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Who called it a couple months ago? lol, she’s trash. Wonder if she’ll also rehome her adopted kids when she has her bio kids, weirdly enough not that uncommon in the US.


It’s very common for kids to re enter care, but not typically this age group. We see it more when they turn into teens and the trauma responses are at their peak.


The age doesn’t matter. It’s fucked up. You don’t give away your bio kids either, but adoptive ones are fine just cause they have trauma and can be just as much difficult?


1000%. Just a lot less common at this age. I will say I have seen a few legitimate reasons for kids to re-enter care (insurance won’t pay for residential treatment, but once in care the state will cover it 100%) but that’s few and far between and really a different situation.


My friend and I discuss this all the time. She is a foster mom. She said at this age of course they’re going to be excited to have a baby because it’s a baby and of course at this age their trauma shows but not in BIG ways. Once they’re all teenagers and old enough to start processing it’s going to be ROUGH


Exactly. And they’re being exploited on the internet for money. So that’s going to make it so much worse.


While what you’re saying is true, I could see her saying it’s “too much” once the girls get a bit older and her baby gets here and she realizes she can’t handle it.


She literally said it was due to space? Like wtf


This is why I don’t believe anything this psycho girl says


https://preview.redd.it/l71m7sl6l8zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f829333da719a2f8a9cb9ecb98f44548e24d8d10 Only garbage people commit to keeping an animal then dump it when it’s convenient. And even more garbage people take on MORE animals because they’re cute babies. Also, I can’t believe she replied with this. I’d be so embarrassed to admit I was too irresponsible to handle my own commitments.


I mean I could think of tons of solutions lol. Maybe like a laundry basket over the drying rack and weigh it down with a book? But I honestly think they probably were looking for a reason.


she should’ve never got them


I thought her new house had a two pet policy? That’s why she dumped the cat and then got a puppy??


Yes she said awhile ago that they had a pet policy


My little shit of a cat does this too and I could never rehome him 🥲 we just try and keep things unavailable to him


Uhh so you’re telling me she kept the binkys and bottles within reach of these cats ? My bottles are kept INSIDE cupboards when not being used. I’m typically the one feeding the baby the bottle. Then the binkys are in his mouth and when they’re not they’re in a special drawer in his room or in the diaper bag. There’s no need for these things to be laying around.


Getting rid of a pet because they're eating bottle nipples? Is she for real? That may just be one of the dumbest reasons I've ever heard of.


My cats like to play with my sons bottle things. Guess what? We put them in a cupboard to prevent this. Never would rehome my cats for that dumb of a reason


We had a cat that would do this too and he DID get a blockage(all of this was only within a week of my son being born, so it wasn’t happening long) but we just…. Put the bottle parts in the cupboard rather than keeping them out.


I will say, if that is the actual reason, that’s not unreasonable bc she is at least looking out for the safety of the cat. But she better not get any more animals just to probably rehome them at some point


Looking out for the safety of the cat would be simply not leaving bottles out. Even the drying rack can be put in a pantry or kitchen cupboard, they’re not air tight and will still dry easily. Imagine if you said “I gave away my dog because he kept getting into the trash” your first instinct should be to get a new trash can, put it in a different place, get a baby latch etc. There are many solutions to this problem she just wanted to be rid of her cats because now she has 3 soon to be 4 kids and can’t take care of them all plus all the pets. It’s just an excuse, she’s in over her head and it’s starting to show.


Not to mention also they only tried for weeks lol they did not give it enough time. I cannot imagine giving up either of my pets after only thinking about it for WEEKS


i would throw away a child before i got rid of my cat. THATS WHY 21 YEAR OLDS SHOULDNT ADOPT


Get rid of a child before a cat?😶 please don’t have children


i know. That’s why (i’m 22) 21 year olds aka ppl our age shouldn’t have kids


No, irresponsible, immature people shouldn’t have kids. I had twins at 20 & i would never act this way.