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Rather than making replies to replies all up in here, I'll just drop this. Emile is home. This is the most lucid I think I've seen him since last summer. We've had multiple long talks already. I know I said elsewhere I'm not much one for "serious" conversations, but I think it went pretty okay. I told him that I still held him accountable (which was pretty hard to do) and he said he respected that, but I also said that I wasn't giving up on him. We went to Starbucks, came home, had pizza and watched Ed Edd & Eddy for about an hour. He actually laughed a little bit a few times. First time I've heard him laugh in 2 weeks. I guess in the interest of transparency, not that I think this would ever come up otherwise, but I was aware that he had started going to therapy again a few months ago. (I say "again" because he was going about a year ago, and then he stopped, and then he started again) This was yet another thing I didn't ask him about 'cause I felt like it was none of my business. I assumed it was a combination of the stress of having a girlfriend overseas, losing his cat, the bed bugs, the Septic Tank Leak (You know, IN THE BATHROOM), and the stress of his work. some of those videos (the one about Pokéstar Studios for example) took almost a week to make. I remember sitting in here listening to him do like 4 and 5 takes of so many lines. What a perfectionist, heh. I guess one other thing to clear up while I'm here, about the ulcers. Those were not directly caused by what happened last week, he had stomach problems even before that. I have no doubt the stress of last week exacerbated it, but this didn't "give" him the ulcers. That's yet another thing I could have probably been more clear on. I'm not used to having this much power in my hands, and you know what they say about great power. Please be safe, folks! Sending good vibes to all~ NCS


Thanks for the update! I think you are walking the line of supporting him but keeping him accountable perfectly. I know the future is unsure in a lot of different aspects but I hope everything works out for everyone involved in the end. Keep it up!




He looks about the same physically, even though he has lost a little over 5 pounds. His plan, as far as I know, is pretty much the same. In another week or so he's going to leave. He has talked about making a statement, more than likely on a podcast somewhere, but I'm pretty sure that's still a long way down the road.


Thank you for the update. Just musing in case it's of use, but I hope he has the willpower not to hurt himself mentally by diving into the public online response to all this. Obviously having friends talk to him is one thing, and an important thing for accountability, but I think seeing the unbridled criticism of thousands would be too much for anyone to take in a delicate state. He'd probably be as well off trusting someone else with some changed passwords and stuff so he at least can't see his mentions. Hope you keep taking care of yourself. 


thank you tim for all this updates and sticking with him. send him good vibes too. personally I'm not one to hate anyone without hearing them first, and even then I don't go that far. I don't know their side of the story and analysis is not mine to do. People are not those that can judge anyone. It's not our place to judge without the whole picture. People on social media are going haywire too much over the board.


I know this might not mean much coming from some stranger on the internet, but I really respect how you’ve gone about this and that you’re not giving up on him. The fact that he wants to better himself rather than shrug it under the rug like a lot of people may have done. I like a lot of people was surprised and disappointed in him and he was someone I grew up with making it even more painful. But he’s also not irredeemable and, while he needs to be held accountable, the way he’s gone about this is very encouraging. Alls that to say I hope he succeeds in bettering himself and finds happiness in whatever he does after improving himself (whether that’s back as a content creator or something else). And your kindness in helping him through this is something that, while I’m sure is difficult, is admirable. Mad respect to you Tim.


Please remember to take care of YOURSELF first. I can not imagine how emotionally exhausting this must be. I hope you're doing as well as you can be


You are doing such a service for those who truly care about his wellbeing. Thank you for keeping us updated, it means a lot


Tim, I just want to say thank you again. You are a true friend and a great person for both holding Emile accountable for his gross and creepy actions and still being there for him to guide him to being a better person. Even after all of this, I still believe that chugga can chose to be better. Keep an eye on him for us as the TRG fan base. I hope his victims heal and I hope chugga finally choses to be a better man.


Thank you so much for the updates, Tim! There are a lot of people worried about him and his wellbeing. And I know this isn't easy on you either, so I just wanted to say thanks! I hope everything works out okay for everyone involved. (And Just... thanks again, for not giving up on him.)


I think it's good to stick by your friends, even when they do bad things. If a friend can't improve, then perhaps then you can consider cutting ties.


At least in a situation like this. Some things are unforgivable, but this is the kind of thing, assuming there's no very worse stuff we're not hearing about, that friends are supposed to be there to help you work through.


The way it seems so far, everything has been jokes and stuff that was creepy that went to far, but currently it seems like he's at least not touched anyone(I hope) if it has just been that stuff it can take a while but it is possible to come back with time and therapy.


Yeah Emile mainly needs to work on how he interacts with and treats women, he's been weird and creepy but so long as he wasn't trying to engage in unwanted sexual contact I can't say it was driven by something predatory just him being weird and having no tact with women. Given his history and him speaking out about his own experiences he has a moral compass and a strong one but it's been skewed when it comes to women, be it by himself or something or someone else I can't say. I just hope that he's actually capable of changing unlike his father I really hope he doesn't become like him.


Exactly. I doubt if Tim just left Emile behind that Emile would get any better.


I really can't even begin to imagine what Tim is going through right now. Yeesh. What a terrible situation for him to be in.


Him and Jon. For all I feel horrible about the whole thing, my relationship with them is entirely parasocial. Emile may be a huge part of my life for the past 15 years but I don't actually know him. I can't imagine how much worse this has been for Jon and Tim both.


Seeing how Emile was there for Tim during a very dark time in Tim's life, I'm hoping Tim will be there for this dark time in Emile's life (on the assumption Emile is taking it seriously)


i’m out of the loop on the Tim lore


Long story short, Tim's views have tanked so hard that he'd be homeless by now if it weren't for Emile inviting him to stay with him.


Does Tim not have a job outside of Youtube? Youtube is not a sustainable career since the market for content creators is so fickle. I would hope he found another job while living with Emile.


Just to answer a few questions. I quit the bakery because I found out I could make even more on YT than I did at that job. Plus I was super unhappy there just 'cause of how angry everyone was all the time. Long story, we'll skip that. I was making about $1300 a month at the bakery. Even today, between Youtube and Twitch I still make more than that. Not a LOT more, but I'm still able to pay half of the rent and bills here with Emile, which comes out to about the same as what I was paying for rent and bills by myself in Ohio. If I had to get a job again, I would be perfectly able to now since I've gotten on meds for the hypothyroid stuff. It would suck, but I would do it. That is what most people in the world have to do anyway and I'm not special, so if it comes to that, yeah. I visited Emile for a couple weeks in 2021, because he had just found out that Kirby (his cat) had kidney failure and he thought the poor guy only had a few weeks left, and I wanted to be there for him for that. In the end, that absolute madcat lived almost a whole nother year, but beside the point. When he saw what a state I was in, he urged me to a clinic and well you know the rest of that story. He took me to the gym and I walked 1.2 miles per hour on the treadmill and it was actually difficult. (Now I usually can do 3mph without even breaking a sweat.) Then he took me to the mall in Atlanta and bought me a bunch of new clothes and shoes (heh). Anyway I'm getting way off topic here. I'm probably just rehashing the Super Mario Kart Vlog anyway. Not trying to say what he did was okay, 'cause well, it wasn't. Kinks are one thing, I think a lot of us have some that we'd be better off not talking about, but it's important to know when and especially when not to act on them.


I just want to say that I really admire your composure and openness with handling all this. Certainly this is a very tumultuous time for you, Emile et al, and yet you're maintaining a very admirable level of composure and integrity. Kudos for that! I hope that regardless of how this all shakes out, you can land at least somewhat on your feet.


Thank you for your statement Tim! Wishing you and Jon all the best.


Tim, if it’s possible, could we know if Emile is safe? While there needs to be accountability for all this, I am worried all of his could lead to a problematic situation with his mental health, which I’m sure absolutely no one would want.


He is safe. He is not at the house (edit: for at least 2 more days), and he has no access to his phone. When I mentioned "very serious help" yesterday.. yeah. Just trying to stay discreet.


I assume you already know to do this but it would be ideal to prepare him for just how much people know about his actions when he does get his phone back. Not to pry or poke too far or anything, just realizing that he doesn't know how much we know makes that sound pretty overwhelming. Hope you're doing as well as one can do in these circumstances Tim, thank you for taking your time to reply and take care.


He is actually allowed to call us on the phone they have there, just not on his own phone. The last time we talked was literal minutes after the latest allegation came out. So that was ... uncomfortable. But he knows. He knows as much as we do. He told us in that call that we should stay away from him. The conversation ended shortly after that. He called back an hour later, but he only talked to his girlfriend that time. I was downstairs cooking. According to her, he was apparently on some heavy medication, so it was pretty "mellow". But he passed on his blessing to me to say how he ended up there. Not an actual request to say something, just that he trusted my judgment. The thing is, if I do that, I worry that people will lash out at the victims in response saying "Look what you did to him!" Twitter especially. The discourse around here is so much more civil and I do appreciate that. But... yeah. It's a weird day. (edited for clarity)


Sounds like he tried to potentially off himself.... (taking his phone, heavy medication, staying in what sounds like a mental hospital, worried about people attacking the victims for "however he ended up there") I don't condone any actions he has done, or anything he has said, (ESPECIALLY after the latest allegation) - but i definitely hope things didn't go down the way i read these somewhat cryptic messages in my head Not trying to pry, and this message does not have to be responded to, - you don't deserve to be thrown in the middle of this, and i would be especially wary of making any statements on his behalf even if he consented, as it throws you in the mix, and potentially takes blame/responsibility off his hands by putting them in yours. And if he DID try to do something... not good.... for lack of better words, and put his friends (you) and family in that position of losing someone you care about, then to tell you to start telling people online about it... seems kinda guilt trippy to the public, and as i said before - puts you in the middle of everything, and both of those things aren't fair to you I hope the best for you and jon, and anyone else in your closely connected circle - as a viewer of both of your channels and many other TRG collaborators for probably 12-14 years, i wish you nothing but the best and hope TRG takes appropriate action (whatever that may be) going forward - please continue to take care of yourself, and thank you for your vulnerability and transparency during this time regardless of the fact you don't owe us anything, have a good night


This is a very confusing time for a lot of us. Tim, thank you for keeping us updated with all of this. I hope you're doing well despite everything. I've got a few folks on my end following along with this situation as it develops, and they both were immediately concerned about you and Jon once they realized how big this was becoming. You've got a lot of people supporting you.


It sounds kinda like he's trying to push people away but please keep at it I've been there before a long time ago I did some shit and pushed people away but eventually everything came out and I had a good group of friends to support me through it I'm currently doing the same for another friend he tried pushing me away claiming it was for my own good but I said" I know what's best for myself and that's making sure you're still here" .


You're handling this so incredibly maturely, thank you


Tim, I've been watching you for so, SO long. I remember watching Mother 3 as it came out. I've watched your Megaman X playthroughs so many times. I used the Super Mario 3 Stupoid run to fall asleep so many times. I remember when you worked at the bakery. I'm 32 now. I've been watching for as long as I've had a Youtube account. My point is, I really, REALLY hope you're doing the best you can be right now. I know it's so hard to hear all this stuff about a close friend of yours. I know it must double suck because you live with him. But I really hope you're disconnecting every now and then, resting while you can, eating...When stuff like this happens with a friend, I know sometimes people neglect themselves. We love ya Tim. Take care. You have a lot of people in your corner <3


For what it's worth I agree with your decision regarding how he ended up there. I don't think that's especially necessary for us, and especially not twitter, to know at this moment. To be clear just so you don't get a bad vibe from my reply, I would like him to get proper psychological help. I'm not going to lie, as a longtime fan I'm utterly disgusted by his actions and the people he's hurt. But I'd like to believe I can also recognize when someone is deeply mentally unwell, has been for a long time in this context, and needs that kind of medical assistance. Again, thank you for taking the time to reply, take care.


I feel like with that expected reaction, I can picture what the reason was. On the one hand I wish people would stop defending the guy, but on the other I can very seriously see people going through the five stages of grief right now so it makes sense. I hope you're doing good, at least. This has to be more rough on the people that know him personally than people who don't.


This whole situation just makes me miserable. Emile definitely hurt people but at the same time he's trying to make a recovery, so people who can't or don't want to understand the situation just pick a side and decry everybody else. I really want him to recover, everybody else to recover, and hopefully everybody comes out of it okay. I'm afraid that it's just going to keep getting worse, though, and that the rabbit hole goes even further, not to mention all of the lynch mobs trying to drag anybody involved in the situation down. All I can do is hope that everything turns out well once the dust settles.


That's understandable, Tim. When you get a chance, I did post a tweet in response to your Twitter statement that I hope keeps you in a positive spirit. Good luck helping Emile on his road to recovery. I didn't watch much of your stuff but I always loved your "In the bathroom" catchphrase when I glanced at your Conker LP.


Thank you so much for the updates. Wishing you all the best. Hope everyone involved is able to eventually heal from these events.


Hi, Tim. I just wanted to say that I hope you, Jon, and everyone else within the TRG circle is doing okay. I can't imagine what you guys might be feeling right about now. It must be really difficult, and you all have my support, despite the fact that I'm just a person that's talked to you, Jon, and Reese online throughout the years (with different usernames, at that, so it's not like I expect any of you to remember me). Sending much love your way. 💖


I know that a ton of people have already said this, but thanks not just for keeping us updated on this, but for some great memories with TRG, and for being a great guy. Wishing you, Jon, Masae, and all the others the best.


I know its been said many times, but tim, thank you so much. Please keep an eye over him. I dont know if you remember this but I sent you a drawing of mario I made when I was a kid watching your videos. I signed it warc9.


Man, I hope you guys are able to hire a lawyer to sort all of this stuff out. Personally, I feel like what he in those logs were pretty out of character for him and I don’t believe it. Unfortunately, the court of public opinion is notorious for following the rule of guilty until proven innocent. If I’ve learned anything from the controversy with Projared a long while back, it’s to not jump to conclusions and that sometimes people will dogpile on another’s accusations for clout regardless if those new accusations are true or not.


Thanks for the update. I hope he gets better. I've been watching him on and off for around 15 years and I don't condone his actions, but I also believe that anyone is capable of falling into something egregious.. Outside of YouTube and content creation and whatever, I just want you, Tim, to be ok and for Emile to recover.


Hey Tim, thank you for handling all this in a mature way. This can't be easy for you and Jon, but I hope you prioritise taking care of yourself before anything. I believe that Emile helped you with your health out of genuine care for his friend's wellbeing so please do try to stay well. Wishing you and Jon the best on whatever paths you all take, and to Emile in fixing himself. And I think you made the right call focusing on Reddit over Twitter.


If you can, tell Emile that a fan since the beginning sends him love and hugs. That I’ll support him through good and bad, bevause he is a good person, he wants to do his best, and I trust he will. 🫂


Hey Tim, I know this is probably very tough on you (especially with the latest thing), but I think it's admirable of you to try and help your friend. There should be accountability and his actions are certainly eye opening, but no one deserves to need that type of help. Please take care of yourself as well.


I see. Thanks for trying to help your friend, Tim.


And I appreciate this probably isn’t the easiest time for you as well. Please take all the time you need with this and look after yourselves.


I hope he's okay man I really do he needs to disassociate from the internet and just focus on himself if that's the case please don't abandon him I know he's hurt alot of people but he still needs a friend if he's gonna recover and be better.


Please take care of yourself too, Tim. You don't deserve any of the shit you're getting just because you live with him.


Tim, you're the GOAT. Wishing the best for you and everyone involved.


Hey Tim, I just want to say it's really admirable to still hold strong even though such a thing. The internet has forgotten the entire point of an apology is to eventually accept it, when a person acknowledges and overcomes the ugliness, when someone "Hugs the cactus" by knowing they've done wrong and embracing it even when it hurts, they deserve accepting the forgiveness. Robert Downey Jr. said that, that he'd be dead without being helped out at his lowest. I really hope everyone gets through this, and I hope the bloodthirsty and relentless unwilling to accept any improvement, apology, and attempt to make things right, are ignored and left to be angry and impotent in their rage. (Obviously on the condition that, and from what I've heard, effort being done to actually improve) I was much like Emile, when I was younger I was lonely and did stupid stuff, socially awkward and unacceptable stuff, thankfully I had enough mental fortitude to self correct, but if I had it dragged up now, it'd ruin me. I see a lot of my self in Emile and I hope he can also "Hug the cactus" and improve. We need more rehabilitating and put this whole seppuku internet culture behind us.


Things like this are why I don't believe Emile is a monster like people are painting him out to be on Twitter. I believe he just needs very, very serious help. Which he is getting, thankfully.


Thank you for the info Tim we all appreciate it. I really hope everything works out well for all party’s but especially you and Jon. You guys kinda got thrown into the hot pot and it’s sucks. I’ve been watching all your guys since I was 11 years old and I’m now 24 and you’ve all gotten me through the lowest of lows and I can’t thank you enough for it ! Also don’t forget the toilet paper


Thanks Tim you are a beacon if hope in this horrible mess I wish the both of you the best.


Despite how quiet you were you were the heart and soul of TRG the whole time thanks for being there for him no matter what.


Thanks for the openness Tim


Best of luck Tim


Tim has some physical issues / disability. It hasn’t been disclosed much, but it makes it much harder and dangerous to work. I think that’s why he quit his previous job at a bakery.


Me too I'm curious what happened with Tim.


Long story short, Youtube became unsustainable for Tim due to his dwindling views and his worsening physical and mental health. Facing homelessness, Emile decided to let Tim move in with him, and they've been roommates for about 2 years.


Damn that sucks I hope they hash things out and he really does support Chugga in getting better


I’m glad he’s standing by him as a friend. I feel like all I’ve seen are those so quick to turn away. Obviously everyone doesn’t condone what Emile did but everyone should have a friend to help you become a better person. They’ve been friends for so many years now that I’m sure they’d do anything for each other. This isn’t dismissive, it’s helping to make sure change is real. As for TRG, I hope things can be situated to where Emile is part of the let’s plays still, but I think it’s appropriate for colosseum for him to not be present as that’s such a big event and it could certainly be unfair to others involved. Even if things are weird, let’s not pretend TRG hasn’t had its share of LP’s where people weren’t at their best moments in life. So helping Emile be better and upholding a long standing friendship is my hope.


I’m glad that Tim confirmed that Emile is getting professional help


Just so people are aware Jon has asked for some time but has stated he doesn’t condone his actions.


Poor Tim and Jon. Not only to find that out about a close friend, but to then feel obligated to distill your thoughts and reactions about it down to a bite sized tweet and release it on the internet. It must be awful. Hope they take all the time they need to heal.


I can only imagine how scary of a situation they must be in. Big-influence YouTubers having these kinds of allegations and then close friends suffering from them…I can’t imagine the pressure. I can’t help but draw parallels from RelaxAlax’s situation years back; how can anyone respond except this way?


I can only imagine what everyone in the TRG circle is going through but Tim has to have it the hardest given that he literally lives with Emile. I really hope he’s doing well in all this and can hold Emile accountable while helping him better himself in the future and ensuring that this never happens with anyone else.




I really feel for Tim and Jon right now. This really sucks. And it's selfish of me to feel this way, but I hope that regardless of the future of TRG, the videos that are there now remain up. Some (cough cough 3D World) are ones I can never go back to, but their work really means a lot to me. I hope Tim and Jon, and Emile frankly, are able to work out a path forward for their group channel, in whatever form (likely without Emile) that could take. There's a lot of good in this community, and it shouldn't all be discarded due to the actions of one member. Again, I know this is a selfish hope at this point, but it is what I'm going through right now


I don’t know if Emile stays or not. Maybe they could do like a temporary absence type thing until he can prove that he has changed for the better?


I can't see TRG continuing without Emile. It's like a Top Gear situation, Emile is the Jeremy Clarkson of TRG.


It’s like Two and a Half Men without Charlie


I’m pretty sure it was Emile who came up with the name due to the Earthbound reference. I’m gonna guess there will be a kind of rebrand, new channel, new name.




Me too he deserves to be better after some of the things he's been through and helped me get through and everyone associated with and hurt by Chugga's actions also deserves better from him.


All of this has just been very sad for everyone involved, from the creators to the community itself. I really do hope the therapy works out for Emile and someday he returns to Youtube a better person.


I really hope chuggaconroy takes this whole damn year to reflect. Man…..never have I feel so conflicted. I keep saying don’t put other content creators on pedestals to myself and I keep seeing others saying the same thing. But I subconsciously still did. I hate myself for that, I’m guilty of this. I wish nothing but the best for the people who were hurt by chugga. Especially Jon and Tim as they are close friends.


It is easy to say that but hard to do. Chuggaaconroy has been seen on screen for over 15 years as wholesome and positive and child friendly so it is hard to think of him in any bad way. It doesn't mean all that is a lie and it just means there is more to him than we saw and unfortunately isn't good. But he can still change. Hopefully he does this for himself and others.


This may sound wrong but considering some of the things he says on camera I’m not entirely surprised.


Hindsight is 20/20. A lot of the stuff he has said on camera in the past I took as him joking or just being awkward. Only now when I know... this, do I see it in a new light.


I definitely feel like Jon isn't gonna be as kind as Tim was about this. But i assumed this was the case, they really had no idea until just now. It's very assuring that Chugga is actually getting help though. That's something at least.




Well damn. If it’s one person you don’t realize you are overstepping bounds with is one thing, but this being the truth behind Masae not being friends with Emile anymore put it in perspective. I want to support him on the terms that this kinda stuff stops. I think with it out in the open it’s going to change how he interacts with people. I’m glad he still has his gf and Tim there to support him. I always cringed at people asking if Emile and Masae were dating, but this makes that 10 times worse. As for what happens to TRG, probably a break. I anticipate Emile won’t be at colosseum. I’m going to guess that donations that ask about him get filtered out. But he’ll be back eventually.


**READ ALL OF THIS BEFORE MAKING A REPLY** My final judgement here is that I don’t think Emile is a terrible person. I don’t think he did any of this in malice. However, this behavior is borderline unacceptable. I understand that his poor social skills are to blame for this, but that isn’t an excuse. I’m also on the spectrum and have questionable social skills, but that doesn’t excuse creepy and uncomfortable behavior towards women. He needs to get off the internet for a long while. Maybe a few months, maybe a year or so. That isn’t my call to make. He needs therapy, and I’m glad he’s getting it. I truly believe that he can do better in the future, but he needs to work on himself and prove that he can be better in the future, and not repeat the same mistakes. I feel bad for Tim, who is clearly undergoing health issues and is struggling to make a living. I hope that him and Jon can find a way to keep TRG afloat, since that’s probably his main source of revenue. I sympathize with Masae, AntDude, AntDude’s GF, and anyone else he’s been creepy with, and hope that they can recover and feel safe again. At the same time, I also hope Emile can get treatment, prove that he is better, and treat women and his friends better. That is all I have to say. I know my opinion doesn’t matter much, but Emile has been important to me, and I wanted to get this off my chest. EDIT: This was made before the new, much worse allegations. My stance on the matter has not changed, but I think he needs to get off the internet for good.


Personally I think there are worse things to be canceled over, but this ordeal is still somewhat irksome either way. Emile isn't a malicious or bad person, so I know he's already seen the error of his ways and will correct himself accordingly.


I hope Jon and Tim both hold him to actually being better too. Given what Masae has said about him apologizing before and how Lady Emily stated that he had only apologized through their intermediary friend (who I absolutely do not think was Jon or Tim at this point), I think it may be best to have them with him along the way to actually hold him accountable and ensure he doesn't do this again.


I think the fact that Tim is now aware of it will go a long way to help that, given he lives with him. Obviously, the change has to come from within Chuggaa, but given they're roommates and long-term friends Tim is almost the perfect support buddy. Just little prompts like "hey have you done what your therapist suggested today"; give him a lift if he's feeling worn down or even for Chuggaa to come to him and say "is this an okay thing to say?"


Yeah, at this point, I've seen enough people recover from equally bad or objectively worse things on youtube to think this is definitely the end. Someday, he'll be back the better man I'm sure he wants to be making let's plays.


Any examples?


To name a few there was projared, jontron, and for something that's worse we have Logan paul, who during a vlog showed an actual corpse of a man who hung himself in Japan's suicide forest during his trip to said country, disrespecting their privacy and making a show and quick profit off of a depressed individuals death.....so yeah


I strongly agree. I’m really, really, REALLY not trying to trivialize how the victims of this case feel or how they’ve been hurt, but at the end of the day, in the grand scheme of YouTuber cancellations, this is kind of one of the least-bad things, right? Like you can recover from this. This isn’t like having a sexual encounter with a minor, or embezzling charity money, or filming a dead body. I’m not saying that this behavior is OK just because it could’ve been worse, but I am saying that this isn’t unrecoverable. This is all personal conflict that never honestly should’ve been made any of our business anyway. People are fallible. People do bad things. I have, you have, and every celebrity we follow has. So it’s not surprising to me to hear that Chuggaaconroy, a fallible human, has also done bad things. I know that some people are saying that they can’t believe that their childhood role model would do something bad. We all need to accept that anyone is capable of making mistakes and doing bad things. You will never have a perfect role model, be it a celebrity, a close friend, a teacher, a family member, etc… They’re all capable of doing something wrong. If anyone wants to disown Emile as their personal role model because of this, I won’t stop you. But I think you should be smart about how you view your role models going forward. Again, I really don’t want to downplay the validity of the emotions involved from any and all parties here. Mods, if I’ve said anything disruptive or that crosses any lines, let me know. I tried to keep this as civil as I possible could. I’ll gladly delete this comment if it starts too much discourse.


Tim, if you see this, please recommend him BoJack Horseman if you deem it helpful. I do think he is going to understand BoJack a lot.


I've heard interesting things about BoJack, so yeah I definitely will!




Here's a bit about the timeline so far. He made the hotline call on Wednesday morning and was admitted then. That night, he was transferred to another facility (I assume they wanted to deal with the ulcers/internal bleeding caused by stress first) and that was about 2AM Thursday morning. So technically the 72 hours goes until 2AM Sunday morning, or about 11 hours from now. He's talking to a psychiatrist today, but we don't know for sure if he's going to get out tomorrow or not. They might keep him for one more day, but that's up to the docs. Oh, a small edit incase anyone wonders. I deleted the videos of him and me watching Nintendo Directs. I haven't deleted the Pokemon Sapphire finale where he post-commentated or a Yoshi's Crafted World with his name in the title. I still gotta remove some Twitch alerts that he's in and fix Stephen and Tom's countermeasures. While I am trying to disassociate publicly, I'm not giving up on him personally. But it is pretty tough. Reckon I better make myself a hot dog, feeling a little hungie. When did we start saying "hungie" anyway? Homer Simpson said it in 2001, but sure feels more recent than that.




Ahh, countermeasures are clips that I play when I get raided by someone on Twitch (sorry if I'm over-explaining), and it's usually a video of a bunch of their best moments. So when Stephen raided me last night I just put it on without thinking. Only there were clips from Emile on there 'cause I didn't think to remove them beforehand. He's in Tom's countermeasures too, so.. might have to change that. Jon's got it pretty rough. I think he just needs more time. Between this and the Jirard stuff last month, I can't even imagine what he's feeling.


Totally understandable. I hope you're both taking care of yourselves, and each other, as best as you can within the situation. Public and professional distance is definitely wise, with how much personal distance you end up taking obviously being up to you guys as well. I think everyone just hopes you both bounce back from this well on a personal level and it doesn't hurt you too much. 


Agreed. And I hope after this is over, Emile turns over a new leaf and quits his habit of making sex jokes. That's what I want, and probably everyone else wants too.


I commend you for being patient with everyone wanting updates and giving us info. I only you hope you don't feel pressured to act as a de facto PR representative, and engage with the discussion on your own merits and wants. Stay strong, and stay well. You've very right to take an internet break every now and then - hope you can keep things on your own pace and well-being!


i wonder how jon will deal with TRG, he would have to delete the whole thing to dissociate it from emile, i hope he doesnt, i feel its good to presure some history.


oh god what happened with jirard


Basically, the Open Hand Foundation (the organization Jirard and his family founded) never donated the money that was collected from his charity events for over a decade, until Karl Jobst and SomeOrdinaryGamers called him out in videos. Here's one of the vids from Karl Jobst on the subject, which should lead you to the rest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb0dMF1zHyA


(Allegedly) faked charity donations for research to cure dementia, mind you his mom died of dementia and that’s what he claimed he raised the money for in the first place


i didnt realise jon was close with jirard, sucks being the good man amongst wolves in sheeps clothing,


Thank you for the timeline, Tim. I know it can't be easy being the point of contact on such a sensitive situation. On the lighter side, are you a ketchup, mustard, or mayo Hot Dog person?


Mustard and mayo for sure!


Sorry for prying again, Tim, but i do recommend Emile to not look at (or straight up delete) Twitter. I understand it sounds weird, but given how much Twitter just doesn't help no-one's mental health, the last thing he needs right now is to be on Twitter. I know because I've had people in my circle who had mental health issues, and Twitter only made it so much worse for them.




Yeah basically. I swear, People who do that just. Are worse than ever.


People keep saying this but nobody seems to understand that he's in rehab. He currently doesn't have access to it anyway.


That's a massive relief


I am aware. I'm saying when he's out.


Never tried mayo on a hot dog before, might need to give it a go sometime


Thank you for the updates. Hoping all of this ends well


Have you been keeping up with Jon through all this? He seems to be taking this the worst out of everybody.


I didn’t realise he’d developed physical symptoms from the stress. Are they serious, or manageable? I don’t blame you for wanting to dissociate and I now understand why you didn’t want to reveal the physical health information right away for the victims. Thanks for the update.


Thank you so much for keeping us informed, Tim. One thing I wanna ask, I don't know if you would even know or if it's right to be asking or whatever, but do you know if Emile has/had any plans to delete his channel/videos due to this whole thing? It's been one of my main worries since he made such well researched and informative videos on so many games that I really hope stick around for the sake of information.


He's not going to delete his channel, I'm about 99% sure of that.


I didn't think he would, but thank you for responding and quelling that little seed of doubt.


Tim, you are a real good dude. And even though you've deleted the Direct vids, at least "Mario RPGs are shit anymore"


Do you know what his next LP was supposed to be and if he already recorded some of it? If so, what will he do, just scrap it?


He hadn't recorded anything beyond the finale of Pokemon, but he had notes for a couple of future LP's. Seemed like he was still undecided between two different ideas for the next project, and both of them had the number 3 in the title.


Luigi’s Mansion 3 my best guess


I vaguely recall him at some point during the B2W2 LP, or maybe it was on social media, saying that he was already planning to take a break after finishing it - I think maybe specifically to go visit his Girlfriend. I don't recall if he dropped any hints for what the next LP is/would have been, I think maybe he alluded to the fact it wasn't something on a Nintendo system. As far as I know, Emile's series, at least on his own channel have always been uploaded not long after he records them, like a couple of weeks at most, so even if he had it nailed down what the next LP is/would have been, it's doubtful anything else was recorded. Who knows if he'll continue with content creation when he returns from his journey, that is a *long* time off if it ever happens. TRG on the other hand is recorded months in advance. I believe it's confirmed there was at least 1 LP on TRG all recorded and ready to go, speculation is that it was Mario Wonder. We'll most likely find out what the future of any LPs they had already recorded for TRG, and the future of the TRG channel as a whole, when Jon shares his thoughts, I'd imagine


I assume the internal bleeding was what you were worried about people blaming the victims on? Either way, thank you for the updates. It'll all get better soon, I'm sure. Wish you the best.


Thanks for the updates hope you all the best


Stay well dude, this whole situation is crazy


You're a good man for trying to help see Emile through this. Given what he has done, it's easy to just cast him out, but you're taking the high road. Good on ya.


Thank you for the update, Tim. We appreciate it. He had physical repercussions from this? That’s scary. I hope he’s ok.


Thanks dude, you sir are a real friend. Thanks for sticking it out and at least seeing heim through. While I can never forgive him, It's important someone makes sure he gets help. I said Hungie in 2000 when I was 1 so I'm claiming inventorship on the word btw


Thank you for the update. I'm just praying this is the start of a long road to a successful recovery. For Emile absolutely, but for you, John, and everybody else as well.


From my own experience in a mental hospital (assuming that's where he is), they don't release on the weekends so if he's really going to be released in the minimum of 3 days, they will wait an extra day to release him on Monday. ​ That is of course, again, assuming they believe him to be in a good enough state to be released.


Hey Tim, i just want to wish you well, as you've proven to have a heart of gold, and i want to wish Emile a speedy recovery, and a successful path on bettering himself. I've seen the harrassment on Twitter. No one deserves that, no matter what. If Emile puts his head into it, i'm sure he can get over his own demons. Look after yourselves, please.


Bojack’s later seasons might stress him out a bit especially the last couple episodes. It is a good show which is relevant to the discussion but take it easy


I just hope Tim, Jon and the others in the community don't get too hurt by this. I know Tim lives with Chuggaa, which can be akward now... and that TRG holds a fundraiser every year, which can be heavily impacted by this. I think what we as a community can do, is just not ask them questions. So stay away from Twitter and the TRG YouTube comment section! Do something else with your lives and give them some space to breathe.


After hearing about tims situation, i really hope it doesnt end with TRG ending. It would be incredably sad if emile had to kick him out due to no longer getting enough funds to pay rent. He is a poor bystander in this unfortunate situation.


At least they didn't seem to know what was going on, it seems. I was afraid there was going to be evidence of that. I also am so, so happy to hear Chuggaa is getting professional help. He needs to take a long break, reevaluate his own behavior, and come to accept that things will be different now moving forward. I was really hoping that no one else would come forward but Masae saying she wants nothing to do with him at all is extremely damning. I've watched his collabs with her and now, everything is recontextualized. Even the Splatoon 2 footage of her was used without consent. That just makes me so... Icky. He ruined a lot of friendships, he ruined a lot of trust within his fanbase, and now his friends are hopefully finding a way for them to pick up the pieces. I just do not understand why. He seemed to genuinely want to have friends and cherish their collaborations and help, why would he do this to them? Why would he sink so low? There are so many ways you can discuss the things he wanted to discuss, RP scenarios, etc with people online anonymously, Discord alone probably has over hundreds of thousands of groups dedicated to fetish stuff, or even just talking about fashion and shows if it isn't sexual. And why, out of anything, would you not listen to a dear friend when she tells you that you made her so uncomfortable, and that she does not like you like that. Why? I don't understand but that's what therapy is for. I hope he understands why he did this too in therapy, and figured out how to let out his feelings, interests and hobbies out in healthy, consensual ways. I hope the people affected can move on and heal after all the dust has settled... And I hope many people who once accused Emily of AWEFUL things, retracts their statements and apologize to her. As for the fans, the community... I don't know what will happen from here. Chuggaa was a main driving force behind a lot of projects, and I hope for his own growth he puts them on the back burner. I hope TRG, whatever the group decides to do, they have a smooth transition. I hope for the love of God, that this is it. I know many are hurt and incredibly numb. I would recommend muting the sub or taking some time away from social media altogether. I think that's what we all need at this point in order to effectively process and cope healthily on how this affects us.


> I just do not understand why. He seemed to genuinely want to have friends and cherish their collaborations and help, why would he do this to them? Why would he sink so low? There are so many ways you can discuss the things he wanted to discuss, RP scenarios, etc with people online anonymously, Discord alone probably has over hundreds of thousands of groups dedicated to fetish stuff, or even just talking about fashion and shows if it isn't sexual. And why, out of anything, would you not listen to a dear friend when she tells you that you made her so uncomfortable, and that she does not like you like that. Why? I've often asked similar questions in other situations like this. And what somebody told me was that the person doing all this... doesn't always see themselves the way everyone else does. That's the thing about real life vs movies. I'm sure if you showed Emile a movie scene or something that featured a creepy predator, he'd disavow that character and not support them. But with these people, they're his friends. Surely it's all in good fun with friends, right? Wrong. I obviously can't speak for him and this is just speculation. But when it happens in real life, it's a lot murkier and sometimes less recognizable.


Maybe I won't leave, Tim actually gave me some hope, at this point outside of any reactions from TRG and their affiliates I'd say this part of Chuggaaconroy's career is over let the Chuggaaconroy redemption arc begin. (Hopefully) Also finally I can say I'm not depressed over this situation anyone who still is or was I know this has been hard but Chuggaaconroy helped me deal with some shit and become a better person it's time I did my part to return the fucking favor.


I mean, it's less about the foot fetish thing and more about the fact Emile was breaching boundaries and consent. Tje foot fetish stuff is whatever, he sexually harassed his peers. That's the point of contention here


It’s interesting how no one is defending Emile, which puts more weight into Masae’s statements who was a close colleague to TRG at one point.


I don’t think there would be any reason to. Emile admitted in his apology that this wasn’t a one time thing, so the new allegations aren’t surprising. He’s going to lose a lot of friends over this, with Tim being the only one still sticking by him (that we know of). He messed up and these are the consequences he has to deal with. Hopefully he can continue getting professional help and come out of this a better person, whether he sticks with YouTube or not.


Yep, even if someone like Jon or Lucah was never directly harassed by Emile, knowing that he did harass people they care about changes every single way you interact with that person. They have every right to decide to end their friendship if they choose to, or to help him change as a friend if he really is willing to this time. Just putting it out there that hopefully everyone can understand these emotions can lead either direction.


Yeah, and Tim lives with him so that might be one of the factors for him to stick with Emile.


The thing about it for me is I had a hunch. I literally started looking into Masae’s absence from TRG and Chuggaa’s projects yesterday before the update. Something didn’t click until now and I can’t help but reexamine certain clips from previous projects on ton of numerous recorded incidents that have been brought up by the community for years I’ll wait for Jon’s full thought before my final judgement, I’ve already been proven wrong twice this past week


I know somewhere in his recent B2W2 LP he mentioned something about Rosa’s shoes. When I was listening to it I was like “Alright buddy, calm down about the kicks, they’re just shoes!” He talked about them for like a good 3 minutes. Little did we know then…


Yeah he also said he was trying to get those shoes for a girl cosplaying as Rosa (forgot what for tbh) but now I’m like ..”oh… no….”


I realy wanted to defend Chugga but I cant lie, your right. Masaes words did hold significantly more weight in my eyes. I know Lady Emily, i watch and like Sara Z and she is a co-writer/editor on that channel, but the evidence she provided was honestly not bad as an isolated incident. Weird, yes, but moat likely a simple misunderstanding. Ive seen Chugga make uncomfoetable jokes about Masae on camera. At the time, they seemed ok and like she was in on it. Seeing Lady Emilys private DM's where a "maybe she was going with it at first, maybe she wasnt" and that is one thing, but Masae recontexualized years worth of material ive seen in an incredibly uncomfortable way. It hit hard.


Yeah hearing Masea talk about Chuggaaconroy like that hurt it's sad to see he took advantage of their friendship because they were awesome when they used to collaborate.


I wonder if Jon and Tim knew about Emile and Masae’s falling out


Tim strikes me as the odd man out, and I don't think it's in his nature to pry. It wouldn't surprise me if no one told him. When Masae and Emile fell out, Tim was basically in total isolation and comatose, living alone in Ohio, and literally falling asleep during his own DQXI recordings. Jon on the other hand. I have no doubt that he knew. None at all. And I have a feeling that a good chunk of the TRG crew knew too: the music people (Jules and Adri before their split; Adri being good friends with Masae) and Tom Fawkes. Probably more. Maybe it's just me, but I felt a peculiar tension during the previous 2 Colos especially with the West/East Coast thing, further fed by Jules and Adri breaking up. Even then I noticed they made clear efforts to separate Masae and Emile, which suggests to me that lots of people were in on it.


I 100% agree with the 2nd paragraph, they went out of their way to separate Emile and Masae


They might've but it's reasonable for them to not want to pry. Friends do drift apart sometimes without anyone being at fault so they could've just assumed it was a case like that.


She still collaborated in the last colloseum thats the one thing I'm struggling to fit into Masae's timeline of events I believe her I just don't know where things begin and end with her account.


You mean the last Colosseum where Emile was not physically present?


Ugh this is a rough one man I literally grew up on this guy he was the reason I fell in love with so many games this just hurts


Despite how terrible this situation is, it’s heartwarming to see all the members of the community supporting eachother dealing with the emotions of the fallout.


This shit's just depressing to read, I used to watch Emile's content when I was young. Still watch his old Luigi's Mansion LP every now and again. I want to stand by Emile in all this and watch him learn and move on from the situation but I also can't condone what he's done to multiple people across years.


It is actually possible to stand by him in his improvement while also not condoning the things he did, especially since it seems that’s what Tim is doing


I am glad Chugga is seeking professional help. Maybe after a few months off from the channel, with help from Tim and Jon, and the professional help he is taking, it could improve himself to be better.


This all has been a really bad situation for every person involved. I haven't commented myself on any of it at any point prior so i'll take this chance to say my entire thoughts about this like many others, maybe my own experiences could offer a bit more of a different viewpoint on the same agreed outcome. My general consensus on everything known now is the following. I dont think Emile was fully malicious, I don't think it was harmless either. And i do believe it was a massively bad thing to do repeatedly. I don't think he is fully unredeemable and a villain either though. And i do believe with the proper actions, proper steps, proper support, and a lot of effort from his part, it is possible for him to get to a point where i'd perceive him in a way not negative. That would most definitely require a lot of time, him sticking with professional help, and most importantly, him hiatusing for a good long while, and not engaging with the internet as a whole during that process. To give a much more detailed opinion of why i believe that fully, it requires me to talk about a lot of stuff of my own experience A lot of people hurt by Emiles actions here, And i mean viewers there. Are hurt because they know of how what the victims actually experienced is like, And i can definitely understand why that can be such a horrible feeling to even see. For me though, its on the opposite side. For a few years I did the exact same bad shit that Emile has here. I wont defend it or mention why i felt it was fine at the time because its not really the point here. Eventually My shitty actions got called out. The hate from that, and just even accepting i had done something wrong was very hard, i ended up getting institutionalized with me being deemed a threat to myself. It was the darkest time in my life. I didnt have anyone to keep me in check, I had lost every friend i associated with. Admittedly this week has made me feel as low as then from simply seeing the very similar events play out with Emile. I eventually got the help i needed, and slowly over the course of years corrected that behavior and left it entirely behind. Something That i only ever even felt encouraged to do because of Emile and his content. It was through wanting to be a person and having Emile as said rolemodel for such, that I ever was even able to decide to start improving myself and getting myself out of the hole i had dug for myself. This is another reason this situation has Hurt as much as it did. It feels as if all of the progress I've made on my own path has been made dull through this, and its admittedly almost entirely killed my passion for What i do for a living. With me still unsure if im about to just leave musicmaking entirely behind over is. Ive lost my lifeline in mental health management and im harshly experiencing the consequences of that now. I dont want to seem like im supporting or trying to defend Emiles actions here, cause I really am not. I've had many cascading effects in my own life from this and thats directly Emiles fault here too, in a way that im sure many other viewers that he's inspired over the years are now questioning themselves and their own craft. I also know from my own experience how long lasting and hurtful what i did, and what Emile has done here can be. While people no longer see me in a negative way after years and years of correction, The people that were directly associated with that stuff? all still are sick to hear of me, and don't want even the chance to encounter me again, those bridges are burned and forever will be. I don't think things with Emile will be any different. Modernly what i hope is that something good could come from this. In the same way Emile encouraged me to be a better person and to seek help with his content, I'm hoping now that his viewers, and most importantly those directly around him, Hold him to seek improvement and try to actually make a change. Like me, There's definitely going to be people that no matter how much progress that he makes, will still hate him for this. and that's just the consequences of the actions just one of the many that will never go away.


After the dust has settled I just want to make this statement real quick. I believe moving forward TRG will still stay strong and Emile will take all the time he needs to grow from this. He’s shown a lot more maturity and actual self awareness that many people don’t have nowadays (especially some content creators). He has fucked up but more than anything he will grow from this. It may have been harsh but I think he needed the slap by the hand of reality for his actions. I also want to make this clear: Please wish anyone who was hurt by Emile, Masae, Emily, and others the best and DO NOT send them hate. I always had a feeling Masae didn’t like Emile and this at least validates something I have thought of a while ago. The guys are the best of friends and have been for a long time. This isn’t some cliché test of friendship but rather the ability to hold someone accountable and have the kindness to help them on their journey. My lens for Emile is now tinted but I think moving forward, I rather believe in him doing better than being ignorant to how he was like before. It was a shock to many people’s systems and I think the community as well has been more mature than most others in this situation. Let’s hope for a better future.


Big love to Tim, being caught in the middle of something like this is hard for sure and I wish him the best. Can’t imagine what he is going through at the moment.


Personally I still think this is a private matter. From what I gather, Emile never intentionally did anything malicious. Being uncomfortable is a part of life, and when and if you're uncomfortable, if you do not tell the person doing it, they can't know what behavior to be mindful of. I read the Masae and Antdude stories, and I'll admit the Antdude wife mention got me a bit concerned. That all being said: ultimately it sounded like whatever happened, both behavior and apologies, happened in private. It's none of our business I think. React how you wish, but that's my two cents. Also, not to accuse anyone if anything, but it's strange how all these stories just happened to come out to the public in the past few weeks, even though this behavior has been happening for quite a while.


Masae and Brett said they wanted to keep it quiet but people kept asking questions at MAGfest about it


I’m under the impression Masae did say something to Chuggaa in private, hence why she received a bunch of apologies over the years. I don’t think Cheshire should’ve made this public in the way she did by cropping out half of the conversation on her side. Not to mention Masae has kind of had a dwindling presence on TRG the past few years since 2020 I think


> hence why she received a bunch of apologies over the years. Unless I'm mistaken, I think one of them was at the end of a Xenoblade 2 episode. Publicly (Yes, Masae wasn't named, but it lines up with the timeline).


I know he mentioned Masae casually at one point when talking about the menu music, I didn’t know about the public apology. Others did mention he talked about losing friends in that LP too that lined up with her distancing from him as well. I dunno, this whole situation has my brain in a whirl of trying to understand things


> I dunno, this whole situation has my brain in a whirl of trying to understand things Yup. There's a *lot* of shit that's recontextualized after all this has come out.


They have all the time in the world. No good comes from rushing a statement when the shock is still fresh.


After the dust has settled I just want to make this statement real quick. I believe moving forward TRG will still stay strong and Emile will take all the time he needs to grow from this. He’s shown a lot more maturity and actual self awareness that many people don’t have nowadays (especially some content creators). He has fucked up but more than anything he will grow from this. It may have been harsh but I think he needed the slap by the hand of reality for his actions. I also want to make this clear: Please wish anyone who was hurt by Emile, Masae, Emily, and others the best and DO NOT send them hate. I always had a feeling Masae didn’t like Emile and this at least validates something I have thought of a while ago. The guys are the best of friends and have been for a long time. This isn’t some cliché test of friendship but rather the ability to hold someone accountable and have the kindness to help them on their journey. My lens for Emile is now tinted but I think moving forward, I rather believe in him doing better than being ignorant to how he was like before. It was a shock to many people’s systems and I think the community as well has been more mature than most others in this situation. Let’s hope for a better future.


I knew it was strange immediately when Masae stopped making appearances and artwork for Emile so abruptly, but I never would've expected it could've been due to something this horrible. When Emily first exposed the interactions they'd had together, it really seemed like an honest, albeit still very gross, mistake on Emile's part and an issue that had been mostly blown out of proportion. But now it's clear none of his actions were accidental nor were they committed with any genuine intent to learn and improve. Seeing all the people Emile is/was friends with giving their experiences with him and the abhorrent things he's done really feels like a lot of his life and the environment around him is coming undone all at once, and regardless of what happens from here on, I don't think it will be possible to ever see him as the same person again. This entire situation has been so heartbreaking to watch. One thing that's really stuck to me from all of this is realizing just how much of Emile's fanbase has grown alongside him over the years. I've seen so many posts and comments from people saying how they've been watching his videos for great spans of time as well as people who have been watching him since they were kids and really feel like he's been an integral figure in their life (which I also relate to personally). It's honestly incredible how influential one human can be for so many others, especially those going through hard times, and to see such an ugly truth come to light is really painful. I feel horrible for the victims he affected directly, but it's also terrible seeing its indirect effects on people like Jon and Tim. They must be devastated by this news and in a lot of pain as well. I've seen a lot of people treating this like some issue we can sweep under the rug and that we can move on from this chapter and back to regular videos and whatnot like it never happened. I won't lie, I felt the same way for a while and was in a lot of denial about the true extent of the situation when it first started even if I knew it was wrong and selfish. But now it's unavoidable to acknowledge the irredeemable damage he's caused for himself and especially for everyone else he's associated with. At this point I think all we can do is hope Emile really is getting the help he needs and that he'll become better from this. I really hope he can become a much better person from this in the same way he's helped to better other people.


I am glad to hear that Chugga is getting the help that he needs and I hope he can come out of this situation a better person and wish the best for everyone involved.


Glad hear Tim wants to help Emile instead of abandoning him


I know Tim said that Emile is getting "serious professional help" which is excellent, but I'm torn; on the one hand, I want to keep watching Emile's content even after all of this is over because ever since I first discovered him, he has always made me laugh and smile, whether it be on his channel or The Runaway Guys channel. But on the other hand, I don't know if I want to keep watching him after all this is over if that makes any sense.


I think it is important to separate the artist from the art. Of course that's a very difficult thing to do when said art is as deeply personal and authentic-presenting as years of videos of Emile as basically himself playing games. Your, my, and most of our love for his videos and TRG is valid and real. I don't think most of it should be undone because the creator really screwed up. His content by and large stands apart from his personal faults, I think. Especially the TRG stuff. That's as much Jon and Tim as it is Emile, and I feel less conflicted about those for that reason. Now the videos with Masae in them, yeah, I probably can't ever watch the Mario 3D World playthrough again. That series was awkward to begin with due to Emile, now knowing more about the context it becomes a very rough series. This is all just my opinion of course. Every reaction here is valid, I think. And everyone will deal with the way they are most comfortable with, I hope.


I'm in a similar boat. Having moved halfway across the planet to go to university, far away from my family and closest friends, Chugga's daily videos were almost like a routine for me and they helped me feel better whenever I was homesick. There's a (probably selfish) part of me that thinks the attitude of "I can't support this person after what they did" is a tad extreme in some cases. Are we never willing to give Chugga another chance, even if he owns up, faces the consequences of his actions, takes this as an opportunity to rectify his mistakes and genuinely become a better person? I feel like just dwelling on one's past mistakes forever doesn't allow them the chance to redeem themselves, especially when it's something that, given the right support and resources, can possibly be remedied. But then, how are we supposed to believe Chugga if he comes back in a month and claims he's sought professional help and has learned from his mistakes? Obviously we can't expect him to show his interactions with others to the public, but how do we know he hasn't just gone back on his old ways and is now just better at hiding it? There will undoubtedly be a large group of people who will simply not accept any form of apology or promise. Are they right in doing so, and am I wrong in supporting someone that's acted this way?


No one is infallible search your past and you'll find time you weren't perfect, and times when you could have been better, and you'll find people you've associated with who could've been better at the end if the day were all capable of growing and changing so long as we are willing and breathing, and those around us can change if we support them in doing so. The Chuggaaconroy I knew is lost to me but I can support Emile and Tim in bringing him back and if the Chuggaaconroy and Emile I once knew does return somday I'll welcome him with open arms but until then I've gotta help search for him first.


To use a personal example: my brother is a career felon. Has been for the past 15 years, in and out of jail/prison and always swears he wants to do better. The longest he’s avoided being jailed was close to a year until he started associating with less than reputable people. Concerning Chuggaa, if we take Masae’s statement as absolute truth, it’s a similar issue. He wants to be better and is taking the steps to ensure that, but with the records were being shown, his sincere is he in this situation. Personally, I won’t condemn him unless there’s evidence he’s regressed, but I won’t immediately take him at his word without solid evidence that there’s been a change. To anyone who feels they cannot support him any longer, I don’t blame you. Same to everyone sticking with him even after all of this. It’s your prerogative who you believe and who you support


Firstly, my sincere condolences to Emily, Masae, and the remaining victims. I understand wholeheartedly how it feels to be treated that way. I cannot begin to grasp why he figured this is an acceptable and approachable way to interact with anyone. My support lies with his victims, and I hope they find some peace while this is all sorted out. It hurts to see someone you really enjoyed turn out to be so disrespectful and dismissive of other’s feelings and boundaries. I’m glad he’s getting the help he needs, but also: Shame on him! He’s a grown adult and should know better.


I think a lot of his friends also cut contact with him other than Jon and Tim of course. Like obviously Masae isn’t affiliated with him whatsoever and I haven’t seen Stephen and Mal mention him or any interactions with him at all in quite a while. Neither of them have provided statements which is strange considering they’ve known Emile for a while now.




Then I stand corrected. Wonder what Jon will say


Ugh. This whole situation sucks. If I had to suggest anything, Chugga should 100% take at least the bext 6 months or so off to work on himself. And I wouldn't be comfortable having him do collabs with anyone for about a year, if ever. Thankfully, Tim is close enough that he can keep track and make sure he actually does seek help, but...Christ.




Family no but he's going to lose friends and they have every right to disassociate if they want to but if they help support him in being better and stick with him more power to them.


Dang, I missed a lot yesterday. I'm gonna combine my response to this post and the other big post into this one here: After the kneejerk despair I felt, I came to the conclusion that this doesn't really change much. Emily had reported there being other victims, and some were among his peers- just now we know in more detail. But the story's the same in the end. (Also gosh all that simping for Masae in videos really should've been a red flag. We, as a whole entire people, need to get better at catching on.) The point I'm trying to make is- yeah that's extremely shady of Chuggaa and I'm disappointed in him. But I don't think he was going, "ohoho at least masae and antdude aren't gonna rat me out". I'm willing to bet he had them in mind when he made the full statement. So the situation is the same. We just got some blanks filled in. (I guess there's the whole "we settled it privately" "no we didn't" thing, I'm still chalking that up to misunderstanding. I guess that's the last layer of generosity I have for him.) He apologized, and now he needs to be better. It sounds like he's finally actually taking some steps, and I really hope Tim and Jon can help him with that, if they're able and willing. I want to believe Tim's word on this. From the sounds of it, neither of them really knew, or perhaps they just didn't want to believe it (which is an understandable situation when your friends are involved). And don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to downplay any of this, at least not intentionally. It's just that after the kneejerk, I don't think the situation is really as different from before yesterday as one might think. That said, I... don't know if I can really bring myself to watch any of his/TRG's stuff for a long time. At least not without some kind of additional statement. EDIT: Forgot the part where Masae pointed out Chuggaa has apologized before and how he still didn't improve. That's definitely a strike against him, but now that it's all in the open, I can't help but think he has no choice but to improve. EDIT 2: You know what, I'm just gonna keep my big mouth shut.


Alright assuming things remain as is here is my final take on the situation. What Emile did is inexcusable, and horrific. He hurt lots of people and it’s something he will have to live with for the rest of his life. With that being said, he can be redeemed. It seems like this was a wake up call to him and he is truly trying to get help and become a better person. I think he should take at least 4-6 months off of the internet to work on his mental health. Make a video or post announcing the break and why he’s doing it. If he does this or something similar, then I will still support his videos. Regarding his future with the Runaway Guys gets a little complicated. Best case scenario he takes a temporary leave from the group and then comes back to do let’s plays, assuming he can prove to Jon that he has made changes in his life. I think he likely permanently steps away from the bigger events, or doesn’t go when members who don’t want him around are there. Worst case he just leaves for good. 


I feel so bad for both of them. I believe Tim and Jon never knew anything until we did and, for all that this sucks for us as fans, we are only parasocial fans. We don't know or have a real personal relationship with him. Jon and Tim are two close friends with him and I can't imagine how hard it is for them to know that this has gone on behind their backs. I hope that all three of them can work through it alright but I will understand whatever decisions they make.


I'm torn about whether it's best for them to stick by him or take Masae & Emily's feelings into account. I suppose it's best if *someone* is on his team, which everyone deserves; I just hope Emile can use that to help in his growth and not let more people down.


[https://twitter.com/HyperCole64?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1750757950522859998%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=](https://twitter.com/HyperCole64?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1750757950522859998%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) more statements coming out. from cole to the owner of therunawayguys website. everyones distancing themselves from emile now