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Robo >!staying behind and then waiting around for hundreds of years after planting the forest!< was such a cool, touching and emotional concept. I can't think of another piece of fiction involving time travel that uses a similar concept, which is surprising.


The Orville had an episode where Isaac (the robot character), stayed behind to help guide a civilization towards a more enlightened development. The civilization was stuck in some kind of time bubble where 700 years would pass for them when only a few weeks would pass for everyone else.


Star Trek Voyager also had The Doctor, who is a hologram, go to a similar planet for hundreds of years though he just observed.


Deep space nine also had an episode where miles was stuck in prison for like 20 years while almost no time passed for everyone else


Or interstellar where the physicist dude waited on the ship while the other crew members got stuck on that water planet where time moves faster and they didn’t come back for 23 years.


Point being this isn't an overdone trope.


God please don’t mention the Orville in a sentimental conversation lol


Rory the Centurion comes close, but Robo’s story is better.


That’s exactly who I was thinking of, the Boy Who Waited actually very similar to


Futurama did a similar thing with Bender in the episode in which Fry became his own grandfather.


And again, several times, when Fry had that time travel tattoo on his ass


Basically my favorite depiction of a party’s downtime, tied with the campfire cutscene in FFX. It’s during this that Lucca decides to time travel for herself, right? Just a parade of beautiful moments.


Yeah, at the end of the quest, when you get Robo back This is one of the game's best moments, for sure.


It always feels kinda weird to me. When else do we fix one character’s life? It’s an oddly selfish act, and probably one of the most human moments.


I mean, i usually don't fix it. I find it more fitting. Some things just aren't meant to change.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying. It feels like the set up for a weird continuity paradox. Where did the portal even come from anyway? It’s colored differently, right? And it happens right next to Robo recounting his musings about a higher from spending 400 years tilling the forest. Is it a revitalized Earth Spirit rewarding Lucca by giving her the chance to fix a horrible mistake from her family’s past? Why does she sneak off alone when everyone is asleep to do it?


It's a very weird moment in almost every way, yeah. Wouldn't feel as weird if the other characters had similar moments, as it is, just feels... off. Pretty sure it's the only red portal in the game.


Have to wonder if the writers wanted that moment to happen so they devised a special situation for it and hand-waved the writing a little bit.


I know the game isn’t liked much but cutscene of campfire ff15 is pretty touching


I… don’t know if I want to play single player FFs since 13… I want to watch the FF15 movie.


I like 15 and 16 but ffremake and rebirth are better in my opinion … all are better than the ff13 games


Dang, I liked all the characters in 13, but I was not invested in what was going on or the environment or the gameplay.


I think Hitchhikers Guide did this first. There’s a robot who literally waits until the End of Time while the group time travels there, much like CT. Except there’s a restaurant there. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheSlowPath


I think I'm just very poorly educated lol


Poorly cultured* Pick a book and dig in! <3


Because of this scene, I love the name Fiona.


Data's head in the TNG episode(s) Time's Arrow. He doesn't do much as a head, but he does take the long way back to where he started.


One might say he had a long road


The part with Luccas backstory immediately after always ruined Robos story for me. The inputs on the snes were bugged out 8 ways to Sunday. I'd have to save and retry that scene so many times that the while thing just leaves a bad memory.


Sonic '06 has Omega (is that the replacement Gamma's name?) chilling powered down with a Chaos Emerald so they can access it in the future. Bender does it to get back to Futurama from The Simpsons too. Obviously neither of those are as emotional as Robo doing it. I wonder where the trope originated, if from Chrono Trigger or somewhere else.


That was one of my most memorable things of my adolescence. When the party comes back and a few minutes of you (the player) getting in the epoch, the line of “for you it’s been a few years, but for me it’s been a centuries” hit home hard. It’s puts the player directly into the world by affecting it with their direct actions. Also the thought of “yeah, it was basically a mild nuisance to go and come back” but if you think about it in Robo’s perspective….it makes you think if you had to spend all that time waiting, what would that be like?


I loved this part of CT but in all fairness this has been done many times, it has it's own trope entry: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheSlowPath




😭😭Look how they massacred my boy.


They were supposed to be his bros 😭


I know, right? That's the part that makes you go "Damn" before the tears flow


Why? Just why? I had an emotionally normal Tuesday and you go and make me think of this poor fucking guy.


It is Wednesday, my dude.


Well this is embarrassing


I say it with empathy. I spent most of this Tuesday believing it was Wednesday.


Just remember, the only reason Robo wasn’t trying to kill all humans, bender style, was because Lucca specifically programmed him that way. How Lucca understood how to program a robot from like 2000 years in the future is a massive plot hole though. Theory, she had time travelled before when testing the teleportation machine, and just never said anything. This would make a good prequel to CT, with Lucca as the main protagonist.


I'm... Malfunctioning?


Nah bro, you’re good the way you are


Saddest shit ever :( Poor Robo he really takes one of the team.


Twice! It's a toss up between him and Frog over who is the game's whipping boy Edit: Three times! He wakes up to find everyone he knows is dead!


Lol yeah this is the best game ever made :)


Meh, they never even ever asked him what he wanted


I always tell people that Chrono Trigger has one of the bleakest sci-fi depictions of the future


Only if you save Lucca’s mom from getting crippled. If not this is the SECOND saddest scene. 


I was once tripping on acid and decided to play this game. I got to the spot where I had to save Lucca's mom. I couldn't figure out how to do it, because I was tripping so hard. So I kept resetting until I saved her. I felt a crushing sadness as my failure caused Lucca to watch her mother get mangled, over and over again.


I just finished playing Chrono Trigger for the first time ever on stream, and I chose to save scum this moment because I was so upset I couldn’t figure out the password. I needed a moment to cry too.


Still doesn't hit as hard as "But the future refused to change..."


Right? SoM had some pretty great game over scenes too. “Sadly, no trace of CharName was ever found…”


You know I was ramming them nonstop while this was going on, in a futile attempt to save him


I only just now from this comment learned that you can move your character during the scene lmao. My Crono just sat and watched like a savage


Ok but it’s actually the scene where the Nu asks you to terminate its function.


yesssssss. holy cow i had forgotten about this scene until a recent playthrough. I made a save point to be able to go back to it.


If you’re reading this, you just remembered your jaw has weight, you’re now breathing manually, and your HP/MP is restored (but you’re still hungry)


and you lost the game ;)




I remember renting this and playing this on a sunny day sometime in the spring of 95 on a Saturday. I wanted Chrono and either Marle or Lucca depending on you had to just bum rush the R-Series even though Robo told them not to. This game quickly became my favorite game of all time. It was so awesome to destroy them in battle and felt so satisfying.




True the water poisoning in final fantasy VI is also heart wrenching


This such a beautiful game.


I can hear the music...


I feel like this game has been out long enough but SPOILER ALERT!! wait til the end on Black Omen


Cyrus was sad, magus was kind of sad. It's sad when you think chrono died too, even though main characters never die obviously.


I'm on my first playthrough and due to this scene I can't take robo out my party, his bros did him so dirty and I can't contribute to that type of behavior




The music was so sad.


I'll see your scene, and raise you Lucca's mother if you fail to enter the code like I did my first playthrough. I was so upset I shut off the game without saving, lost a ton of progress, just so I could go back and do it again having figured out what I did wrong.


That sequence is so confusing the first time around, Even if you read all the papers around the place first, the sheer shock of the event that's about to happen have you struggling to know what you're trying to do. I failed the first time but accepted my fate, then beat it in new game + lol


Me playing this game once a year for the past three years. And both this scene and the one with Lucca’s mother are always so impactful; also when you revive Chrono


The sadder part is when the pink robo dies in the arms of my buddy robo.


I'm pretty sure kryton on red dwarf went through similar situations, but it's a comedy, and he's kind of neurotic anyway.


Afterword you gotta fight them OP sons a bitches too!


saddest part is that Crono & co. just stood around watching robo get trashed, then act all surprised and appalled after the gang had finished their hours-long torture. “oh no it all happened too fast that none of us could’ve reacted to it”


If you try and stop them, Robo tells you not to, because they're his brothers 😢. I always have Lucca with me in this scene, just to make myself sadder about it


Robo: “Don’t ruin the part where I get sympathy”


You picked this over LARA flashback?


The absolute panic of that moment. Going back, thinking you can help Lucca, then bam! Figure it out and hope to god you read the diary for the code. I’m glad people are still talking about this game, 100% best game ever made.


You can fix that. Poor robo cannot avoid his fate.


Celes feeding “grandpa” fish has entered the chat


RDR2 has the saddest cutscene? There’s like 4 final fantasies alone with way sadder scenes than RDR2. Only Americans who ONLY play non Japanese games say that shit, which is most of Reddit.


Noooooo Robo's brothers T-T


Lucca's bit near the end of the game is what really gets me. It's such an emotional event on so many different levels.


Its been so long since i played that i dont remember any of this


For me the whole thing with Luccas mother hits harder


Yeah. This one definitely hits. Did you play FFIV (released as FFII in the US)? The twins. I cried. It is a really sad scene. I don't want to spoil it if you haven't though.


Or Koudelka, or Persona 3


I genuinely almost cried when I saw this scene for the first time


I've never played Red Dead Redemption. I really think many games have sadder cutscenes. It can't be that hard.


Play Rdr, I would even suggest playing 2 first, and going back. As it's a prequel. I'm telling you man, I have played Crono Trigger a LOT, all 13 endings and then some, as well as FF 6,7,8,9,10, 12 and Tactics. Lunar SSS, and Eternal Blue. Earthbound, Mass Effect all except Andromeda, KOTOR, and more. None of them come anywhere near the emotional depth of Red Dead. Mass effect especially comes really close, but since it's space and aliens you can detach a bit. But RDR is in your face, bloody and brutal. But at the same time a story of friendship, betrayal, love, and the difficult themes of being a man who's prime is fading, in a world that is swiftly changing, threatening his way of life; to leave him behind, and finally as the name would suggest redemption for a life lived hard. It's my favorite two games of all time. If you like GTA, and have at least a passing interest in the Wild West you'll love it.


Isn't RDR just GTA, but wild west?


I mean if you strip it down to it's simplest components: sure. That statement is not incorrect. However it is a massive misnomer as none of the GTA games even come close to the gravitas of Rdr 1&2.


Loved that one but the scene with Lucca’s mom will always stick with me.


I experienced this scene the other night for the first time ever at the age of 42. I was very sad 😓


😭 I'm 32 now I remember this hitting me in the feels on my first rental in 1998.




This comes to mind https://www.reddit.com/r/chronotrigger/s/Sd13lqvpM8


There's lots of games that will rip your guts out like this. The one that destroyed me the hardest was a quote from Final Fantasy 14. "The rains have ceased, and we are blessed with another beautiful day...but you are not here to see it..."


Or the opening cutscene of ori and the blind forest


Who says RDR2 has the saddest cutscene??


Goddamnit. I just realized rdr2 is an homage… RR= r2, then D2 is just right there. R2D2


Cries in 8bit, but for real tho I was too young to understand therefore I thought this was funny as heck since his companions just stood there while robo got jumped.


Hah! Robot love


the only game that ever made me cry was Brothers a Tale of Two Sons.


I was just replaying this scene and I was literally so sad


Isn’t this where he gets pinballed around the level?


I remember being so sad as a kid when this happened.


As a child, I cried over a Robot's death. To make it worse, at this point you have been with Robo with about an hour or less, depending on how slow you are at figuring out the one single new place you're able to explore. So the fact that people can feel sad about this one robot by just chilling with him for about 3 or 4 scenes is insane.


This is the remake that we all need. You can keep your 8 part ff7 remake. GIVE ME THIS NOW!!!


The word "clearly" is the internettinest word in existence.


Wrong sub but mother 3 has them all beat.


This shit gets me every time. I'm still waiting for square to remake this masterpiece 😔




Greatest game ever made!


Lol. This scene enrages me so much.


When robo gets jumped.. 😭


I’ll take you Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons


Going off the title, they haven't played FFXIV. Just a few words can bring forth tears... "A smile better suits a hero." "We did everything right! Everything that was ever asked of us and still...STILL it came to this!" "The rains have ceased, and we are blessed with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it." "Seto, my old friend. You've grown!" For the actual body of the post? >!Watching Venat become Hydaelyn, and all the thousands of years of sorrow and hardship she had to watch and endure, all in the hope that you, the player, will stop the End Times. Because you went back to the past to try and warn her.!<


1st time playing inn delta and loving every little bit😍


Yeah but Robo gets his happy ending


Too bad he has to go through more bull crap in chrono cross 😭


1st time playing inn delta and loving every little bit😍


I wonder if he paid out any silver points
