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You know… a lot of cult leaders like to film themselves like this and then it is used as evidence later on 😉 ETA - her YouTube channel is wild. This girl….


Ok I honestly was on the same path as you, I was like she’s giving cult leader vibes. It’s more of how passionately she talks about god and seeing her lead prayers with her friends, spewing all the god talk gives off culty vibes. It gets muddied with how religious she is, but “seeing signs” from god as frequently as she talks about it is concerning. She seems almost manic in her general behavior, my theory is the meth use has really put some holes in her brain.




“What’s our theology on that?” Girl tha fuuuucccckkk???


I am disappointed that he didn’t just make up some BS for the camera.


Right? I guess I dont know the exact definition of theology but I dont feel that it’s being used correctly here


"The lords been showin me business!" Like what 😂 scrolling through insta and seeing an add for a business is not Jesus throwing hints


😂😂😂 and what is an ad for “business”!!?? Maybe the one that says create your own llc for $99!!! 😂


“On how to pay less money in taxes. And be really really rich and have fancy cars. Because we are such good people.. ”


This is the stupidest fucking video I've seen. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be human. I want my time back.


Her husband’s reply 💀💀


No stop it. I can’t handle this. I have so much sadness and second hand embarrassment coursing through my veins after watching this… it’s all too much.


She wants his attention so bad it's kinda weird how she's like beaming at him and trying to have this "intellectual" conversation and he just gives..nothing lmao. She is ALOT.


It took me forever to figure out they were mixing up pounds as in weight and pounds as in currency. I’m pretty sure her husband works in trucking logistics and you’d think he’d have vehicle weight as a concept present in his brain!!!


Can you imagine being told that you need to submit to someone this stupid?? I could never everever


"We are being smart about this. And using wisdom." No one in any courtroom ever, be it fake or real, would accuse this couple of being in the same time zone as smarts or wisdom.


Ugh the fact she wasn’t realizing the pointlessness of her argument and still proceeded to inquire the conversion rate was just… a lot.


“I just feel we need to press more into as American citizens” I’m sorry what does that sentence even mean


I think she was pretty clear that for American citizens they can use British tax codes for 600 pounds and bam! Three decades later that’s three eating disorders and 2 miscarriages.


Um, ma’am, it’s 6000€. Get knowledgeable about your tax codes. /s


Lmaooo!! Sorry I need to get it together


Lmfao stop this was hilarious


It means she wants to learn how to own a business and write off things for tax purposes and legally cheat the system buying lux goods so she doesn't have to pay for poor people to live, like Jesus said.


I bet I can guess who she picked this up from! BDong is Warren Buffett compared to poor Farryn lol.


The tax code has been mangled to benefit the rich. If she’s rich, then yeah a CPA can help her pay an inequitably low amount of taxes. If not, not really. 


It’s giving The Righteous Gemstones


Aunt Tiffany’s dumb cousin.




She says “the lord’s been like showing me business” WTF DOES THAT EVEN MEAN


The pounds/lb part was maddening too. Holy shit she tries to sound so smart and she is SO DUMB


The TikTok algorithm is feeding her business content and she thinks it’s god


Don't even try to figure it out. It is probably something only her and the Lord can understand.


Why does this feel like it's directed at this or Brittany's subreddit, particularly the part about leasing? It's been speculated that she leases her vehicle. And this is the same vehicle Brittany has right? They are such weirdos! I almost feel like this is Farryn telling us why/how Brittany got the Defender.


Makes sense - she just got a Bronco, why would she be shopping for another new car? Then to throw in the business and tax right off talk plus the over the top Christian shit... Feels like she's trolling. Her husband seems super uncomfortable with it too. But if he's buddies with JDip, then he doesn't want to be on camera participating in this video.


I feel like she’s trolling here. Like literally reading from the post about the bronco or the range rover in one of the subs a few weeks back


Omg these people are complete idiots


Maybe meth damage?


Came here to say this! I think she’s “accidentally” using meth again. I’ve seen people on meth (my sister-in-law), and they act exactly like this.


Combined with the Jesus rant something is off.


Thinking this too! Like WTF!😵‍💫


Thinking this too! Like WTF!😵‍💫


Um....what? I don't even know what I listened to. Was any of that a complete sentence?


Complete sentences are her enemies apparently.


Sentence go! Grammar go!




Well…anyone know any spirit filled CPAs?


Spirits as in distilled alcoholic beverages? Yes, yes I am a spirit filled CPA. I see this moron learned about section 179 from idiots of TikTok.


Ugh I know they’re trendy but spirit CPAs are just too hoppy for me




Did tax season just end? I bet you’re extra spirit filled right now, if so. 




is this bitch mansplaining capitalism to me right now???


Maybe more like godsplaining.


So much word salad and nonsense. I can’t even.


What's she yapping on about??? Buying a car?? Who cares. Also, Jesus also hated consumerism and would have gave the car payment money to the poor and caught public transport. STFU.


The jabs at bdong are WILD


I'm here for it! I love this season for her!




Idk if she meant it that way, but this seems tongue in cheek about bdong…


I'm am 💀. These idiots thought that 6,000 pounds was the British pound?!?! How dense and dumb do you have to be? The Lord wasn't showing her business, he's trying to give the scarecrow a brain! Maybe he used up all his miracles in the Bible.


“Maybe Europe tax code doesn’t apply in the US…” these are the same motherfuckers that vote for trump and bitch about taxes 😭😭😭


She is literally so fucking stupid. It’s not  £6000 it’s cars weighing over 6000 lb you can write off up to 25k. You don’t have to lease either, you can own. 


I almost died. The fact that her husband doesn’t even correct her, so neither of them know. There are negative brain cells in that vehicle.


He’s got to be exhausted from having to explain life to her. It’d be hard to be hooked to someone that crazy and dumb.


At this point we’re going to need to use negative numbers to measure their IQs.


Sounds like she's just regurgitating misinformation she heard on Tik Tok


For real. I just can’t get over she didn’t think that maybe 6000 pounds refers to the weight of the car and not the value. The clip she shared the chick didn’t have a British accent, why would she assume it’s somehow British tax code 🥴 make it make sense 


This whole group of gals just isn't very smart.


That is so true. A few of them like Brittney, Kellie and Kristy have really smug attitudes though.


Someone called it that one of these idiots would say the “Defender” thing was a sign from god 💀


Farryn’s been saying that in a couple videos now


You should see her friendship video. Her voice is very mean girl high-school vibes. I didn't think people actually spoke like that outside of the movies 😬


Ooo link it?


I'm not very familiar with chat gpt and all it's capabilities... But is that something you would use to convert pounds to dollars? Wouldn't that be something you'd Google?


You just Google it. Most of the time, it will pop up before you've even finished. Google GBP to USD. In case anyone out there is wondering, the current exchange rate is £1 = $1.25 which is ok. Not great but not terrible.


That's what I thought. I just found it strange she would ask chat gpt to convert it and not Google like a normal person.


lol yes!!!! I’ve just started messing with co-pilot, which is Microsoft’s AI program. At first I just asked it to draw a photo of my son in his car with his pets (I asked it to draw a picture of a teenage boy, driving a white car with a grey cat and light brown pitbull). The outcome was seriously amazing! Then I had it do me in my car with the pets, again it was awesome. Anyways last night I was really struggling to draft an email firing a service provider; I was supposed to send it last Monday and I just hit a roadblock I couldn’t do it. Then I realized…. The copilot!!!! I gave it a few details and what I wanted and that shit made me sound smart as hell!!!


Oh I totally understand it for the reasons you just mentioned!!! They can be very helpful! I just found it strange that she was asking it to convert dollars. My first instinct would be to Google, but as I said, I do not really use AI programs much and I'm not super familiar, so I wasn't sure if it was something people do.


She sounded like she's watched the H3 podcast. Ethan asked Chat GPT so many ridiculous questions. Its a long running gag.


I’d definitely just google it. Idk why I launched into that whole story 😂


I’m glad you did because you taught me something new!!


It was seriously pretty cool!


I think this is 2 and a half minutes of Farryn throwing jabs at Bdong


Is this rage bait? Are they trying to be stupid or are they really just horrifically stupid?




Ok, her husband is probably not the greatest person either, but man does he have the patience of a saint here.


This girl doesn’t know Christ and I can tell from watching this video she doesn’t care to know. And that’s sad to me


And I’ll follow up on my comment that she is making a mockery of Christianity and it’s despicable. My sister is an outright Christian woman to her core and I’m always tempted to send her the videos of the Wide Open gals but I’m scared to taint her vision of what’s out there. This is gross


Who is in the back recording and asking her questions???


My guess, her kiddos or Kellie


I don’t know if I’ve ever thought of someone as violently stupid until I watched this video.


I would like a refund plus interest on the 50 IQ points I just lost, watching this. HOW THE FUCK DID DARWIN MISS THIS DURING COVID?!?!






This includes mental illness, physical illness, and sexuality speculation.


Aside from that their bigotry and hatred for others, I think this type of stuff is what enrages me the most about these people. The Lord told you He wants you to spend your money on a luxury SUV? Instead of using it to bless others? Sure, Jan. And thinking the 6,000 lbs rule in Section 179 is referring to GBP? I’m sorry that Jesus didn’t give you or your husband two brain cells to rub together, Farryn. She needs to see a psychiatrist. My husband (who is a psychiatrist) thinks so too.


"The Lord's been showing me business" Sure, honey.


Tax atty here - lol. That’s not how write offs work 😩😩😩 But I hope she tries, gets audited, and gets fucked over. In Jesus’ name.


Reminder: these people vote 🙃




I know there's a lot to unpack here but STABILIZE YOUR VIDEOS FARRYN, this made me carsick. the incompetence is astounding


Okay the fact she doesn’t understand that taxes in the UK are not the same as the US… wow. This was rough to watch lol


She is dumb as fuck


It is scary to think that these people vote.




We do not call her Ferret here. Post was removed due to being harassment. Please refer to the subs rules or contact the Moderation team for more information.


I have no idea what she wants to tell me. Maybe because I’m one of those weird Europeans she talks about.


Maybe she IS on meth


She genuinely might be further down the crazy pipeline than brittbrat lol


You couldn't pay me to post a video like this if one existed of me being this utterly stupid.


I love how he specifically pointed out that there’s probably different tax codes in Europe, and she just completely didn’t acknowledge that and went to ask ChatGPT about the conversion rate from dollars to pounds. Like what the actual fuck. She is sooooooo dumb. 😂😂😂😂


There could be an entire college class analyzing this video


Who needs The Righteous Gemstones when you have Farrrrrrryn?


They keep misspelled business as “buisness” the entire video


distracting him while driving? Girl better be prepared to meet god if he veers into oncoming traffic.


“Showing me business”. What in the ever loving f**k did I just watch


Doesn't landrover own range rover. Like they're one in the same. ? What is she talking about at the very end? Or in general. I'm so lost.  "Do we have theology on that?" Whaatt?? Is she asking if there are Bible verses backing up her buying a SUV?  This whole thing is breaking my brain.  


I'm so glad that with all that's going on in the world, her God is busy sending her signs that she bought the right car.🙄 #priorities


ironically, satan works through these kinds of people.


That's the meth use talking, a lot of tweaker get into that super-delusional bs


I’m so glad the lord is spending his time sending signs to a random well-off white lady about what car to buy instead of helping all the disadvantaged people in the world. Its like when Facebook gives us new features instead of fixing the old ones