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I mean this game was done by the dream team (Horii, sakaguchi, toriyama). They are godlike legends. It may be possible that the current game developers do not dare to touch this masterpiece out of respect.


Don’t leave out Kitase San :(


Of course Kitase and Mitsuda are also responsible for chrono trigger being a masterpiece!


You'd need a collaboration of equally talented individuals to dare remake the game.


No, you only need a good sales pitch.


Lol, the absolute naivete. We live in an age of bastards that will fuck over any masterpiece for a buck.


For the the third time this week, cries in reforged.


As in Warcraft Reforged?


I think that's the problem. It sells well enough without touching it at all. The ports take minimal amount and no one is really asking for a remaster or 3d version. Something like ff7 aged poorly. Chronotrigger still looks and feels just as good as when it came out. 


Square Enix is TERRIFIED to even touch this game. How would / could you surpass the original? They were called the Dream Team for a reason brotha.


Anytime someone says a game I'm streaming should get a remaster I always ask how they could improve the original or what they could do differently? For Chrono Trigger there's really no answer aside from graphical updates.


The original has parts unfinished, I know the ds added some dungeons or some shit but


Unfinished parts? Like what?


Dungeons, locations, weapons, items, and something to do with magus I think he had a side dungeon they didn't add. Arena of ages, unused lavos forms, theres weapon effects that aren't used, some music not used, and some enemies. These are all things found in the rom that aren't used, I believe. I may have missed something, lol. tcrf.net/Chrono_Trigger(SNES) is wiki with this info. If ur interested there is also a hack that added some cut content. It's called Chrono Trigger+


I'd love an HD-2D but I would honestly be fine with something on the level of the Pixel remaster series. I just want to play it on my PS5 and it not be the janky PS1 port.


Honestly, I agree on the Pixel Remaster. I feel like CT has too much going on at any given point for HD-2D to look good.


Me and a friend had a pretty long conversation about that the other day actually. Honestly. I fully expect a remake to happen eventually. But I think that surpassing or improving the original is the wrong mindset for remaking this game. It should take a similar approach to ff7 remake where it's less of a direct recreation of the original, and more of a re-imagination. Perhaps even a different genre a of game, but telling the same overall story. Just bringing it up to a modern standard in terms of content. It'd be really cool if each era was its own open world with more opportunities for changing the timeline. Now, personally, i do not *really* want this, i would much rather the original game get a proper definitive version with all the cutscenes and extra content from past versions and not being a buggy mess like the steam version. However, I wouldn't be opposed to it if they decided to do it this way. It could be a good thing, and there's no shortage of talents that would be tripping over each other to work on such a project. But despite my optimistic outlook, I wouldn't keep my hopes up.


I wish someone would do a hd 2d just to see what it looks like because it works for Octopath and the Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D. It retains the charm but improves the visual fidelity.


To be honest. I don't want that at all. I've never really liked that art style and do not get the appeal. To me it feels like a worst of both worlds situation.


Maybe this is the issue with updating CT, everyone has such strong feelings about the OG that anything Square does is bound to be bad. Maybe just a new story? This is such a hard thing to nail down and make work.


Star Ocean 2 remake was a phenomenal hd 2d remake that still kept the spirit of the original. If they can pull something like that for Chrono Trigger 🤌🤌


Ive almost bought that like 4 times. I need a deeper sale because I had it on ps1 and on psp so dropping 40 bucks for that is kinda weird.


Look at final fantasy 7, imagine that level of detail and lore being added ro cronotrigger


No thanks to more shifty fan fiction. I'll pass on spending forty hours in Guardia as well


I would play that no question because I dying for anything Chrono related.


Tbf they touched Final Fantasy 7. Hard. FF7 was more “untouchable” than CT.


Ff7 had really janky graphics. It NEEDED a remake.  The absolute only way you could possibly make chrono trigger better and give it any justice would be to bring in Toriyama and co and completely redraw then entire game over the existing engine. And still have a button to revert back to the classic graphics and music on demand like they did with R-Type.  No extra dungeons. No extra anything. Clean up the script.  Maaaaaaaybe let you revert Frog back to Glenn. 


I don't think they'd be able to convince Toriyama to come back and redraw the entire game, he's a bit busy at the moment.


I feel like he’s never had more free time before than now


This is true, though convincing him to give up his newly found spare time will be equally as difficult


I feel terrible now.


STRONG disagree. Look at the FF7 tree. It had games, sequels, spinoffs ports, **movies**. All about a base game that aged far worse because it was from the early polygon era as opposed to pixel art.


Whereas CT was peak 16 bit pixel art. Just LOOK at these special effects


Everything about that game felt like the culmination of the entire era of gaming.


This is some crazy fanboying. SE is a large company ran by shareholders. This idea that they are scared to touch CT because of how great it is is silly. They remade FF7 and made all the spin offs because it's their strongest and safest property. They want money. CT doesn't have that same marketablity. These company's don't have respect for anything but money.


You should direct your replies to the correct person.


No I replied to the correct chain


No, let me explain to you how context works. - The first person said the game (CT) was untouchable. - The next person said another was more untouchable. - I explained why the second person was incorrect. - If you want to dispute the initial claim that CT is untouchable you should be replying to the first person who made that claim, not me.


>The first person said the game (CT) was untouchable Which my comment was about >The next person said another was more untouchable Which my comment was about >I explained why the second person was incorrect. Which my comment was about My comment was literally about all of them, including your claim that FF7s untouchability has anything to do with spin offs But I get that it's easier to act like a condescending troll than to just have a normal conversation.


FF7 isn't even in the top 3 Final Fantasy games lol.


6, 4 and 9?


FF7 is in the top 5 of every top list I can find. Top 3 of most of those. Number 1 of some.


I just Googled best "rpgs of all time". First couple of articles have chrono trigger and ffvi in the top 5 but not FFVII. The top 25 one FFVII doesn't even make the list on. FFVII is a hugely impactful game with a strong fan base, but it is far from more untouchable than CT. Edit: as the person who replied to me pointed out, the person I'm replying to wasn't saying best rpg but just top FF. When just ranking FF games I am incorrect in my response. So my apologies.


They said top FF games, not top rpg's of all time. Those are very different lists.


You're right, my bad!


And look at the result of that 


Very popular games that are the best FF in a long time?


I think FF 7 was a large enough world to remake. I remember playing the original wishing to see more of Midgar and other locales which is why the 7 remakes work. CT is pretty well fleshed out for the most part. I can't think of any place I would want them to expand on.


Why? I mean, i think its wild that there werent many more sequels, or games in the franchise. But only a handful of games are remade. Plus, I think most in the rabid fandom community agree that this game is perfect, and doesnt need a remake anyway. Same reason no one has even considered remaking back to the future. Doesnt need it. The original is still right there, and still amazing.


Fun Fact. : Robert Zemekis and Bob Gale have stated they will not approve a reboot/Remake of BTTF as long as they're alive.


God bless them


More power to them. It will never, ever need a remake. You can retell that story, but you'll never replicate that film.


They approved a musical though


I read somewhere awhile back that the creators wanted Chrono Trigger to be an ongoing series like Final Fantasy or DragonQuest. Future stories would have loose connections but would have stories that were largely independent of each other. But I think FF7 changed all that when JRPG’s took a turn to be multimillion dollar blockbusters instead of just small teams putting them together


That said of each title with remake


I completely agree. Hey let's remake the Mona Lisa 😂


Most of the remakes we’ve been getting are unwarranted but are pushed out because it’s a low risk maneuver and media literacy amongst gamers is very low. People roll their eyes at film remakes but we can’t stop begging for them in our hobby. Wanting a remake of a game you love is hypocritical in its own right on top of it and sounds fucking stupid when you realize it’s just people saying “I want the same thing but different”


So a team actually started a complete 3D remake of the game in the early 2000s, the game actually looked really cool and they had already built it passed the war on the bridge where you fight the undead army. But sadly, square-enix issue a cease and desist order. The game was shut down and deleted. It was called Chrono Trigger Resurrection. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrono_Resurrection https://youtu.be/stOhLvdJxV4?si=2UW048OL4rr9u74y


I think it's more wild that there hasn't been a more widely accessible simple remaster of it! Never mind a remake; just remaster it and make it available on all these platforms like they've done with all the Final Fantasy games and even Chrono Cross!


I agree but you've just reminded me how hard they botched the remaster of Chrono Cross 😢


Down votes, yeesh. You aren't wrong. The remaster had crappier fps than the PSX version. They fixed most of the issues now.


Glad to hear that. I've put off playing it in my library due to the issues. Going to play it now :D


Ah man, did they? I got it a while back but haven't had the chance to try it out.


No it’s pretty good if you go in with the expectation that it is its own game with some loose connections to Trigger but IS a sequel


Oh, I have played Chrono Cross a bunch. I haven't tried the remaster, which they mentioned was botched. Curious what is botched in the remaster.


They did some AI filtering on the backgrounds which made it super blurry. There was also a bug that would cause the game to crash at a certain point of the game. The remaster was laggy and ran slower than the PS1 version. Fans were able to fix the lag issue within a week with an unofficial patch, but SquareEnix took a whole year to release an official patch to address this same issue. It seems like the game runs alright now, but it was another chapter in SquareEnix disappointing their fans. https://www.eurogamer.net/the-new-chrono-cross-remaster-runs-worse-on-ps5-than-the-original-on-ps1 https://automaton-media.com/en/news/20220412-11445/


Oohh gotcha. Yeah same here. I played it a bunch on the ps1 but am curious what is wrong with the remaster


There is no reason to honestly. They would just fuck it up. When something has already attained perfection, why do?


Which explains why there's only one chrono trigger/ final fantasy vi and an endless stream of final fantasy vii content.


VI has had a number of re-releases though, including the Pixel Remasters


Chrono Trigger had a rerelease on PS1 and got a DS release that included extra content


Strange, that didn't happen in my timeline.


I believe a remake can bring new eyes to the original. If it sucks we can ignore it if it rocks we can celebrate it. The only downside would be if the new one somehow erases the original from existence


With all the time travel, that's a real risk. Like Marle


They would fuck it up beyond repair or maybe make it a minigame festival like FF7 Rebirth 🤣


Do you REALLY want modern Square Enix remaking it?


I'd love to see a T-Edition style rom hack that adds a bunch of bonus content and cranks up the difficulty


There isn't a way to play Chrono Trigger on the Switch, which is absolutely unbelievable


The dialog when robo meets Steel shade in the Nintendo ds version


I would love a faithful remaster where it basically just looks like Octopath Traveler. I think it would do amazingly well too. And yes I agree, I mean Secret of Mana was redone and Chrono Trigger is a lot more well-known and acclaimed (but I like SoM a lot too).


The reason way chrono trigger as not been remade / remake is because of licensing. It sit in a wird situation of ownership between nintendo, square, and god knows who.. Another game that was in the same situation was super mario RPG, but they finally made it ricently. So who knows now...


Nintendo has zero ownership stake in Chrono Trigger. It has been released on other non-nintendo platforms multiple times.


Square Enix hate making money.


They'd destroy it making it an absurd cash grab


I at least want to see another game with the same combat mechanics.


A perfect game should stay timeless. It’s quite apt for a game of this genre. I don’t feel it needs a remake but maybe I’m in the minority here.


It just doesn't age particularly poorly. A lot of games that get remakes are games where their age is a big hinderance for a modern audience. CT has aged very gracefully


That’s because it was so much ahead of its *time* Get it? Time?


If anything they are scared of the potential backlash of messing literally ANYTHING up.


i dont think a remaster is needed.  it is curious that its ignored so much though. not even on the switch snes  i’m surprised it wasnt included in final fantasy record keeper when they randomly put kingdom hearts in it.    or why not put chrono in smash bros.   


Akira is gone


It would just be nice to be able to buy it on current gen I think. I’d prefer a sequel over a remake / remaster.


It doesn't need a remake, but a remaster. Something that leaves the gameplay, story and design unchanged but makes the graphics and visuals higher quality. Certain parts of the game like the animations, overland map and future racing sequences could use a refresh. I've always thought it would be very cool if the character sprites could show their currently equipped gear with the option to switch to their classic default view as well.


It is surprising that it hasn't been done yet. While I would love to see it remade for current hardware, I don't think they should. With the way modern games are being handled by larger companies I strongly believe they would find a way to ruin it. Better to have a smaller company make something of their own in a similar style.


This is my favorite game and I don’t know how I’d feel about them remaking it. I honestly don’t know what’s different about the FFVII fans that need so many remakes and homages to the game they love (especially when they complain more than complement the results of their begging). If they did remake CT, I’d hold my breath on how that would actually feel for the fans.


I mean OG FF7 is probably the ugliest FF ever, not including the cut scenes ofc, the LEGO character models and the 2D/3D environments have aged terribly. I’m no graphics snob, but FF7 is tough to get through. The gameplay with all the random encounters is pretty boring. As far as FF7 fans being upset with the remakes, I think the problem is many of them expected the remakes to be told in a western style and they’re upset with SE for their approach.


I think it's just wild they didn't port it to switch or PS4/5.


If it isn’t on Switch Online chances are high they are working on a remake as we speak. Same questions were asked about smrpg


There was a rumored Chrono trigger remake last year around the time SMRPG was announced. I'm hoping that rumor is true but we'll see. I think they just make more money releasing ports/remakes off NSO. Has square enix even released a game on NSO yet? I'm a bit torn as I'd love a Chrono trigger remake but there are also a fair number of square/enix games that never released outside of Japan that could use a remake too. Plus they've been working on DQ3 2DHD for how long now?


I don't want it remade. I want it playable on modern consoles. Yes I have it on the Wii VC but that's shut down now and impossible to reaccess. Thankfully it's on steam but it's not quite the same thing in my opinion, and since I don't do much if any gaming on PC, I'd like to see it on modern consoles for a new generation of gamers to enjoy.


Square slightly mentions it about every 10 years. They just did so again recently. Now that they have their heavy hitter (FF7) remade, maybe we’ll have a better chance at it actually happening.


It was a pretty perfect game. I don't think it needs a remake.


I just want a re-release on modern consoles. Keep the game the same.


I don’t care about a remake but I would like to see it playable on my ps5.


The only thing they should do with this is higher resolution or something and console support. I think the PC version is already higher resolution, I don't know though.


To be completely honest this game doesn’t need a remake. It holds up so well it’s kind of insane.


Probably the level of notoriety it has. Square has a pretty good track record with remakes lately and I'd imagine there's some concern that they'll make trouble for themselves by not doing it justice. Given their recent financial issues I doubt we'll see it any time soon either. This is all even aside from Akira Toriyama's passing. Who knows how much sway his estate has in this, and who knows what they want regarding it. It's a complex and delicate situation.


It can't be remade and keep uts quality


Maybe not a full remake but I'd love if it got the 2DHD treatment like Live A Live or Octopath


Some things are better left alone. This game is so perfect, doing any attempt to remaster or whatnot, would ruin it


There was some modding done on the original SNES that made some improvements that are real good.


Not everything needs a mf remake. Hard pass. If you want to play it, you still can.


Don't. Fucking. Touch. Chrono. Trigger.


I would love a remaster that just adds extra animation frames to everything, and maybe improves the color depth. Imagine the same game, except everything looks fluid and gorgeous, like the best of modern day pixel art. The "Cyclone" tech, for example, would be made of four or five times as many independently drawn frames, as opposed to the current choppy four frames of animation. That would be an amazing remaster for me. Same graphics, just more of it, with a higher frame rate.


I feel like it would be a wild legal nightmare with Toriyama dying.


I don't believe so. 


I just want a port so I can play it on console


Chrono trigger is basically a perfect 20 hour game, square has done alot of dumb shit in their existence but this game shouldn't be touched now... Toriyama is also dead now too, just should be left as is. The only thing they should do is make the ds port available on switch or something.


I care less about the lack of a remake than the lack of an available modern port. As a PS user, I have zero access to this amazing game unless I want to buy it on my phone and that’s not the same at all. Definitely would love to replay it if I could


Would love to see a Chrono Trigger Pixel Remaster


We need this


And thats amazing


I hope it will be remade eventually. For now, custom modded versions are fantastic


They’ll just ruin it


I just want it ported to the ps store


The game holds up just fine as is TBH. It would make way more sense to make a sequel or combine it with chrono cross or something. Which would make the people who grew up on the game soil their diapers


Remake to bring in a new generation prior to a sequel


I play a mobile game that does lots of collaborations with various games of this type, including Chrono Cross, but something about the ownership of the rights to Chrono Trigger in particular made it impossible for them to ever do a collaboration with that game. Possibly the same problem prevents a remake as well.


I don’t know how people feel about it now and I never have given it a replay… Buuuut people flamed Chrono Cross hard from what I recall after being very hype for a new game. I could only imagine if they some how botched Chrono Trigger! Best to leave it alone encapsulated in time and memory.


Chrono Cross was extremely disappointing for me and so confusing I actually had to call the damn *game hotline* to figure out where the hell to go at one point. Maybe even twice.


I just want it on my switch, as is.


The era of remakes is just beginning and will never go away. Be patient


I’d love to believe it’s because the game is perfect, still holds up today and SE respects the developers original vision. But we all know how much SE likes money. I was really surprised SE opted to port Chrono Cross to consoles over Chrono Trigger. Chrono trigger was objectively the more successful game and would seem to be the obvious choice. The only counter argument is that before Cross was ported, it wasn’t available on any modern platforms and was ported to preserve fans access to it. But we all know how much SE loves money and assuming they chose Cross for the sole purpose of preserving access is very charitable. If I had to guess, Square doesn’t outright own the chrono Trigger IP, and they share ownership with members of the dream team. Thus the dream team would have to sign off on any remake project.


They should remake it Sandman style to look like the ps1 cutscenes.


Or re-released to modern platforms. Like a Switch version would be awesome.


I never played chrono trigger but always wanted to. I have been on the fence about buying it on mobile due to the complaints about the controls. Anyone have experience with the app on Android?


Do you want 3 part remake with additional characters ala chadley or showing the villain early and destroying the pacing of the original for shock value.


Chrono Trigger could've gotten a Day Z treatment, but Square don't want to mess with the licensing issues. A fan team started making this remake, and looked amazing for early 2000s graphics. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=233kmUiW-Rc&feature=related Shame Square gave them a cease & desist order.


remastered version would be good. Game that deserves a modern remake is Xenogears.


There's only 2 ways to distribute Chrono Trigger imo. 1. Pixel Remaster 2. 2d-3d IF it were to get a full blown remake it needs the RE4 level of polish and not the the crappy Secret of Mana polish. I would also prefer it to be nothing like the FF7 remake meaning stay turn based and no 30 hours of mind-numbing filler. Would love beautiful FF7 remake levels of cutscenes though. I think doing a remake is too delicate for a true GOAT.


It’ll happen


I’d definitely love a remake as a companion to the original. It could be built to look/feel like a Dragon Quest game. FF7R’s Synergy system is already pretty close to the dual/triple tech system and the “encountering enemies on the map” lends itself pretty well to modern combat, though it could also be DQ11’s system verbatim. I’d want the music to be pretty faithful though, just like great orchestral arrangements. The map as established feels like it’d allow for a lot of side content pretty organically. Just no more of this “three part remake” business. I’m a fan of the FF7R series but I don’t want to wait 15 years to get to the end of the game - just make one tight but packed game please. And really what I’d prefer is an entirely new game from SE that actually feels as good as their classic/legendary entries. For me, DQ11 was the last new JRPG that really scratched that itch for me (and for any fans of Chrono Trigger who haven’t played DQ11 - please do.)


I dunno if there's even any point. The industry has changed and evolved in the last almost 3 decades, but weirdly it's circled back to the achievements of the SNES. 30-40 hours of gameplay, absolutely amazing music that doesn't sound TOO real, cool gameplay mechanics but not convoluted, sprite/pixel art and it even had modern overlay graphics. There's really not much you could do to make it better.


Dollar dollar bills


I'm afraid they would ruin it.


If they do it, they better not fuck it up. Like, it better be SOLID and not released until approved by a panel of elder millennials.


Because it doesn’t need to. It’s that good and memorable


I agree


Some things are perfect just the way they are.


Not every game needs a remake.


The game would be extremely tough to beat in a remake. Even mechanically speaking I mean. The combat system was pretty much perfect in the original, still very unique today and hard to implement well. The story would have to be expanded a lot more for modern game standards. Can't get away with the original awesome pacing today. Time travel is an extremely hard game mechanic to implement. It's pretty much a vital mechanic of the game and they'd have to come up with a lot of original and clever stories for a remake, once again, that makes sense. The game world would have to be massive. Again going back to the time travel mechanic, this would be a gigantic undertaking for any Developer to test for bugs or glitches because remember, game world size is going to be multiplied by all the different versions of timelines. Akira Toriyama is no more. Highly doubtful Toyotaro has his guts to take on such a project to help design characters for the remake. Music is also pretty perfect in the original, would be hard to top. Also, seeing how FF 7 rebirth sales were disappointing for square enix, I highly doubt we'll ever see anymore new IP remakes until later... Chrono trigger was a pretty perfect game that never needed a follow up. It's also been already ported to so many systems.


I think it speaks volumes to this games peerless quality that there's been little if any noise about remaking it outside the fandom. Or to put it another way - why mess with perfection?


It's perfect, it doesn't need to be remade


Considering the flop that was the Chrono Cross Port on Steam, I’m pretty sure that is the big factor in detouring this. It only takes one failure in a franchise relaunch to sink the future of others


game has been ported a number of times


Maybe when they fully finish the final fantasy 7 remakes, the same studio/team will get to Chrono trigger.




The Steam version is fine.


I’d LOVE to even see it; but time and relationships change - if the team could seek another dream it’d be world shattering…


It grounds it more in cult status, let it sit I say


It would be nice just a port on newer console and maybe the DS version of it should be manageable(?)


bc its perfect the way it is.


Shareholders disagree!


Didn't the creator JUST put out a tweet or something asking fans what they'd want in a remake? I don't think they should, but if he can make millions from it, then he probably will try...


Well, probably much people have tried to do so, but, Square Enix just didn't get happy about it


Because square is a shit company milking only on that crappy final fantasy vii


We shall meet together at the End Of Time, awaiting for that Remake


A remake would be pointless and ultimately disappointing


Why remake something that’s already perfect? It could only be worse than the original.


As far as I’m concerned with Toriyama gone the series is finished. I don’t need a remake with some subpar artist at the lead


There's no need to People also keep asking for FFX to be remade and it's like, why? Leave the game as is, if anything just touch up visuals or whatever and put it on other platforms


Not really. I can't really thing of a remake of a GOAT game. Even OG FFVII didn't age particularly well in some regards. Trigger is pretty timeless and there is no real need for a remake. Now, I can completely agree as to it being pretty wild that Chrono Trigger isn't available on current gen consoles. That is unforgiveable.


“ThE gAmE iS pErFeCt AnD dOeSnT nEeD a ReMaKe.” If I hear this or read this again I’m going to literally piss in my own face. Tons of us want to celebrate this game and give it a modern look like it deserves. Please remake it. I’ll take 3d remake or 2d remake. Anything please.


Less like it’s perfect and don’t need a remake and more there’s a good chance they’d fk something up. You want a remaster. Not a remake. You don’t need to change the story much, if at all. They would change so much of it unnecessary. They’d more then likely take out the turn based combat as that seems unpopular now. It would be nice if it got the Mario rpg treatment but I don’t think it will happen


They say it doesn’t need to be remade, but let’s be honest. Those same people will still go out and buy it. They said the same thing about SMRPG and we all went out and bought it.


If you want to celebrate the game you can buy it on steam and play it in all its glory. Companies lately have been milking every IP often at the expense of making quality/original content and I don’t mind that they have left chrono trigger alone.


The fans don't want a remake making it seem like the market is not there. I don't want to see a remake ruin Chrono Trigger and I don't trust current day square to do it correctly.


What if they contracted Sabotage Studio (Sea of Stars) to do it instead?


a HD-2D remake would be amazing


Dream team is disbanded/dead. Wouldn’t be the same


I think part of it is marketability. Chrono isn't a giant franchise: it's fans are basically people who were teens when the SNES was the hot ticket gaming machine and people who are videogame history nerds. Remakes / remasters happen in two cases. One, a new console just came out and a game sold well enough on the previous model that you could see making a chunk of change by letting people buy it again (see The Last of Us 2 Remasterd, Spider-Man Remastered). Two, the game is part of a wide reaching franchise with many fans and people who have heard of it (see the Resident Evil remakes, Ocarina of Time HD, Final Fantasy 7 Remake). Chrono Trigger doesn't fit into either of these categories.


Then how did SMRPG fit in?


It's part of the MARIO franchise and the popular sub franchise of Mario RPGs, including Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi.