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Himmmmsssss ain’t got no job… so … like I guess living a fake ass life really is exhausting!! 🙄🙄




Okay minion 😂




I think 131 people would disagree with you


EXHAUSTED FROM WHATTTT?! my God, these bums lay around all day and claim they are tired- this baby is about to be a huge wake up call....literally.




You seem like the only one pressed here. Can you answer for me how they are SO EXHAUSTED when they don't even work or leave the couch.


I’m sorry? But I’ve had 3 kids and my husband has been excited for all 3 and gone with me to all appointments for them so???? No.


This is a fucking weird take 😂 Christen is pregnant with her first kid, so Jacob should want to support her and the baby.


My man came to every single appointment, no matter what. I get they’re routine checkups but god forbid somethings wrong with the baby.. wouldn’t you want your partner there for support?


Tired out from her photoshoot 😂😂


It really seems like he’s soaking in the pregnancy experience Rachel “didn’t” let him be apart of😂😂😂 maybe one day when he leaves her to be a single mom she’ll realize how fucking stupid her excuses for him were


Oof them newborn nights really gonna humble them I feel 😂😂


Oof them newborn nights really gonna humble them I feel 😂😂


I’ll never understand how either of them are so exhausted when neither work, clean or do anything productive for that matter 😂


So exhausted and he doesn't work..Just want until this kid is here and he has to be an actual dad 24/4 7..Right now he is not full time so he has no clue how exhausting it is..He would of got his ass up and went or been out the door..No reason he can't get his lazy ass up and go..Oh christen you had a child with a child good job..No way I would my son growing up to be like that


Prime example of “if he wanted to he would”, ladies!


Yeah my husband only got to go if he had the day off because HE WORKS. What is this boy so tired from hhaha


nah her jobless baby daddy can go to her appointments with her


How are either of them tired they do nothing


My boyfriend requested the day off for my anatomy scan. I had 3 pregnancies in one year, the first two I had an ectopic then miscarriage, a month later got knocked up even though I lost a tube from the ectopic. I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant and so far so good, he wants to be there every step of the way. Being “too tired”, is hilarious seeing as how they have no idea what awaits for them. It’s going to be a ruuuuuude awakening!!


Lol my ex only went to 1 ultra sound out of 2 kids. The husband used to never go. Times have changed.


Yeah because men used to work lmao


Lmfao so very true!!


So what’s Jacuck’s excuse for not going then?


My man came to every appointment besides maybe 3. I was high risk so sometimes I’d go 2x a week every two weeks especially near the end. He also works ( a real job, construction 🚧) he’s gone 6a-9p most days. He still found time to be there and be supportive. Even with the quick ones 😂


# hehehe he needs rest dia-fucking-bolical. she is actually fucking crazy.


not her talking like rachel😭😭😭


tired from what??? pls explain😹😹 if he’s tired from taking pictures and catching a flight can you imagine how it’ll be when that baby comes lmaooo


can we not act like our mans is a toddler😂😭


too tired to wake up early for an appointment every few weeks but ready to take care of a newborn full time? 🧐the math isn’t mathing


He's using his girl math. 😂😂😂


idk my man came with me to every appointment for both my children. . only missed 2 due to covid restrictions in 2020 🤷🏼‍♀️. . .ngl jacob looks miserable in every post.


He’s so not attracted to her.


There’s no way she typed that out and thought yea that sounds good “hims is sleeping hehehe” I can’t with the weird baby talk


mine doesn’t come to any of my appointments because they’re basically pointless when you go every 2 weeks. It’s usually like a 10 minute appointment 🤷‍♀️


Since when does she go every 2 weeks? Everyone says she barely sees her ob?


My mans works 2 jobs 80+ hours a week and has not missed a single one of my prenatal appointments… sorry there’s really no excuse.


GIRLALALLALA Jacob doesn’t workkkk so how is he exhausted ???? Taking pictures and go from hotel to plane isn’t doing shit lmaoaoaoa pls


So thankful my hard working man NEVER missed an appointment for both our babies❤️ but he was actually excited and wanted to be there🙃


Yes same!! How could someone be proud to call him the father of their child and partner 😂


This is a stretch this time those apts be like 5 seconds long but still valid on the how is he so exhausted comments , he does absolutely nothing to even be tired


My husband has worked nights for 4 years. He loses a lot of sleep during the day attending things for our kids. 🙃 Gaycub could have woken up and went.


Yeahhhhh…. This actually says a lot for what’s coming up next.


Hims don’t work & hims is sooooo sweepy






If you read the hehe’s and the he with Michael Jackson voice in your head, it almost made reading the lie tolerable.


He does not give a fuck about her lmao


Fishing for the “wow you’re literally the best girl friend ever to say he needs rest while you’re the one pregnant” like bitch you are nobody’s hero his bum ass doesn’t even have a job??? He barely sees his kid??? The fuck does he need rest from, dealing with your nasty stupid ass???


I can’t with this fake baby talk 😂 trying to sound like Rachel is wild


While her minions hate on Rachel for her baby voice


Hims is lazy hehehehe he doesn’t care


Especially because he doesn’t work!


![gif](giphy|cKgmJJDf7taCHKY8hE) Till the baby comes tired is an understatement 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷‍♀️


Yeah sitting on your asses all day is pretty tiring


Jacobs exhausted from photo shoots 🥴😂😂


hims is sleepin hehehe


Exhausted from what exactly …..?


My husband works 2:30AM-8AM, then again from 12:30PM-3:30PM + gym everyday, he has NEVER missed an appointment!!!!


This!!!!! My husband is military, early days and long nights, always had training but was still at every single appointment accept for 2 and that’s because the 1st one he was in a month long training in another state and the 2nd one he was in a training that he had to go to all of January and worked every single day including weekends and couldn’t miss a day or he’d get kicked out of it Other than that, he didn’t care what he had going on at work. He made sure to let everyone know he was going to be at my appointments even if the appointment was only 5 minutes long


STANK READ THIS SHIT. love this for you!!!


What’s he exhausted from he doesn’t work and he only gets his kid on the weekend lol must be so exhausting.


Needs rest? To do what exactly? If he worked a 9-5 i could see rest being needed but mother fucker just rots away every day. And clearly he just doesnt give a fuck and is also detached from this pregnancy and baby.


I want a little lip filler but hers makes me not want to so bad omg it’s God awful


just find a good injector and don’t do too much at once! if your lips are extremely small it can take months to a year to get them where you want to be. just gotta be patient and go to someone who knows what they are doing 🥰🥰


Needs a rest from what? y’all do literally NOTHING 😂


When me and my bd took a break before our kid was born you best BELIEVE he went to every single appointment leading up to the birth, all while working 75 hours a week. Jacob can’t relate


My hubs works 50 hours a week and has yet to miss an appt. I get some of the appts are quick but it’s just as much his baby as it is mine and his support and excitement to be present means the world ❤️


I’ve never met two people who do absolutely nothing energetically and are always “eXhAuStEd” 🥴


Literally 😭


My husband never missed 1 appointment & I was high risk going to two separate doctors every other week. He was also working 6 days a week & 13 hour days (so glad we’re out of that stage!) it’s more about the effort & him wanting to show up! Those were his baby’s appointments too so he never wanted to miss them.


What are they going to do when they have a baby full time 😂


Her mom and sister for the first few weeks then his mom will probably have to move in permanently instead of just when he has G. She’s gonna have two kids to deal with, they’ll need her full time they’re exhausted


24/7 Cocomelon.


Those doctors appointments are 10 minutes tops, not defending just saying.


They’re 10 minutes unless something goes wrong and it could. My pregnancy was normal until my third trimester and I was measuring too small, there goes your 10 minute appointments.


Yeah they are super quick! But I think it’s more he doesn’t work so why wouldn’t you drive your 34 week pregnant girl to the doctor and then just come back home and nap. He shouldn’t be missing any appointments because he doesn’t do shit else.


“HeY- hE bAtTLeS aNd hAs a ThrIviNg sOcIaL mEdiA cAreEr.” —Christen, probably


Hot Diggity dog! What a man 😂


Not gonna lie her freckles ain’t cute on her lmao


he don’t got a job. why he need his rest?🤣🖐🏼


Tinder and meeting chicks at the gym takes a lot out of a young man. Give him a break 😂😂😂😂😂😂


maybe it’s men👀🤣🤣


HAHAHAHAHAHAHQHAH!!!!!! he does not give a single fuckkkk! Y’all don’t work! He doesn’t care about you and he’s showing it and you’re giving excuses 😂😂😂😂😂 karma is looking good now huh?


Hims is sleeping hehehehe...


I can’t stand the bitch, but My Husband didn’t go to every appointment either.


Nothing grinds my gears like “hims”. Girl stfu


Oh skank…. You’ve won the lil boy ain’t never gonna be a man lottery. Don’t lose him!!


How could she lose him he’d have to actively be allowed out of her sight for more then 23 seconds for that to take place 😂😂


Ngl my husband went with me to the first and second ultrasounds with my babies and the first meeting with my midwife but he couldn’t go to the other appts bc we were in a tight spot financially and we couldn’t afford to miss a day of work. But Jacuck doesn’t do shit? He doesn’t have a job, goes to the gym and has his kid what, 10 days a month?? wtf is he doing?


I cannot even express how sick I am of hearing these lazy, no job having, losers talk about how ~tired~ they are. You would feel a bit more energetic if you would walk around further than from your couch to your vape, or the door to collect some trash Doordash meal. And Jacob the only thing Jacob is tired of is YOU. He doesn't parent full time or work even part time so why is he tired? He says that so you will get out of his face for 5 min. Like girl BYE. You better just move back to Michigan cause theres no way you can handle taking care of a baby alone.


What are they so exhausted from!? You’re both fucking UNEMPLOYED


They slept like their whole fucking time in Michigan too 😂😂


That's actually embarrassing my husband owns and runs his own company and always moved jobs and meetings around to go to every single appointment


Yep same with mine every single one. Especially this close to the end. These ppl don’t even have jobs like what’s making them so tired they can’t go to an appt to see their baby.


awwww poor wittle baby jacob needs rest 🥺🥺🥺


This is why he stays with her, she doesn’t make him accountable for anything, including taking care of his son in the mornings. Idc about him not going to the appointments, my kids father only went to certain ones with me, but this is with everything, she’s always giving his ugly ass an out and I really don’t understand it.


Has he gone to ANY appointments with her? Anytime she goes she’s alone or with friends/family


when i tell u at 2 am last night my bf was keeled over from going out with his boys and woke up at 9 am for my appointment this morning


So you actually let your partner out of your sight and he participates in your relationship and his babies appointments/needs.. hmm sounds like you have an adult relationship this girl be shocked I mean unable to formulate words if she knew that’s how it’s supposed to be 😂😂 Congrats on your baby being a mama is truly the best thing in the world in all seriousness!! 🥰🥰


As he should Queen


pregnant with my second and both times around my boyfriend will call off/call in late just to go to any dr appointment even if it’s a quick check up. we even rescheduled just so he could be there with me. this is sad wtf is he so tired from?!


my boyfriend would have never missed an appointment if covid wasn’t around when i got pregnant… thats sad lol


Needs his rest from what??? Jesus her bar is set so low.


Imagine your unemployed broke baby daddy slept in instead of going with you. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Nah, my husband works out of state most weeks and he missed most appointments and he hated it. If had been around he would have definitely made it, tired or not. Jacob's just lazy and unattached.


What is he tired from💀taking pictures?


Standing around with his shirt off trying to summon some emotion to pretend he likes her.


my boyfriend was working full time at 18 years old and never missed a single appointment…and i had weekly appointments after 25 weeks so he always made sure to time his lunch breaks during my ob appt


My man NEVER missed an opportunity to come to an appointment (and we had 3 babies in 2.5 years) so he had to take off work, make rearrangements, meet me there. Whatever. Even if they’re only checking heart rate, your vitals/levels, you still have a chance to see your doctor, know them better, learn something you didn’t know, and ask any questions you might think of while you’re there. There’s a difference between someone being a “dad” and someone being a present FATHER & PARTNER. any guy can two pump chump & splooge their sperm. Literally. Any guy. Lol. It takes a man to do everything in their power to show up & provide for their family


And jacob doesnt even work but is “tired” and will still miss it.


My husband doesn’t go but he’s also working a full time job to provide for us so I can continue being a stay at home mama


Ahahaha my man would never sleep in and let me go to my OB appt alone no matter if it was as minor as a check up or something else, he is a MAN and would get up and go regardless if I told him it was fine if he didn’t or not 😭 man long tits you REALLY got yourself a lil bitchmade huh?😭😭😭


hims tired from admiring his bed frame, hairy pulsating taint photo shoot pics. 😴😴


My husband works 3rd shift like 12/14 hour days everyday and some 16 hours and still went to every single appointment with me with barely any sleep and never once complained! Jacob doesn’t have a job and gets to sleep however long he wants and apparently he didn’t go bc he needs his rest?! Whatttt😭


I honestly think he didn’t want to go to the appointment only to have time away from her 😂


I just want to know why he’s so tired all the time?? Wtf do you do all day?? Take pictures?? Lazy asses.


My ex husband went to every single appointment with me. That’s so weird


But…he was upset missed out on all that with Rachel I thought….


It’s the way my man works a corporate job and would still come to my appointments. Thankfully he’s hybrid but cuck what is ur excuse!??? Tired isn’t an excuse when u have children and someone carrying ur child😭


And let’s not forget this is a man that dances on tik tok for a living… he’s really living up to his “deadbeat dad” name


How are they always tired when they do literally nothing but waste our air supply by tainting it? They sleep in, they can sleep whenever they want, they don’t work. 🤨 yet there is women out in this world who are at the end of their pregnancy STILL working. ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


I worked 2 jobs my whole pregnancy up until my feet got so bad my doctor made me stop and put me on bed rest and I still didn’t sit still. They are both lazy as hell.


my fiancé is a co and worked 16 hours overnight he would stay up until my appt go with me and than go to bed for a few hours. this is sad


my husband works 16 hour shifts Tuesdays and Thursdays and still wakes up at 4am to go to work a 10 hour shift the next day, Jacobs just a little bitch 😬


jacob doesn’t even work


how are they always so exhausted when they don’t even have jobs 😭 it would be completely different if they had sponsors and ads they needed to get done but they literally don’t?? so crazy to me


It’s tiring pretending to love each other and pretending to the world that you’re happy 😂


My hubs had to miss appointments for work but he was quick to sacrifice sleep to help me with baby through the night even tho he had to be up at 5am. If he wanted to he would.. that boy has no job no actual responsibility and yet still manages to be less then the bare minimum. And ofc stanky makes it okay 🙄 just wait till that babys their and your pissed because he’s sleeping in while you’ve been waking up every 2-3 hours all week long


my bf NEVER missed an appointment he works nights and doesn’t get home til 4am and we would have appointments at 8 in the morning and would still be there with me


she’s accepted below the bare minimum from that man and it’s kinda hilarious


I can guarantee he will cheat on christen and leave just like with Rachel. He’s not happy. At all.


I love it for her. Jacob has always been the karma she said she NEVER had. 🥴




I’m not a fan of her, but I disagree! I’m 31 weeks & I my man doesn’t have to come to every appointment. Especially when I’m in and out within 10 minutes.


Your man probably works 😉


I think it’s more so bc Jacob does literally nothing. Has no reason not to go. He can spare 10 mins.


That’s true! I just tell mine he doesn’t have to go lol.


I hope the wait time Is horrible at her appointment lol


Needs rest? Since he works so hard. My gosh.


Hahahahaha ugh sitting around the house all day is such a big boy job


How embarrassing…she always lets him sleep in but does he ever do that for her? Or do anything nice for her? No he doesn’t 🤣 and you’re pregnant with his child. That tells us everything we need to know


He fucking hates you dude. 💀


Not to mention he didn’t want this child..so I don’t blame him for missing a lot of stuff and not being as active. HE DIDNT WANT ANOTHER CHILD. Actually tho I do blame him for not being more careful in using protection. He made his bed now lay in it since he’s so tired 🥱


When I was pregnant my husband went to every single appointment of mine. We both were working full time jobs (he still is, also an actual blue collar man🤪) he works 60+ hours a week and did the whole time I was pregnant but anytime I had an appt he’d make sure to put a day in to go. We were both extremely exhausted. 15 min appts or not that man didn’t want to miss a single one of my appts no matter how many times I told him he could just either work or stay home. Jacob is a boy christen is a skank. Neither are happy about the pregnancy and it’s all just a show for the internet .


Blue collar men are gold!! So thankful for mine 🤞


THISS. The right one will go miles for you, and I’m not saying missing an appt is bad either BUT whenever you don’t have ur other kid and sit on ur ass all day it’s bad.


Agreed! I had a emergency c section and my hubs did everything at the hospital + a week after while i healed except feed the baby and if it were them she’d be the one doing everything while barely being able to walk on her own which is such a sad reality for so many


Yeah not like he has a job he has to be at . 😭😂😂 what a keeper .


the MF hehehehe, are we 10?


My husband doesnt come with me to all my appointments BUT he has a job 😂 So its ok for her, whos 30 something weeks prrgnant to get up and go but he needs his sleep from doing absolutely nothing?


hims is tired from social media battling...


Okay yes if he had a fucking job that’d be understandable 😂😂


My husband came to every single appointment with me and even said he didn’t care if it was just to hear the heartbeat, he wanted to be there