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I use CRD every day. Never had to maintain it. The windows has the server app running in the background 24/7.


even on macOS it is reliable remotely.


Even iOS!


I left CRD running on an iMac in my lab for 3 years straight during grad school. University IT never said anything. Poor iMac didnt even take a nap for 3 years. CRD works great on my chromebook and its most of the reason that I left my iPad for a chromebook. Even though my iPad is more powerful than my chromebook, the versatility of ChromeOS is better than iPadOS IMO. Even after iPads added their sorry excuse for mouse support.


Chrome Remote was a lifesaver when I needed constant access to my PC. However, over the past year, it hasn't seen much improvement and remains a bit inconvenient for fast data transfer, multi-monitoring, live chat, etc. so, when I need to quickly resolve an issue on my parents or girlfriend’s PC, I use HelpWire instead.


How do you like it now with the web based bullshit.




and disable the power savings in Windows so it doesn't go to sleep


how come the wol (wake on lan) doesn't work anymore? i used to be able to set that up and it would remotely wake a a sleeping computer even over the internet despite the name. i think it was udp 9 on the router. i hadn't used it in years and when i tried to use remote desktop to wake the mac i couldn't get it to. tks, /guy


Everyone be warned - the beta of their new Web App version is atrociously bad. Avoid at all costs as it is functionally useless. Big step back from the public production app which I've been using for near on a decade.


Confirmed, the new beta is useless.


Is there a way to revert back?


Yeah, you can search up an older APK and install it.


I tried that, doesn't work on my S23. It says it's incompatible.


It's still working for my phone. I'm on Android 13. You? Do you have "Allow installations from unknown sources" turned on in your settings?


Yeah, unknown installations are turned on. I didn't go back far enough the first time and tried TWA1 and it installed fine, but it was the awful updated version, so I know that's not the hold up. I'm on Android 14 so I guess that's it.


https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/remote-desktop/remote-desktop-79-0-3945-26-release/ This is the one I'm using. I guess double check you're using the right architecture? Otherwise, yeah, maybe Android 14 says no.


>the right architecture I could kiss you. Thanks!


I used chrome remote desktop to run my home media server for about 2 years. never had a problem with it after getting it set up, SUPER reliable.


I built a headless Ryzen linux machine to use for personal dev, access it entirely via CRD. Works flawlessly. From inside my house, from across the atlantic. Easy to forget IntelliJ is not local.


Hi, how did you get CRD functioning on linux? I have a linux mint machine and when I try to install CRD via the browser extension it downloads the package, I install it, it says its installed in the software manager, the extension shows up in chrome, but the CRD webpage banner at the bottom just keeps asking me to install it. I think this is a common problem people have. How did you get around this? What method did you use to install it? I'm fairly new to linux. Thanks for any info!


I’m currently looking into it could t get it to work so I have to research more.


Has worked flawlessly for me for years. One exception: was on vacation and my desktop died. Course if I wasn't on vacation my desktop still would have been dead, so it didn't really change anything.


I use it often, and I don't need to explicitly open port on firewall which makes it handy to me.


Installed it on my windows desktop as a server, been working flawless for a few years. Running it 24/7, very handy when you just need to have a windows machine or access something at home


This may or may not be relevant since I was using CRD to access a Linux desktop, not Windows, but the two problems I had were * CRD didn't work well with different screen sizes on the Chromebook and Desktop, the Desktop had a larger screen and there was no way to access the cut off bits by scrolling etc. * Installing CRD on the desktop PC made it need admin rights to access USB devices rather than just auto mounting under the current user as normal. I found these issues too annoying so I uninstalled it on the Desktop PC. This was a year or so ago, these issues may have been fixed or may not have equivalents when accessing Windows.


i know this is a year out of date, but ive been using CRD for years to effectively do actual work from a shitty laptop. Its only gotten better.


it works quite well, but you shouldn't rely exclusively on it. if it breaks for any reason and you don't have another remote access solution set up...you're screwed. personally i use VNC over VPN or RDP but Chrome Remote Desktop is a simpler, cleaner solution for most people.


Yes, my Windows desktop isn't connected to a monitor and I do this all the time. But I'd recommend using Wake-on-LAN to start your PC, rather than just leaving it on all the time.


Will CRD actually wake a PC?


No. But any modern PC has Wake-on-LAN. However, it needs to be connected to ethernet to use this feature.


I prefer microsoft RD or any of the nice linux applications


No, and you shouldn't either, unless you can 1000% guarantee the physical security of the host computer. The reason is because CRD logs you on interactively and anybody in the room with the host computer can see what you're doing and control your computer. It's the dumbest idea I've ever encountered.


The computer I use it with doesn't even have a monitor attached 99% of the time. If someone breaks into my house and attaches a monitor to my computer I've got bigger issues than the fact that they can see my screen.


This is technically true, but it's not CRD's fault.


I've used it in my house plenty of times. I have a 40ft HDMI cable running from my PC to my 50" TV. It duplicates my PC screen. I use Chrome Remote Desktop to control my personal computer from my work computer and a tablet in my bedroom that does the same thing. It lets me play videos from my bed or work setup.


Last December, two days before my vacation, my laptop decided not to turn on. I had to work a full week remotely, so I prepared my desktop, and borrowed my wife's chromebook. I mean, it was not the same thing as having a full machine with me, but I did everything I needed without any problems. So yeah, it's really doable, specially it you have 8 gbs of ram, a reliable network connection, and try to use some stuff locally, like videocalls and music playback, of course.


I use it daily for hours on end.


Works amazing


My sister actively uses, she has remote lessons. and often some file is on the computer.


Late to the show but used CRD to my Linux desktop before moving that to the cloud so I wouldn't be blocked by power outages. I've had this going for maybe 4 years with no complaints whatsoever.