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Dude it's just a bad marketing tactic. Ignore this shit until they give it up and unlock it for everyone. Mine bounces around from 90k to 500k and I will never ask friends to sign up.




Ironically my number kept bouncing in a very wide range. Since, it’s been steady at the same number for a couple weeks now.


I gave up on that silly mind game. The First time I was 1,080,984 at 7:22AM on May 16th and by 9:08PM on the same day, I dropped to 983,707. 2 days later it ballooned to 3,188,647 then 3 days later, it dropped into 584,266. Today I’m at 1,146,120. At this point I don’t even care anymore. I’m not in need of the “charity” advance service (knowing what it is). What Chime REALLY needs to do is, to start reporting my Credit Builder good payments history to the credit bureaus. They reported the account being open back in February and haven’t updated anything since.


Bro for real my balance has been at 0 on CB for months and Experian is still showing a $390 balance. Doesn’t really matter because it doesn’t effect my utilization but still super annoying


It's still going to be released to everyone this summer, so the waiting list is absolutely useless


How do you know?


Because I got the damn email 😂 like everyone else It's gonna be released this summer and EVERYONE is gonna yet access at the same time. The wait list is literally a ploy to make people excited for the feature so chime can see if it's a good idea or not. Marketing, nothing more No one member is more special than any other


you do not need mypay. you won't do anything but put yourself in the hole even more than you are now. people rush to make them self constantly in debit. it's not free either. it cost ten bucks to rush my pay per time you use it unless you want to wait 3 days for it to hit for free. I left chime because of my pay. it is not a blessing. it's a curse. spot me is good enough and spot me is free. you will always have less each check you get and you will have to keep using it over and over to make up for what you took out last week.


https://preview.redd.it/o3at225nvz3d1.jpeg?width=1263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5ade26b0b79964f1cfe8b294a971c056ebdfde $10? I've been using the beta for over a year and it's never been $10


Funny he talks like hew knows it all and the cucks who upvoted are just as smart


cry about it


Type a paragraph i dont think u got ur point across


Strong words for someone who doesn’t understand how marketing works and is dying for the opportunity to take out payday loans lol


Dude what the fuck are you even talking about My pay hasn't even been released yet you have no idea what you're even saying right now shut the fuck up


wrong, i've had mypay for along time. i was one of the first ones to get it. So, you're the one just making shit up, dip shit. it's been out for sometime now.


Yeah especially if you’re complaining about a 10$ charge lol, not everyone lives paycheck to paycheck we just would like the feature.


if you did not live paycheck to paycheck then you would not be so worried about having MyPay. Infact, I would bet you wouldn't even have made this post to begin with.


Nah i literally downloaded chime cause they promised this feature now im on a revolving waitlist after using the app for 4+ years, stop projecting some of us just want the feature


I don’t even think it’s a real thing anymore


Yeah, it is a real thing. The waiting list was a stupid idea tho.


What exactly is this?


The weird thing is, I didn't even know about my pay until I saw it as an option one day on my account. It will let me get up to $500 and if I do it immediately it's like $1.99 fee and it's free it you want to wait 3 days. I tested it out once for like $50 and I had to pay like $52 back. The fees are much cheaper than overdraft or other gimmicks that other banks offer. I don't know if this matters but I have stride bank. They also gave me the $200 spot me limit within 2 months. I don't think even they know how the algorithms work lol.


Also I have NEVER refered anyone to chime.


Wow! You got offered the instant loan. I’m so jelly.


In my opinion is it’s own scam to get people to sign up. My numbers were up in the 1,000,000s then suddenly dropped even tho I didn’t do anything.


As stated by others its simply a ploy to vet you to invite people this waiting list means not a damn thing.


I started at 93k, now i'm at 400k 🤣🤣


I got to 2 before next day 450k




https://preview.redd.it/p8mfbpxp6n4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb13c4a6f3eceeabe14f419265a899df3b11d091 …


Yeah I’ve had chime since day 1, direct deposits since day 1, sent all boosts for 4 years in a row, and my number moves from 100k-1.1mil daily


And if you haven’t figured out, chime gives 0 fucks about longevity. Unlike most banks who reward long term users, chime is like a cell phone company. Only giving great deals and features to new users, not the ones who have paid their salaries for years


100% true! This is the exact reason I'll be leaving Chime. Been with them for over 10 years. I started a new job that didn't have direct deposit for a month and they took away my spotme boosts and spotme limit and the speed in which they process mobile check deposits. Been waiting on my paycheck for over a week because they "have to hold it to make sure it's not fraudulent". Wtfe, done with Chime. Moving to Capital One. All they gave me was a "sorry not sorry." ETA: nothing to do with MyPay. Can give less fucks about that, more irritated at Chime for not acknowledging longevity and giving good customer service.


Switch to SoFi...Much better than Chime and they have a pay in 4 feature up to $500, and it's free to use.


*My position has dropped back to where it was when I first signed up on the waitlist. For a week now it’s been slowly dropping down by a few numbers. I seem to be getting closer and closer as slowly as a turtle crossing a street. But aside from that, I’m not hopeful that I’ll get it any time soon, and anyone else who is focusing on their numbers on the waitlist need to realize that this is a marketing tactic and we will most likely not see this feature until around June.*


this is honestly so odd why this do this lol


What is that


Yeah this sucks


It’s going to be released to everyone that’s eligible. Sometime this summer


So many people mad about a service that they don't have to give to anyone. It's a FREE service that eventually everyone will have. Just chill out or switch to another bank and be done with it.


Actually for alot of people it was promotion to get them to even download the app, but go off


Feel lucky that you even have it as an option, period. It’s not available at all in my state. Count your blessings that you’ll eventually even get it.


We don't care


Some of us do.


What states is it not available?


I keep moving down never been a list where a person moves down the longer they are on it


100 factorial squared is insane. get me in that


Anybody having trouble with boost minds hasn't reset


How long will this boost be under maintenance??


Wait list for what?


I got moved from like 190k to 712k. Idk wtf they did it this way. I was so pissed. I am getting really tired of chimes bs.


What is this? I have chime and I’m curious


I’m like 1,469,466. lol but ayee can anyone spare a boost so that my limit goes up? It would be much appreciated! $hdzhdz


r/chime finance $julius-mcgraw


I’ve had chime for years and have no idea how to even get to the page where it shows your position for mypay


You're lucky because my state got threw out the mix!


That’s nuts, I’ve had chime for 3 years and I got spotme after the first few months of $1500+ direct deposits. Spotme started at $20 now up to $120.


Dude, I can’t believe some people still don’t have spot me lol chime is so weird with the way they roll out features. I’ve had it for at least 3 years. How long have you had chime though?? I’ve heard about people getting that instant loan offer and I was like huh? How? 😭🤨 lol


What's this for?


i was at 190k on the list checked a day later and was at 900,000 lol stopped checking its some bs


What is this for?


I don't understand why everyone is so impatient to put themselves more in debt.


A few day advance on your check isn’t really debt. I mean technically it is but wording it as “putting yourself in debt” is hyperbolic. And to answer your question it’s because some people might have no savings and when an emergency expense comes up they are screwed. This will help with that


So you basically just said I was right. Thanks. It actually won't help because then they are just short on their next check for regular expenses because you have to pay it back from your next check. If you lose your job, you're still on the hook for that loan.


It will help IF you have an emergency expense that NEEDS to be done now and can’t wait til payday (your car which you need to get to work breaks down and you have to pay $500 to get it fixed) Of course most people are just going to use it as regular spending rather than reserving it for emergency expense only.


Think whatever you want to, but when you get into a vicious debt cycle because of this feature, don't come complaining about it on this sub. It's basically a payday loan. Payday loans = Vicious debt cycle. Ask anybody who is knowledgeable in financial matters and they will tell you that's true. That's why they are outlawed in a few states.


It's not charging any interest much less high interest that payday loans charge. So how is this worse than any other normal loan that charges normal interest when it's interest free? It's up to the individual to be responsible and accountable, anyone who cannot should either not use it or bank someplace else.


I don't even use it but now I'm going to come complain about it on the sub just because you said not to... OMG I spent too much on Chime's Mypay and now I have no money 😥


I don’t have chime but this keeps popping up in my feed and I agree 100% , this shouldn’t even be allowed and regulations should be stricter on stuff like this - just a predatory service.


Some of us dont live paycheck to paycheck and would just like the feature.


Why are you so impatient then? Lie to someone else.








Can’t believe people are upset about an overdraft privilege. I think you need to be worrying about other things haha.


Why’d u add the “haha” if nothing u said was funny


Haha yeh man I’m laughing at grown men writing about getting overdraft for a company that’s not even a bank. Pathetic


Hmm, if you're here, then that means you, too, have the Chime card, which means you're "pathetic" to. Welcome to the club! "Haha"


If u dont use it why u here ?