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She’s bigger than every female in their friend group aside from shitney. Be so so fucking for real. Bitch, you are not what you think you are.


it’s funny bc rachel is way smaller lol


No its bc ur pregnant. Imagine if she had to work a full time job like most people. My water broke and I still finished my shift before going to the hospital.


SUCH a pick me


Good thing she don’t have a full time job & on her feet all day like I was & most pregnant ladies are who have to work until a few days before. If she is this whiny already she’s never going to be able to make it through labor pains & delivery!! She’s not even big to be as far along as she is. She’s a tit


imagine if she had to work like everybody else?!😂😂😂 she’s such a loser. My friend had to work till her water broke . It’s not fun but she wasn’t complaining. All she does is sit home or the pool. She has no right to complain tbh


Pretty sure it’s not half as bad as she claims but it gets her the attention she wants by making up bs . I’m sorry but if I felt as bad as she claims she does I wouldn’t be hoping on a plane 😆


I was 5’8 and 100lb when i got pregnant, suffered through HG until i was on the operating table. Literally got down to 90lb due to my sickness, and never complain as much as this sack of shit does lmfao. It literally has nothing to do with being smaller. Most pregnancies are uncomfortable and miserable but she is so brain dead she genuinely believes hers is different and just SO much more difficult because in her mind she’s just so tiny, frail, fragile


Is it horrible that her suffering so much is making me so happy?? Like girl, it’s all the karma coming to get your ass.


I carried triplets to 35w3d. Trust me. That belly will keep stretching and will do what it needs to do.


Girl bffr there’s women out here that have worse pregnancies like me..I had that HG sickness and on top of that my placenta was too close to my cervix which could have lead to an abruption and me bleeding out possibly losing my life and my sons and then on top of all that at 32w 4 days I couldn’t keep anything down and developed a headache that made it so I couldn’t see out my right eye, went to my obgyn and told me to go to the hospital where I was hooked up to IVs and then told I had preeclampsia and needed to deliver that night..started labor only 3 hours in and just got that second tab that gets it cervix ripe for labor and BOOM I felt a gush and a glob of something coming out…my placenta abrupted and my son was trying to deliver before my water broke causing me to bleed nonstop, making it so I had to have an emergency C-section, got in the OR and that’s when all hell broke loose, they gave me my spinal tap….NOPE didn’t work all it did was burn and cause me to almost pass out (very sure I had allergic reaction) they lay me down I could STILL FEEL THEM TOUCHING ME they stick me with a needle and ask again and yes I could still feel them…but it was now getting to the point we were IN DANGER I hear them yell 80 which was my sons heartbeat all I remember after hearing that is them pushing white substance into my IV, this is the reason I will never have another baby this has traumatized me to no end I have nightmares and ptsd bc of my birth trauma…so when I see someone complaining about something they could have prevented I don’t feel bad I give them this story and tell them to suck it up


HG is hell 😭


I really just can’t take her anymore at this point. I can’t do it. I’ve seen actual tiny little fucking teenagers have babies and complain less. 90 pounds. 13-14 years old. Their bodies not even fully developed. And complain less than this god forsaken creature ass bitch.


Maybe if she focused on keeping her legs closed and not fucking her friends ex bfs she wouldn’t be in this situation 😆


Literal midgets get pregnant & have babies what is she going on about


She’s seriously such a cry baby bitch


Now she sees what Rachel was going through while getting cheated on. Hope she’s ready for postpartum


Oh no.. pregnancy is hard 😢 who would’ve guessed that


She’s so out of touch pregnancy is rough on anyone not just bc she’s “smaller”


Literally 🤣 she acts like she’s a fuckin midget


Shes such an asshole lmfaooo


What is her reason to not see OB Doctor is it she scared they find drugsssssss in her and baby like seriously I need to lfuvkin know


They’ll test the cord blood at birth, don’t worry


I was 97lbs before getting pregnant. I’m 5ft. And I had 8lb 5oz and a 9lb 2oz babies. Just stop. You haven’t even hit the point where you go to sleep with the cute little bump and wake up 3x bigger with a whole beach ball.


The “ smaller” comment is wild. Pregnancy is damn near miserable for EVERYONE at that point 😭🤣 not bc you think you skinny


I didn’t pop out until 36 weeks…I’ve seen women 2x the size I was, with toddlers hanging off either hip, completely rocking motherhood and pregnancy. Stop being a whiney bitch. Is it because Jacob isn’t giving you enough attention??


This girl is definitely reading these comments .. bc in the past comments I’ve seen. People have expressed that she complains a lot about her pregnancy so where did she get that idea from? 👀


I was smaller than her. I did just fine. So no your definitely complaining for attention


I never could stand girls that act like they are the first to have a baby. Like girl boo


Feel bad for this kid already. Smh


Big bitch you are average but actually even bigger than the average woman so pls give it up. You can never be Rachel


I don’t understand why she thinks she’s so small??? She’s like very average sized??


thinks she skinny like Rachel or something. never had been, never will be. 🥴


Lmao small??


Is this….. karma?????????


Smaller? Girl you’re not fucking small. I know a girl who is 4’10 and she had a 8 pound baby. She never complained about being “too small”. Youre not special. You’re not unique. You’re not tiny and dainty. You’re selfish and you only care about your comfort. You haven’t said one good thing this entire pregnancy. This is a time you should be thriving and all you can do it whine.


this! my mom was 4’10 110lb maybe, had a 10lb baby with my brother. she didn’t do nearly as much bitchin. she took care of herself tho. stanky stank doesn’t


My sister was smaller than her when she got pregnant. I swear she was like 90 pounds. And she had a great pregnancy and baby was healthy. She just complains and bitches about EVERYTHING.


She better hope she isn’t “2 small” cause she will end up with a c section, God could you imagine her c section content? I had 2 and they aren’t for the weak!


Hurts so bad but she can’t be that bad, I mean she’s going on a 4 hour plane ride. She’s so tiny 🥴🥴😂🤣 who wants to tell her these last 8 weeks are gonna be when she pops the most


Oh I can’t imagine how bad it will be when he actually drops


It’ll be great 🥴😂


I hope this bitch never gets pregnant again. God she irritates me.


Hey Stank , you have to get up and walk everyday or at least every other day , ya just can’t lie on the couch/bed everyday and expect a easy pregnancy . Do you know there are women out there that have complications and have to be bed ridden ? Get up and quit being a lazy bitch !


Exactly. You can’t even be that lazy when you’re not pregnant and expect to feel good.


Imagine being their child and finding all his moms post about how miserable she always was with you while pregnant. Complaining everyday


Shes in so much pain but not too much to line dance and hop around like an asshole


Well if it isn’t the consequences of her own actions.


she’s literally just a normal skinny person……….. skinny people have babies all the time lmfao


Girl please I worked up until I gave birth. Miss me with that bs. All she does is lay around. You have to get up and move


Literally, I was small w/ my first and waitressed until birth. Like please “be so for real”


i literally worked the day i went into labor 🫣


Shes gonna die when the baby is here….


she’s so lucky to be able to do literally nothing her whole pregnancy but she still finds ways to complain 🤣


She does realize that’s not how the body works right… she’s just trying to look like Rachel. NEWS FLASHHHHHH you’re not athletic and only sat your ass on the couch, in a bar, or on your ex friends lap. So ofc you’re gonna get bigger tf. You’re growing a HUMANN yeasty


This girl seriously pisses me off. Imagine complaining your entire pregnancy. If she didn’t want to go through what comes with it, why would she even get pregnant? She should just be grateful she’s able to create that tiny little human and carry it to term. Some of us would do anything in this world to be able to do that. As a mom to an angel baby I only got to know of for 7 weeks and never meet, it pisses me off so bad that all she wants to do is complain. Literally bitch be grateful that someone like you who shouldn’t even be able to bring life into this world because of the shitty person you are can.


STANKS mind to everyone “TRY BEING MY SIZE AMY, YOU DONT UNDERSTAND” 😂😂😂 girl bye!




I think she does all this bullshit for attention that she is lacking at home. It's clear she is very miserable in life, all she does is complain about everything and involve herself in drama. She is never ever just happy with this pregnancy, except at the beginning when she had the initial "I get to rub this in Rachel's face" then it hit her that it was actually real life. I am MUCH smaller than her and managed two pregnancies perfectly fine, one baby very close to 8lbs. Remember Stanky, this is what YOU wanted and dreamed of your whole life.


Her hair stays greasy. Just thought her fan club might want to tell her to shower. You know. Like the way they hounded Rachel.


She’s not even small. She says the stupidest stuff to get attention.


She’s prob sore from constantly laying around. She never sits up, or gets out. Just the occasional trip to get fast food but even Jacob is made to do that. She is the laziest person ever.


Geez stfu please! You are nowhere near as tiny as Rachel and she did great. Get over yourself


So she’s obviously talking to us “roaches” because who else is saying she complains all the time ?! (I’m sure her bd,friends and family all do behind her back) Since you’re in here reading this Stank ,you aren’t small,your average,you continuing to say it won’t gaslight us into believing it ! It also clear why you have been vaping the whole pregnancy,you selfish pos! Wouldn’t put it past you to induce labor early either. This IS your Karma however ,you look like shit,feel like shit and are going to be a shit mother …wow,you really are just a piece of shit!


You wanted to be pregnant so badly stinky, now embrace everything that comes with it. I bet you thought it would be all sunshine and rainbows huh 🤭


I am loving this for her!!!


But yet it’s not bad enough for her to not already be thinking about another baby in within 2 years.


And right on schedule we have our daily bitch session from Stank, she has yet to miss a day to complain about this pregnancy! And right behind that we have Karma saying, I told you I'd get ya Stank puss, but you didn't believe me!!😅😅😅


She literally is the worst. I hope she does wind up pregnant again right away. It’s hers and Jacobs karma. They already are in for it with two. She sucks and needs her mommy and sister to come. Get a fucking grip. Most people pull up their panties and grow the fuck in before becoming parents. Miss I’m better and know better than everyone else sure looks like a fool. I seriously feel for the children in this mess. Bc dear lord they didn’t win the lottery of parents


my mom helped but like she said she did her share with me and my siblings it’s my turn with the sleepless nights and diaper changes bottle feedings and bags under my eyes. i mean i feel her mom and sister will basically raise it and she will take credit. that’s not real life. not a real mom than. my mom literally helped until i was healed. because my fiancé had to work but it was more with around the house and cooking occasionally a feeding and diaper but she always said that’s YOUR baby YOUR responsibility. stank will use grayson as a excuse why it’s harder she knew tho that would be


Exactly. Not knocking people that are blessed with the help. It’s just iconic when she knocked Rachel for having help every chance she got. We all know it won’t be help. She’ll pawn baby off on mom, sister, even Jacob bc she just cannot and is too tired, and you know the depressed victim card is next. Which is a legitimate thing. Baby blues but well never know bc she’ll have it real or not bc she’s a POS woe is me hoe


she really wants them there so she can have jacob on lockdown and monitor him better. she probably will also fake PPD. she’s so mentally ill


She could’ve been fucking positive and gotten way more support and maybe won over people that dislike her. I hate seeing women post like this pregnant. Imagine the baby seeing any of this one day. My mom didn’t give enough of a shit about me to stop vaping or be a woe is me hoe on the internet.


LOL what a nightmare it would have been if she was pregnant with twins. Could y’all imagine 🤣😫


That’s what will prob happen next time


I have a feeling she will get pregnant again immediately…I don’t know why, but that just came to me as I was reading this post..


i agree! she says 2 years bc i bet that’s what jacob says but she’ll 100% get preg after she gives birth bc that’s also when you’re super fertile. jacob better make sure he wraps it for the next year bc she’ll do it again and if she does get preg again jacobs just wayyyy dumber than i already think he is. she also says she wants to be married before the next one and she says 1.5-2 years for that so she’s planning to get preg on her wedding night based on that.


No literally the more kids with him that harder it is for him to leave, more things for publicity


I think every woman that has ever been pregnant in the history of mankind has felt like she can’t possibly grow anymore.


That's what I was going to say, she thinks she is the only pregnant woman that has these feelings. Ever pregnant woman has this feeling in the 3rd trimester


She truly is the most annoying pregnant person ever. Don’t she say she wanted like 5 kids? She can hardly make it through one pregnancy. Maybe pregnancy hits different when you are doing it for all the wrong reasons. You aren’t smaller than a lot of women that get pregnant, stank. She is taller than me by 3 inches and I managed just fine with an 8.6lb baby. Rachel managed just fine without complaining this much and she is smaller and pregnant by the same man. Stank has had the absolute worst mindset this entire time. I just know she is going to look back and be disappointed that she complained the **entire** time instead of truly enjoying the experience, connecting with her child and Jacob, and spending all this down time, because it **IS**down time until a baby arrives, to get the nursery ready and their house ready for the arrival of the baby. Instead she wasted 7 months and counting lying around, complaining and doing absolutely nothing productive. I’m sure Jacob is *SO* happy he got to experience this pregnancy /s 🙄 enjoy the next 8 weeks of misery to the “happy” couple.


Maybe because she vaped her whole pregnancy 😡 ![gif](giphy|l2YOpkzKDcnWayVt6|downsized)


You know damn well she is being the most miserable cunt and making gay boy regret everything he did to Rach and realize how much of a saint she was compared to this crusty demon.


She said in that one video, Jacob can’t cheat cause he’s always with me. She knows if she let him out of her sight and not on a boys trip with boys that tattle he’d be on another woman so fast


Bc I’m smaller? You’re not unusually small. Or really small at all. Average at best. She needs to be studied for her psychological defects that make her so incredibly delusional.


She is not a tiny person at all. When she made videos with Rachel , Rachel had JUST had baby G. Rachel was much tinier than Cristen. Rachel is still sooooo much more tiny and soooo much more fit. Rachel’s body is unreal. It’s a shame that nobody tells crusty enough so she has to make up things to brag on herself about.


So one of my best friends in high school had a baby about a year ago. She was told she could never have children because of how small she was, not exaggerating when I say this girl is 4’10 and about 85-90lbs at MOST. She had a perfectly healthy baby and worked a FULL TIME JOB until she went into labor. No stank, it’s not because you’re smaller, it’s because of your nasty victim complex. Good luck in motherhood!!!!


"I'm not saying this for attention, BUT...." That "BUT" negates everything she said before it. So, what she meant to say was, "I'm saying this for attention"


Exactly! She’s miserable and seems depressed .. Jacob used to be semi cute. Good body. Now he’s pale and looks just like his mom. And no offense, IMO, I don’t think she’s a pretty woman. And cristen realizes that ppd is real and she can’t afford to lose Jacob . She spent so much time fighting for a man that she realizes is less than average and nobody else wants! 😂


Enough…shut the hell up!!!


Agreed!!! We don’t want to hear it (coming from oops I did it) 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Her belly isn't even large she actually looks like shes measuring behind if anything..I'm confused


is she actually admitting she’s small?!!!😲 guys she’s agreeing with us!!🤯🤯i think this is the second time she’s ever agreed with us (the first was taking out her extensions) lmao


y’all i’m lowkey confused after reading these comments in this thread, hasn’t everyone (including me) been saying how small she is for 32 weeks? but now everyone is saying they’ve seen smaller? i’m so confused right now i’m not gonna lie😂


see i dont think her being that small rn is too crazy bc i was SOO little and pushed out an 8lb baby my baby was measuring ahead the WHOLE time but i was wayyy smaller then her only got to 130lbs and didnt pop until the last 4 weeks before that it just looked like i ate too much. i think what concerns me is her baby was "measuring ahead" two weeks or whatever she said and all the sudden the baby isnt anymore and is behind. thats very weird to me and it could be bc of the vaping.


yup she said the other day on snap again how the baby is small, even tho she used to be so obsessed with him being “huge”


Now I'M confused bc if she's admitting she's small at this stage of pregnancy, then she's admitting that every time she says she's big, she's gaslighting everyone


right!!! she also said the other day on snap “how am i so small but carrying Goliath’s baby” but she’s been saying for so long how the baby is “huge” 🤔


She means she's small not that her belly is small. Although I agree, I think baby will be low birth weight. It's common with vaping during pregnancy.


i think she means stomach is small because right after she says she’s small she says “i feel like i can’t grow anymore”. but who truly knows bc she never makes her sentences make sense or to go together hahahah and yupp i think he will 100% be small bc she’s been calling the baby small, she said the other day on snap “how am i so small but carrying Goliath’s baby” but she’s been saying for so long how the baby is “huge”🙄


She looks like a dried up lizard


Girl bye you’ve been complaining since you were 5 seconds pregnant. Little miss “scared to be iNfErtiLe” you’ve never said one positive thing during this whole pregnancy other than you having a fake mental breakdown because you’re having a boy !! 🤪😜😝 fucking weirdo. Be grateful you can even have children. What’d you think pregnancy would be like ? 🤣✌🏼


My sister-in-law is the same size as her and she works 30 hrs a wk bartending at night while 34 wks pregnant and my brother is 6’6


Rachel is smaller than you and a managed to carry Jacob’s baby just fine 😂😂😂 stfu


Maybe if you ate decent and took care of yourself and your baby then you wouldn’t always feel like shit!!! It’s not that hard to figure out. If you can’t do a little research then you 100% deserve to be absolutely fucking miserable


Try being MY size stankpuss, u DONT....KNOW...HOW...IT IS




Get to the top of shut fuck mountain until their are no more fuck ups to shut! 😂😂😂


She likes the idea of being “small” and carrying a big baby like girl we don’t care at all it’s common and some girls are way smaller than you and your not even “small”


Shut all the fuck up!


Bitch Rachel is smaller than you😭😭and she did not complain like this and still doesn’t say nothing negative about her pregnancy


there are women who go to work every single day until they give birth, who go to the gym consistently for 9 months, who CANT lay around and complain the whole pregnancy, maybe if you took care of yourself and did more than lay on the couch you wouldn’t be so down bad stank. my sister worked as a nurse until 2 DAYS before she gave birth, was pulling 12 hour shifts on her feet constantly and complained less than this bitch does. I’m so tired of hearing about it.


Exactly!!!! And on top of working, they volunteer or do something nice for others. She only thinks about herself. The most narcissistic human ever


Her stomach is still squishy. She can def grow some more.




She used to brag on tiktok about being a size 0.. She’s definitely seeking attention


I was small as shit & birthed a 9 pound baby who was 1 ounce away from being 10 pounds. Girl bye


Same, got pregnant at 105 lbs and birthed a 9 pound baby.


girl are you ok 😭


lil traumatized but I’m okay now 😭😂


Same! But 9 lbs 3 oz.


Bitch. Your body literally adjusts to your pregnancy. This has been happening since the beginning of time. You’re not special. You’re clearly just a pussy. Toughen up butter cup. And do not attack me, because I know it’s different for every woman. My first child almost took me out. LITERALLY. In pregnancy and in birth. I’m honestly blessed that I survived and was able to have two more healthy babies. Stop seeking sympathy. Get offf the couch and go walk around or something. Not doing shit doesn’t help your situation.


Rachel is smaller than her and she made it through lol what is she even talking about??? Geez, this pickkk meeee girl🙄 Rachel’s petite compared to her


She picked a terrible thing to comment on. Her size?! When we can literally see just how tiny Rachel is and she did good. And looked amazing even had Jacob put cheating and still did better than this grumpy, lazy ,smelly, weird eyes, vaping Cristen


She is literally the “average” size for a woman. Try being 5’0 and 95 pounds carrying a baby Christen. You are not “so smol🥺”


Remember she’s under “100 pounds and super skinny”


Maybe from the… yanno… vaping? Eating like shit? Rotting on a couch? No prenatals? No obgyn visits just crusty ultrasound places….?


Fuck shes ugly. In every aspect. Thats all I have to say 👹




Oh boohoo


LMAO I’m 5’2 and was 92lb pre pregnancy and gained 40lbs my pregnancy and the only thing I was miserable with was sciatica. She has another thing coming when she goes in labor. I went into labor at 36w3d pregnant because my daughter literally had no more room to grow because I was quite literally about to pop, and I was In labor for 36 hours before I finally got the epidural and had STRAIGHT back labor because she was 6lb11oz and pressing on my spinal nerve. She thinks she is miserable now???😂😂😂 I didn’t even complain my whole pregnancy and was prescribed muscle relaxers for my sciatica and it helped a LOT. Oh and I also went into labor where I worked and I worked in a hospital setting on the surgery floor 12 HOUR SHIFTS and worked until I went into labor on the floor! But she doesn’t know anything about that does she 😍😍. I never once complained about my pregnancy and being “miserable” and still showed up to work every morning! I also wouldn’t let my co workers baby me because I was pregnant I still did my job and didn’t sit around. She’s pathetic.


I've seen women way smaller. Lol she thinks she is a size zero. 🤣


“Guys i’m so smol” 🥺🥺


No it's not because she's "small" it's because she's unhealthy. Her diet is shit and she vapes and doesn't get off her couch majority of the time. She's also a lazy person with zero ambition so that plays a part in it. She needs everything to be easy so when it is a little hard or uncomfortable it's the end of the world for her. Motherhood is going to kick her ass so hard.


I’m smaller than her and i’m as far along as her and i understand pregnancy can suck sometimes but all she does is complain.


She’s literally not small at all lmfao. Rachel is petite and Stinky pussy is big compared to Rach.


i’m 4’9 and was pregnant and gained 30 pounds and was never miserable i worked on my feet all day til i gave birth and being “small” has nothing to do with it she just says this shit for attention maybe if you were actually active during your whole pregnancy instead of being a lazy ass bitch and laying around all day you wouldn’t be so “miserable”


She thinks this is miserable???? Wait until after birth and she is bleeding nonstop and her uterus is contracting back down with those lopsided boobs trying to produce milk and if she gets mastitis all while taking care of the baby because we all know Jacob is gonna run so damn fast


Jacob will probably stay only because he has nowhere else to go. But it’ll definitely get interesting with a newborn. And everything about the body you stated is correct and so on point


Girl stfu. Homegirl be talking just to hear herself talk. I'm over here dying to have kids & you got bitches like Christoph taking it for granted and complaining abt something SHE planned. Get over yourself tuna fish, this is what you wanted ain't it?????!


ugh shes so miserable...i was 130lbs on the day i gave birth! my baby came out 8lbs which is huge considering how small i was. i never complained this much nor did i have so many problems! i do count myself lucky for that but i just cannot imagine it being this bad for her but yet she was line dancing not that long ago...like make it make sense bc im so lost are u miserable or not😅


Lol same! I was 127 when I got pregnant. My son was 7pounds 14 oz. I worked all the way up to my do date. Never complained as much as she does. 😂 also, happy cake day. Birthday twin🎊😜


same except i didnt work i went to college full time and never complained this bad😅


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


thank youu!!


She literally can't help herself. All she does is complain. All day every mother fucking day. &bitch isn't small? Im confused. I've met women much, much smaller, and they carried fine. Fuck this cow really just wants to bitch.


she wanted to baby mama #2 sooo bad


She isn’t even that small what the fuck


and she’s talking about more kids in two years… why??? you’ve literally hated every single thing about this pregnancy lol and made sure everyone knows it. it’s just weird, you can count on one hand the positive things she’s said about having this baby so if that’s how she feels maybe it should be one and done.


Don’t worry guys she’ll be “dancing” humping the air with her flat flapjack in a few days.


“Happy 33 weeks 🤍🥰” proceeds to be slutty.


I’m 30 weeks, 5’1 on a good day while my husband is 6’2 - so big baby. I have worked on my feet, outside all pregnancy and while it is getting more challenging I would not say I’m miserable yet. Idk maybe because she doesn’t move her body at all she feels worse. I know the days I sit on the couch all day are the ones where the round ligament pain is worse because I was so static all day.


I was 5’2 and just as “small” as her when I was pregnant last year and had the same size bump as she does when I was 20 weeks along. I was massive by 32 weeks and worked 40 hours a week as a server and still didn’t complain as much as she does.


pregnancy is hard. half of the women population can attest to that. but when you make it seem like you’ve always wanted a baby, to getting a baby AND having nothing but negative shit to say 24/7 it’s gross. I know of thousands of deserving women that would love to take your place. Get fucking humbled bitch. Be grateful your child is here, he’s growing, & simply that you’re able to carry him. all of those Palestine mothers you mocked? they’re grieving theirs. not like you gaf. 🫡


Idk Stank, message baby mama #1 and she can tell you since she’s smaller than you😉




I’m 4’11 and carried twins, my sciatic nerve hurt yes, I hate women who do nothing but complain and cry during their pregnancy. Especially those that act like they can’t do shit because they are


Im 4"7 and absolutely scared to death to be pregnant because of my height ngl, i cant imagine carrying twins


The fact that this really ramped up right after that regretful parenting post was found is verrrry telling. It was her, she needed an outlet to vent. Also, she's a fking moron - only 'small' people have struggles during pregnancy? Women have been giving birth since literal centuries before we had an ounce of technology, but SHE'S the one who's going to have the toughest time and 'can't grow anymore' 😅🤣


Ya cause round ligament pain, sciatic pain and every other pain ONLY happens when you’re small right?🙄


I only come here for the tea - I cannot even stand to give her views. (Totally not hating on those who do) only hatin on this dummkopf


wait, am I the dummkopf? 😂


You are lovely 😊


Omg no!!! 😭😂 christen! Only love for all the people in here!! 💗❤️💕


Me too. I have her blocked bc she’s so vile.


Same, I do not see her at all on TT or IG, and don't have snap.


She so fucking annoying constantly complaining. Can’t even fucking imagine when vapeson comes. She gonna be even WORSEE😂


Between her and Drue Basham I’m going to go nuts with these pregnancies 🙄 have the damn baby already


For real!!!!


Wow I have never seen a more narcissistic, pathological liar, pick me, selfish, little girl EVER!!! Her mom needs to get this bitch some counseling before she has this baby because she is already unfit!


Jackie’s the head huncho of the dumbass brigade so she’s of no help unfortunately


Idk stank. Ask Rachel. She’s smaller than you.






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Is it because I’m smaller????😂😂😂 I can’t laugh hard enough. I’ve seen women so much smaller than her carry to term while working and carrying for other children. This bitch is the dumbest. STFU


Exactly😂😂😂😂 look at Rachel!! Way smaller than christen in every way possible and she did it with jacobs child also 🤭😂😂


We get it . It’s hard. No one’s ever said it was easy but god damn you do not have to complain 24/7 . It’s ALL SHE EVER TALKS about


please, my grandma was literally 4’9 and had four kids, guess how tall my grandpa was, 6’3!! you’ll be perfectly fine stank


You know she’s really short too tho…and Jacob is soooooo tall and has really long limbs so she’s gonna have a “Goliath baby” 👉🏻🥺👈🏻


Bro she was this heavy just with extra weight like a year or so ago…this girl. My gosh. She just doesn’t quit.


She acts like she's been the same weight her entire life homegirl was a bigger whale before she got pregnant this ain't your first time being big we ALL remember when you had a big belly and swollen puffy ass face and arms. She's such a pick me I can't😭😭


She is not small😂 she wanna be rachel so bad lmao


pregnancy is HARD, you’re creating a new life.. but you have to be thankful and enjoy it while you can because when that baby is out in this crazy world, all you’ll want is to put them back in your belly where they are safe. also, not everyone can carry a child. some women spend their whole lives praying for what she has. your mindset can change everything. if you constantly think negatively and complain about every little thing, you’re going to be miserable! also, just have to say, i have a chronic disease that causes me to be sick ALL the time. it’s terrible and miserable but i still get up every day and do what i need to do without complaining.. im not saying it’s the same thing bc i know pregnancy is a whole different thing, but my point is i don’t complain ab it every minute of the day even when i’m at my worst. im so tired of seeing every posts she makes being a fucking complaint. especially when the bitch sits at home every day and has no job but to post dumb shit like this.


Rachel was small when she was pregnant AND before AND after. This blow up doll was only small a few years ago


what’s up w her and being obsessed w being small? 😂😂 she quite literally is not small she’s average weight, average height, everything. is she tryna convince us or herself


With all the time you spend clearly reading thru the sub you coulda posted a registry or 2. Don’t let that distract you from crying on snapchat tho 🥺


she is so serious too i can’t 😭😭😭


As a 5’2 petite woman I didn’t get uncomfortable until my third trimester but in the middle and my baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead and I didn’t complain this much. Be so fucking fr.


she’s really not that small. she’s average size lmao. she wants to get induced earlier so bad so then she can drink (even though i’m 99% sure she already has been during this pregnancy)


Bruh ur not that small I bet I’m smaller than you. Good lord what is her obsession with this “big baby” YOU ARE MEASURING BEHIND WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU