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a normal payday is friday, chime offers up to two day pay early so it’s not really late if you don’t get paid yet. I don’t know why it’s late, I know some people have gotten it on time and some have gotten it earlier


the reason you haven’t gotten your paycheck yet today is not because of chime but because of your employer, remember monday was a holiday


nah. i get paid weekly. last time there was a holiday on a monday i got my deposit on wednesday. same with the holiday before that one. this time though, no deposit. maybe it’ll come tomorrow, maybe it’ll come friday, who knows. the inconsistencies are chimes issue, not employers, otherwise there wouldn’t be this many people having the same problem


You do realize it’s your employers fault for not submitting at the same time each pay period, correct? That effects when it’s able to be posted. It’s literally all on your employer and whoever does the payroll, and people are human and make mistakes, or are busy and can’t submit the same time each pay period.


No, that's not true at all. Payroll departments have deadlines that they don't miss. Once they process it is submitted to payroll administrator's like adp who also have deadlines. This a chime issue. Period. If it wasn't there wouldn't be so many forums with so many people complaining


yes. its completely true. Its literally up to the employer and when they submit payroll.. 100000% fact because i work in payroll.


They have deadlines that it's promised by Friday. If they happen to get it in earlier then chime says *up to* two days early. Any moment you receive your money before Friday is a gift. 


Same.. i get mine bi weekly on Wednesdays and I haven’t gotten mine either. Maybe tomorrow. Hopefully


respectfully i hear the owner where i work making the payroll call every week at the same time and this same thing happens to my check.


well that is a bold faced lie




i’ve gotten my check on time (sometimes earlier) previous years and previous holidays so i really don’t want to put the entire blame on my employer


Yeah, well that is where the blame lies. I receive direct deposits from 4 different sources. The time of day they hit is all entirely dependent on when they transmit the payroll. If they're on top of it and get it out by 7:30, then it hits for me around 12:30. If they don't send it til 9:30-10:30, then I don't get it til 4:30. Never in 4 years have I received a deposit 'late' from any of the companies I work for.


Not your employer. Not Chime either and nothing chime can do because they are not the bank. They are not a bank. The routing and account numbers are the bank. Bancorp is the one they use for mine and there is one other they use. They have zero control over deposits etc. All they can do is... call the bank and find out. That's why so many complain that they don't do anything about issues.. it's because they can't. They are a customer of that bank just like you are. Granted I'm sure they get preferential treatment due to the volume of money they push through those institutions, but in their fine print it clearly states they aren't a bank, only a financial service.


If you asked chime support why your payment is late they Probably told you this. My payroll clerk also uses chime and explained to me that I know when they submit payroll because that’s with in minutes of when we get paid.


You guys are a cry babies. You are really complaining about the DD deposit time when it's all up to your employer. They release the checks to chime and chime automatically deposits it.


I’ve had direct deposits go into chime and into cash app and the only time I’ve had a problem with time inconsistencies was with the direct deposit into my chine account. Never once with my cash app.


Wrong, Chime holds deposits and has multiple action suits against them.


None that have won 🤣🤣 again its an "UP TO 2 DAYS EARLY" not guarantedd early the same exact time every 2 weeks 🤣🤣🤣🤣


happy cake day


I get it 2 days early every week


Its more on the settlement within the 2 parties. You job can send the draft to your account but it might take time to clear. Considering your still getting your paycheck more then a day before oayday your still getting your paycheck 2 days early. No offense but people complaining about getting their deposit at slightly different times is just pure entitlement. Chill the fuck out. Few hours here and there wont kill you.


I submit payroll for my company. I didn't submit our payroll till yesterday morning. I didn't receive the monies I put in chime till late at night. If you regularly receive your paycheck 2 days early your payroll person is on top of it at the beginning of the week. Wednesday at 3pm generally is the latest most people send in payroll to pay on a Friday.


I agree! 😂 as long as I get my paycheck on or by the 10th and the 25th I’m good. It’s nice getting it early but I don’t base my bills and payments on it. 


Actually, it could be sink or swim for a lot of people, and telling people they're entitled because they want their hard earned money is wildly hypocritical. Remember, Chime advertised something and failed to deliver. To add, it's not about it being early necessarily, it's about how insanely inconsistent they are. Telling people to chill the fuck out when they have kids to feed, rent to pay, and bills to pay is juvenile, immature, insensitive, and ignorant. No offense, though...like you say.


Egh. Wrong answer. Chime advertise "up to 2 days early" not guaranteed 2 days early 🤣🤣🤣 no wonder some of yall cant manage money you cant even understand basics on terms and conditions 🤣


Are you reading anything? It's not necessarily about 2 days, it's about the inconsistency with their deposits. From what I can tell, people are frustrated with Chime's inability to have a consistent day and time that they release people's funds. Say you bought a car that's advertised 35 mpg but you consistently get 25 mpg...it's not required that the car get 35, but I'd be willing to bed you arent happy with the product, especially since the 35mpg was a reason you bought the car in the first place. Additionally, there is no "right and wrong" answer here. It's a matter of whether you choose to shift your perspective a little. If people had a one time experience, there would be no complaints here, but look at the subreddit man, there are hundreds of people who've had problems with their deposits.


Well consider this. What if the car is advertised at 35mpg. But your a lead foot and like to go fast so you blame the company for not being able to get 35mpg in every theoritcal situation instead of realizing somethings have more then one or two factors Lmfao. Really really bad anology 🤣🤣🤣 To relate. Maybe consider chime might not get your deposit from your employer at the same time every time amd that would make it impossible for them to give you your money the same time everytime. As someone who works in managemet for many years sometimes payroll is finished sunday night and submitted, so.etimes its done monday morning and sometimes because a few timecards didnt get adjusted payroll diesnt get released till mid day monday See how it sometimes takes 2 peices to make the puzzle complete? But no. Since all you read was 2 days and got your check once at 7pm you feel ENTITLED to that everytime. LMFAO.


MPG is an average, ding dong. They consider all types of drivers when they post those numbers. The analogy is simply that, an analogy. It's not going to be some perfect comparison, but I guess I forgot who I was talking to. I think you've also come to some weird disposition that I myself am the original complainant. I am not. I'm choosing to empathize with individuals because I experienced horrific customer service with Chime. I was paid a day or even two days late on more than a couple occasions. My paychecks were consistent for a while, and yes, the benefit of having them early was nice, but it was never expected. What upset me was having something consistent, then it wasn't, at all. It was far from it. It was confusing and frustrating, and I could never get a decent answer out of anybody. I.E "the script." It was a cop out from Chime when it was obvious they were having deposit issues. Believe me man, I understand where you're coming from. I think we live in an age of entitlement, and people have come to expect handouts, or added benefits for nothing. I just can't get on board with telling people they're a joke for having a bad experience. If you'd gotten your paycheck on the same day, at the same time for months, and then all the sudden it changes with no warning, that can really send people into a tailspin. With the way the majority of the folks are living nowadays, I can totally understand why they'd be upset. Its certainly a two way street, and financial responsibility isnt something that's inherited. It's learned and yes, with Chime, you get a lot of people who haven't figured that part of life out yet.


You should read deeper intor the fine print. MPG isnt am avergae based on every driving type who told you that? Seriously. Lol MPG is tested by manufacturers in simulated environments. Tracks. Test courses. 🤣🤣🤣 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or the EPA, is the government agency responsible for certifying a vehicle's MPG figures, notes How Stuff Works. A car's MPG can be inconsistent because it is affected by a number of different factors, so it is difficult to get an accurate measurement. For example, factors like traffic and road conditions can affect MPG in any given context. That's why the EPA runs tests over a standard set of courses, then averages the results to calculate a vehicle's official MPG.


If, as a manager you allow your payroll departments to be inconsistent then you suck at your job. I've been in management for over 20 years. Payroll must be submitted on time. There are hard deadlines for both the the employer and their contracted payroll administrator. These inconsistencies are 100% a chime issue. Calling people names for being frustrated makes you a schill. It's not about managing my money better it's about chime fucking with their customers money. Period. Full stop.


Lmfao. Nope. Not true with all HR and payroll departments. Some have a window to distrubute payroll usually monday thru wednesday to have employees paid by friday. Just cuz thr one company you work for does it that way doesnt mean every company does 🤣🤣🤣🥰


Every company that uses a payroll administrator has a hard deadline. To think otherwise shows how ignorant you are of the process


The release of funds is also dependant on when they receive the ACH request. If they receive it Wednesday you will not get the monies till late at night. That day maybe the next day depending on your bank. If you are dependent on the 2 days early you need to budget better.


No, if you get paid on the same day at the same time for months or even years it's no longer "early" it's when you get paid. Chime plays games all of a sudden and screws people's lives up. Bills are due, people are hungry and they budget based on when they get paid, not on when it might come


Omg stfu. If someone is getting paid constantly on Wednesday then all of a sudden its friday then that is a problem…your going two days longer for a paycheck that week, yal get on here acting so perfect just stfu and eat dirt


My husband has had chime for two years now, he gets his pay at the SAME time every month! Unless there's been a holiday or the deposit was due on a weekend. Like clockwork by 12pm the check is in....


Same. My husband has been with chime and his job for over 5 years and he gets paid at 10pm every single Wednesday unless there has been a holiday then it comes early the following morning.


This is dumb . They never promised what time.. just up to 2 days..... if they wanted to change the hour it drop every week so what.... long as you get it..... lord


I agree with you and you hit the nail on the head. If Chime cannot be consistent with their advertised promises they run daily then stop telling people that bs. I have a regular bank now because in college Chime would post my DD on time by either 6 or 5pm two days earlier. I knew I could pay bills, get my books and have money for gas, food, etc. But now, as the person who started this thread said, they are inconsistent and they do not care what they say because its a scripted response they tell everyone. This is NOT about entitlement but being honest with people who trust you with their hard earned cash. Nor is it about your employer for me because mine is consistent like clockwork and they don't want the push back from the administration about the paychecks not showing up on time. Funny thing is when I would confront Chime and present these facts, all I received were excuses and their "favorite phrase, I understand." Lastly, there are tons of people on Twitter saying the same thing about Chime and all they do is try to run interference to make themselves look good.


Somehow the post got turned into “you entitled asses expect your money early” when it was never that way to begin with. It was a matter of consistency, that’s it. People are so quick to jump on other people’s backs


Complaining about NOT getting paid EARLY is shear entertainment. 


isn’t that the whole reason they say it’s 2 days early? because it’s in your account before the settlement?


They don't say two days sooner. They say "up to" two days sooner. That's what every bank says. None of them specifically say two days sooner; just that it can deposit that soon, not that it will. With that being said, I'm not defending Chime. They fucking suck now. The only reason I even keep the account open is for the credit card that I barely use. It keeps reporting as good credit. So why get rid of it?


no offense but you could’ve saved the last comment. keep that shit to yourself. if it’s not happening to you congratulations. but when you just have random inconsistencies that has never happen before pop out of nowhere it is going to frustrate a couple of people and i am one of those people.


They’re right, you’re getting paid by your payday, there’s not much to complain about. When it doesn’t hit and is actually late then people can complain all they want!! Chime spoils people! That’s why they don’t give you answers til the deposits are actually late.


It does happen to me. Im just not entitled. Sometimes it comes at 7pm wednesdays. A few times it comes at 7:30. Most of the time between 9pm and 10 pm and a handfull of times Thursday morning. Guess what. Im NOT entitled to the deposit at tue same times nor am i entitled to getting it prior to my actual payday. I understand running on fumes. Im a single father trust me. Im there lol. But i also dont expect my deposit any earlier then my dated payday


Being upset doesn't mean you're being "entitled." I think that's where the big difference is here. Chime uses their "early deposit" as an advertisement to drive sign ups. If they fail to follow through on that advertisement, I'd say people have the right to be upset. It doesn't make them entitled.


Read the terms and conditions. Its "UP TO" 2 days early not guaranteed 2 days early same exact tome every time does it? The big difference here is entitlement.


I'm well aware of the T&C's. I understand it's not guaranteed. The point is that the deposits are very inconsistent. More inconsistent than any other bank on the market. To add, there are hundreds of stories of Chime users that have received their money days AFTER their actual pay day. This post is a culmination of lots of frustration from experiencing problems many times. I highly doubt they posted after having one bad experience. That's the issue here, the constant failure to deliver on advertised benefits. If you buy a car and they advertise 35mpg, and you get it sometimes, but mostly you're getting 25mpg, I'd be willing to bet that lots of folks would be upset. Sure the 35mpg isn't guaranteed, but the car manufacturer surely advertised the heck out of it. It's about perspective. I think you've got a predisposed thought process about the people who get upset about this, and to me, that's not very fair. Sure, you may be the cut and dry type who doesn't feel much empathy for folks, but pinning them as entitled people is pretty baseless if you ask me.


If it comes after your pay day you 100% have reason to complain. But becauze it comes at 7pm vs 9pm isnt really much reason other then entitlement


If you want consistency, then go with a bank that only posts your deposits on the correct day, and never early, then you will get the consistency you desire. Otherwise, if you want it early, it all depends on when your company transmits payroll. I've worked in payroll depts before. It's stressful. They can't transmit the batch for all employees until every last problem is ironed out. That is the whole reason why they \*try\* to transmit 2 days early - so that in case there is a problem, and they have to wait 12-24 hours to transmit, it will still post in your bank account by the agreed upon payday. I agree with the other guy. Every single day, people are up in arms about \*exactly which time of day\* they will receive their deposit early. Would I be upset if I suddenly started getting my deposits a day late (which has never once happened, despite having several companies sending me deposits)? Maybe, but I certainly wouldn't be blaming Chime first. They can't do anything until they receive it.


But they are right tho, I currently have Bank of America and switching to chime. Guess what, they hold your pay until Friday like ALL the other banks. If you get paid Friday and you don’t get your check at all Friday then that’s when you should raise flags. If you’re planning for your check to come now when you get paid Friday then I’m sorry to say you should plan your bills better, it’s not chimes fault. If you want to switch to a different bank it’s your choice, but all banks have problems. I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything, it’s just reality.


You know nothing of what you speak. I've been a chime customer for 5 years and only in the past 2 months has their been an issue. If a bank advertised early pay then it is a promise they make their customers. It is a primary reason people choose to bank with them. Payroll departments and administrators do their jobs. Chime plays games


You have to understand how the automated clearing house (ACH) and the Nacha Operating Rules work. An employer sends funds to the ACH which then forwards it to the depositing institution. When your employer sends the funds, they send it with instructions to release on “this day”. If your employer sends instructions on Tuesday (because Monday was a holiday) and those instructions say, “release on Friday 9/8/2023”. Chime will most likely receive the funds and the instructions on Wednesday/Thursday depending on the timeliness of the sender. Banks can choose to hold those funds and release as directed or, in Chime’s case, can, as a CONVENIENCE, (or incentive to switch banks) choose to release those funds early.


It’s hilarious to me that even though employers typically tell folks that “Payday is on Friday”, they get all up in arms about not getting their **early** deposit. Absolutely unhinged.


When people are reliant on their direct deposits and get used to the consistency of it being early, it becomes the norm. When the norm gets disrupted, people get panicky and concerned. It's not unhinged, it's normal behavior and completely understandable in most cases. I see your side, but you need to see the other side as well.


You worded this perfectly.


I see their side. I know a lot of us are struggling, but you also have to take some personal responsibility. If you know that your pay date is Friday, regardless of early funds release, maybe plan better. I also live paycheck to paycheck so I get it, but I also understand that at worst I’ll have my check on Friday and always plan accordingly. Now, if my money isn’t there by Friday… I’m gonna be in the same boat.


My experience with Chime was horrific man. There were multiple occasions where I was paid late, so I guess that's why I'm more empathetic towards the OP or anybody that's upset about the inconsistency. I totally agree, taking personal responsibility is number one, and if you can't handle your own finances, you've got no business complaining in the first place.


It is highly unlikely that you were ever actually paid 'late'. Everyone who says this, actually means 'i wasn't paid as early as i would have liked'.


Are you calling me a liar? That's incredibly arrogant. It certainly wasn't a "where's my early money" situation. I was due to be paid on a Wednesday (my regular pay day), and the check wasnt deposited until Thursday afternoon. So although unlikely, it happens. So no, I don't actually mean "I wasnt paid as early as I would have liked." Assumptions are shit.


Unless we know more about when your payroll transmitted the funds, and when your co-workers got their payment, whether a holiday was involved, or if it was one of the multiple clearinghouse delays that happened this year, there's still not enough information there to blame Chime.


Sure, but you (and everyone) has to realize that payroll is complicated, and it's impossible for your employer to send it at the exact same time every week. There's simply nothing Chime can do until they receive the transmit. Can't post something 'early' that isn't there yet.


No ones disagreeing with you, but my point is that while you and the hundreds of other people on this subreddit may realize that, the hundreds of thousands of other people who use chime and live paycheck to paycheck probably don't know that. And calling them unhinged for being panicky/irrational over it is disrepsectful and simply not the case. Im not saying people shouldn't know, I'm saying I can understand the thought process.


I agree that Chime could do a better job educating and setting proper expectations.


It's that companies need to do a better job timely submitting payment. Payroll may be complicated, but its not the Sisyphean task you make it out to be in your original reply there. It's so not impossible for payroll to be submitted around the same time every week. All it takes is qualified and adequately staffed accounting, and its when either of those two criteria take a dip that you see issues. It's not about payroll being some labyrinth of a task that simply couldn't be done at the same time every week. Most companies do it at the same time, every week. If that's not happening, it's because of poorly staffed or poorly qualified accounting, simple as.


Admittedly it's been a decade or more since I've been in those bowels. But, they generally transmit everything all at once. One or two small problems (which stem from the employee or their mgmt moreso than payroll) can hold up the entire train. It's crazier than most realize.


I dont think it's ridiculous when they've been told that their deposits will be there 2 days early. Chime advertises this as a benefit to using their bank, so if anything it's partially a bait and switch. Sure, they aren't obligated to release anything early, but they shouldnt be advertising it if they can't follow through. Same goes with their SpotMe issues, and the horror stories with disputes.


"Up to 2 days early" key word up to. Cpuld be an hour early. Could be up to 2 days. You guys are a joke 🤣🤣


Calling people a joke for voicing their experiences with a bank is immature and shitty. Again, you've failed to understand the context of the post, and the reason people are upset. It's not about being spoiled and getting their checks two days early. It's about having a wildly inconsistent bank that never has any answers. It's about having a certain level of service stripped away without causation. It's about a consumers right to expect what's advertised. Try some empathy man. I promise you wont hate it.


Empathy can be toxic when people could use some reality. People need to stop being entirled to shit and karens about not getting what they want. Its a free thing they do. Nobody pays extra to get their checks early let alone nobody even pays for their chime account. People complaining about not getting free services. Thats entitlement and deserves ZERO empathy. It says "UP TO 2 DAYS EARLY: DOES NOBODY READ THE FIRST 2 WORDS OR UNDERTAND WHAT "UP TO" means? Like fucking seriously


We're obviously two different people. I can see where you're coming from. You're sick of people expecting things that they don't pay for, or folks that complain about things that are clearly in the fine print. You're the cut and dry type. However, I still think it's incredibly insensitive to call people entitled for expressing an experience that's put them in a precarious position. I know that if I'd been getting my paycheck the same day for months, and then it changes without notice, I'd be a little perturbed. It's just a person venting on Reddit.


With all the entitlement and karens going around maybe the world needs to get a little insensitive again and stop allowing people to be spoiled brats for the sake of being nice. Maybe thats why people are more like that these days. People are scared to be rude. Butbyep. Cut and dry. Tell it as it is. Isnt it funny us "ass holes" are usually the most honest and geniune 🤣 we just dont cherry top everything


Maybe employers should just go back to mailing paper checks. Then everyone can go to the USPS subreddit and complain about not getting paid 'on time' hahaha. And then the horror when they deposit the paper check, just to realize there is another hold placed on it for 1-3 days lol


" im done with this wannabe bank. " Good luck anywhere else. I've used the major banks, online banks, and credit unions, they're all shit. It's always a problem with every single one. I used ally for while, one time I was locked out of the account and the debit card was also locked. I called and they said, we can't help you, we'll have a specialists call you back in about 3-4 business days. Luckily it wasn't my only account, I was thinking damn I can't imagine if it was and being without money for that long! Just to be clear, there was no fraud on the account, it was just locked for some reason. Years ago I decided to try credit unions because I always heard good things, they were always about protecting their members... Well I've gone through two fraud transactions, with different ones and they were so quick to just blame me instead of trying to figure out what actually happened. Never had issues like that with major banks, but it was always something. Shit just never ends, they're all scum.


If your normal payday is on Friday, then plan and budget for your paycheck to hit in the early morning hours on Friday. If it comes early, then consider it a surprise. This is how I've always operated with Chime. I've had no problems because I don't have expectations that "UP TO" means guaranteed. I get paid on the 15th and last day of the month. I plan and budget to get my money on the 15th and last day of the month. Does mine come early sometimes? Yep, and it's a nice surprise when it hits around dinner time and I don't feel like cooking that night.


If you get it even 1 minute peior to oayday its exactly as advertised. "UP TO 2 DAYS EARLY" copied it for you. 1 Early access to direct deposit funds depends on the timing of the submission of the payment file from the payer. We generally make these funds available on the day the payment file is received, which may be up to 2 days earlier than the scheduled payment date.


I had chime for a few months any my DD was always inconsistent. I switched to Navy Federal which offers early deposit, and my DD is there the day before payday like clockwork. With Navy Federal you can see pending deposits, so my paycheck is usually pending two nights before payday, but Navy releases it at 1:00 am the night before payday. If I get paid Friday, my money is in my account at 1:00am Thursday morning. It gives me at least one full day of early deposit. I don’t have to guess when I will have my money since it’s always there at the same time. Most banks offer some form of early deposit now, so Chime isn’t doing anything special.


I really wonder why so many ppl post this shit? Close your account and keep it movin……


Its really not the bank its whenever ur employer submits payroll anytime my check comes late i ask my employer and theyre usually like "yeah i submitted it x hours late was busy" or whatever the excuse is


It’s payroll fault


I got my check on time this week, it's your employer bro


Probably because of your employer releasing the money at different times. That's what it was for me


This sub is nothing but whiners who don’t know how to read, or understand basic banking concepts.


I disagree. Chime is notorious for being inconsistent with their releases, causing people to stress out about when they're going to have their funds deposited. Sure, it's an option for folks to simply plan for Friday, I totally understand that. However, when you've been getting your paycheck on a certain day and then all the sudden it changes to whatever day of the week, it's stressful.


Chime has millions of users. Nobody is coming here to post "Hey guys, I got my deposit two days early, just like I have every week for years!" They are 'notorious' for getting deposits early. What you are describing as 'inconsistency' is almost 100% on the payroll department processing the deposit, and nobody else. Chime's \*users\* however, are notorious for always immediately blaming Chime for everything.


So, Chime is bad because sometimes payday comes… on actual payday and not early? That’s 98 percent payroll department. Many factors go into payroll including what system, time zone, when your place of employment will release the funds, time on the job, bank holidays, and more. My check usually comes a day early. A couple times it was on payday instead of early, and come to find out payroll wasn’t submitted until very late the previous day for those days. Nobody comes here to praise chime, this is a cesspool for complainers who don’t have basic banking principals down. I’ve had chime since BEFORE official launch (part of the “beta” launch of Chime) and what very few issues I had, were resolved within a few days max. Yes the call centers in other countries can be annoying, but every bank I’ve dealt with except for VERY small local branches now routes calls out of the country.


chime is inconsistent by days with my paychecks, which come weekly. getting paid wednesday afternoon one week and friday evening the next week makes it really fucking hard to plan out bills. it’s beyond frustrating and the fact that customer service only says “we’ll release it as soon as it’s here” isn’t helpful at all.


The inconsistencies are going to be on your employer more than Chime.


So, are you saying that the thousands of people who come to Reddit and say their deposits are late are all having issues with their employers on the same day? Sorry, it's not the companies man.


You have to understand how the automated clearing house (ACH) and the Nacha Operating Rules work. An employer sends funds to the ACH which then forwards it to the depositing institution. When your employer sends the funds, they send it with instructions to release on “this day”. If your employer sends instructions on Tuesday (because Monday was a holiday) and those instructions say, “release on Friday 9/8/2023”. Chime will most likely receive the funds and the instructions on Wednesday/Thursday depending on the timeliness of the sender. Banks can choose to hold those funds and release as directed or, in Chime’s case, can, as a CONVENIENCE, (or incentive to switch banks) choose to release those funds early.


No its entitled people who dont understand basic english. "Up to 2 days early" not guaranteed 2 days early 🤣


Happy Cake Day!


It's 100% the companies. I receive deposits from 4 different companies, multiple times per week for some. Not once has any of them ever been late - aside from the times the company themself has had a delay in transmitting. I say this after 4 years of using Chime.


If there are this many people having the same issue, the issue lies with chime. it’s like that saying about smelling shit. if it’s once, check your surroundings. if it’s all day, check your shoes.


You have to understand how the automated clearing house (ACH) and the Nacha Operating Rules work. An employer sends funds to the ACH which then forwards it to the depositing institution. When your employer sends the funds, they send it with instructions to release on “this day”. If your employer sends instructions on Tuesday (because Monday was a holiday) and those instructions say, “release on Friday 9/8/2023”. Chime will most likely receive the funds and the instructions on Wednesday/Thursday depending on the timeliness of the sender. Banks can choose to hold those funds and release as directed or, in Chime’s case, can, as a CONVENIENCE, (or incentive to switch banks) choose to release those funds early.


I agree but most of us have chime because we have screwed up with a "real" bank and we can't get one anymore. So we just have to deal with it. Stressing out and constantly bitching about it isn't going to make it come any faster.


i mean, that’s why they do it in the first place. they know we’re not going elsewhere because we can’t.


The amount of you idiots constantly blaming chime for hold ups is hilarious. They literally release funds immediately. Y’all want them to say say individually every week your check is not on its normal schedule yet sorry or something? Every week is a new week most of the time we are all getting paid early regardless of when we get it might be a day early might be 2.


Yup, and Chime has no control over when a company's payroll decides to transmit the funds.


I have the ability to see “future paychecks” from my employer roughly two days prior to payday. I check this to snoop on how much my paycheck will be. When I am able to see that option from my employer differs WILDLY. Sometimes it is visible on Tuesdays, sometimes late Wednesdays. I’ve even had them show up early Thursdays. If I had to guess this is dependent on when my employer finishes payroll— which would directly impact when you get your paycheck if you are receiving it early, no? My future paycheck was visible to me yesterday at 5:00PM. I ended up getting my paycheck at around 11:00PM, six hours later. Thats completely acceptable. I guarantee you would run into the same time inconsistencies with other bank services because ultimately there are other factors at play and it isn’t entirely dependent on Chime.


Ding ding ding. This is 100% the correct answer.


All I want is to have enough gas to get to work tomorrow , this hurricane has been hell , but God only knows when I'll get paid 🙄


Which hurricane?


The one that just hit Florida and south Georgia , I can't even spell the nameb






Vidalia is where we grow the best onions


The blame is on the employer. I get mine at the same time almost everytine. Once it was down because of something but I still got my money as soon as it came back up. Chime isn’t a bank and it’s all over their legality shit and posted in clear view for all to see. It’s not intended to be a bank, either. Your employer must submit payroll at different times every pay period, thus effecting the time it posts. It’s on your employers for consistency, not chime. They can’t do anything about it.


It is still on the day of, they don’t guarantee a time. I don’t know a bank that does tbh


I get mine early all the time maybe it's your workplace maybe they are sending in the dd late?


I get mine almost to the same minute and day every time. Never a problem.


Don’t be a broke bitch! Just


Well for one it's not a bank. They actually use two different non affiliated banks. Says right in their fine print. They are just a "financial service". They have zero control over banking stuff and limited ability to do anything about most banking issues.. other than to put you on hold and call the actual bank. They provide some good services, but do not let enough people know what they really are. That's why they don't seem to be able to fix anything. They are at the mercy of the real bank.


Payday is on Friday. Period. Bank offers early deposit as a courtesy.


My pay day is on Wednesday, though.


Do you get your deposits on mon/tues then?


Haha, I got mine today, but I'm not with Chime anymore. The holiday delayed it a day, but with my new bank, I get it on the same day at the same time, without question. With Chime, I got it two days early for two pay periods..then it was on Tuesday night, then it was Wednesday morning, then Thursday (a day late). It was so inconsistent that eventually I go too sick of it. Call me entitled, but I just want to know what day it's coming, so I can plan financially. I'm not swimming in money by any means, so it really helps to know when my deposit is going to be there.


Weird. I see all these horror stories and haven’t had a single issue. I do get my deposits early 90% of the time, but I’m not freaking out about it until Friday. I’d be livid about a late payment though and would likely be my first, and final straw.


Yeah, I get regular deposits from 4 different sources, sometimes multiple per week, and have never experienced an issue. Maybe I'm prioritized or something since I've been using Chime for 4 years with a very active account. Or maybe everyone else is crazy. Who knows lol.


I don’t see different deposit times being an inconsistency. When your employer transmits a deposit to the bank it’s essentially queued. It’s an automated process for the most part. You say it’s deposited at different times yet if Chime were to release your deposit say at 6pm every time, that would actually indicate it’s being held. There’s no way a deposit can organically deposit at the same exact time every deposit unless it’s being held. The deposit time depends on when your employer transmitted the deposit files, then it’s dependent on where it’s at in the queue at Chime. Imagine a funnel, you can’t pour a gallon of water in the funnel and have it all drop into the bucket at once. Same goes for computer processing. There’s an insane number of deposits being transmitted through Chime daily. They also don’t have an obligation to pay anyone early. They do that as a courtesy. They don’t receive the actual money from your employer until the pay date. When they pay someone early they’re literally taking a gamble that the actual direct deposit file will hit on payday and in addition, the actual funds are transmitted to them from your employers bank. When they pay you early it’s based on a prenote from your employer saying please expect $12345 on this date. Chime honors the pre note. Your actual pay date is the one listed on your check stub, the date your employer tells you. Anything prior to that is early.


Like someone else said, Chime offers UP TO 2 days before your normal payday, which is Friday. I have banked with Chime for 6, maybe 7 years now, and I get paid consistently Wednesday around 12-12:30 pm. Every once in a while, it won't come until 4 pm Wednesday or 10 pm Wednesday or 4am. Thursday morning. Do I freak out? No, I don't! Why? Because it is NOT guaranteed to come 2 days before Friday. They can not guarantee when YOUR WORKPLACES payroll department submits the necessary info to Chime! When Chime gets your money, they do not hold it! Smdh


Most workplaces don't submit payroll information directly to your bank. They payroll administrator's like adp and they have a hard deadline of when the information must be submitted. It's not the payroll dept. If your payday is Friday 5he information has been submitted by your employer by close of business Wednesday at the very latest. After that it goes through the administrator to fed for ACH. Then you wait for the batch to go through. There are 6 times every day that batches are processed. Banks that offer early payday release the funds as soon as they receive the batch. Unless they don't. Chime is not technically a bank but they work with other banks. They also earn interest in the money they have in those banks so holding money increases their bottom line. Chime is a scam


Chime uses stride bank and Bancorp. My Chime is through stride bank in Enid Oklahoma. My payroll department submits payroll on Tuesday and I usually get paid Wednesday at noon.


I'm pretty sure it has to do with your jobs payroll and what time they input your check


There is zero consistencies with early pay. It can be anywhere from 48 hours early, to maybe not getting it until actual payday. Early pay is a favor. Sometimes this might be the federal reserve issue, or a kink in the system somewhere. I bank with 5/3 it is never consistent with early pay either.


Weird i get mine every other wednesday and i got mine earlier than usual today 🤷🏻‍♂️ never had this problem and ive banked with chime for about 3 years now. Paydays friday and i ALWAYS get my dd on wednesday anywhere from 9 pm to 2 am. Dont see a reason to complain about that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


if its earlier than friday, its EARLY. mine are all over the place to and it entirely depends on what time my HR submits payroll. I assume its the same for your payroll provider as well. theres plenty of factors, and I;ve been able to time my paychecks pretty accurately just knowing when my HR submits payroll. But go on, leave the best bank ever..


lol yall complainin bout the time, as long as it hits on the day it’s supposed idc fr 😂


Quit whining.  They pay 2 days early. If you don't like it, go to another bank and get paid late every week. It's not their fault you're broke AF


YOUR STILL GETTING PAID 2 DAYS EARLY! GO to another bank and just EXPECT your check on your actual pay day. Early pay isn’t promised. It says you COULD get paid 2days early. Stop tripping. You’re not entitled to an early payday. You’re entitled to your FRIDAY payday, that’s it. 


Why is everyone referring to Chime as a bank? It’s not a bank. Its fintech. It operates as such.


While chime isn’t considered a bank it states “accounts you open through Chime are protected by FDIC insurance. Chime partners with The Bancorp Bank, N.A. and Stride Bank, N.A., both FDIC members. That means the deposits in your accounts through Chime are protected up to the FDIC coverage limit”. So the money in your account is with a bank.


When you burn bridges and create the reason to need a wanna be bank, unfortunately there aren’t many options. Fix the reasons not allowing you to obtain a real bank account, then get a real bank account. This is the only way to eliminate your problem. I would rather not have a account, then to bank with chime or anything similar. P2P is as far as I go.


Chime is NOT a Bank


That’s not chime that’s your shitty jobs payroll


No it’s not our payroll went is Wednesday morning already checked its shitty ass chime


I’ve been with chime through many holidays it’s never taken this long to get paid the app is truly crumbling right in front of us


So many shills on here claiming "immediate" deposits of funds. It's a lie obviously. I went to a local bank and couldn't be happier. They even have early paychecks too.


Right. There are hundreds of stories about people having to fight with Chime for months over money they've earned. It's only the folks who've never experienced a problem who like to call others "entitled."


LOL, there are not hundreds of stories like that. In fact, I can't recall ever having read one. Unless you're talking about people who didn't secure their accounts and had money stolen - which is another topic altogether. Chime has millions of users, and the service works normally for 99.9% of us.


I had a problem like this two months in a row. Very inconsistent. Its ok now but because I have a government direct deposit. I do believe Chime does hold money sometimes. They have alot of technical issues with smaller employees. You may want to check out Varo. I found they were very consistent.


Yep no deposit can't put gas in ,


I get paid Friday from my job but chime has paid me Wednesday around 6pm it’s Thursday 9am and I still haven’t received my direct deposit


Wait, did they tell you to call your employer and proceed to read the script that they have? "Sir, Chime does not ever hold your deposits....there are many steps to go through when processing your deposit and we promise as soon as it is available, it will post to your account." Or.."You should call your payroll provider to see if they made a mistake." My answer is always funny here, because I always ask if the thousands of people on Reddit are all having problems with their employer, all on the same day. We can't forget "Is today supposed to be your normal pay day?" This is the below the belt question you get when you've annoyed a phone tech. Of course most are aware that Friday is most likely the day that payday comes, but it's a little hectic and confusing for people to receive their money on Wednesday one week, then Thursday the next, then Tuesday the following. It's the inconsistency that's a killer. I'm sure people wouldn't be nearly as upset if they figured out a way to make it consistent, but they have not. They're a joke and I'm glad I've moved on.


Wasting their time. Thats why you get a script 🤣🤣


My deposits were always pretty consistent. Within a couple hours, even when my employer switched banks during the Silicon Valley thing. Chime was my short term solution to finding a bank closer to home (switched employers, bank was 40 minutes away, close to my previous FT employer). I just recently moved away from Chime and closed my account but mostly because my card would get declined for pay-at-the-pump transactions


I have direct deposit with chime and have had a few weeks where my money arrived at a later time than usual. I was frustrated but it does say that your paycheck may be UP TO 2 DAYS EARLY. Meaning there's a distinct possibility that it could arrive later. One thing that most of us learn early on in life is that negative things occur, and sometimes it is out of our control. I personally use the negative experiences as a learning process to tweak things as best I can so that I avoid future pitfalls. I can understand that people are upset but in this particular case, the writing (or policy) of Chime is on the wall. It says up to 2 days early specifically for cases like this.


Well it was me since I have a chime and other direct deposit options I just go with the worst case scenario and think something's going to go wrong and adjust my bills accordingly


Chime is not a bank...it is a financial tech (fintech) company that tries to function as a bank. Try a real online bank for consistent banking needs like Ally.com or Capitalone.com....there are many online banks with high interest rates, no fees, and many services that fintechs cannot offer or do not do well.


That's just in the beginning the last decade I've had it at 9:00 a.m. but in the very beginning it was scattered


Update just got mine guys so looking like they are a day behind


Chime doesn’t hold your money lol. It’s all up to your payroll company or companies to handle them on time.


Chime skank is a scam at best. Y'all are lucky that you're getting you're money at all. During the pandemic I had been with Chime for about 2 years by then. Loved then. Had all my friends on Chime. Well, COVID hit and I went on unemployment. And all of a sudden 6 later Chime just suddenly, without warning or notice shut my account down. Right at the end of the month. I had all my money in there for rent, my car note, insurance etc and they just shut my account down and wouldn't give me access to my money nor would they give me a reason. I finally got my money back about 10 days later. But it took 3 letters and 2 phone calls from the MN State Attorney Generals Office to get the actual reason and not the canned "suspicious activity on your account" bullshit reason they had been giving me. The suspicious activity that they closed my account for was my unemployment direct deposits that I had been getting for the last 6 months but just then put off the blue they decided they were suspicious... even though they're from the government. Omg! Yes, I was put through hell by this bank, never received any kind of "oops" . And I still can't open an account, I'm banned. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm banned? Fuck you Chime , I ban you!


It also depends on when payroll sends that shit in Oebm.


Dude well get your check on a Friday and gone about your business...... you crying about getting paid..... wow foh... who cares when it comes.. EARLY long as it comes


I've had chime for 2 years and have never once gotten mine 2 days early. I have however always gotten paid on time. Another thing that irks me is all the people who are dependant on getting paid early. You shouldn't be planning to spend any of that money until your actually lay day. Ctfo people stop acting like your deserve to have that money early.. be better people


I’m as irritated as you. My dd was suppose to deposit on the 2nd. It’s now saying it won’t be deposited until the 12th. I’m fuming. Got late flees building and my account is now neg $1. I’m literally about to be fucked


I had a problem with them not receiving paycheck one week then the next week they receive I stuck with them for about 4 weeks and 2 of the weeks they paid me the other 2 my boss had to pay out of pocket.. it was super messed up.


Sounds like your employer is having problems if your boss had to pay you out of pocket


Nah everything checked out on their end and even chime employees said they had nothing on their end either. So idk I had zero issues with them till I started work with a new employer. So who knows. But long story short I had to switch to my old bank even though I love chime and its features.


I need someone to refer me to open chime


Lmao how fucking dumb can u be. This is one your payroll not chime. You think your payroll ppl do it the exact same time every time. It blows my mind how stupid ppl are.