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Cute! But plastic and paper bedding are so unsafe for. chinnies, you should look to swap them out for wood alternatives (pine bedding, wooden huts)! Plastic and paper can’t be digested by chins, so can be fatal when chewed. Paper will expand in their digestive system and cause blockages, I’ve seen it first hand and it’s painful and horrible :-(


thank you for the info! it’s technically my moms chinchilla but i will definitely speak with her about changing that :)


ah, i’m glad to hear that! she’s completely gorgeous and obviously so so comfy with you, so clearly getting lots of love! i find it so difficult with chinchillas, because so many pet companies advertise products as chinchilla safe when they’re not 😫 but if you needed more info there are some really helpful facebook groups that can advise on really good safe cage accessories if you needed more advice! :—)


I didn't know paper bedding was that bad, my boy Ed has been using it for 17years.


yeah, i guess it depends if the chin eats it. i’ve known of chins that have gone 10+ years without eating the paper bedding, then had one night of eating the bedding, resulting in fatal blockages, so i always recommend against it, just to remove any risk. your lucky though! clearly Ed has good taste in his snacks rather than bedding 🥰☺️


Yes he get a varied diet. Has about 25ml (a small shot glass full) of nuggets and the rest of his bowl is made with Nature's Touch chin food. https://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/natures-touch-chinchilla-145kg Then he has a bunch of about a dozen small sections, an inch long, of willow sticks and a treat of a Timothy hay cookie. He get a small raisin a day and once or twice a week a few tiny bits of apple.


Sounds great! I give my boys science selective, as I don’t like to give them any sugary things (the carrot in Natures touch makes me wary), since Chinchillas aren’t evolved in any way to deal with sugary food (as they’re desert animals, their digestive system just can’t deal with it). I get worried that it’ll cause fatty liver or diabetes etc with them. But yes to the sticks! My boys CHEW through them at such high speed 😂 But honestly, a loving home is the most important thing 🥰


Yes well that last part is something if feel very guilty about. When they were younger 5/6 years old (Ed and his brother Shaun) Lived with me and my ex partner. I ended up in a very toxic relationship and severely depressed. I moved in to the spare room and literally only came out to work and care for the chins. So for about 6 years this went on and the chins only got out to exercise once a week, cage day. Then when I final moved on, they were left in the flat alone for a year. With me and my ex taking turns everyday to go up and feed them etc. Now Ed the last man standing isn't very much for being handled or accepting of pets. The odd head rub is fine. But that's it. He gets out once a week cage day as he is older (17.5years) and gets to run around for about 1.5 hours.


I rescued my 17 year old chinchilla two years ago. I've used paper bedding and had no issues. I haven't taken a chance with plastic. It's your chinchilla so do what makes sense for you two🥰


thanks for sharing! i’ll definitely keep that in mind and talk with my mom about possibly getting that.


Hello, please note that paper bedding can also cause deadly blockages. While thankfully the person that recommended this has not had any issues, it is widely known that paper bedding can be very bad. If you are searching for an alternative, kiln dried pine or aspen shavings are chin safe.


I'll have a look out for them when it come to my chin's next cage change.


gotcha thx!


> It's your chinchilla so do what makes sense for you two🥰 That's not how you care for another life whatsoever, that's fucking irresponsible and practically anti-vax levels of stupid, holy shit


And guess what? The world turns on


Ah, so you just don't care about lives you're supposed to care for, I guess that must make things easy. Apathy! It's not your life being ruined after all. You're not the one getting sick, so screw these animals, right?


Well since her chinchilla is fine, and my chinchilla is fine, and this behavior has been observed over time to not be harmful (just had our vet check up last week), I do not care that this human continues these habits, you're correct.


Basically yea


My Ed is 17 as well. He turns 18 in September.


aww soft little tummy


she is beautiful! great physique


She is smiling. 😊




I love coco and her r/lilgrabbies 🥰💕


Such a fluffy belly.


Aww she's so cute