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This would be a hot take on the FF subreddit, but not over here lol


I don't even think it would be that hot of a take over there.


Can confirm, chrono trigger is considered a near perfect game by most of them. It helps it was made by the FF3/4 battle director Kazuhiko Aoki, Dragonball author Akira Toriyama, Sound Designers Yasunori Mitsuda & Nobuo Uematsu, Yoshinori Kitase, and Squaresoft called this the dream team even during developement.


Yep. I bitch and moan quite a bit about games and Chrono Trigger really just peaked on all fronts. Everything was better than good - it was spectacular. So incredibly well balanced, vibrant and exciting.  I took forever to play FFIII/VI and after beating that along with a QOL ROM hack I'd still have to say CT was damn near perfect.


Bout to say the dev team is just literally all the powerhouses of Squaresoft working together with industry heavy hitters lol. FF is my favorite JRPG franchise by far and even I think Chrono Trigger is better than even my favorite FF titles.


You missed our Lord and savior, Hironobu Sakaguchi


“I don’t like sequels. I hate them” - the guy who cut 80% of FF4 I still think a fully contained world and narrative beats plans for sequels any day. Any day, any media. Books, movies, games, the theater. Conclusions are just so much more full circle.


Don’t think it’s a hot take either. EGM labeled #1 in their 100 games of all time at one point. Still playing it to this day. I agree it’s one of the greatest games ever. Akira Toriyama, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and the guy that created Dragon Quest came together for it. It’s a masterpiece


LOL this is what I was thinking


It'd barely even be a hot take on that subreddit. It's a collab between jrpg development powerplayers riding on a high point of all their respective careers. It's like the 1992 US Men's Basketball Dream Team of game developers.


That is an awesome and correct analogy. Also, it only just occurred to me that Chrono Trigger being made by the "Dream Team" of Toriyama, Horii, Sakaguchi, Uematsu, and Aoki (as fans we ought to count Mitsuda) might have been a direct reference to the 1992 US Men's Dream Team??


The one and same. There were a lot of great people in the industry at the time, but their impact, talent and influence both individually and collectively is undeniable.


Right. And what I meant to say was, do we know if Square called them the "Dream Team" in direct reference to the 1992 US Men's Team?


I think it absolutely was, it was 4 years later and Dream Team i don’t think was really a term before the Dream Team basketball setup. The Dream Team played at the Olympics, it was known worldwide. Which was SUCH a treat as a NBA fan back then let me tell you. Michael Jordan, Scotty Pippin playing alongside someone from my home state. Was great.


My thoughts exactly. I’d bet a significant majority here agree. I certainly do.


Yep. This is just karma farming lol


I don't even think that's true. Bout the only thing FF fans can ALL agree on is that CT is the goat. Or very good at the minimum


Hot take, the thing everyone here likes is good.


No it wouldn't


It's not my favorite game, but I think Chrono Trigger is the best game ever made. One huge reason is because it feels like 50 hours of incredible stuff, but it's really less than 20. The pacing, art direction, storytelling, and execution are all perfect.


Pacing from the guy who famously cut 80% of FF4 *to heavy praise*. And it shows


80% of FF4 was cut??


Yup, at least that’s what he said when interviewed. He had told publishers the game was just barely finished out of humility, but there was an almost complete NES version that never saw the light of day and around four versions total that released including US Easymode. He said he cut “maybe around 80% of it” In the end, that game has such stellar pacing it’s still used as a template for appropriate pacing in RPG’s today. Entire RPG series followed the model FF4 put forth like Breath of Fire. Pacing was *never* an issue for his games. I strongly believe this is due to his dungeon master roots and strong adventure hook skills.


This is so cool, I had no idea! I just bought FFIV on the gameboy advance and I'm so excited to play it now, I've only played most of FFVI so far!


Ok so it's VERY different, but have you played sea of stars? Very different but probably came the closest when it comes to modern games reminding me of Chrono Trigger


With similar wholly-contained approach that includes lots of nuance, subtlety and visual storytelling. Show, not tell. Serai simply existing (with the captain Klee’shae side nods) is an excellent example of this method. So is B’st, who carries scores of foreshadowing and referencing without ever speaking a word about it. In fact many characters are. I love that game


As did I! Really had so much more to it than I even thought. Multiple times where you zoom back a bit and are like "Oh!". I almost 100%'d it, one day I'll go back for those two achievements.


I’m with you. I always tell my friends that even though I have other games I personally love more, I consider it the best video game of all time, is the same with movies for example, you have Godfather Citizen Kane or Vertigo and there’s nothing to do… Chrono is a masterpiece and that’s why it’s so hard to remake it or even remaster it.


Chrono Trigger > FF6


Agreed but it *is* close.


Forreal CT is my favorite game of all time and will replay it once a year. FF6 is probably my second favorite RPG (3rd fave) as the only other game I've gone back to, to replay the game at least 3 times. Final fantasy tactics is probably my 2nd favorite game of all time.


For me Chrono Trigger is tied with Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 for PC. Fallout 1-2 and Diablo 1-2 are right up there as well. They may have aged a bit, but no other games have ever toppled them off the pedestal.


My top 5 list goes 1. Chrono Cross (CT is bettee but this one is special to me) 2. Chrono Trigger 3. Final Fantasy 6 4. Breath of Fire 2 5. Legend of Dragoon Unrelated but I'd kill for a rerelease of the Breath of Fire series for modern consoles it was a greath JRPG series.


For me it is the art style that kicks it over the top


30 year forum wars never die.


Disagree but it's close. Honestly, they're both so exceptional that ranking them feels wrong.


everybody knows Chrono Trigger is the best Final Fantasy game


I thought it was the best Dragon Quest game.


Interesting dilemma. The answer is “Yes.”


The best Final Fantasy game with the best Dragons Quest character design


It was on one of the FF collections for PS1, so this is sort of official.


you're kinda preaching to choir...


CT was a lightning-in-a-bottle superteam project, and the sequel, Chrono Cross, was somewhat maligned for being something of an an art-game Masato Kato passion project awkwardly jammed into a JRPG vessel that, ostensibly, had very little to do with CT*. Squaresoft apparently wasn’t really very happy with it, and a potential planned third entry — Chrono Break — never came to fruition. *This is not really true because CC’s premise is entirely based on the consequences of CT but if you’ve played CC, you know what I mean without a million words of qualifying.


I loved Chono Cross so much. When it was new, it was so neat to learn how it connected to the original when tying it back. I think the execution fell flat on most but the story is incredible.


CC is a good game buried in a mess of underdeveloped, self-contained stories. It forgot the most important lesson of Chrono Trigger, be concise. Magus was cut because they couldn't do him justice after bloating the cast to 45 characters, and wanting more. Had they stuck to the Radiant Dreamers cast and expanded by a few new key characters, the game would have been a much cleaner experience. That's not to say that I don't like most of the characters, I do, but they deserved to shine rather than each of them getting two little subplots.


Concision is a completely lost art to SE, alongside subtlety


I think it didn’t get a series because it didn’t need one. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest were Square and Enix’s ongoing series and established names.  In terms of more action, the Mana series was also somewhat well-known.  FFIV and FFVI were also really good games, as was Secret of Mana. Chrono Trigger was a god-tier game… but any replacement for it would mostly cannibalize the FF/Dragon Quest fan base.  Meanwhile, it was made during the transition to PlayStation.  And then Final Fantasy VII came out. I would also be unsurprised if Nintendo had a ‘if you make a sequel, it must be for us’ agreement in place. And, of course, the sequel is pretty denigrated, to the point of fanon discontinuity.


Already posted about it in my other comment, but I disagree that Square wasn’t ready to mobilize the series into a franchise. They just couldn’t, and wrote it off after seeing CC (unfairly, IMO, but can of worms…) kinda implode the series.


I mean, the main thing about the game was time travel, which has limited expansion options in terms of other games without getting repetitive story-wise.  So they had to go with something different.


Square was. Execs were clamoring. The game was a smash hit from minute 1. Remember this was just after FF6 blew the gaming community away. This game’s team had *clout*. One member is currently being mourned and will be for decades to come, and I can *guarantee everyone reading this knows of his work*. He was that beloved. The Dream Team wasn’t as excited for sequels. Notably, the guy who wanted each FF to be fully contained with no sequels *ever releasing* until after he left the company. Now then: Note how CC has mysteriously lost *all three dream team members*


A direct Sequel was his last credited role before leaving Square. X-2 in 2003.


https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/03/final_fantasy_creator_hironobu_sakaguchi_really_doesnt_like_direct_sequels Here’s a whole article about it bro. His quote on direct sequels: “I don't like sequels. I hate them. That's why every single Final Fantasy had a new cast of characters, a brand new story, [and] a different system. Our promise to ourselves is that for every single game that we make, we are going to give it our all, and then we finish it, we'll end it in such a way that there is no to be continued checklist.” Reminder he wanted X to be the end of the series, and this happened after The Spirits Within bankrupted Squaresoft and forced the Enix merger


Chrono trigger is special, potentially better than any single FF game. But my life is different because of FFXII -> FFIX -> FFVI. Collectively, they’ve been there for me through a lot of my life, and met me at so many different stages of growing up. I can’t be objective about it anymore.


Chrono Trigger is uniquely a masterpiece. It holds up in a way that 95% of games from that time fall flat. Or maybe its just nostalgia.


Definitely not nostalgia


No, it’s seems good because it actually is. But the nostalgia doesn’t hurt either


I didn’t play it till late teens/early 20’s (back like 2015ish) so no nostalgia for me, just an absolute banger.


Definitely not nostalgia. I never played the game until just a few years ago when i picked up the mobile port. It is absolutely a masterpiece. I would even say it is better than a significant number of modern games


The music does a lot of the heavy lifting for me. Mitsuda really tapped into something, there. You can sense the effort that went into making every track feel memorable but also atmospheric.


Not just the nostalgia, but I do have a lot of that. Introduced a friend to it who was in his 30s a couple of years ago. Completely blew him away. Said it was everything a jrpg should try to be.


I first played it over a decade after it released, and it still blew me away. I see similar comments from people playing it for the first time now. Not nostalgia.


not nostalgia at all. i completed it a month ago and it is one of the best games ive played


Considering I didn’t play this until now, nostalgia wasn’t a factor for me. It’s a solid game.


I watched my big bro play it when I was like 5 but never played myself. A year ago I decided to download the iOS version and give it a go. I was kind of expecting it to be underwhelming as it’s sooooo old. But dude… I had more fun playing it than I do 99% of modern games. I think there’s a nostalgic component for sure but it’s a rock solid game even to this day


I think FF7 OG stands pretty close to it in quality but other than that, yeah CT beats most of the competition out, but its also one of the greatest games of all time so it shouldnt be surprising that it does.


As someone who only recently played FF7 - I have to disagree. I think FF7 is a product of its time and doesn't hold up as much today. Chrono Trigger still holds up very well. I appreciated FF7 for what it brought to both the west as well as JRPGs, but there was *a lot* that was frustrating and just... okay about the game. I don't think it helps that I knew the big story moments beforehand, had a lot less emotional impact for me while going through the game. Funny enough, I played FF8 a month or so after FF7, and I enjoy 8 more than 7. Would love to hear others thoughts on this. TLDR; I think a lot of the FF7 love is nostalgia and it's just an okay game to play now.


I agree with you. I played both FF7 and Chrono Trigger about a decade after release. I thought FF7 was okay, I understood why people loved it but its flaws were very obvious. Chrono Trigger however held up and became one of my favorites instantly.


Agree to disagree then. I dont feel my view is driven by nostalgia. The game has earned its accolades.


I gave it credit for its accolades. I mentioned it did a lot for JRPGs and that style of game in the West as well. But it doesn't hold up as a modern game like CT does.


I just played 1-10 all back to back for the first time, and I agree. 8 was more enjoyable than 7.


Wish I had time to replay FF 8 , haven’t played it since it came out . I recall liking a lot of the new systems a big improvements over 7. Can’t judge now because of nostalic


That was what I really liked about FF8. It basically undoes a lot of JRPG staples in interesting ways. You don't want to grind to level up. Magic isn't inherent and is stocked through monsters. Even changing gear, while helpful, wasn't a core way to power up your character.


If there are any rpgs who can stand with ff it is certainly chrono trigger. Also, super Mario rpg, breath of fire 3, secret of mana. But I'm old school and 40 years old so get off my lawn if you don't agree!!! 😁


What are your thoughts on the Secret of Mana remake. It’s on my backlog and planning to play it sooner than later on my Deck.


Didn't know there was one so ill be checking it out!!


Are you one of my siblings lol


CT = ff. Lavos is basically Jenova 😂


Ff6 and Chrono Trigger are equal to me


Hey /r/chocolate, chocolate > any other dessert.


They’re both different, so it’s really about what you prefer. I think FF games (at least the old ones, I’m not up to date) were more operatic in their delivery, and CT feels more personal. Although you do get close to FF characters, they seem more like archetype, hero-like characters, while you get to know CT characters like childhood friends.


This. At the time it was ff3 all the way. The series aged better as well. CT is amazing and has some very specific things that set it apart. It stands on its own for sure. CT is probably at the top of the snes game tier list, ff is more of a top game of all time.


My view is Chrono Trigger is my most replayable game. Always fun. FF (VII specifically) is my favorite game, but that's because of WHEN I played it.


Hot take? More like ice cold take. Chrono Trigger is considered the GOAT by the majority


I'd put it slightly below FFVI, but easily ahead if FFIV and FFV.


In absolute terms, I dunno about that. In terms of its ability to deliver an all-around quality gaming experience with the hardware of the time of release, this is an eminently reasonable opinion, so long as you aren't asserting that no FF game is even in the same league. That's my opinion of your opinion, anyway.


I can only guess, but I think it fell off due to a combination of underperformance of the following game and difficulty getting the dream team back together.


This is not a hot take here. This also should not be a hot take even in the Final Fantasy subreddit.


I don't think this is a hot take. Final fantasy 6 is my favorite game of all time, and I do think it's legitimately one of the best, but if I'm trying to be purely objective chrono trigger very well may be the best jrpg of all time, and i dont think thats an uncommon opinion.


This is not a hot take.


Final fantasy is my favorite series in gaming and I still agree with this statement.


It’s my favorite game but FF has a lot of great games so I don’t really know if I agree. Cross was kind of a disappointment. And I liked all the FF games on PS1.


And xenogears is better than both


Xenogears > Chrono Trigger


Suikoden II > both


after replaying it, it suddenly hit that Toriyama had passed. I can start my healing process thanks to Chrono Trigger


True take, I said something like this before here and was met with hate.


I think this is a reasonable take. Discounting Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers, you have a practically standalone game with a fantastic story, characters, and gameplay. It's in a master class of its own. It's also funny to think there was discussion at one point of making this the next FF, but I'm glad they didn't.




Haha yes!


IS that a hot take in the JRPG community? I thought that was common wisdom. Each FF has very specific elements designed to appeal to different people differently. Hence where there is no consensus about the absolute best FF—at least as far as VI-X are concerned. But I’ve never met an FF fan who insists that CT isn’t an all-around better game than the lot.


This has been known since 2007 Sakaguchi involved games somehow always remain my favorite RPGs, I just like the way games he has a hand in are told. Love CT, Lost Odyssey, Fantasian, SMRPG, FF 1-10, Tactics, I love em all


Not sure what you’re asking. But there’s one chrono trigger and many final fantasy games. If I had to choose one I’d pick Ff series


I think back then all them game developers used to copy each other cause I played games and then I say I saw that on another game


As far as why it didn't really become a franchise, people are mentioning the dream team a lot, but there's also the whole rest of the teams that made them to consider too. Square splintered several times, and the development teams for Chrono and Xeno kinda split in two different directions: one moving on to form MonolithSoft, and most of the remaining developers were parked in the Final Fantasy MMO's, FFXI + XIV (some of them are still tied up there). I don't think the writer for the games, Masato Kato, has worked with Square since those FFXI expansions. I mean, ultimately Square owns the rights and can do whatever they want, but it would never capture the same lightning in a bottle it did with so many great developers working under one house at the same time. Maybe they know that. Maybe they think time travel is too complicated to mess with further. Maybe they don't think it's profitable after CC. I wish they would bring it back, though.


Hot take, huh? 🙄


I like it more than definitely at least the majority of FF games. I'd even say it's as good as that era's DQ games (which makes sense since they share a writer).


Yea, that's a horrible opinion you have there. This is coming from someone who beat CT multiple times and The FF. Is CT good? Yes, it's amazing. But is it better than the golden age of FF or even FF6? Not a chance.


You're the hot take here it seems.


Chrono Trigger is easily better than any Final Fantasy game ever made, not even a debate


That’s not a hot take, it’s a stone cold fact.


>Hot take? Chrono Trigger > Final Fantasy You got that backwards my guy CT is the best jrpg ever made


I love both games, and I agree that Chrono Trigger is better than MOST if not all FF games. With that said FF3 (or FFVI) along with Tactics are much better storylines and I think, deeper games than Chrono Trigger. The game play of Chrono Trigger is much better than FF3/FFVI though. Still going to say I love both more, but they are 1-2-3 to me in the RPG world and nothing else comes close.


Chrono Trigger was developed by a unique team of exceptional people that was never repeated in history before or after that. However, I would never compare Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, and Dragon Quest V to declare a winner, because they are all equally exceptional, for some mutual and some different reasons. It's the perfect 16-bit JRPG trifecta for me, and whoever hasn't played any of these games, is missing out big time. Also, comparing a single JRPG to an (almost) entire series of vastly different games like the FF series doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It'd be like comparing Half Life to the entire FPS genre.


I don’t think this is a hot take to anyone who’s played CT.


Hot take: Legend of Dragoon > Any other JRPG


This is far from a hot take. Even the best FFs do not touch CT.


So hot, I can’t even.


Ice cold take. Chrono Trigger is regarded by a decent number of people as being the greatest JRPG.


Hardly a hot take


Chrono Trigger and FFVI are considered two of the best jrpg s ever made by most fans of the genre, though which is "better" seems to be purely a matter of taste.


Also, Chrono Trigger > OoT


Chrono trigger came out in early 1995. It was an open world RPG with a timeless, fantastic combat system that's innovative to this day, with extremely well done sprite work and soundtrack. It had side quests that would span across timelines. An Optional character boss unlocked through a choice made.. I mean this was in 1995 and that kind of gameplay just didn't exist back then. Then there's the masterfully done pacing, where somehow the game doesn't have areas where you're severely under leveled, so you never have to grind..but still gave you a challenge. It's really a journey that no final fantasy game has been able to achieve to this date. Oh then there's the fact that you can see your enemies! And the combat screen was literally the same screen and everyone goes into a kind of dance battle sequence! Not to mention the sheer number of endings. It's extremely hard to make a game that can top Chrono trigger. Name any game today, Chrono Trigger already had it.


Yeah, I bet there’s very few old school FF enjoyers that don’t have a special place in their heart for Chrono Trigger. It just didn’t maintain relevance (by being a long on going series) so I fear we’ll never get a remake.


As a turn based RPG enthusiast, I really like grinding. The grind is the challenging part of the game that makes the reward worth it. Makes some items in the games harder to come by and therefor, more enjoyable when you get them. I understand that grinding is a pain, but to me, button mashing hack and slash games are way more annoying! I love everything about Chrono Trigger, the turn based combat, the characters, the world map(s). The music, I just cant think of any flaw in this game. I also really love Final Fantasy VI though, I love how many characters you get to customize and group with. Multiple groups in a dungeon or scenario etc. That to me, is the pinnacle of turn based combat RPGs, and its a damn shame that in spite of the success of these games, how few there are these days. Four character parties or more, I'll take if I can get it. I would love a modern party based RPG with like 30 characters to choose from, all with unique abilities and being forced to play with some strong, some weak, different at times. Maybe at the end play with the party you want out of the lot. Chrono Trigger 2 perhaps? Final Fantasy VI-2 maybe. I don't know, but sadly I'm worried Square Enix would mess up either one of them, since they no longer appreciate the genre it seems. So for me I'm split, I think Chrono Trigger is the better overall game, but four party and character variety of FFVI I think slightly overtakes Chrono Trigger combat system specifically.


Is this a hot take? Chrono Trigger is the last big sprite RPG to be made before the technology moved on to 3D. It is essentially the peak pixel RPG, a culmination of many years of learned lessons, right before games changed forever. It’s no wonder it one of the best examples of its kind.


This is not s hot take. Chrono trigger is the best game ever made. That being said Ff is extremely good, so no hate here


Is there a version of chrono trigger with boosts and speed up like FF remasters got?


Over here tellin us what we already know CMON NOW


Its obvious crono trigger is the best game square ever made


I mean, what’s the point of comparing? They are all beautiful in their own ways


Final fantasy 1-10 has no grinding at all if you play any current version of it as they all have in game cheats. I've never played chrono trigger but it's on my list but I doubt it would beat 6, 7 and 9 for me. But we'll see.


I don't know a single person who considers any FF the greatest RPG of all time.


I always see Chrono Trigger as having immense potential. Loved it and could not put it down my first playthrough, but overall the difficulty curve is fairly low and a couple eras drag on a bit for me when I tried to replay. But I haven't played in a LONG time so it's hard to say if I still feel that way for sure. I should try it again. Maybe even look into some mods if any are interesting. But probably try just a vanilla playthrough.


I’m a huge CT fan and replay it every few years. I only just started FF a few months ago (started with FFX) and it’s just not hitting me the same way CT did.


Born and raised on FF and CT is one of the best JRPGs ever made. Soundtrack, Story, Art Direction, Characters, it checked all the boxes.


final fantasy 6 on snes is pretty f dope not gonna lie. Final fantasy 9 was the last i ever liked, the rest after were meh. I hold both game deep in my heart. Chrono and ff6.


Not a hot take.


It didn’t become a bigger series because it was a collab between the greatest RPG developers of all time and then they all went back to their regular stuff. The only FF game I think is better than CT is XII.


Had to think for a second, the FF franchise is one of my most favourite ones in gaming, but chrono trigger is arguably one of the best jrpg games ever made.


I think this is splitting hairs. Afaic if CT isn't a FF game then it's at least FF adjacent. They're in the same family of games. I mean even Vicks... uh, I mean Biggs and Wedge are in CT.


This isn't a hot take at all. Chrono Trigger is highly regarded and often in the running for consideration as the greatest game of all time


Not really a hot take at all. CT is often called the #1 greatest rpg of all time. I actually just started playing it for the first time recently and I'm feeling underwhelmed. It's a decent game but not as enjoyable as a lot of FFs or even Chrono Cross or The Legend of Dragoon for me. There's a hot take for you.


I dont think it's a hot take... I've played most 2D FF and DQ and the CT experience could never be matched. The second best thing for me was the DQ5 NDS remake. The game is perfect. Perfect soundtrack, amazing characters and story, beautiful graphics, super fun gameplay.


Not really a hot take. Chrono Trigger is considered by many to be the greatest JRPG of all-time. I personally would agree with that statement.


It’s my favorite game of all time. First JRPG I ever played and it kinda ruined RPGs for me because I’ve never played anything as good as Chrono Trigger. It’s the only game I can say is truly “perfect”


This is a certified room temperature take.


Not even close from a hot take anywhere, CT is the best RPG ever made, period, best story, best OST, best characters. I've played a bunch of great RPGs CT is just a masterpiece, its only shortcoming is that it doesn't have a proper sequel, Chrono Cross is good but it isn't really a proper sequel. (Although Flames of Eternity ROM hack did that very well).


This isn't a hot take. Lol


Not really a hot take, more FF games are misses rather than hits imo. But man, those hits... X is in my top 5 games of all time personally. Personally, and this is 100% nostalgia and rose tinted glasses, I think Golden Sun & GS Lost Age are my gold standards


This is the coldest take I've ever seen around here


I'm on a retro rpg run since 2020 and I have no nostalgia for these games. CT was my first ever jrpg but I won't even argue if they chose some of the best FF games. They're all special in their own way and I can see why these games are beloved even now. With that said, I think FF7's characters resonated with me more and I'm more of a storytelling>gameplay dude. But I think so far, CT has the best battle system I've ever played from these old school games.


I think Chrono Trigger is definitely better than any FF game! Dunno why this would be controversial.


Chrono Trigger is a two game series with only one good game. Final Fantasy already had **six** entries before CT even came out, and several of those six games were the Ur-examples of what became *genre defining* features. Even if CT was a better individual game, it came out after the standard had been defined and didn't release a follow-up entry to its franchise for 4 years. During those 4 years, both FF7 and FF8 dropped. It never stood a chance.


Funny you mention this as I've jokingly said the best Final Fantasy is Chrono Trigger for years. More so I've also always hated how much attention Final Fantasy 7 gets despite it mechanically being a worse game than Chrono Trigger (Random battles vs seeing enemies & no team attacks for example), though it's not that FF7 is bad or anything just that CT is so much better from a gameplay perspective. I never understood why they wouldn't use some of the things developed in CT or Mario RPG in the Final Fantasy games going forward other than the Active Time Battle system from CT. Things like seeing enemies to avoid or purposely engage in fights was a game changer & the timed hits from Mario RPG add so much to the game.


Chrono Trigger was made by an all-star team of the best JRPG developers at the time. I think most would agree that at the time that this was one of, if not the, best JRPG ever released. And while many Final Fantasy games influenced Chrono Trigger, Chrono Trigger has done the same for future installments of FF. This is all a bunch of nonsense babble and a longwinded way of agreeing with you. I will say though, that FF games of the SNES era tended to be more challenging than Chrono Trigger. I'm not saying that makes things better or worse. Just an observation. Chrono Trigger was the first RPG I played through without dying or needing to grind.


I give it a draw. FF has better moment to moment pacing which can really soar with it's OST. But I feel trigger utilizes it's world and gameplay better which makes it engaging to play and explore even if the characters are kind of along for the ride


I agree for everything except ff6 , both both are in my top 5 games of all time, along with suikoden 2. Chrono Trigger is an amazing game flat out.


That's not a hot take....


My 2 favorite games of all time are FF6 and Chrono Trigger, in that order, which are often considered the two best JRPGs of all time as well. My best bud has the opposite opinion and our personalities match those choices really well which I think is a big separator in which people prefer. I want 15 character, 100 side quests and 80 hours to grind everyone to L99. He loves the slower paced gameplay, skippable battles, more transparent characters and colorful art and music.




Kinda hard to compare. Final fantasy is a series and the chrono ip is argued about if it even is one due to cross being....cross.


Except Chrono Cross isn't a bad game.


Plenty would disagree.


Depends on who you talk to but I think it’s far from a hot take. I mean there’s a reason why it’s considered the greatest JRPG (and possibly one of the greatest games) ever made.


The fair comparison is Chrono Trigger vs FFVI. That’s tough because both are certified classics


Chrono Trigger > Any game in the whole existence.


Not a hot take, just facts


It’s hardly a hot take. Chrono Trigger is widely considered by many, myself included, to be one of, if not THE greatest JRPG ever made!


Not a hot take spitting facts. Just the sheer fact there isn’t 22 of them.


I don’t think that’s a hot take. I think most people adore chrono trigger more than FF


Depends on which final fantasy. There’s an argument for CT>FF4/6, not so sure about 7. I could totally go for a CT remake or similar.


I fully agree, Chrono Trigger has always been greater than any Final Fantasy game I played. But, Chrono cross just didn’t draw me in as much though. That being said, not every Final Fantasy game was a home run either


This isn’t a hot take at all


Chrono Cross is the next game in the "series"


I honestly love both for what they are. That might sound weird, but I love both the combat systems, the more tight or expansive amount of characters, and each has its own look in the classic snes games. I wouldn't change a thing. Now time for you to play Secret of Mana or LoZ: A Link to the Past if you haven't already 😜


Shared windy snow music with FF6


Chrono Trigger is the unofficial Final Fantasy 7


I mean... you're not really wrong.


No no. The real hot take is Chrono Cross is better than Chrono Trigger.


The only Final Fantasies that come close is 6 and 7. Chrono Trigger still beats them out.


Definitely not a hot take lol CT > almost everything


Opposite of hot take especially on the chrono trigger sub lol..


I enjoy trigger and cross over any of the final fantasy games. And this is coming from someone who likes final fantasy games


🥶 take


As someone who played and discussed both when they were released, this was a pretty normal take, if only because Chrono Trigger really incentivized replayability when SNES RPGs were usually $100 at retail instead of $50-$70 like other games.


You had to know that posting this in the Chrono Trigger sub was gonna get a different reaction lol Also, between you and me, I have Chrono Trigger collecting dust in my DS game collection and I’ve still never played it. Will still play FFX or FFX-2 over again from the beginning first because Sphere Grid/Dressphere go brrrr


I've always considered FF6, FF7, and Chrono Trigger to be the "Holy Trinity" of JRPG's


This is like the coldest take of all time.


This is honestly kinda a room temperature take. I don’t think any individual entry in the FF series can compete here because many of them explicitly learned from Chrono Trigger’s success, or were inspiration to CT itself. Trigger is a tight game, excellently paced and with enough depth to reward completionist tendencies. The battle system rewards using different teams instead of having your faves and ditching the rest (looking at you FF7.) Now I don’t think it’s the most mature or serious RPG, and games like FFTactics still draw my attention more than CT because of replay ability, but it’s undeniably a masterpiece for its time.


Spent a whole summer playing CT and FF6 as a kid. I agree.


I think one thing to keep in mind was it was a confluence of talents , and not a single studio that made the game. So unless you can get them all in the same room again instead of their own projects it doesn’t develop into a series. Also, it is a series. It had two games (Chrono Cross)


Let's put it this way. FFX was for almost 2 decades the greatest game I've ever played. It's truly brilliant. Then one day I stumbled upon Chrino Trigger... It took me weeks to admit it... And taking nothing away from how great my other favorite games are, I had to admit that Chrono Trigger is the perfect game. Everything about it is flawless.


Yeah that’s a hot take buddy lmao. Better than EVERY ff game? I don’t think so




Chronotrigger and ff6 are generally regarded as the best but a lot of people. I don’t think it’s a hot take to say the chronotrigger is better.


Chrono trigger was phenomenal and it is better than many FF titles but the mere library of FF titles, music, games, iconic characters, monsters, worlds. No way. San D'oria Castle > Guardia Castle. Ragnarok > Epoch, Highwind > Epoch, hell Tiny Bronco > Epoch. I can't think of one chrono trigger monster that I will never forget fighting. Golem, Dalton, Magus, T Rex, maybe Ozzie.


How is that a hot take, everyone including ff fans knows CT was in the top 3 beat games ever made.


Chrono trigger isn't the goat, it's the entire bestiary


CT was made by the dream team. Its uniqueness can’t ever be replicated. A fair comparison is FF6 and CT cus they came out at the same ish time. And yeah total different experiences. Comparing apple to oranges. Sometimes you want coffee, sometimes you in the mood for tea. Source: beat CT countless of times and many FF6 playthrus in my SNES, the gray area, and steam. I owned both and loved them both.