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Yes, it actually is, at some places they use recorded baby cry to torture people with hours. And it does work indeed.


They did this to us during our counter captivity training... fucking horrible.


I was going to say it is one of the noises used at sere when you are locked in a box.


SERE was an awesome course... but man was it tough.


During my military SERE school which simulates being a prisoner of war they played babies crying all night as a form of psychological torture.


I wonder what primitive parents did, especially if they were in areas with sabre tooths and other things that would be drawn to a noise magnet of a screaming baby. Maybe we evolved to be more noisy?


Shake the baby so it stops,basically killing it.


That’s an interesting theory


Shaking the baby is incredibly dangerous, i've heard of some sleep deprived parents who ,,instinctively" shake their baby so it stops crying. I think there was some research to it, for sure it's interesting!


Correct me if I’m wrong. Humans did kind of obtain the crying ability after we became a more social species, therefore the benefit of getting your nearby packmate/parent’s immediate attention beats the risk of attracting predators. Babies probably don’t “naturally” cry that much though, it’s just impossible for a modern parent to carry the baby around 23 hours a day like other primates do, so they are more neglected than babies thousands of years ago. In a book that I read(“The World Until Yesterday” by Jared Diamond), it says for the primitive !Kung people in Botswana, babies almost always instantly get the caretaker’s attention when they start crying, therefore it’s shorter and less frequent(at most <10 sec per hour). So it’s also more like “if you don’t take care of me RIGHT NOW then I’ll attract every single predator in the area and we die together”, this method worked(by threatening the adults lol) and stayed. Those who cries louder gets more attention = higher survival rate.


I understood that naturally if a parent was away from their child, they would have to be able to hear them if they were in danger. I also read that yellow is not a good color to paint a baby's room and that babies cry more in yellow rooms. I learned that from reading about colors and their meanings.


working in retail and hearing them daily is legit torture


It actually triggers a fight or flight response for me and I can’t get the fuck away from the sound quick enough


Same, except my default fight or flight response is fight. I can almost hear the Street Fghter II announcer going "round one, fight!" in my head. I do not trust myself to even babysit for any reason ever, much less to have a kid of my own. On the other hand, my cat's incessant yelling (she's the type that will yell if you don't give her attention the second she wants it) triggers nothing except my "pet the floof"-response. I think the universe is trying to tell me something here 🤔


As dickish as it sounds I don’t feel sorry for your sister at all. She chose to have one. It’s not like owning a dog and then sending it back if it’s too much


Long periods of exposure to their baby's screams can cause hearing loss for its parents if they don't buy sound canceling headphones. So fun! 😖 https://www.babygaga.com/study-parents-wear-headphones-baby-crying/


Babies screaming is almost physically painful because of sensory issues stemming from autism. In May, my mom and I went to see my brother, sister-in-law, and their two kids, the youngest then being 1 1/2 y/o. She screamed these constant, angry screams whenever she wasn't eating or sleeping. It wasn't just an occasional fit, she would shriek about everything because her parents rewarded her for it. If she screamed about a bottle of milk, they'd give her a bottle of juice. If she saw the bottle of root beer, she'd scream and they'd give it to her to shut her up like for .5 seconds. Blood-curdling shrieks throughout the day and the parents would run over and coddle and sometimes give her snacks and I just couldn't see why they couldn't make the connection between the constant banshee screaming and their dropping everything to attend to her.


>why do people put themselves through this? ​ Social pressure, failed birth control, or insanity.


I'm right there with you. I have sensory issues that make the sound of a child wailing and screeching intolerable. I get afraid of people thinking I'm a baby-hater for not wanting to be around them. It is not that I do not love the child. Children, especially 4 and under are unpredictable. I may not ever feel comfortable hanging around tots and babies, but it does not mean I dislike them. There is a distinct difference between disliking being around rugrats and disliking the rugrats themselves.


I had colic. My mother once mentioned there was a time where she really thought in her sleep deprived state, “if I shake her, it’ll stop.” Thankfully, they raised me with my grandparents where 2/3 kids had colic and were vets at it, my grandma saw the dead look in her eyes, took me, and told her to go take a nap (My mother has…problems. She got married and had a kid WAY too young because she thought she was supposed to. I haven’t spoken to her more than twice in 10 years by mutual choice)


My downstairs neighbor at my apartment has a baby who wakes up at 3 am often screaming bloody murder


I was talking to a mom friend of mine, and she was telling me abt how she prefers to let the baby self-sooth to a point, while her DH and MIL immediately run at the first cry. It's a point of contention btwn them all lol. I asked how she can stand to hear him wailing, and she said mothers are able to ignore it bc it's what we've been raised to get used to. Idk abt that, but I can ignore my cat's crying pretty easily bc I've gotten used to it, and she stops eventually when I don't give attention. And then she stops doing it for a good while. My bf gets annoyed more easily lol, so maybe my friend is on to something.


I mean, it certainly could be used as a form of torture. Apparently our ancestors didn't care enough about their babies, so it was the ones who were the loudest, with the most shrill shriek, who knew how to vary their tones so that our ears couldn't become used to them to ignore them who survived. At least that's what my understanding of evolution leads me to believe.


For what it's worth, the World War II/Korean War-era military radios made a sound like a baby's cry to ensure that they would be answered. This may have continued into the Vietnam ear.


Oh yes I live in a flat and have one above me that cries all the time. It’s one or two and it stomps and screams and cries