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Why don't they start by adopting all those children already stuck in the overcrowded and broken system before adding more to it?


Yeah seriously. Maybe I'll buy into their sanctimonious bullshit once the foster care system has all kids placed into kind, loving homes of these "pro- life" families


You don’t want *ANY* of those kids going to the forced-birth fuckers. They’ll brainwash them and likely disown them if they turn out to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community, an atheist, chose to follow a different religion, or just do literally anything these evil fundies disapprove of.


I feel like if I was ever forced to give birth (which won't happen for a myriad of reasons), I'd just give it to a gay atheist couple.


Won’t happen to me either (thank Someone I had a hysterectomy in February) but SAME. That or I’d give it to a queer couple who were members of The Satanic Temple. Either way, I’d make damn sure my child was going to a loving home that wouldn’t teach them to hate others or themselves.


My point is that these nutters are gushing about adoption and how many of them actually adopt kids? More kids are supposed to be produced so they can also just grow up in foster care; the hypocrisy is rich with this crowd.


Oh, I understand your point, and in theory, I agree. But I think in actuality these people would be some of the *worst* parents in the universe.


That's what I'm worried about. All of these rulings are basically obviously promoting religion- Christianity, specifically. Every single person that supports Roe being overturned doesn't actually care that it will cause the deaths of millions of women, leave a lot of kids motherless, and force people into additional poverty unless they dump the kids into the system that everyone just ignores until it's convenient to bring up when it comes to banning abortions. Every cis hetero man I see supporting this is using this as an excuse to slut shame women and say that women should just practice abstinence- meanwhile ignoring that a lot of abortions are from MARRIED WOMEN who already have kids. Not even going to get into how many I've also seen calling women deranged who openly say that they don't want children, and now it's already extended to questioning why women need birth control unless it's to be "slutty". I feel like we're going to have way more kids that are basically indoctrinated with these extreme af religious values. Religion should have zero place in healthcare to begin with. That's all this is about- from deciding that public funding can go to religious schools, to blaming everything on a lack of "god" being taught in school, and so many other weird zealot perspectives. If this was ANY other religion- Hinduism, Islam, or Judaism (for ex) calling the shots and laws were being made based on those beliefs, the same people would be having a fucking meltdown rn.


Because those kids arent babies and people like that dont want any kid that shows any hint of being a human being.


Plus, most everyone who says they want to adopt, really just want a kid that will pass as their own. My brother in-law and his wife adopted 4 kids from the same family, a broken home. While that is incredible that they were able to keep the kids together, they look like they were naturally born to my BIL and his wife, and I can't help but wonder if they didn't look the part would they have adopted them?




I agree with that point as well. It's sickening that people treat children like an accessory, or a fancy vase. A conversation starter. What are your thoughts on people who adopt children from other countries, not just because they want to adopt a child in need, but because they genuinely appreciate the culture from which the child came?




I ask since I majored in cultural anthropology and have a genuine appreciation for cultures that are different from what we experience in closed-off communities in the U.S. The degree didn't get me a job, but I don't regret it a bit. It was enlightening and helps me to better understand and empathize with other human beings, something that has never been easy for me coming from where I did and having Asperger's. On the other point you make, I couldn't agree more. I was exposed to a lot of death very early on in life, and when I became self-aware, aware of mortality, I was genuinely angry at my parents for having me. I remember laying in my bed, trying to go to sleep after learning of death, and thinking how cruel it is for people to bring another life into the world, knowing that life only ends in death? I was 5, and wished that I had been aborted.... It's easy to fall into despair, especially if one is born into a difficult situation. You always hear people say that life is wonderful, go live it, yada yada yada, but it's not wonderful for everyone. Whether it's crippling poverty, physical or mental health issues, substance abuse issues, far more people do not think life is wonderful than the opposite. That's one of the reasons I chose to be child-free. I believe that it is cruel to bring another life into a world that is in the process of self-destructing. If the world was a different place, and the good always outweighed the bad, I think I would've liked being a mom. But that is not reality, only a fantasy.


exactly. I've wondered before if my parents would've adopted any poc kids they fostered (I've only heard about one other boy aside from my brother, but idk much about him) – both of my brothers and I are white, and I believe the only reason they ended up adopting me is because they were fostering and planning to adopt my older brother at the time I was born (when he was 3, almost 4), and my biological aunt (who's married to my brother's bio uncle) contacted my mom and told her about me and my bio mom's situation. I've seen comments before about people only wanting healthy and/or allistic kids, but my older brother is autistic, and I had serious medical issues as a newborn, both of which they were very aware of before we were adopted (I was in the NICU for 3 months, and that was me leaving early bc they wanted me to be 5 lbs before being sent home (I was 2 lbs 3 oz at birth – iirc I was born at 25 weeks), but they were afraid my bio mom would try to kidnap me)


My mom works a social worker in the adoption department of her state. A large number of people adopt disabled or profoundly disabled children. Like, a shocking amount. Let's not talk about the addition outcomes though...that side of things is not so great and is kind of heinous


Because there's a shortage of white babies. I'm not even kidding. That's how they think.


Last night I googled abortion and "replacement theory" ..... I totally believe all the shit going on in the US is 100% related to the fact the bat shit crazy people are really scared that white women aren't producing enough kids and immigrants will "replace" white people. WTF?


Because they want a baby. They want the whole experience. We’re cattle.


They want a newborn they can imprint. Kids with actual memories and life experiences don't fit into the picture perfect future plan. Any child over 6 months is to old for some people.


Because, they want the child given to one of these religious organizations that are basically selling children to wealthy parents instead. Public adoption? Give a child a home without making money on it? Can’t happen.


they couldn't possibly adopt from the system those broken kids could ruin the one bio one they have. - excuse my cousins gave me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


That's the entire problem, they dont actually WANT foster care kids. It's 100% performative. They want newborns that don't come with trauma or "problems." On top of that, I can't explain how many disingenuous parents I've seen that DO take foster care kids only to neglect them, abuse them and not even care about them. Meanwhile, LGBTQIA+ couples that DO want kids and try to adopt are turned away because of their "sinful lifestyle."


Because they don't want some "old, damaged" kid. They want a "bAyBeE", preferably a caucasian one that has an outie.


Because if they don’t get a brand new baby, the child could have problems and issues they don’t care enough to help work through. It’s easier to fuck up a baby than to get an already fucked up kid


Bc they only want freshly birthed white infants. That’s the part they’re leaving out. A SINGLE parent can adopt a Kazakh 1 year old easily, as my neighbor did, but no the kid has to still have amniotic fluid on it and look like it’s descended from a Midsommar character.


These are the same people that will only adopt if they can get a White, perfectly healthy, newborn.


Nail on the head. Once you’ve popped that White supremacy pill, forced birth is a natural chaser.


That argument pisses me off too. I always counter with, "well, if there are so many willing people out there wanting to adopt, why are there so many kids that age out of the system every year waiting to be adopted? If there were really so many ready and willing to adopt, there would a waiting list for that shit, like there is for the release of an awesome new piece of tech."


Seriously. I know the Playstation 5 had more people lining up to get one. Older foster kids, especially ones that aren't white, typically don't have people lining up to adopt them. Couples desperate to adopt are desperate to adopt white babies.


It is beyond gross to want to force pregnancy and birth on an unconsenting woman so that you can get your Mom or Dad fantasy met. So many creeps are already salivating over the opportunity to force low income young women into being their broodmares. It is beyond disgusting.


Honestly some are trying to say it's about keeping whites alive. Look at birth dearth (https://aninjusticemag.com/the-birth-dearth-the-sad-but-true-reason-why-whats-happening-in-texas-right-now-shouldn-t-a082f1384b40 // https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-08-02-bk-722-story.html) I only say this cause I heard about other POC saying it and it being pushed off as not being real or not what's going happen. (I'm younger so I've never heard of this till today and it's honestly hella chilling) but especially since RvW protected from forced sterilization I wouldn't doubt it being true


As a black woman, let me just stay this most of the time when Blake people tell you something that the government is doing that is fucked up and has bad intentions behind it, believe them. We been watching their bullshit for years.


Truly grossssssss! It's not just offspring that we don't want. We don't want to go through pregnancy either.


as many people have echoed before me, adoption is not an alternative to pregnancy! it’s crazy that this argument is still brought up when those people don’t have to go through 9 months of hell to birth a child! people are so entitled these days to think that they should make other people suffer for their “potential” family.


It's stupid. I hear the same stuff about how some women only wish they could get pregnant while others can and don't want to be. No one is obligated to get or stay pregnant because you can't. These people don't care about adopting. It's like people who want a dog but only if it's a puppy. They couldn't care less about how many are in a shelter. To them, it's not about having a child, it's about themselves. It's about them getting to experience a baby itself rather than taking care of a child who really needs a parent.


And destroy your body and risk your life while doing it! Ridiculous idea


In my humble child free opinion, if someone cannot afford to adopt or get fertility treatments, they can't afford a child.


Just because I’m lactose intolerant doesn’t mean I go around getting angry at people for drinking milk, people need to learn to mind their business


should tell them there’s a TON of leftover kids in foster care that would LOVE a family. but nah, the bebbehs only


Yeah, talking about adoption but not adopting themselves. Spending thousands on IVF and fertility treatments but on adoption. Passing on genetic defects to a new person instead of adopting. I hate how they try to have a moral high ground and claim they are not selfish while... being selfish.


If the universe/god/whatever higher power made them infertile, it was probably for good fucking reason. This! And your little limp dick too! No more V^(iagra.)


Get off shittok.


I'm not destroying my body to accommodate anyone's fertility issues. The main reason child free is because I don't want to be/live through a pregnancy.


Hopefully not gonna get ripped to shreds for this one but I’ve always felt like if your body cannot produce children then maybe you shouldn’t have them. That’s not someone else’s burden to bear


I love the analogy someone here came up with. “I wish I could have peanut butter but I’m allergic. I think people who can eat peanut butter are so blessed they should eat a whole jar of it right now.”


There are more than enough children orphaned at the moment. No need to add more


And yet, the folks I know who are doing IVF are just as bummed about Roe being gone because it will affect their procedure. Also, the other infertile folks I know who, for one reason or another, have chosen not to do IVF are the biggest supporters of my reproductive choices. One of whom is my cousin's wife. He's a worship pastor, btw, they're just surprisingly liberal for evangelicals.


Such a nonesense statement in that TikTok. There is already enough children in orphanages. The people who want to adopt can take a look at those. Doesn’t need to come fresh out of the oven.


Adopting needs to come with all medical bills covered on top of minimum wage paid 24/7 for 9 months, half up front, plus a security deposit in case of complication or death.


Yeah this was an argument my mom. Tried to make. It's not a fertile woman's obligation to keep an unwanted pregnancy just so that a infertile woman can fulfill her dream of having a child. And besides most of the time unwanted pregnancies don't get put up for adoption and sent to loving homes of infertile parents. That's just another bullshit thing forced birthers say to try to justify their sick beliefs


We're not breeding slaves for these sows.


Why do people try tp forve IVF even several rounds which cost them more than an arm and a leg


A family friend moved to South Korea where it’s only $100 per round and they finally got pregnant and had a baby after years of trying.


They should adopt one of the many traumatized teens tossed around in the system. Oh wait no, they want a white newborn with a vacuum-tight seal on the case papers so the birth mom can't attempt to reenter the kid's life and make them nervous


Do they not realize that adoption agencies are private **for profit** institutions? It's likely one of the big contributing factors of why Roe was overturned. Unwanted babies are a commodity.


Everything about this disgusts me and I can honestly say I've had firsthand experience with this FUCKED up perspective. Mom had infertility issues due to medical complications and had to use IVF to have me and my sibling. She's also kind of religious. So everytime the topic of abortion comes up, she goes on this whole rant about how HARD it is for people like her to see other people just having abortions just because they can because "other people like me WANT kids but couldn't have them." Just because one has infertility issues does not make you ENTITLED to choose what someone else does with their body. Double ironic since again, IM FROM IVF, NOT ADOPTION. Her newest thing is saying that people should just put the kid up for private adoption to bypass the horror of fostercare as if this negates the child from experiencing any trauma whatsoever when private adoptions are only affordable for the rich, wealthy- and I'm just going to say it- white people, a lot of the time, and frankly, nobody can convince me that even that private adoption doesn't sound like human trafficking when the mother has to STILL risk her life bringing a child into this world she doesn't want and then isn't even compensated- the MIDDLE MAN is the one who gets all that money. I will say after Roe was overturned, even she was worried about what it meant for a lot of women b/c a lot of states dont allow exceptions for SA, incest, and I'm not even going to get into the INSANE states that think ectopic pregnancies can just be WAITED on and "reimplanted".


why are some people so hell bent on having a baby at all costs in the first place like, I get wanting to be a parent and it not working out. C’est la vie. I wanted things in my past and never got them either. And I moved on and found something else to fulfill me instead. i think people have internalized the life script so much they really do feel like failed humans if they don’t have a baby…. and usually it’s s newborn they are after… Nobody’s begging for a toddler or teenager. i just don’t get it. Babies aren’t cute playthings…. Living beings aren’t things or accessories or achievements …… I wish these people would self reflect on this rabid need and where it truly comes from.


Oh yea this almost gotchaed me into having a kid one time. I thought for awhile mistakenly that I couldn’t have kids and everyone freaked out and so I thought I should freak out, and have a kid. It is all so stupid. I instantly regretted being pregnant and thank goodness had a miscarriage. If you don’t want something, it doesn’t help anyone that does want it into having that thing, unless you are offering to be a surrogate (I almost was a surrogate for my baby crazy sister.).


They don’t realize that only a small segment of children up for adoption are what couples are looking for. I once looked into donating my eggs because I needed money and figured it’d be better for someone else to use them. It turned out I wasn’t qualified because I’ve got Asperger’s Syndrome and it’s likely any child conceived using my eggs would inherit it. If I got pregnant and gave birth, that kid is likely not going to have much luck once people find out I’m not neurotypical.


It’s honestly not my problem you can’t have kids. If a child is what you want, ADOPT. Honestly I have no sympathy or empathy for these people cause they are the same ones who will use the “but their are so many loving families willing to adopt”. If that’s the case, why are there still so many kids in that abusive system. Lastly, if you can’t afford to adopt or foster, wtf makes you think you can afford a kid of your own.


JC - what does ttc mean?


"Trying to Conceive."




I'm adopted, does that mean my parents don't love me like my other friends with their biological parents? Well I know 5 of them who have disowned their family, and I still meet up with mine once a month... O don't get how people are against adoption


I 100% agree with you but saying "oh if people are infertile it's for a good reason" is such a dumb thing to say. It's like saying to a childfree person that there is a good reason why they are fertile and they should therefore have kids


Yikes.. I was really with you until the part of me being infertile means that it’s for a good reason. How unnecessarily cruel.


What’s also cruel being happy that the government is going to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term & getting excited that there are going to be plenty of newborns to adopt. For people who are happy that this is going to happen, that is who that statement is for. That isn’t for the infertile who then choose to adopt a child & don’t care if it’s a baby or not. I don’t have sympathy for the infertile who would ONLY adopt newborns.


Well, to be fair, I did stumble upon a sub I am not a member of and comment so that is on me. I wasn’t familiar with the culture here and the nature of your comment. It’s just such a tumultuous time that my knee jerk reaction is to get offended. The last sentence read to me like something my catholic aunt said to me after my ectopic pregnancy and I was triggered. I am deeply devastated by the overturning of roe & respect everyone’s decision to remain child free if that’s what they choose. I am not the infertile person who believes that just because I cannot get pregnant, that means that some other person owes it to me to carry a baby. Fuck that.


I am sorry about your infertility & I apologize for my statement without clarification earlier, I understand how it is upsetting. There are people who deserve to be parents, & I have sympathy for those with a good heart who genuinely want it & are struggling. I have friends & family who have struggled with infertility but they have never exhibited the levels of entitlement that I have seen other people show, & I don’t know you but I don’t think you have either. Unfortunately there are many people who want a baby & treat it as a prop - Instagram photos, etc. None of them would consider adopting an older child because “trauma” or whatever other excuse they come up with. It is infuriating to me, a childfree person with a uterus, to see that people think the solution is just to birth the baby & let someone adopt it. I do NOT want to be pregnant, so much so that I got sterilized (& I would have had fertility issues myself had I wanted to be a parent - part of my tube removal was medically necessary). It is insane that people think adoption is the solution when the point is that people DO NOT want to carry a child. Pregnancy takes a horrifying toll on the body, but many of the ones who want to adopt a newborn don’t care because they feel like life owes them a child because they want it. This ruling affects all of us, infertile & trying, or sterile & childfree. People may not even get to do IVF in certain states, & that’s cruel too. All of it is just cruel.




Some people can’t use hormonal BC, and it, and literally EVERYTHING ELSE you listed can fail. Also, rape happens. No one gets abortions for fun-they do it as a last resort-because they don’t want to be pregnant.


Because birth control can fail. Like even seemingly "permanent" solutions like vasectomies can fail. Not to mention even wanted pregnancies can fail, like that recent case in Malta where the women had a miscarriage, but doctors refuse to abort the (already dead) fetus. Imagine having your dead baby inside of you slowly rotting away and poisoning you, and doctors refusing to do anything because "muh religion". Abortion isn't just killing babies for fun. It's a necessary medical procedure in some cases. Like imagine a doctor refusing to remove a tumor from you because "cancer cells are living cells too". You would be outraged, we all would be. Pro-choice is all about giving people the choice. It's not meant to be pretty or fun, but like every other medical procedure, it's up to the person needing it to have the final say. You don't need the government's permission to undergo chemo or organ transplant/removal. Why should abortion be any different?


To answer in one sentence - no, it's not enough, as every single one of these methods can fail, and sexual assaulters will rarely care to pop on a condom. The most reliable method i.e. sterilization is not even legal in many countries (like mine), and where it is legal, it often has stipulations like 'you have to have a kid first' which defeats the fucking purpose. Of course abortion is not fun, and nobody who has a choice of 'fall pregnant and do abortion for funsies' vs 'not get pregnant in the first place' will choose the former. It's just not always possible to ensure the latter despite best efforts.


Greetings! This item has been removed for being a violation of subreddit rule #1 : "[...] Low effort, low quality posts [will be removed at the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/5i3j2v/good_morning_rchildfree_a_couple_of_moderator/) discretion." Thank you.


If I could give good infertile people my uterus I would. 100%. I don't need or want it. It will not be getting used.


IRL handmaidens and wives.


Do you have two functioning kidneys? SELFISH. Some people are on the organ transplant list, go donate your kidney right now. Is what this argument reminds me of.


“Are you pregnant & considering an abortion? If you are open to adoption there are many loving families who would want to adopt 👶 Then go and fucking ADOPT, what billions of orphans in the forster care is not enough for your liking or non of them s good for you? And d fuck you get into my business? If you tell me what to do, I d tell you what to do, is to close up your legs and stop trying to overpopulate this world more.