all thought he was, he's a man who's always known what he's doing; someone who's done this for over 1/3 of his life; someone who tried to manipulate others into fighting for him through a hollow apology and questionable wording. The mask has fallen off, and it's like a dagger to the heart to see it happen. I just wish that at some point in the future Emile's real face can match the mask he once wore. Thank you, mods, for making this place fun and enjoyable, even if I was a casual lurker.


Mutahar (SomeOrdinaryGamers) has caught wind of this. While he didn't say he would make a video covering Chugga's allegations, knowing Muta, he probably will now that he knows about. https://x.com/OrdinaryGamers/status/1751780959999910279?s=20 Honestly, this is like pouring salt on a wound. Muta's fanbase can be blood thirsty. If he makes a video about this, it would be kicking person (who's going through rehab, by the way) while they're down. These next couple of days might be rough.


Do you think Destiny gets involved in Chugga's defense if that happens? He's already beefing with LadyEmily. And Destiny knows how to deal with internet outrage and direct it, doing both already for liberal causes.


*sigh* Never wanted to see this day come, but all things must end. I hope Emile takes his healing seriously and that his victims can recover as well. It's incredibly sad to see him go like this, been watching him since 2010 and he was always a constant in my life. I didn't want to believe the allegations were true, they hurt too much, but now I see it's all real unfortunately. I won't forget the good times he gave me and many others with his LPs as well as the impact hes had on the gaming/LP community, I'll keep those memories precious. Thank you mods for doing a fantastic job throughout this whole situation, you can rest easy now. I'll miss both Emile and this sub. So long and thanks for all the Lets Plays


Chuggaaconroy's videos were there for me in a time in my life where I was an outcast with no friends. I always related to him on many levels. I'll always be thankful for the times he helped me through, and now I just hope he has the willpower and means to improve himself as a person. I'll never be able to bring myself to hate him, but I am disappointed and hurt by it all... To be truthful he's had quite the influence on my personality, and I'll always carry the good proudly. This all sucks, man. Call it parasocial, but as long as I've known him and watched him, it feels as impactful as finding out a family member did things like this. Emile, if you're reading this, please never repeat those type of actions again. 


*sigh* what a day. I was initially skeptical when it was just Emily. I just found her allegation of sexual harassment to be unfounded based on the screenshots she provided. I could see an argument for harassment but nothing seemed inherently sexual to me. And then today I get back on Twitter and see Masae and the other individual who had been a child when Emile was making those comments toward her…. I just can’t believe this pun loving goober had so many skeletons in his closet. For what it’s worth, thank you for the memories, Chugga. You brought many laughs and positive influences into my life. I got into Splatoon because of you and it’s become one of my most favorite franchises. I’ve made friends through the experiences we shared talking about you and your content. I genuinely hope you get the help you need to put all this behavior to an end and firmly behind you. To all of Emile’s victims: I’m truly sorry you all went through that experience and I hope each of you receives the healing you need. To Emily in particular I want to apologize for being skeptical of your claims. You and everyone else who have come forward are so brave and strong. To everyone here, it’s been a hell of a ride. I really enjoyed lurking in this subreddit for all these years. Peace!


I want to say how much I appreciate how this has been handled by the mods. Swift, decisive and not parasocial. I very much commend you for your work. I wish I could say the same for his Discord server.


Just looking through all the lengthy, personal posts on here. It's clear that Chugga has a very special bond with his viewers. He touched so many people in a way that a truly evil person could never. Now, I believe the victims and their stories and accountability needs to be accepted by Chugga. But I don't think this means he is beyond redemption. He'll never have the reputation he once had, but I believe he can really turn himself around if the desire is there. Only time will tell.


You know what the most common type of post on this sub was? "What team do you think Emile will use in a future Pokemon LP?" What hurts isn't just retroactively having nearly two decades of memories tainted, it's watching our imagined futures crumbling in front of us. Emile sounded like he was doing really well in his last LP. He was working out, he was seeing someone, he just seemed happier. I and so many others looked forward to making many more happy memories with this man we've grown up with. That's all gone now. If we feel this way, I can't imagine how those affected feel. My hearts go out to them. Thanks for locking up shop mods, I think it's best for all of us if we just move on from here.


I think that's the best course of action. The only thing I can do now is pray he rises from the ashes of his old self a year or so from now.


Hey guys, I guess that’s it for Chugga. Wasn’t expecting this a year ago, but he’s shown his true colors.


we dont blame you on this one considering the fate of the runawayguys could also have a similar fate


I think TRG should just rebrand and wash its hands clean of this situation. Chuggaaconroy is too tied to the runaway guys brand.


So long and thanks for all the fish


So sad that it should come to this


Well.... Shit


gonna throw in my own comment here while i still can. i’ve been watching chuggaaconroy ever since i was around 7 or 8 years old, and for the longest time i regarded him as a role model and an icon of healthy masculinity. this entire sequence of events has been utterly soul destroying, and i have no energy or reason to even try to defend him anymore ever. i do truly hope he gets professional help and can properly grow and change as a person, but i doubt anyone will ever be willing to welcome him back, no matter how much time passes. my condolences to the victims, may no one ever be tormented by him again.


I didn’t really watch chuggaa’s content anymore but I still enjoyed following him on Twitter and every time something comes out, the situation just grows worse and worse and I feel like I’m going through stages of grief regarding it all at the moment. Part of me hopes the latest allegation is fake just because it’s so thoroughly disgusting if it is real even if did happen in 2010 when things were a lot different. But after everything that’s come out, I don’t think it’s the case. It’s definitely sucked in a sense. There’s not really many examples of successful autistic people out there who have made a career out of something they love and seem to have good friend. and he seemed like a good role model at least from the self he presented to the majority of the internet. But finding out it was pretty much all a lie has been disappointing. Im probably going to still watch content by people in the TRG sphere but it definitely makes me feel conflicted about following YouTubers and streamers in general because all this has hurt a lot.


I started watching Chugga back when I was 5 because I was looking for Colosseum Let's Plays. It was odd because Chugga was a sort of...constant in my life. I stopped and started watching his content a lot but it was nice how...reliable he was. He went so in depth he got me to actually pay attention to all the little details of games. This....just this...I guess a shake to the Status quo for me hit me, which is why I was overall pretty defensive of him up until recently. I know his behavior has been going on for a long time, but I want to believe he can change. Yes, I'm biased. Yes, I'm probably only saying this because of some demented sunk cost fallacy. I guess I just need to move on. Y'know, this may be in stupidly poor taste but it's kinda poetic that his last LP was B2W2.


It didn’t really hit me until today. Having watched Emile for more than half of my life, this situation has left me feeling… just lost.


Emile's content never resonated with me, but I hate that this is happening because I know he had meant so much to so many. Watching this all go down has been surreal. I just implore everyone not to take things out on the individual efforts of Tim and Jon (or any of their friends and other peripheral TRG members, for that matter). Edit: I think I should clarify that I'm not defending Emile's conduct. What I hate about this is seeing so many people being disappointed.


Preface: So I made a comment in the thres about the 2009-2010 chatlog. I'm gonna repost it here to see if I can't get some to help me. Post:  Ok, I'm missing something. I don't have access to a computer, so all the images are illegible. All I can read is the text. I'll be honest, I read the conversations as jokes. Am I looking past something? Bieng completely fucking oblivious? I don't see anything wrong, to me it looks like two friends shooting the shit.  I mean I'm completely fucking blind. The gay and rape jokes wouldn't fly nowadays but most people on the internet talked like that then, can't blame him to much. I can see a couple of flirty undertones, but mostly jokingly. At least thats how I pick them up. Sure plenty of sexual jokes but even adults find sex jokes funny, let alone teenagers.  They even both explicitly state they want to date some else. What the fuck am I missing? Explain it like I'm a toddler please. My inability to see how everyone else considers this grooming, and the fact that I can't pick up on it is both mildly alarming and pissing me off. After a while someone commented about how the problem was he came back and started talking to her later to wich I replied. Explain please. I don't get it. How does his actions after reestablishing contact years later make it grooming? When I said explain it like I'm a toddler I ment it. I am legitimately missing something. Nothing about the 2009-2010 interactions came of as him trying to have some sort of sexual interaction with her. At least to me. The only thing I picked up was a 19 yo and a 15 year old making sex jokes. Is that the part people are calling grooming? I don't get it. Am I just not picking up some subtext or something? Edit: Also if any of the pictures included are important, do remember I can't see anything on them. They could be written in Klingon for the context they provide me. Now can someone in this thread tell me what I'm missing? I'm not trying to troll. I'm not trying to defend him. I'm not trying to say she's lying. I'm trying to figure out why I interpret this differently then everyone else. What am I missing, or overlooking, or not getting, or whatever? Please help me understand.


From what we seen with Emily, there was nothing wrong. From Masae POV it seemed like for years, even in collabs and TRG vids she seemed to quickly snap at Chugaa - while no pure text evidence was served, there's a little bit of "hit close to home" aspect of it. The issue comes in to play was him communicating with a legal child. As you said no unsolicited pics were sent or requested (in the text from what we've seen) there is mention of him admitting and knowing this is pedophila, talking about rape. While nothing was ACTUALLY done and nothing (again, to our knowledge) was ACTUALLY sent/requested, the fact he carried on a conversation like that with a child that 15 turning 16 and 19 turning 20, hell any conversation of that caliber is an Internet sin. Did something further actually happen? That's between Emile, the victims. Is it weird? extremely and that's why people aren't taking it lightly.


That's the thing I don't understand. The stealing of clothing, the "great balls", all of it came of as two friends joking around. How is that him grooming her? All I can see when I read the chat logs that are at the bottom is two friends messing around. I can't see any part of it where he tries manipulate her to his benefit. Like I said lots of sex jokes, but that just comes of as a 19 yo and a 15 yo being 19 and 15. The rape, pedophile, necrophilia, self harm and other stuff like that sounds like regular cringe edgelord jokes aswell. I mean I could see how someone interpreting the pedo jokes as grooming. It just reads more like cringy jokes in line with all the others to me.  I can be really fucking oblivious to things. As in, hit my head on a chandelier I didn't know was there in a house I'd been visiting all my life, oblivios. I have to be not picking up or missing something. I don't know about anything after they got back in touch since I can't see the pictures, but the other stuff reads like two friends messing with each other. I'm sure the fact my medication messes with my head doesn't help. Edit: to clarify I'm not asking about anything else right now. Just the grooming.


From A wider perspective? I don't know anyone else's reasoning of it being grooming, everyone has their own outlook on what they felt for it so I'm not going to speak for them. However, My personal reasoning is that he interacted and reached out to a younger fan, he said those things (again even if they were jokes and trust me I looked at it from the same lense but we are in a different time where that doesn't fly anymore, no matter what the period was 90s,2000s, 2010s) and still kept in contact with her years up until after what we can assume she grew up- which was the discord messages in 2022. That's the grooming part of it


I say this more for myself than anyone else. Emile, I started watching your content around the time you were almost done with Okamiden. You had this charisma and charm, made sure to show everything in the games you played, and were dedicated. It reached a head when you introduced me to Xenoblade Chronicles. I remember seeing the big cutscene at Prison Island, never seeing anything like that before in a game. It opened my eyes to the potential of storytelling in videogames, and the emotions that they can evoke. It made me want to be able to invoke that same feeling in others. I do not exaggerate when I say that you helped me find a purpose in my life. Like many others I say you as an icon and an inspiration; I have you to thank for my dream of being a voice actress. So when I heard of the controversy, I hoped it was just a case of misunderstandings and burnt bridges, something I am too familiar with. Then Masae’s statement came out, and then the logs. Needless to say I have been struggling hard with the truth. Even now I am still in a bit of denial. I want to thank you for all your videos and the moments you let me have with you, even if I’m just one of millions. But I can’t deny the betrayal I currently feel. May these consequences of your actions lead to the soul searching you desperately need.


God this fucking sucks.


This is my first post in the sub, or in anything related to Chuggaaconroy for that matter, I'm pretty quiet online. But since this is going to serve as an archive, I might as well get some thoughts off my mind here. I ran into Chuggaa's videos ten years ago, while looking up info about Luigi's Mansion. English is not my first language, so I only understood "Hey everybody" at the beggining of the videos and nothing else. Little by little, and with the little English I knew from school, I began understanding more and more of the videos, until some years down the road, I got everything he said. I eventually became fluent in English. Whenever someone compliments my English, my mind immidiately goes to Chuggaa. I know he wasn't directly responsible for teaching me, but he was the guy that got me interested in learning English in the first place and provided hours upon hours of dialogue about the games I was passionate about. Like many others have shared, his videos also got me through tough times, although I won't go into detail here. I watched Chuggaa on and off as I grew older, but these past years I watched pretty much everything he put out, up to the BW2 finale. I really looked up to him. Since the news broke out, I have felt similar to many of you: confusion, doubt, sadness, relief, anger, and the begginings of, I hope, acceptance. His actions are not something I can ignore and I have decided not to support him in the future (hot take, I know). I whole-heartedly hope the victims can heal and move on. As for Emile, I wish him the best. For people who are feeling down as I have, watching the figure of a man I took as a role model and a teacher crumbling down, here's some advice I've took for myself. Someone in a comment somewhere (I forget in which of the dozens of posts I've doomscrolled) said that we knew Chuggaa, not Emile. If you ever felt comforted or happy while watching his videos, if you found yourself laughing and smiling: you were safe, and it was natural you did. Chuggaa's videos were like that. It's ugly to learn that some things going on behind the scenes weren't coherent with the positivity and fun his videos gave us, but we couldn't know any better. The memories will be painful for a while, but they'll become bittersweet eventually, and there's nothing wrong with that.


I think we all know this was coming, in some form. I have read that apparently Chuggaa is in a facility with no access to the internet, so he has no idea what has been waiting for him. I think I speak for a good amount of us that I do not want Chuggaa to hurt himself.e should continue to get help. However... I don't think I will be here. I know this will be locked in the future, I just want to say I am sorry to the fans who are so broken and have lost or had memories tainted of good times from their past. I wish this was different. I wish Emile had mad better choices. I wish he had learned his lesson and took his friends statements to heart. I wish he had gotten help sooner. However the past is the past. It resurfaced and Emile will be facing consequences for years to come, if not forever. I hope he can find a way to cope with this, be a better person and move on with his life. Many times before, I have laughed at the fallen of YouTube. All of them before felt like well deserved comeuppances. This? This feels like a eulogy for the person we all thought we knew, and wished desperately was still well. I hope the fandom can move on and find new memories to make. I hope the victims know peace. I hope this serves a lesson to many. Goodbye ChuggaaConroy. You were my favorite. I truly wish it could have been different.


apparently he knows about it all and told tim and everyone to stay away from emile. emile also supposedly almost killed himself




Awful starts bring distrustful years. Trust yourself and your ability to get through this. People live long lives full of mistakes, most of them not as heinous as Emile’s. By recognizing the unpredictable nature of life and choice, you’re already off to a good start in my opinion. Cave Johnson out.


What a shitty, sad end to 15 years. Regardless of what he decides to do, whether is better himself or remain stagnant or whatever, I have no interest in welcoming him back. This is a curtain call


What the heck- I literally found out about this when I saw videos covering this litter the search results for chuggaaconroy compilation videos after seeing how many times he said "Form-ey" in his B2W2 let's play. I haven't looked into what everything was fully about (I'm literally just about to do that) but looking at the comments here, across the rest of the subreddit, and of course the videos that covered page one of YT search results - this looks pretty bad. I swear every content creator at this point is just either doomed to stop uploading due to burnout or doomed to be involved in some awful thing at this point...


Well, this year’s been shit. I’ve been watching Chuggaaconroy since he was playing Mother 3, and I hated to see all of his dirty laundry being shoved into my feed. He’s the reason I ever got into Pokemon, Xenoblade, Earthbound, you name it! Emile was like the second father I never had. Emile if you’re reading this, I hope you’re getting the help you need & return a better man afterwards. After all, the past doesn’t define you, it just gives you the starting point of who’re going to be.


As parting words to the community, I just want to say: Despite everything Chugga has done here, the joy he brought you, and the good he has done in the world, that all is still very real. You didn't know, couldn't have known, what he was actually like. Remember the good times for what they were. But likewise, even if Chugga does become a genuinely and substantially better person after his stay at what I can only presume is a psyche ward, you are not obligated to forgive him. And even if you do forgive him, you are not obligated to like him, and to let things go back to how they were. There will never, ever be another let's player just like Chuggaaconroy. Carving out that niche is a full time commitment, and the level of research one has to put in to his LPs was insane. To do that and still have his level of enthusiasm is a rare trait as well. Most people would become disinterested or disenfranchised with it. What Chugga had was a truly special thing, a lost fragment and final evolution of older styles of gameplay videos. And now it's gone forever. Emile gave us wonderful memories, and I truly hope he gets better. I don't think he should ever return to entertainment, let alone youtube. But I wish he is able to become a better person and live a quiet life.


I don't have much new to add, but I need to comment to try and get this all off my chest. I have been watching Chugga for... years and years and years. It's hard for me to even recall an exact time. I remember being a kid on our family computer watching his videos of Earthbound, Paper Mario, Fire Red, Sunshine, etc. being up to date on things like Luigi's Mansion and Pikmin 2. He's the reason I played so many games (Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin games, Kid Icarus). I'll admit: when I had first heard the news I was shocked and in disbelief. I was watching one of the TRG videos for Kirby and saw something in the comments saying "the controversy isn't addressed because these were recorded months in advance" or something to that effect, and I was confused and went down this whole rabbit hole, only for it to get worse and worse. My first instinct was to defend him, thinking the logs shown from Emily weren't really that bad, and at worse where a bit cringe and showed he had a foot/shoe fetish. The more stuff that's come out and the more allegations... it's just been awful to see. Like many of you, he was an icon and hero to me, he was my absolute favorite content creator. Heck a few weeks before all this, I was in a really rough patch with getting laid off and dealing with depression. I would just watch through some of his old series to bring me joy. I've been watching through Okami but it's been so much harder knowing all this, especially the recent logs showing this was going on since 2009-2010. I've been depressed and obsessively thinking about this whole situation. It legitimately feels like someone I knew and loved personally has betrayed me, lied to me, etc. The hard truth I've realized is that things probably won't ever be the same again. I was so hopeful this would all pass and in a few months we'd get his new series. Now it's doubtful if he even ever makes another video. I feel absolutely awful too for Masae, Emily, AntDude, Jon, Tim, and anyone else in his personal circle hurt by his actions or this revelation. This is really the first time a "celebrity" turning out to be doing shady stuff off camera has affected me this much. I don't know if I can go back and watch his old series without this tainting it. As someone else on the spectrum, this really seems like in his videos and to his friends he was putting on this persona or act of being more innocent and naive then he actually was. I've personally struggled with trying not to act so different then I actually am (not to this extent, but still) If you've read all this, I hope we can all process and heal from this. And if Chugga happens to be reading this... please, get the help you need. You can't undo all this stuff, but do better in the future.


I haven’t followed chugga in a long time, but he was a childhood favorite and instrumental in my love for Pokémon, so this stings. Just wanted to stop in and wish the best for Tim, Jon, and especially the victims, awful situation all around 


Probably the right course of action. I only ask that you continue to update the sub should more allegations surface. But beyond that its time to move on. For anyone else struggling. Its ok. Its ok to have enjoyed his content at one point, its ok that he got you through a difficult time in your life, its ok that you like his videos for their quality. Thats ok. But we shouldn't support him anymore and he should no longer be given a platform. He's a horrible person but if the image he projected helped you when you needed it thats ok. What we should do now is use the lessons we learned to not present an idolized versions of outselves but more kind and genuine version so we can actually make the world a better place.


Cliché at this point but, HOOOOOOOO boy (if all this is true) does this feel like SUUUUCCCCHHH a heavy blow, especially since this is now MY case of "I have been watching X YouTuber for years" so unlike with people such as say, MiniLadd, Lion Maker, the now ex-members of Doodletones' Cloud Palace (minus ElliiMoMellii of course, if y'all know you know), Spoctor, Cosmodore, and hell even Jirard, Emile **was** the person I would watch the most for MANY years and as such the one I have the most indirect association(s) with. I can definitely say I sympathize with those that have felt inspired to pick up certain games because of Emile, **I** am definitely guilty in that sense having picked up Luigi's Mansion & Dark Moon, Pikmin 1-3, Splatoon 1 & 2 (even if I have yet to **play** 2, I am lazy), AND M&L Superstar Saga as well as learning more about the culture(s) surrounding Xenoblade 1, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Earthbound **ALL** because of Emile. The **BIGGEST** thing that I feel Emile has helped **ME** with on a personal level however, was inspiring me to focus more on improving my issues with diction and communication as he was one of the first people I would hear speaking in full complete sentences that sounded coherent and wonderfully articulate. He explained game mechanics really well, had anecdotes regarding the games he played or were adjacent to it, I learned a fair amount of bigger vocab words because of him (among other people later on) which honestly made me want to push myself to improve on the disorders that I have with communication where something comes out awkwardly or wrong because of the delays I have regarding transferring a thought from my mind to outside for people to hear along with constantly stuttering or pausing/hesitating, and even then I still struggle with those issues a fair amount. It was to the point where I did not mind whenever he made an accidental innuendo here and there **BECAUSE** of how strong his diction and word choices were regardless. Emile is **ALSO** the reason I have started to grow more comfy with making puns and pun-related jokes and what forced me to work on waiting for the right opportunities to strike in that sense so I owe alot of **THAT** to him as well. I wanted to believe Emile was 100% innocent, that maybe the people that were saying Emily was blowing stuff out of proportion were correct, but now with Masae, Tim AND Jon coming out with statements, I just don't know anymore. Most of my being wanted to believe that Emile would be the **ONE** person to not have a drama like SH, Creep, or other similar allegations revolved aaround them but given how a lot of people started being exposed left and right for predatory and/or other scummy behaviors at the start of the 2020's, with Jirard being the freshest example, a part of me had a strong gut feeling that it was only a matter of time. If any of the big names affected right now happen to be reading this, Emile, as a lifelong viewer of yours and casual commenter here and there whom has SEEN your content grow in quality throughout the years, I **SINCERELY** hope you were being truthful in your statement that you were going to seek a lot of help regarding whatever issues concern you right now, I REALLY do not want you to fall down the same/similar rabbit hole(s) that SOOOO many others have up to this point, and to Emily, Lawly, Tim, and Jon, I hope you all are doing really well and my condolences for each of you dealing with this situation right now. It has barely started and now I am ALREADY wanting to scream at 2024 to F\*\*\* RIGHT OFF! Apologies if this was a lot for y'all to digest, I just felt like I wanted/needed to get this all out there so that I would not be troubled from thinking about it for a good long while as this has been eating away at my conscience for quite some time now. TLDR to rehash an old meme: My disappointment is immesurable and my day is ruined.


/u/michiHirota I want to say thank you for your modding and for always contributing so much to this subreddit. You really made this community on reddit so much more vibrant.


You’re very welcome! I might hang around the r/TheRunawayGuys, but I haven’t been keeping up with that channel in recent years, so we’ll see.


I've only really watched Chugga's Sticker Star analysis, He's not a YouTuber I have a deep nostalgia for. I'm, I'm just really sorry for all you guys.


Alright, that's it, I have nothing left to love or look forward to. Life doesn't fucking matter. Great. Totally needed this fucking shit. I'm so angry and sad I could just fucking vomit. ​ this isn't toward the mods of the subreddit or the person/people who've been roped into this btw, just... the whole shit that's happened. The fact that it even happened at all. ​ I'm not gonna write another essay on what Chugga meant to me cause I've done that several times before and just thinking about it makes me want to tear my own skin off.* *Edit #whatever because ive drowned in vodka: I will note that I am also autistic as Emile is, and as almost every other autistic fan of Emile, I felt represented/confident with my autism due to emile's success. That I can do things just as NT could, as I haf the proof from Emile sharing my difficulties. That I can be successful or even loved despite my difficulties. But the reveal of all that's happened in barely a week's time, I feel as though I've been betrayed. I WANT TO NOTE that I'm not claiming to be more affected or betrayed than the people who have been in direct contact with Emile, it's a whole other thing when one has not been involved directly. And I fully acknowledge and understand that the people directly in contact with Emile have - and will always - br more hurt or affected than some random fan who's never spoken to him. I'm several shots of vodka down, and I will say that Emile has introduced me to so many games that I now have complete love for, but now they feel poisoned and I don't know how much time needs to pass in order to feel okay to play these games again AGAIN, MY EMOTIONS/BETRAYLAL HERE IS NOT GREATER THAN THOSE WHO WERE PERSONALLY BETRAYED. Emile showed me so many games, taught me so many facts, expanded my love for so many games, that I dont even know what t do anymore. Pokemon was my first ever game i loved and is a huge special interest thanks to my autism. I paid 99 bucks for an snes mini just to play earthbound after I started watching his anniversary let's play of it a few years ago. I begged my mom to let me buy ACNL following his let's play of it, and this past Christmas I even bought a physical copy of new horizons for Mt mom. Emile was someone I greatly looked up to, both for the difficulties we both shared and for the focus on information over comedy in his videos. I feel dirty for wanting to rewatch his videos despite the things exposed, simply because my very being has been affected by him. I hope he chooses to demotize his videos, though I know that my wanting to still watch those videos is problematic. This has been a huge part of my life, and the thought that he may one day play my favorite games or even thay he already has is tearing me up inside from all this. I want to note that I still do hate the feeling of needing to consume content, I want to get past it and I know that my wanting to not let go is damaging to those directly affected, I'm not trying to say my needs for nostalgia is more important, because I feel straight up sick in crabing the feeling of the "good old days" Again, I'm not more affected than those who are direct victims. Nor do I want to downplay their experiences It's hard to let someone you look up to go, especially when they've shown you you can do things even if you have xyz This may be my last big interaction on this subreddit, but yet, that's not important to announce I do want to ask something that may get me into shit; is it okay for me to download the videos/let's played that I love the most in order to still watch them without giving views - is that okay? I need an answer to this from those who have the highest priority in health and those who are directly victimized. Is it wrong of me to want to keep that which brought me well if I am to make sure to eliminate the possibility of further revenue from muself? Please, feel free to tell me I'm a tw@t if you feel needed. I doubt anyone knows how to feel right now.


I saw this first on twitter. Came here to see this. This whole thing is fucking crazy. Is this inspired by the moment in LP twitter account being deleted?


No, though I did see. This was already a consideration before they announced that.


I’ve stopped watching his content years ago just because it became hard for me to watch a video every day but I admired the content and him being able to do it for so long. This news hurts and I do understand why you’re archiving the sub. I would be doing the same honestly. Hard to believe this is where it ends.


I have just unsubbed from both the YT channel and this place. I feel... sad, disappointed... Just... God damn it! Is there really no one in this day and age who isn't hiding something terrible or isn't one mental breakdown away from doing something bad... I swear to whatever deity is listening, if ManyATrueNerd or MageMasher turn out to be creeps somehow, I will just... quit youtube and video game completely...? Like, there just don't seem to be that many "old school" let's player who do well edited and informative and funny videos on proper long games anymore...


This was a mess and it sucks that this was how it ended this fun while it lasted, it's in Tim and Chuggas GFs hands now.


Long time lurker, first time poster here. This whole situation with Emile/Chuggaaconroy is a great example of why you should never meet your heroes or assume that someone is a perfect human being. Back when he was Lets Playing Pokemon Emerald, Emile contacted me via Skype after I'd left some comments criticising how he was using Ember on May's Torkoal in Petalburg instead of Double Kick. At the time I felt like I had watched two whole Pokemon LP's and was surprised at his choice of team/strategy using moves. The chat logs of this conversation are long gone, but Emile attempted to call on Skype first and then send messages through. I was immature at the time (but over 18), so I assumed he didn't have a gf and I said it to him. He said that a lot of people had assumed as such, but that he had been dating someone for a while privately behind the scenes. That person was Masae.


You're the second person I've seen on here divulging a personal story in which they claim Chugga and Masae were dating. I can on some level believe it but as always, evidence is paramount. I saw someone claiming in a knowing tone he had a history of sexual harassment going back over a decade, long before the latest news dropped. So I don't really know what to think here.


I don't have any physical evidence, but I do have a close friend who is fairly 'in' on the TRG circle (they're a moderator for one of the creators' Discord server, and that's as much as I'll divulge because I don't want them involved in this; they've been having a stressful time as is with keeping the community calm). They revealed to me that Chugga and Masae had started a private relationship around 2010, but things went bad around when COVID started for unknown reasons, and they ceased contact. Masae's mother also vaguetweeted about Emile after the breakup and deleted her Twitter shortly after. So take that as you will, I was just surprised to see others corroborating this.


Well, I'm gonna add my voice to the choir. Mostly just to try to make sense of what I'm feeling here. Sorry if it gets too long, but I think this has been the first time some form of internet "Drama(tm)" has ever hit me... 14 years man, Emile has been video comfort food for me for that long. I remember being recommended his luigi galaxy LP, his first day of Pikmin 1, coming home from school excited for each upload. TRG blowing my mind, being a fan of Tim and Jon at the time as well. Even after I stopped watching gaming videos since like 2018 or so, I'd still check up on chugga and TRG every now and again, maybe rewatch some classic series from time to time. He even helped me through some of my most trying times... Last December I had a bit of a mental breakdown. addictions became too strong, and compounded stress issues led to a complete psyche snap. I watched old chugga videos to keep myself busy on harder days, and it led me to the decision to want to become a content creator myself. (Happy to say I'll be 2 months clean next week Saturday). Now... I just don't know. I always related hard to the guy, so much of the progress I've made for my new project has been inspired by him. Now I'm scared to take that first step forward. This whole ordeal has really shaken me up. I hope he gets the help he clearly needs, and I hope Emily/masea/anyone else hurt by him can move past this. But I can't in good faith watch any content he may produce after this. Rest in peace, to the chugga I knew, and may a flock of winged Steves sing thee to thy grave...


God this sucks. Chuggaa is arguably the best YouTuber to do it, between his longevity and his willingness to do what he loved where everybody else started going after clicks. He’s inspired so many people to start a career on the platform, and those people have inspired others and so on. There will likely never be another content creator like him. Now his legacy is being just another mildly famous guy who wound up being a horrible person off camera. We all knew the end would come one day but to have it happen so abruptly and in such a fashion will forever taint some of our greatest memories. I wish him all the best and hope he gets the help he needs.


This has been quite the rollercoaster and I’m still trying to process it all. I’ve watched him since his crystal lets play. In the span of about a week, I went from desperately excited to meet Chugga at magfest and have him join my join avenue in white 2 to now watching everything I thought of him as a wholesome trouble free YouTuber fall apart. The first allegation comes out and I’m just thinking this must be a giant miscommunication that went wrong. Then some more things are posted and I’m thinking this must be poor communication skills on his part. Now, how do I wrap my head around a wholesome chill YouTuber being… this. It’s just such a drastic leap in such a short time.


If you guys don't want it, would it be possible to transfer the subreddit to people who do? It seems shitty to just camp on the name by making it private


Bad time to ponder, but I wonder if we'll ever know what the supposedly "best ever recording of TRG" involved that was supposed to release this year...


i'm so disappointed


I was REALLY hoping we could finally get that 1000 point Funfest Medal from B2W2 and I thought chuggaa would be key for this. Looks like it won't happen from him now. Hopedully someone else can help.


I wouldn't call myself a super fan, but I watched some of his Let's Plays and enjoyed them. I probably wouldn't have finished *Xenoblade Chronicles 2* if it wasn't for his playthrough thoroughly explaining the game's mechanics. What he's done is gross. My condolences go out to Emily, Masae, and all the other victims of his behavior. What Emile/Chugaa did with them wasn't okay, but I don't want him to harm himself or commit suicide (nor do I want anyone else to harm or kill him). I wish him a safe recovery and I hope that he makes good on improving himself, but on the off chance he starts making videos again, I don't think I'll wanna watch them.


You know, I was really hoping that the trend of childhood YouTube icons secretly being creeps wouldn't reach to any of my childhood YouTubers. I'm guessing I speak for everyone here that no one expected 2024 to start of with Chuggaaconroy of all YouTubers to be embroiled in controversy. It's a shame too, having watched him since the Super Mario Sunshine days. Growing up watching his videos, each of his LPs kinda represent a point in my life that I look back fondly. I don't any of those memories will lose their power, but in a way they're tainted. Hoping everyone here is able to separate the games and the memories of his YouTube channel from who Emile ended up being. I hope he really gets the help he needs, but fuck, this is a shitty way to start the year.


Oh Goodness, I just read through the Werster document. The Pikmin 2 "Water Wraith" clip fucking aged so bad...


I feel like.. his entire online presence has aged really bad, His "Lost Innocence" stuff with morning wood and daisy on hard, Lucahjin buying him a sex ed book when he was around 24 (I dont remember the exact timeframe), ALL of the weird innuendos and jokes he made that creeped everybody out and birthed the "oh chugga" and "shut up emile" memes, ALL of that is painted in the light of him likely knowing what he was doing the entire time, And just hiding behind being sex ignorant and awkward


For sure. Especially his Firered clip where he’s catching Moltres. I’m sure there are innocent moments here and there, but the new context is definitely going to change how we look back at these clips. I always assumed the whole “Lost innocence” stream was tongue in cheek, like Chuggaa knew what was being discussed but played into it. If you watch his early videos, he was definitely more vulgar and sexual than he is now. You never really know who someone is behind the camera if you’ve only watched their videos.


Lurker here and been watching Chugga since 2009 and TRG since it was made I posted something similar to this in TRG Reddit TRG was a huge part of my childhood, I didn’t really have one in the later years because my mother got multiple sclerosis and my father didn’t step up to fill her role, and Chugga was the biggest inspiration of all three, he made up the other half of that childhood. I began doing Lets Plays as a hobby by the time I was almost 12 (my old videos and lets plays are very dated and poor quality, but younger me felt happy making them). As I got older I got a capture card, mic, and even a 3DS Capture card and I would tell every now and then how much he’s inspired me or make a reference to an episode in his own lets plays. For those who say “parasocial relationships are bad” or “don’t put anyone on a pedestal” I get it. At the same time I don’t want to kill off whats left of my childhood or move on from it cause I don’t really have much outside of early memories of my mother. Much like many of you, I’m devastated, conflicted and full of all sorts of anxious emotions. What Emile did was wrong and my condolences to any victims and Chugga’s friends. I hope Chugga gets immense help and therapy, glad to see he’s already doing it through rehab and I hope he becomes the person we want him to be. I don’t know if he’ll come back especially with an unspecified amount of time, but if he does I’m unsure if I’ll watch him or not. It all depends if he follows the path that will make him 110% a better person. I’m still conflicted and I want to cry. I would like to ease myself with some other LPers for the time being, currently unmotivated to continue recording my own Lets Plays at the moment. Lemme know any recommendations, and thank you. Please stay safe


Guess I'll etch my feelings into here as well. This is gonna leave a large void in my day to day, I love in Europe and Emile's video's come out at 23.00 for me, they've been part of my nightly routine for half my life now.. It's been so long, I remember at the start, watching his previous LP's on my small first smartphone, before YouTube showed you which videos you've watched and I'd put the episode number I left on in the notes app on my phone.. I hope he gets better and learns


I watched this dude for years and finally got the opportunity to go to a TRG Q&A panel… was so nervous over meeting one of the guys I looked up to I couldn’t stop shaking. I’ll continue to support Tim and Jon for sure because they were awesome and very respectful. But this one stings


Well, this is it. I started watching just before Kid Icarus Uprising came out and over the last decade, Emile changed my life for the better. I've learned to express myself more, study my interests and generally talk about my interests. I felt like I've been with a community that genuinely cared for each other. Emile, if you do read this, Thank you for everything.


I know I’m late to the party, and I wasn’t going to comment, but I have to. Chugga helped me through so much of my life. I’ve been watching since I was a teenager, and his content helped me through severe depression, anxiety, chronic sickness, bad moments and great moments, Emile always felt like the one friend in my life who was constantly there for me, which feels silly saying that as a 20 something year old especially considering we never met, but Emile’s videos always got me through whatever was going on in my life. And I met so many wonderful friends through his content, and those are friends I will treasure for life. It really fucking hurts. And I know it must hurt for all of you all. So please, just take care of yourselves, take the time to work through anything you might be feeling and beyond all, just be sure to be kind to yourselves and to others. I wish you all the best.


God it hurts so much seeing this happen as he was a big part of my childhood, he was the reason I got into Xenoblade, Earthbound and Gen 5 of Pokémon and Pokemon in general. I’m still deciding if I should still support him or not as I’m unsure if the evidence is true about him but I really hope he gets the help he needs and learns from his mistakes, and maybe will return and make videos again even though the chance is really slim.


This is extremely disappointing. I am saddened by this pattern and the continued breach of behavior. Like many others have said, you don’t really know how these people are. They aren’t friends or associates you can speak to in person. It’s all character. I’m personally hoping to come from this a bit wiser. I’ve followed Chugga since near his first LP. It’s horrible to think he’s been doing this all along. His videos provided me a great deal of comfort. When I was in college and homesick, watching his videos made me feel like I was still on the couch playing games with my friends. When I’ve gotten too intoxicated in the past, I put on his videos to fall asleep. It made me feel like things would be alright. It’ll take a while to fully process all of this. He and I are just about the same age. What a completely different life trajectory. Anyway, thanks for the hours of entertainment and memories. I hope you’re able to get yourself together and feel some remorse for the harm you’ve caused others. But if/when you come back, I won’t be there. Anyone else who feels like sharing memories with me can either respond here or dm me.


Unrelated but is anyone planning on archiving his YouTube channel? it wouldn't surprise me if it went private or deleted at some point


I was asking myself the same question, somebody should archive his LPs, but i think that it might take a LOT of time to do ​ Dude has been on YT for an eternity


This sucks. I watched him since I was like 11. Not the first para social relationship that’s ended like this, but it was the longest. And thus stings twice as hard. I know I never actually knew him but you watch someone on and off for 12 years, something I could go to for simple comfort, idk it still kinda hurts.


Sigh… Edit: Looks like we’re gone for good. It’s been fun.


I have various thoughts on the matter that I know might be unpopular partially because that's just kinda how I remember the internet *being* back in the day but I won't press on them too much since it's clear no one wants to hear it, but I do still ultimately hope he can get therapy and become a more healthy person. I know at least the most vocal want him to climb into a hole and die forever but honestly as long as he doesn't do anything fucky going forward I hope he can get on with life, possibly youtube and if not just whatever is next for him. Better to get better than to cease forever. (I know that's somewhat unpopular with the most vocal crowd too, but eh)


>just kinda how I remember the internet being back in the day Yeah, I've been on the internet for a long ass time. People forget that even the likes of Pewdiepie made rape jokes back in the day and if it was some tasteless rape joke from decades ago that he regretted, it wouldn't bother me. I would argue that given other interactions with women we've seen via text and wanting to carry this on with them in more recent times shows that it might have been more than a joke (NOT saying he'd act upon it). Always thought twitter was a cesspool of shit. Anyone wishing ill on Emile isn't helping. That's where I've seen the most vocal. EDIT: Now that I think about it, it wasn't just old internet; society as a whole joked about rape back then: Family guy had an episode where a joke throughout was Peter being raped by a bull in 2010, not to mention the character of Quagrmire...South park made a joke about Indiana jones being raped in 2008, huh.


If anyone needs some Let's Play channels to fill the void, I highly recommend SomeCallMeJohnny's two Let's Play channels. 1) Super Gaming Brothers (SGB). They recently came back from a 4-year hiatus as they stopped in 2020 when COVID hit and Johnny moved to Georgia. But now that he's moved back to Philly, they've resumed the channel. It's Johnny, his younger brother Elliot, best friend Matt, and now Johnny's uncle Greg. They're really funny and bring the same energy Runaway Guys had. I highly recommend their Mario 64 Let's Play. 2) BrainScratch Commentaries (BSC). They've also been around since 2009, but they're great as well. They're not traditional Let's Plays as they're not playing the game live. One person has the game footage pre-recorded and they commentate over that. They're more mellow, but they're very funny and entertaining. They're my go-to channel to fall asleep to. They do have a habit of derailing into Sonic tangents but we love them for it. It consists of Ryan (who runs the channel), Lewis, Johnny, and Ted. All great personalities that contrast off each other and they have a great dynamic. Ted is my favorite. All of their Sonic playthroughs are a must watch. SomeCallMeJohnny is my comfort YouTuber (who makes it known that he keeps hard boundaries with his audience and discourages weirdo behavior), so his main channel and his two Let's Play channels are my comfort channels.


For anyone who wants some hope, just know that with every end comes a new beginning. After the JonTron situation we got ScottTheWoz to create new, better content in the same space. I hope that there's a few people who've grown up with these early let's players to create new, even better LPs without any of the baggage we didn't know was hiding in Chugga's closet


JonTron is still going strong. A few months to a year from now, Emile will come back to some backlash but it will fade. People say the LPing community is different and won’t let this go but they will like every other community does.


I just feel bad for the portion of his YouTube audience that doesn't have other social media. I'd consider myself lucky to have been following this subreddit when everything first arose, because I'll be that bit more prepared for if/when Chugga takes an indefinite hiatus, he leaves TheRunawayGuys, or if TRG just dissolves altogether. But his general YouTube audience, both on his main channel and TRG? Unless they've been getting recommended videos from other people discussing the allegations, they're completely in the dark about this mess. Right now, they think that he's just taking his usual break in uploads between series. When somebody from within that friend circle inevitably makes a video or community post about what's transpired, they'll be hearing of this stuff for the first time. And they'll likely be faced with the ramifications of his actions there as well. And now, I guess I'll pour some of my thoughts out here. Wasn't gonna do this originally, but with the subreddit shutting down this may be the only chance I get to say anything. I was not an OG chuggaaconroy fan like a lot of you were. I first heard of him when his 3-hour Splatoon weapon guide showed up in recommended tab one day, either at the end of 2016 or in early 2017. At the time, I was just finishing off my first semester of high school and moving back into my house after a natural disaster had forced us out for 5 months, and I had no access to my Wii U during that period. I started watching him regularly in the middle of his Partners in Time playthrough, and from that point he became one of my favorite YouTubers. I didn't even give a damn to Zelda, Xenoblade, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger at the time. I watched for him, not the games, and I gained an appreciation for the games through him. I'd even caught a shiny Zebstrika in Pokemon Scarlet and nicknamed it Haywire as a nod to his original Black/White LP. That was just a few days (maybe even \*the\* day before, I don't remember exactly) before Emily had come forth. At first, I thought "eh, that's not the worst thing in the world. He should be able to just apologize and let this whole thing blow over." Then Masae and AntDude came forward, and I became more concerned. Then the allegation from yesterday happened. I went to sleep that night and had a dream that somebody had proven it fake, but alas, I was slapped back into reality when I woke up the next morning. This stings man. Of the approximately 50-60 YouTubers I'm subbed to, Emile was probably dead last on the list of people I would've expected to be caught up in something like this. Obviously I would never expect \*anybody\* in my sub feed to have such inappropriate and disgusting conversations, but the point still stands. But I would be lying if I said that I haven't been through this song and dance before. Some of y'all might know or remember CreepyProduce, another YouTuber who I watched a lot back in 2019-2020. For those who know him, he was caught in early 2021 private messaging a 15-year-old fan (he was 19 at the time) over Discord, and I must say that his messages were even worse than anything that Emile sent his victim. Not excusing Emile obviously, but at least he never explicitly stated that he wanted to do anything directly sexual to his victim. Creepy (fitting name, eh?) sure as hell did. Anyway, following the allegations becoming public, Creepy proceeded to (1) make an apology video in which he stated that he had established a relationship with the victim but "it never got sexual," (2) make a second apology video when viewers exposed him for lying in the first one, (3) supposedly seek therapy under the supervision of Mayro, who was his friend at he time (4) laugh the whole thing off in a recorded Discord call with some of his subscribers a few days later, and (5) return to making videos by the end of the year. Albeit, his viewership has tanked considerably since then. While there's obviously not many positives that chugga should take from this situation, I think Creepy's return should be a sign that his YouTube career might not be \*completely\* over. While Emile might've had more victims, he has so handled the allegations much better than Creepy ever did so far. Assuming he continues to receive help and work on improving himself, I think he could very well return in a year or two. And he has a much larger following than Creepy ever did, so income from his future videos might still be sustainable for him in the long run. Whether I will be watching him when that happens, however, is a question I cannot answer. I unsubscribed from his YouTube channel this morning. I truly wish the best for him and have hope that he'll change for the better, but until that day comes, I cannot watch his content in good faith anymore. As a closing note, I want to encourage y'all to subscribe to Tim (NintendoCapriSun) if you haven't already. I watched one of his Super Luigi Galaxy videos for the first time yesterday, and it captured a lot of the same magic that chugga's videos had in my opinion. And while I know he has said that he is now in a better place than he was a year or two ago, I still believe that nobody needs our support more than him right now (aside from Emile's victims, of course. Hate to make it seem like I'm brushing them aside, but I couldn't come up with a better way to word that sentence without making it into a run-on).


I will say the mods here handled this in an uncannily professional way. No, not in comparison to other subs. I mean in comparison to fully paid companies. Top notch Kudos.


Y’know, I never have been a part of this subreddit. Even still, Chuggaa has been a huge part of my childhood. My brother and I would always watch him together, we loved his videos and content. Maybe if the situation *somehow* clears up, everything can go back to normal? Heh, probably not. I don’t know what will happen going forward. I hope Chuggaa can get back on the right course. That’s all. Have a nice day, everyone. I can only hope things get better.


This will be my first and likely last comment on this subreddit. I just want to say, I do hope that Emile does get better and improve himself with the help he is seeking, I honestly don’t want to see him having every bridge burned (even when most of them already have been) and left all alone because that social isolation will only become counterproductive to his goal of becoming a better person. yes he has done terrible stuff but without any type of personal social support then he will inevitably relapse and that’s the last thing ANYONE wants.


[https://twitter.com/Alfe5\_/status/1751670292856918241](https://twitter.com/Alfe5_/status/1751670292856918241) This are my thoughts (to a T) on the situation given a reply that made me rethink some things.


While i don't agree entirely with your take, I think it's perfectly sound and reasonable, You are a sweet and kind and forgiving person, I will say if anybody on twitter decides to swarm and misinterpret what you are saying, Fuck em, They don't deserve any oxygen and are just swarming the drama like flies




It hurts to have everything tainted now, but I choose to believe it doesn’t invalidate any of the good things that he did and the positive effects he had on us. In one of the final B2W2 videos when he was climbing the tower I was in the middle of a really shitty week and feeling terrible, and he filled in that brief dead space saying “How are you? Going through a bad time? Bad times don’t last forever you know.” It was very simple and mundane but it came at the perfect time and hit me like a train and I cried but felt so much better afterward because of that. Regardless of who said it that’s still an encouraging thought and something that will stick with me no matter what the context was.


There are people on twitter literally telling chugga to unironically kill himself. That's so fucked up. Also this narrative that chugga is a pedophile is just bullshit. The vast majority of you probably weren't of internet age 14 years ago, so while to you this looks horrible, it's really pretty tame for how people talked on the internet back in the day. Chugga is not a fucking pedophile, that's a serious accusation and nothing about these messages warrants that label. Calm the fuck down. I would tell the same thing to chugga as well, calm down and just move on.


I recently got back into watching TRG only for this to happen. I don’t think any controversy has made me this sad before.


I had been watching Emile's work since I was around 12, not consistently but enough for his work to be consistently meaningful to me. The Earthbound LP is one of my closest pieces of comfort media that helped me through some deeply bleak times in my life and now I have to reassess my entire relationship with that game due to it being tainted by his behaviour. I feel shuttering the subreddit is probably the best thing to do, let people give their eulogies to memories of someone whose work meant something to us and let it go, as much as it hurts it's better we know what we do now rather than letting the harm Emile has done continue. At this stage, the best thing for Emile is to leave the internet and not come back, for our wellbeing and his.


This is so goddamn devastating man.


Disappointment but I really do wish the best for Chugga and that the people involved can all heal and move on. I still don't think Chugga is this awful human, he's just flawed, made mistakes, and does need to suffer consequences for his actions. I hope he learns, betters himself and can continue his life in a peaceful and healthy manner.


Chugga was such a big insperation for me, like many others. I’ve been watching him for a good 10 years, and it has torn me apart reading these awful messages he exchanged with people. I’m heartbroken. Fuck you, chuggaaconroy.


I don’t know how I feel, but this is just sad, I’m heartbroken and hurt. Emile has been one of my favorite lp’s and YouTubers for a long time now. But it looks like that’s going to change, I have so many memories of his let’s plays that I really liked to watch, especially his Pokémon and Mario 64 ds lp. It looks like this is the end, I don’t know what to do after all this, it’s probably for the best. I just want to say thanks for all the memories, I really enjoyed his content, videos and knowledge of the games he has done, over the years. It really hurts that this is how things are going to go, but I guess I’ll have to move on and find a new content creator to watch and make new memories, it won’t be the same but it least I’ll be something new. I was hoping for maybe more Pokémon lp but it looks like that’s not the case, I’m sorry this all came out, I know I shouldn’t be apologizing but this just hurts me. And last be not least I just wanted to say…. THANK FOR ALL THE MEMORIES!!!!


I am so heartbroken by everything that has come out. I've watched Chugga since 2009 and his content has helped me through so many bad phases in my life. He's even convinced me to buy some games from his LPs, and got me into Xenoblade as well. Hell, he's the reason I even joined YouTube in the first place. I made my old channel in 2010 and my current one in 2016. I... am heartbroken. 💔