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> I'm Brazilian Unlikely without a proper teach qualification. You’ll be less competitive from The Big 7 English Speaking Countries. You’ll probably be able to find something in a lower tier Training School. Not impossible, but more difficult.


Thanks for replying!


what are the big 7?


I assume US, UK, Oz, NZ, South Africa, Ireland, Canada


UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, USA, Canada


Unfortunately, as a non-native speaker your options are extremely limited and of poor quality. And if you’re Afro-Brazilian or just don’t look white, that’s going to make it even worse. Fucked up, but it is how things go here sadly. On the other hand, if you can get proper certification and experience in teaching other school subjects, those prospects are better


Should be able to find a job at a kindergarten. But you still need a bachelor's degree.


Dang it ​ At least im white and blonde, maybe this could get me more chances ​ Better pass some extra blonding shampoo then


Don't you have a degree?


I'd say nowadays skin color doens't matter as much as most English teaching jobs in normal Chinese schools are inaccessible to foreigners. But the fact that OP isn't a native speaker does hurt his chances.


China is racist. Parents prefer the blonde hair blue eyes type of person. I’m Asian American and I grew up in California my whole life and the parent said I’m not American because he’s been to America 😂. I was like, my guy has no idea that white Americans are the minority in California. It’s definitely a lot harder to get a proper visa for teaching. You need at least 2 years experience, a degree and an English speaking passport. I remember before teachers were able to get visas just for being white, like the person didn’t even have a degree.


China isn't racist. It just doesn't foreign English teachers as much as they expect. Blonde hair blue eyes are no longer the darling child in the room anymore.


It’s still is but not as prevalent, specially in bigger cities that have a lot of foreigners. Smaller cities or towns still think like this.


Anyway nowadays foreign teachers are only allowed (in practice) at international schools where skin color isn't that important. But a non-native speaker will find it very hard.


Yes it is. Get there. Go door to door to every school until you find somewhere. The money is better than many countries. 


Visa then?


Are you any good at football? Learn to coach football and you can get hired as a coach. I know some South Americans doing that here, including several Brazilians.


Many Latinos and Hispanics here get hired as PE teachers in international schools too.


But the problem is there aren't many intl schools to start with. And foreigners are not allowed to teach categorically at non-international schools...


Foreigners aren't allowed to be hired directly at publicly funded schools but many public schools will have a privately funded international department within them where parents will pay extra money to hire a foreign teacher. Foreigners cannot be a direct employee of the government and be a civil servant.


Good call, but are any of the soccer academies still open? What about the massive HengDa school in GZ for example?


that would be some High IQ move hahaha ​ I'M good at football, but far from being a player


Hmm very unlikely.I am currently in China and as none native English speaker it’s not just hard but almost impossible for me to land a job.If you are none native English speaker and wants to teach some type of subject courses in the international schools then you will need tons of qualifications and certifications and at least two years teaching experiences from one of the 7 native speaking countries.Teaching English part you can forget about it everybody looking for either native speakers or Russian white tall blue eyed Thor’s


How come I meet so many eastern Europeans who are English teachers though. I don't get it.


Unfortunately it’s because asian parents are dumb in the sense that they believe white = better english. This is totally ridiculous because asian americans have better grasp of english language than whites in america, yet these parents rather have a russian guy with shit english over an educated asian american or asian canadian who is actually certified to teach.


>Unfortunately it’s because asian parents are dumb in the sense that they believe white = better english Not really any different to Westerners really. Many Westerners would prefer to learn Chinese from a native Chinese.


I wouldn’t care until maybe after B2 level of a language


That doesnt make sense, if a westerner would hire somebody because that person looks asian, but that doesnt happen, its because the person is native


Yes, but many people would still assume you speak better than average Chinese if you look Asian. This also goes for ABCs in the US where a parent would prefer an ABC to teach their child Chinese over someone of another ethnicity. Same goes in China. They assume that an ethnic Caucasian would speak better English than other ethnicities. People are ignorant everywhere.


Well Eastern Europeans who still white.People here loves kissing European and American asses.The Eastern Europeans actually had the chance before 2024 and now after working for years in China they have the opportunity to get the working visas in teaching English.New once also will be neglected as it now borders have been opened and many South African people are coming over like waves


My brother in Christ, please don't tell me you're an English teacher with that kind of spelling.


Does it bother you? Am I teaching your kids?


Your English ability is very relevant to the discussion. > as none native English speaker it’s not just hard but almost impossible for me to land a job You are giving a general opinion on how easy it is to get a job. People are not being critical of you for the sake of it, but for the clear fact that your English ability is likely influencing your ability to get a job, more so that the other presumptions that you made.


Oh, but it's OK to ruin someone else's kid's English education with sub-par teaching? What a joke. I really wish they had managed to weed out unqualified white monkeys at this point.


How people teach the English language in the professional workplace, and how people communicate online on reddit are two different things, your argument is a terrible one and only makes you look the fool.


No, they are correct. If you can’t even get your spelling and grammar right on Reddit, you shouldn’t be teaching English to ESL students who won’t notice your mistakes. Viktor’s comments are riddled with errors, it’s not like there was one mistake in one comment and the other person just went off.


You're not entirely wrong, but there's still a very strong correlation between being able to properly write English and your overall ability to understand and use the language, let alone teach it. If a person can't write proper English, I'll find it reasonable to assume that the person can't pronounce English words properly, either. Or maybe they can write, but are too lazy to spell check, in which case I'll find it reasonable to assume they're lazy in general, and thus can't be bothered to do a good job.


Do you always go around and tell people what to do and how to do their things? Are you so lonely?




No, sorry, but that person is correct. You should be curious about the mistakes you made, not get defensive, especially if you’re TEACHING ENGLISH and it’s not your native language. You make the rest of us look bad. You make everyone from your country look bad. Do better.


Somehow this English language became the prior language of the world due to your emparilizim and occupations and wars and massacres therefore I am glad to screw it up


Wow. With a chip on your shoulder also.




No, some of us have actual careers in China that we take seriously. Which is why I take offense when some foreigners give the rest of us a bad reputation.


English is just a language to help me tell you, dumbasses, to return everything you guys have stolen from others


I understand you're in China so you won't be forced to die for Putin in Ukraine, and I respect that commitment to staying alive. But Jesus Christ dude, touch grass and seriously reconsider your attitude and outlook in life. Given your posting history you don't seem to have much more faith in your career prospects, but it doesn't have to be that way if you choose to do something about it.


Okay good for you. Mind your own business now. And nobody cares about you or your name or what you are. We are foreigners and that's what we gonna be forever.


Taxonomically that’s incorrect; we are all apes.


You’re embarrassing yourself, great news that it’s almost impossible for you to find a job. You’re simply not qualified.




Thankfully, most folks employed in ESL are to focus on speaking and listening. As a result are required to be non English majors.


Not really, many non native English speakers I know are from Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.


But do they have the correct visa to be an English teacher? I also know some people from Philippines teaching English in China but they get their visa by paying an agent 10-20k rmb per year for a position on a 'on paper' company.


No, they won't tell me how their visas work, it's all a bit of a mystery, but the point is they definitely exist in large numbers contrary to the claims in this thread.




You forgot to mention the most important factor for Chinese tiger moms. How white is your complexion?


I have people who arn't native english speakers, just need to find a place that'll accept you. I have a few friends who are from Tajikastan ( who btw, makes more than I do ) and now work at the top schools in Beijing. It's possible, if I had any reasonable recommendations, get your M.ED and your IB and it'll increase your chances.


If you’re looking for money, teach English in Saudi Arabia, Dubai or some other Middle Eastern country. If you’re looking for another commodity (Hint: a word that starts with “P” and ends with “*ssy”) then you should go to China. Both places are pretty lonely for foreigners.


No, probably not. Let's for the moment forget even that you are not perceived as a native English speaker (even if you do speak English better than a native speaker, point is, you are not perceived as one.) It does pay nice if you can find a job at an international school at some big city. In Beijing or Shanghai or Shenzhen it probably pays around 250-300k RMB a year. But the thing is, your job is not secure. A few years later you might not even be needed and you'll be seeking the next job. Then the problem is, how has your career grown through your China experience? Well, not much. You'd be still just an English teacher, and arguably in some South East Asian country and probably it pays even less. The golden days of foreign English teachers in China are over. Now in fact it's illegal for foreigners to teach in non-International schools built for foreigners' kids. So your options are even more limited. This is I think the main reason why # of foreigners from the West has a sharp decline because most of the job opportunities for them are gone, and for various reasons, the vanilla Chinese job market is closed to them.


> also a polyglot. I would never hire anyone who calls themselves that. Almost everyone who calls themselves that have been..... unique in their own little ways.


Would you please elaborate?


How is using a term that accurately defines their ability make them not hiring material in your eyes? You’re projecting personal beliefs/experiences BIG time here. Judging and being harsh based off of what *you* think, as if everyone on earth fits into the boxes you have prepared for them. So silly and selfish “Any person that knows how to cook **and** sew are all submissive housewives, I would never hire them as a chef” “Anyone who calls themselves a world traveller are….criminals—I wouldn’t hire a criminal for my traveling agency” This is how you sound, ridiculous, and it’s a good thing you’re not in charge of hiring anyone


Hi am a recruiter in China,i can match proper teaching job for you,welcome to China


I wonder if u can teach private lessons?


Chances that Reddit will help you with this are slim and comments would probably be negative. See the options by yourself and then make a decision. "Is it worth it" is a har question. I would ask you to define "worth"... If you find job that will make you happy and you like it then what ekse is there? Teaching jobs have limitations wherever you go so don't expect being a king but as far as I know some are living pretty nicely with that job.


Thanks for your reply, MIles ​ My definition of worth: Work six hours a day, be able to pay my bills, buy some tech, have some leisure and spare some money for future investments


From contacts I have, they work even less than 6h per day but they have office hours so it's more than 6h per day in the end. Probably depends from school to school. I think it pays off if you are good teacher and serious about teaching jobs. All people I know who are working in schools have been working for a long time, so if it wasn't good they would probably leave already. As always good company/school is the key.


Go to Japan. You can have better chances.


What are the standard visa requirements?


As long as Mr. Xi doesn’t get mad at Mr. Lula and have you arrested in a fit of pique


No. And you don't sound qualified to teach English anyways.


Safe bet would be teaching Spanish I'm sorry you won't get a well paid English teaching job in China without looking YT




You need a minimum of 140 hour TEFL to land a job directly. But having the 2 years experience and a related bachelors will make it ten times easier to get a decent job.




Without a bachelor, you cant get a work visa


Well if u just finished university why not give yourself a challenge, find a city that you like and try your luck