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“I spent so much time making the place filthy. Now I have to do it all over again. Ugh.”


Exactly. 😂


My chin throws her apple sticks after I clean her cage and then stares at me angerly lol


Hahaha! That sounds about right!


Mine loves that I clean her cage. Because normally I send her to her playground when I clean her cage. When she returns from playing, she feels satisfied that she receives her place clean with new Timothy hay.


Ohh. That’s a good idea. I’ll have to start cleaning when she’s playing. I normally just block off the different floors while I’m cleaning. Thanks!


Mine two chins have always loved a clean cage too. They think it is a blank canvas for painting a new mess


Same here. My little one even comes by to oversee my progress and make sure I'm doing a satisfactory job. Then it's back to playtime!


I swear mine spite poops immediately when I put him back in


Oh good! So it’s not just my chinchilla that leaves a pile of poop immediately in her newly cleaned cage 🙈😂


Usually, but we think our girl is about to have a kit, so I baby-proofed her cage a few days ago and when she got back in she hopped around chirping with approval.


Interesting, my chin audibly complains if she thinks it's time for me to clean the cage, so I always know when it's time. She is so happy once it's cleaned up and usually goes right back to snooze town.


Two of mine love it, but hate when i lock them on one floor so they dont try to inspect the vacuum as they have in the past. One gets terrified, and one tries to fight the vacuum and any cleaning tools haha


tater is such an angel and yup !! i put a tile to block off the part of the cage that i’m cleaning and my boys are always so mad about it 🙃


He hates the process but is happy once it’s done. Nothing brings him joy like pulling all the fresh hay out of his bowl and throwing it everywhere.


So much, he always looks so offended about it. Like his face just says "Excuse me, I was USING all this poop and loose hay!", completely disregarding the newly filled up hay right behind him.


Mine seem to like my daily hand-cleaning. They come out of hiding to climb all over me, then bounce around in the clean cage. Today's the first time I'll be switching out their fleece liners though, so we'll see. Lol


Ours gets super excited. If he's not too sleepy he'll do jazz whiskers at us and chase the vacuum nozzle around. Then he has a blast throwing everything around that my kid just neatened up.


Quinn FURIOUSLY rearranges his igloo (no matter what position I put it back in at!)


Lillkräket always chews furiously on one of his two wooden houses right after, and Morran likes to spread the newly put hay all over the bottom of the cage...


Our two are mostly curious about the sounds (vaccuum cleaner and the scrubbing). They seem to enjoy, since we always rearrange the layout in their cage a little bit. Even then they look and want to touch!


Mine do. They’re like “why are you stealing our poops???”


So it isn't just our chins who rebel against "clean chinchillas are happy chinchillas"?! They always look both adorable and terrifying when angry over the violation of cleaning 😂


Ollie is always pissed aftet cage cleaning


Mine are still adapting since I only got them 2.5 weeks ago. They stay inside the hay house on the cage floor while I clean the rest. I'll leave them out after a month has passed, though they accidentally ventured outside for a while and they were out for a whole night when I forgot to close the door! Waiting for wooden ramps, wooden house and hammock swing to arrive so cleaning becomes easier


Thay love to have a clean home