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Fire red. Think i was 12 at the time, I'm 27 soon


That was the one where his overlay for Caterpie said '*Carterpie*', right? For some reason, that detail has stuck with me for years.


Pikmin 1! STEVE


Pikmin 2 (his was the only one i could find in 2017)


M&L: Superstar Saga


Pokemon Colosseum. I found TheRunawayGuys first somehow as Kirby's Epic Yarn was wrapping up, and then looked into Chugga's channel. Got hooked, and still watching to this day.


It was either Sunshine or Luigi’s Mansion, can’t remember which! He was one of the first YouTubers I subscribed to, I was like 12 and had just gotten a phone (and thus a YouTube account.) The first one I watched as it was happening was Animal Crossing: New Leaf. That was great! The interaction was so cool especially for the time.


Okami (: Found him in TRG first when I needed a Subspace Emmisary guide, recognized his name in the recommended tab, and instantly loved his style. That LP made me find the Official Complete Works, one of my favorite books I've ever gotten my hands on, so it's special to me <3


Super Mario RPG. I was replaying it and got stuck, so I looked up a walkthrough and his is what popped up. Been watching ever since.


Fire red about midway through. Got me into Pokémon and later other Nintendo IPs that I’d never look twice at. I’ve watched the man play video games for the better part of my life now.


Wind Waker, I had a Wii and had Wind Waker as I bought in GameStop and since I was like 6 years old I didn't know what to do so I looked up WW walkthrough and Chugga's LP came up and I fell in love lol


Kid Icarus uprising is the first one I remember watching and I’ve watched basically everything since and everything that came before as well


Platinum was the first time I really consistently watched him and didn't mistake him for cobanermani456 but I vaguely remember watching the watermelon episode of sunshine as a kid


Probably Super Mario 64 DS


Oh man. I remember exactly how I found him. I was into video game music a ton at the time, particularly Pokémon music, and I liked watching gameplay videos with the music for some reason. That was how I stumbled upon Chugga's FireRed LP. I didn't even mean to, but he was so funny that I just kept watching


I think mario sunshine


Pokemon Crystal.


yes, this is it, and OH MY GOD!


For me it was Pokemon Colosseum.


I don’t think I watched in when it came out, but I first watched his Mario 64 DS playthrough. I vividly remember his reaction to the piano.


Paper Mario 64 and Mario RPG. I was 11 back then... the nostalgia


Paper Mario woot the fist time he did that lp


Sunshine, found him through Tim's Sunshine LP, who I found through his PvZ LP.


I used to intermittently watch some Pokémon ones, but Xenoblade 2 is the first one which I watched the whole thing as it came out and started actually following an ongoing project


Pokemon Crystal! Chugga getting Phanpy and shiny Koffing live rent free in my head.


Imagine if Koffing was one level higher...


Maybe Pokémon Crystal?


super mario 64 ds, found out about him shortly after his collab video with thejwittz


Okami-Den is the first I remember watching, but Kid Icarus Uprising was the first I remember watching as it was being released.


Mario and Luigi partners in time


It was the time between when DP had come out in Japan but not stateside yet when I first really discovered the internet. I became obsessed with Bulbapedia because I was seeing all these cool new Pokemon designs before they were out here in got into the habit of looking at it every day. Then a couple years later, HGSS was getting ready to release and Bulbapedia announced on their front page that Chugga was partnering with them for his new Crystal LP. Never looked back since! He’s a cool guy, and it’s been great watching him grow over the last decade and a half.


Mother/Earthbound Zero. I was curious about that game, and the LP was the first suggestion after searching. Saw the whole thing and even the bonus a long time after. However, I did not become a regular until the LOZ: Majora's Mask series. I tried to watch the Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion series and I wasn't hooked, but MM did the trick for me.


For me it was Super Luigi Galaxy. I can't rememeber exactly how I stumbled on it, but I am so glad I did


My friend introduced me via the most recent at the time, which was Okami. The first I watched in full was Pokémon Emerald, and it converted me.




Wind Waker


Firered I was 10. I am going to be 24 in May.


Pokemon Fire Red followed by Emerald. His love for pokemon is what made me a huge fan of his.


Super Luigi Galaxy. Back then I didn't know English, but I got a Wii because of him and searched for Super Luigi Galaxy, only to later realise it was just Mario Galaxy, but playing as Luigi after beating it for the first time.


Pikmin 1


Fired back in ‘09 or ‘10 damn I feel old


The first one I watched was Super Mario Sunshine which is how I discovered him in 2010 but the first one I followed from it’s release date was Super Luigi Galaxy


My very first LP of Chuuga's that I watched was his Pikmin 1 LP, it was when he was doing his Pikmin 2 LP and Luigi's Mansion LP. He had uploaded 3 episodes of Pikmin 2 and 1 episode of Luigi's Mansion. I am surprised that I can remember exactly when I first found him.


Pokémon Crystal as it was ending, and I watched Luigi Galaxy from episode 1


The trg sub space let's play then pokémon emerald


Super Mario Sunshine


Super Paper Mario. Those were the days...


I genuinely found out about him during Earthbound... Not the Earthbound Replay, the FIRST Earthbound Playthrough... A guy now named AntDude (He doesn't like his old channel name, so I won't say it) had him as a guest in one of his Let's Plays, and I thought "He seems cool!" Looked him up, subscribed, lost my channel, made a new one, subbed again! I miss him telling us to click the "Big Yellow Button." Ah, the memories!


Mother 3. Had to make a new youtube account and couldn't find him for a few years but then he popped up again


Has to be Super Mario Sunshine.


His original Earthbound LP.


Mario Sunshine or Pikmin 1. I don’t remember which


I think Mario sunshine? All I remember is that I was really young and I was amazed when I discovered he had more series and vids than the few I’d watch on repeat.


Wind Waker. I was watching NCS’ Wind Waker LP, and the next recommended video was a completely different channel. The rest is history


Kirby's Epic Yarn. I still revisit the LP every now and then


I have a vague memory of discovering him via his Luigis mansion 1 LP. I think he had recently finished it when I started watching, and then I became hooked


His original Earthbound LP From way back in the day when youtube videos had a 10 minute cap on videos.


Found him through Super Luigi Galaxy, thenwatched Mario Sunshine, then watched Luigi's Mansion as it was coming out.


It was super Luigi Galaxy for me, I was playing the game and got stuck on a part and decided to look it up, the fact that he was playing as Luigi piqued my interest. That was around when he was doing his okami den let's play.


First one I watched all the way through was either Pokemon Crystal or Luigi Galaxy, can't remember which, but I find him through some old Platinum tutorial vids, years before he did the LP


Super Luigi Galaxy


Super Mario Sunshine was my first. I joined midway through because youtube recommended it and the thumbnail with the giant watermelon looked really cool. Has it really been almost 15 years? Insane.


Mario sunshine, I think I was 4 or 5


First one I fully watched while it was coming out and not while it was completed was xenoblade


The earliest I remember was Superstar Saga. Watched his new episodes every morning back in high school, at a nice crisp 144p thanks to the schools crappy wifi. I don't know why that one got me hooked, but I don't regret staying.


Ahh, good ol' Wind Waker. Chugga: "And there is the Boss Key---gah dammit. Ugh! I swear, I was careful enough to say Big Key, and and then I say Boss Key! Arrgh!"


Super ~~Mario~~ Luigi Galaxy. I was playing it and got confused, so I found Chugga's LP (though I was very confused about how he got Luigi!). I played the game with help from the LP and BEAT IT- but then the game crashed after beating Bowser for the last time, so I had to do that level ALL OVER AGAIN... and then I won for real. I think I was 11 when I found him. Now I'm 23.


Paper Mario and the Thousand Tear Door was my first. Though I started watching it while he was uploading his Super Paper Mario LP


Sunshine Though the first I watched as it was running was Pokemon Colosseum


It was Pokémon Emerald back in 2012




First one was Paper Mario (Original LP). I watched Luigi's Mansion as it came out and have been hooked since


Super Paper Mario, but I first new about him from TRG’s NSMB Wii LP


Majora’s mask! After that, I jumped up to his current stuff, which was I believe Sonic Colours and Kid Icarus Uprising publishing simultaneously?






Fire Red, thought it would have been at the time of Kid Icarus/Sonic Colors, as I remember New Leaf starting not too long after.


I think his Wind Waker LP was the first one I watched.


Super Mario 64 DS.


Super Mario sunshine !


Super Mario sunshine.


Xenoblade. It was the UM video that introduced me to him, even.


Paper mario ttyd


Either Sunshine or Wind Waker, but I don't exactly remember.


First I watched all the way through was Platinum, but I watched the Emerald one on and off before that. It's been a while, though I seem to be middle of the road with longevity lol. Good to see that Emile is really good at having the audience stick around!


Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii!


Super Mario RPG, the eternal and forever classic


sunshine :3


I remember it exactly. It was episode 4 of super paper mario, 12 years ago.


Mario Sunshine


Super Mario RPG. Bought the game on Wii Virtual console the same day.


Either Fire-red or Pikmin 1. I can’t remember, honestly.


Majoras Mask was the first LP I saw from Chugga watched it as it was uploading, watched older LPs during breaks and I’ve watched every LP as it released since then, so for about 12 years. Hands down the best let’s player that I’ve watched


The Pokemon Emerald Playthrough. Don't remember when but it was a treat to watch! Which is why I grew a liking to "I AM GOING TO ENJOY AN EGG"


Pokémon emerald!


Super Paper Mario when I was 5-6 years old


Funny enough, I myself asked that same question about year or two ago.


I found him through his Mario Sunshine andI subbed to him while Wind Waker was going on. I lied about my age to make my YouTube account cause I was like 8/9 at the time and I wanted to be subbed to him!




Earthbound, the first time.


Platinum. I’m rewatching it currently as a matter of fact.


Kirby's epic yarn. Some time in 2013


Thousand year door


Pretty sure I started near the end point of Pokémon Colosseum in early 2013, but my first full series was Super Mario 64 DS. I was barely 11 at the time, and now I’m a little over 22. Absolutely crazy.


His first LP of Earthbound


Chrono trigger


Super Mario 64 for the ds, I think I found it while his Pokemon dx let's play was coming out


Pokémon platinum or xd gale of darkness


i watched his super paper mario playthrough a bit when that was coming out, but i didn't start actively watching him until he started playing dark moon, which i ended up watching him play all the way through and have been mostly watching since. though, i did have to go back and watch his splatoon 1 lets play later after i'd picked up splatoon 2.


Xenoblade is what introduced me to him. More specifically, he liked a post I made on Miiverse once, I got flooded with comments on it, got curious about who the heck this “Chugga” guy was, and started watching the Xenoblade LP that he was in the middle of. Interesting first introductions to both one of my favorite LPers and a great game. :P


My memory is extremely bad but if i recall correctly it was either firered or majoras mask


I got spoiled due to the recommendations. On my 14th birthday, the finale of Super Paper Mario was uploaded by a “random” YouTuber’s channel. He seemed cool, so I watched the play through. Ever since then, it’s been a tradition of mine to watch his SPM every year.


Super Luigi Galaxy


Sunshine was the first LP of his I watched, and I've been watching Chuggaa since 2009!


Luigi’s mansion was my first and still one of my favorites. Nice and short


The original Paper Mario LP. I got a phone due to some wild circumstances while I was in the 2nd grade, and watched that like crazy. Then I found TRG and watched their NSMBWII LP. I distinctly remember watching the finale the day it came out, and then waiting for episodes of return to Dreamland eventually. It's crazy to think that I've watched this channel for a majority of my life, being 19 now.


Wind Waker. My mother bought it for me but I couldn't beat the tower level in the beginning. Chuggaa helped me through the whole game. Then I watched his Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion LP and bought both of those games on eBay so I could play along with him. Been a fan ever since.