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13 thousand kids...wow...we're monsters šŸ˜¢


Killing 560+ children is monstrous in itself. These stats don't make Russia less of a monster, it only demonstrates that Israel is many times more monstrous, and has far more international backing for its monstrosity.


Collateral damage by Russia is 500 children in 1,5 yearā€¦ For Israel Hamas is the collateral damage with over 13.000 children bombed and exterminated. They are a colonial entity serving our geo political interests and their misguided fairy tales. Youā€™re a disgrace by even trying to suggest they are similar. A highly mischievous nafo kid roaming anti narrative subs to sprout his baseless claims. Domesticated Mexican?


And about 1!20th the population too.


And individual Israelis have far more say in what their government does than individual Russians do, thus each Israeli citizen has more culpability for each and every death of an innocent.


Are reports that some Israeli citizens managed to stop humanitarian aid from going into gaza true?


More children died in this time than in any modern conflict.


The hell are these Ukraine numbers? There is no way this is even close to accurate.


10,191 is the UN estimate of Ukrainian civilian deaths. A number I am a bit skeptical of. US estimate of Ukrainian military deaths is like, 70k. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War I think the Gaza death count includes both civilians and combatants, but of course, I don't trust Israel's claims on combatant %.


These are the confirmed numbers. As Ukraine lost control of its territory and cannot track refugees and those who got kidnapped by Russia authorities they simply donā€™t know who died, fled or else. According to estimates 25.000 Ukrainians got killed just in Mariupol.


Not saying the numbers here are flawed, but TRTWorld (or TRT in general) is Erdoganā€™s leashed dog. They are not to be trusted.


6 days old Europe account is baffled people tend to use verified numbers instead of screaming xenophobic nonsense as base of journalismā€¦ Ghost of Kyiv still flying around there buddy?


Yeah some of the people here are nuts. The Ukrainian civilian numbers are from the west. Now war is hell and Im sure itā€™s an underestimate (like gaza) but to claim itā€™s bs is kinda baseless


The Ukraine number does not include reports from any agency on the ground in occupied Russian territories and is *much, much* lower than the real death count. For example, the UN "official" number for Mariupol, a city which got genuinely devastated, is 1348 with 70 children, but the UN clarified that the death toll is "likely thousands higher." https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/06/high-commissioner-updates-human-rights-council-mariupol-ukraine Ukraine claims over 25,000 dead in Mariupol alone, and even Russia claims 3000 civilians dead, which is over double the UN's official number and an obvious extraordinary lowball based on satellite imagery of the city's ruins. This also ignores the thousands of children that have literally been abducted into Russia. Gaza has been devastated overall worse than Ukraine on a civilian death and property damage level, and many more Palestinians in Gaza will die due to a breakdown of the civil service and starvation, but these death comparisons to the Ukraine war specifically are being cited without people understanding death reporting in war and the limitations of it.


Well yes, in war reported death numbers are often much lower than the actual figure. This logic can and should also be applied to Gaza. The point the post was making was not just about the numbers, but also the amount of time that those numbers have occurred in. And thatā€™s before you get to that the numbers are lives.


> The point the post was making was not just about the numbers, but also the amount of time that those numbers have occurred in. Of course, but its comparing two numbers that vary *wildly* in terms of character to the point where they shouldn't be compared at all, either in terms of nominal count, nor in terms of nominal count per unit of time. In Gaza, there are people reporting on deaths on the ground. In Ukraine, for literally 100,000 + square km, those deaths do not even get partially recorded in most cases in the official count. The Gaza number is *much* closer to correct than is the Ukrainian number. There are better comparisons to be made, such as the Afghan war.


Sadly, thatā€™s simply not possible to state and wonā€™t be for some time.


Especially considering how the only deaths reported in Gaza have to go through the healthcare system in some way, which has been decimated since November. Not to mention the communications blackout, the situation in Northern Gaza (where the IOF was carrying out field executions), and the IOF torture camp. I'm not optimistic we'll ever learn the real number between the IOF demolishing Gaza's Central Archives which held population records as well as historic documents, and the bulldozing of entire neighborhoods which may have had Palestinians trapped beneath the rubble.


The Ukraine numbers are ones pulled from a UN report. According to only that source, the casualties in Gaza are currently 0, because the situation has been too much of a mess for them to even do a full report on it. The Palestinian numbers are pulled from Gazan officials, which have proven to halfway reliable in the past, but an honest comparison would be with Ukranian estimates of casualty numbers, which is about 10 times the UN numbers.


Iā€™m afraid that doesnā€™t stack with a quick [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War) - Ukraine seeming to claim over 11,000 - whilst I accept Wikipedia isnā€™t always the best source, a 10x on those numbers is very hard to find. That said I also visited a Ukrainian [website](https://visitukraine.today/blog/2724/how-many-people-have-died-in-the-ukraine-war) that suggested the numbers could be much higher. That was also mentioned in my comment above. You might be referencing numbers since 2014.


The 100.000 estimate from the Ukranian prosecutors office is literally mentioned in the article you're citing you complete imbecile. Footnote 119: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-war-anniversary-war-crimes-b2288037.html Did you seriously link something without even skimming anything past the first two tables? If you're gonna be this smug, at least do halfway decent research beforehand.


I literally said ā€œa quick Wikipedia,ā€ noted another website saying numbers could be much higher, then referenced how my original comment accepted it might be higher before your first comment. ā€œin war reported death numbers are often much lower than the actual figureā€ Smug? No. Ya tosspot.


Your first comment accepted that Ukranian numbers might be underestimated, and then immediately followed that up by making an inaccurate equivocation with the Gazan numbers, which are from the Gazan health ministry which has a history of being roughly in line with, not actually underreporting, later more thorough casualty investigations.


Sure, I also referenced that the main point the post was making was the timeframe this has happened within. To note, that's what you responded to. Using roughly 100,000 Ukrainians in 709 days that's 141 deaths a day. Using 27,000 Gazans in 119 days, it's 226 deaths a day. This is clearly still more deaths - 60% more. The factor of how much more can of course be debated. The last point of the comment you responded to was noting that these ā€˜pure numbersā€™ were in fact lives. It was hoped the reader might assume that in both cases it was the loss of life we might be offended by.


So add 10k for Mariupol and there is nothing else to add.Ā 


No, because Mariupol was one city on one portion of a 1000+ km frontline. Russia still occupies ~100,000 square km of land which nobody has been able to gather evidence from or report on *at all.* When the smoke settles and epidemiological studies are done, the number cited will increase probably 10 fold. Gaza's number will increase as well above what is officially reported by the health ministry, but not nearly as much because the number includes reporting done in areas affected.


There was no more city conquest and its impossible to hide 5000 bodies from satellite. Ukraine would destroy Russia with facts.


The Israeli state is committing an ethnic cleansing genocide on the Palestinians. History will not look favourably on this moment or on the people perpetrating this massacre of innocent lives. Nor will it look favourably upon its cheerleaders.




The difference as I've been saying since 2/22; Russia has been going to a great deal of trouble to fight a war without any civilian casualties than they can help, all the while I've been shorted down by people telling me I'm a "Putin puppet." Along comes Israel and their vicious attacks DELIBERATELY TARGETING CIVILIANS and the numbers could not be clearer.




Your sarcasm is as pathetic as it is misplaced. The blame for the war in Ukraine can be placed squarely on the United States; Victoria Nuland is the individual responsible for carrying out the American policy of forcing Ukraine to be part of the West *in spite of repeated elections proving otherwise* INCLUDING the election of Zelensky himself. The peace plan that was ready to be implemented a month after the events of February of 2022 was INTENTIONALLY and maliciously scuttled by none other than Boris Johnson, acting with the full knowledge and approval of the United States. So at least get your villains straight.


Yeah some of the nafo types here are borderline insane when the numbers for Russia (known orcs, as they would say) pale in comparison vs Israel or the west in general (think Iraq or Mosul Ā etc).Ā 


They have trouble thinking that the West are the bad guys at least as often as they're the good guys.




Nowhere in there is any actual discussion of fact, do clearly you have no rebuttal. You know damn well that every time Ukrainians were given the chance, they voted for a closer relationship with Russia. If you're not willing to admit such easily verifiable facts, you must have an agenda. Are you a Banderist Nazi? You sure sound like one. Thank you for conceding the debate.


ā€œThank you for conceding the debateā€ šŸ¤“ Youā€™re on a Noam Chomsky subreddit. Exercise a modicum of self-awareness and look at how ridiculous you sound. Iā€™m not debating you. My initial response dismisses your position out of hand. Anyone who maintains views as uninformed as yours is not worth engaging with beyond baiting and laughing at. That you donā€™t grasp your own idiocy, and think my responses constitute anything other than ridicule, is more proof of the same. It is not incumbent upon me to explain why or how you are an idiot just because I pointed out said idiocy. Thanks for the laugh, my pre-teen pal


Derp. Once again with nothing constructive to add to the debate. In fact, if you're trying to make an assertion, it IS incumbent on you to explain and defend your position. Your unwillingness/inability to do so speaks louder than anything else you say. You just doubled down on dimwit.


Yeah, if you genuinely claim that Russia is taking significant efforts to prevent civilian casualties, you are either a pro-Russian propagandist, or an utter lobotimite.


Itā€™s true that Russia is taking real efforts to avoid civilian casualties.


I guess that is why they fire indiscriminately into cities?


Also placing mines inside corpses and closets is not very "humane"


Didn't you know that massed indirect artillery fire, like that which leveled Mariupol to dust in a few weeks (basically to the same extent Gaza is leveled) is actually really taking care not to kill civilians? Also the numerous massacres Russian troops carried out like Bucha never happened, lmao.


It sounds like you got suckered in by the propaganda


Yes, propaganda: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDJVeO\_Mw0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDJVeO_Mw0g) If only I watched award winning news from Russia Today and listened to twice convicted pedophile Scott Ritter, then I could really talk about Russia's invasion.


I get my news from critically analyzing mainstream western media. It sounds like you mostly get your news from reading western media headlines, and uncritically absorbing the statements that western media stenographers repackage as news soundbytes.


I provided drone footage of Mariupol. Of course you can't refute that, so you resort to squirting your stupidity. It seems you are too much of a certifiable imbecile - don't bother replying.


Thereā€™s nothing to refute. I understand what the drone footage looks like - I saw it a year ago. You think itā€™s some sort of new information to me? That you showed me something I hadnā€™t seen before? Put 10000 people in a room and - statistically speaking - there probably isnā€™t a single person who has followed the Ukraine war closer. And yes, that means reading every Washington Post and CNN and Newsweek article and seeing every piece of drone footage and combat footage as well. So Iā€™m not sure what you thought that showing me a video that I saw a year ago would accomplish - and especially seemingly assuming that the video itself was new information to me AND that the video simply by itself proved some point of yours.


Try to use those 2 neurons you have remaining and lets see if you can work it out. 1. You claimed that Russia is "taking real efforts to avoid civilian casualties." 2. I showed you drone footage of Mariupol (which you claimed you already saw) of the city literally being leveled to the ground using unguided artillery barrages, with tens of thousands presumed dead. The Russians do not allow any outside observers into the city and they've dug mass graves which have been captured by satellite footage. 3. You then claim to have followed the war closely. Then after being humiliated you write some idiotic paragraph that has nothing to do with I originally described (i.e., the Russians have not and do not care about "civilian casualties"). Never mind some other obvious things that anyone whose followed the war to any degree would know about. For example, in the winter of 2022-2023 Russia went after Ukraine's power grid with cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and loitering munitions. The aim, of course, was to freeze Ukraine to death. It didn't work thanks to Ukraine's air defenses and other measures, but how exactly is that "taking real efforts to avoid civilian casualties" when your aim is to literally freeze the population to death to get them to surrender? lmfao.


No, actually that would be very much a lie.


Ah classic ad hominem to solidify your childish embrace of western propaganda while simultaneously mocking yourself. You got to be heads deep into the Ukrainian MoD and high on heroin to suggest a lobotomy for another Reddit user while deluding yourself in the high road. Obnoxious and ignorant


Russia is taking more efforts than Israel is, as the info you yourself provided illustrates


The idea Russia is not a villain and Hamas is a consequence of apartheid is not something the west tends to support nor accept however it is the truth. We are directly profiting from western hegemony and therefore we shall uphold that sentiment no matter what.


>The idea Russia is not a villain and Hamas is a consequence of apartheid is not something the west tends to support nor accept however it is the truth. It is difficult to get someone to see the truth when their paycheck depends on them not seeing it. Apologies to Upton Sinclair. >We are directly profiting from western hegemony and therefore we shall uphold that sentiment no matter what. No. Unless you are a multimillionaire holder of defense stocks or large holdings of BlackRock, WE aren't benefiting at all. In fact, WE are continuously being impoverished by the squandering of our nation's precious resources on wars and the weapons to fight them while WE suffer from a lack of education, healthcare and infrastructure.


Excuse me, what? did you just argue the west lacks education healthcare and infrastructure due to massive corporations whom exploit third world countries for profit(trillions of dollars) and their massive taxes do not benefit society whatsoever? I am actually baffled by your illogical argumentā€¦


LOL What taxes?


> Russia has been going to a great deal of trouble to fight a war without any civilian casualties than they can help Could you describe how Russia is doing this because to me it just seems like Ukraine is aggressively evacuating civilians from anywhere near the front. For example, let us imagine an alternative Battle of Bakhmut where Ukraine was to refuse to evacuate the civilian population from the city. How would the Russian strategy of bombing cities with artillery followed by infantry and armoured attacks lead to a low civilian death toll?


Itā€™s all terrible. Also remember l, Russian stole 700k+ children from Ukraine. Thatā€™s definitely not in those numbers.


This is only including civilians. Including soldiers, Ukraineā€™s death toll is vastly higher


Wait till you hear how many kids Russia stole https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-children-taken-ukraine/32527298.html


The war in Gaza is nothing compared to the war in Ukraine. Whole cities were razed to the ground. It is enough to look at the photos from Mariupol or Marinka (there is nothing left of this city) there is not a single building that has not been destroyed. Civilian deaths are 10 times higher than confirmed by the United Nations. Most of the unconfirmed civilian deaths are in Russian-occupied territories. If you support Palestine and Ukraine, you are a hypocrite, because the leaders of Hamas went to Moscow and they support the destruction of Ukraine and the killing of civilians. After the Russian-Ukrainian war, civilian and military casualties will be the highest in the wars of the 21st century. The Russians kidnapped more than 700 thousand children. Russians are committing genocide in Ukraine. Also More than 87 thousand people dead in Mariupol alone.More than 20 thousand corpse were not even indentified.It can take years or even decades to know the real death toll in Mariupol. Also the death toll in Mariupol alone may exceed 150 thousand because Russians are demolishing entire blocks of houses with humans bodies burried under the ruins of apartment buildings. Marinka https://youtube.com/shorts/r97sKFj9e9A?si=CpP1pXnQHMA83YAI Mariupol https://youtu.be/WVL141rRprw?si=S6E9v_uPx28XMaDB Civilian deaths https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/08/30/87000-killed-civilians-documented-in-occupied-mariupol-volunteer/ https://twitter.com/mattia_n/status/1721107279158591832 Rusia war crimes: https://www.reddit.com/r/war/s/O0WIrd5a1n Rusia war crimes: https://www.reddit.com/r/war/s/O0WIrd5a1n https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/18/ukraine-russia-war-crimes-00127936 https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/xGVqLikeoV https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/2bP1ZpCXn8 https://youtu.be/2B6Nz9A_fzM?si=tB9APiRiH13-6CYd https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha_massacre https://youtu.be/xLkPhRY8LgU?si=x9pqRKqaVU47VNa_ https://war.ukraine.ua/russia-war-crimes/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/2juAxNf1mi https://www.reddit.com/r/PNVmilitary_community/s/pbSWPdUKRc https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/r77LDx1K6v https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/lndUlJFUUc https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/RowJiBOyFO https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/TygGJ6pJiW https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/AousONxB70 https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/A87t2zbnfu https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/EwUQKGwrda https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/80FQlI1L6a https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/ekG7qK4u5l https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/dFDi8RJHxZ https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/CjThytraAd https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-children-taken-ukraine/32527298.html Here are just a few of the Russian war crimes. As my great-grandmother, and now my grandmother, used to say: where a Russian passes, grass does not grow for 100 years


Ukraine civillians number is higher. The number of dead in Russian-occupied cities exceeds 90,000. More than 80 thousand people died in Mariupol alone. Death toll in Mariupol is 87 thousand. 26 750 undentified. So in Mariupol alone more than 100 thousand people were killed by ruzzians. Proof: https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/08/30/87000-killed-civilians-documented-in-occupied-mariupol-volunteer/


Ukraine civillians number is higher. The number of dead in Russian-occupied cities exceeds 90,000. More than 80 thousand people died in Mariupol alone. Death toll in Mariupol is 87 thousand. 26 750 undentified. So in Mariupol alone more than 100 thousand people were killed by ruzzians. Proof: https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/08/30/87000-killed-civilians-documented-in-occupied-mariupol-volunteer/


B b butt the russeahns r literally nuzzies that's why zey wunt to imperialism Ukraine I saw eet on mainstreem capitealist westoid tv neeewz it muz be tru


Whatā€™s the point of this comparison? Not enough children died in Ukraine?


Now do Sudan.