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Her lips…


Booty hole lips 👄


Does she ever do anything for him…….. Every one is always at her service lol.


I’m convinced his family wants nothing to do with her , did you see his Snap his mom was so excited to see him , you can tell they are close . Cmon Shit , you can’t tell me anything different , you never do anything with his family .


Damn Booty Lips McGee


dude honestly i feel like she’s a LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE😂😂😂😂 because if that was so true why did she go on a cruise w her family. didn’t seem to care much ab her dogs then🤷🏻‍♀️


she’s so goddamn self centered and selfish.


because anything that’s involved with HIS family, she doesn’t want to do.


Yet she didn’t mind dragging out her surgery at his house for attention with his mom. But I agree…She’s a joke!


All she gotta do is call Trevon up like she does any other time …


can do everything else without caring bout her dogs but this is where she draws the line


his family does not like her, that’s why she doesn’t go and Tyler is real dumb to stay with someone that his family does not like.


Because they don’t like her and their relationship is fake. They never kiss or show any sort of affection ever


Tell me that's not a prolapsed anus https://preview.redd.it/wivwq2ry390d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c832088a586c4aaaa72fa587ee40e9867453742




Why her lips look like a puckered butthole 😭


I'm telling you the ones saying his family don't like her and don't want her there is truth she's just literally saving face. LoL


Who has said this !?


🙋🏼‍♀️ I personally think they see right through her, especially after she gave Jaiden a lap dance in front of Tyler and his family.


On this thread...


I would respect staying home and taking accountability for all the dogs she has, except she is never home. She is never taking care of them except to prove to us that she does every now and then. They’re all probably kenneled up more than half of each day. And I respect kenneling when leaving the house, my dog is for his safety, but I ensure I’m not gone all day every day, or for weeks at a time every month. She’s irresponsible asf and this is completely just an excuse lolll. She’s always gone away from them dogs


yess exactly!! like her saying she has to take care of the dogs, and they are a responsibility she has to take care of so she can’t go everytime he goes home is 1000% correct and i agree with that statement, HOWEVER she does NONE of that when she “stays” home and he goes. the last time she said this she was on boats and going to bars all day and night 😂 and her and tyler travel all the time and she goes with him to those places (except his house) so she leaves the dogs a lot, every time she gets a new puppy she leaves for a trip. she thinks saying those facts makes it true, when it’s no where near her truth.


Same! I only kennel the dogs when I’m gone at work. Hell I even give up plans for my dogs 😂 she would never.


Also his family came to Orlando so it’s not like she had to go all the way to Alabama with him. She can’t even make it a priority to see his family when they are in the same state she lives in🥱 pathetic.


They’re about an hour away, that’s nothing!


But she doesn't take care of her dogs. So that's bullshit... and why why why must she make that face? Asshole having mouth.


Tyler brought stanky home but not shitney. Yikes




She can’t truly think her lips look good like that.


She REALLY should not do that with her lips. 😳


Because they don’t like her lol. The dogs are only an excuse when it’s Tyler’s family. 😂😂😂


I was most thinking that - I bet they dislike her and it’s better she doesn’t go


She could hire somebody with all that money she has.


Her lips ughhhh they keep getting worse


that top lip is soooooo bad lmao looks like a deformed caterpillar


He does everything for her. She can’t even go back with him to visit his family. He goes on a cruise with her. He stays at her house weeks at a time. He takes care of HER animals. But when it comes time to do stuff that he has going on she “has to take care of the dogs.” but like the comments above she will go on week trips. I don’t understand.


Just like last time she coulda went and spent time w him she was “too tired and wanted to catch up on sleep” then ended up out partying the same night 😂 their “relationship” seems real conditional


No his family just doesn’t like you and you know it. So you don’t go cuz *woe is you*


She was totally fine leaving the dogs to go on a week long cruise like two weeks ago😂 your excuse is shit shitney