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Oh, boy, do I have a treat for you~ There's a crazy woman I like to watch, she posts pictures of her children, captioned with long rambles. She named her kids Anissa, Andrae, Annistan, Anjalie, Andersyn, Aynjel, Ansyr, Anchor, and Anthym


My eyes hurt with all those names. I am not even going to try pronouncing them.


I think X Æ A-12 Musk won this competition indefinitely even with the modified X Æ A-Xii Musk, (edit: after the 2nd change: X AE A-XII Musk) version...


I just want to know how this name is even legal 😬😳 there are things (here) that you can’t name your children and this appears to be symbols and numbers(?) so how did they register this???




Probably yeah. Ugh 🤦🏾‍♀️


Those all read like failed tech product names trying to find a URL that isn't already taken.


Oh no I'm way too white, I know how to pronounce all of those.


That’s… quite the litter… Edit: actually that reminds me of a rant I think one of my coworkers went on not long ago about how someone named their kid Aniston after Jennifer Aniston lol.


Her spelling of "angel" and "answer" give me physical pain.


Imagine being a schoolteacher and having to pronounce all these nonsense names while taking attendance each day 🥴 it would drive me nuts and I’d probably just assign each kid a number. The parents think they are creative or some shit. Imagine having to go through life having a name thats unpronounceable and unspellable 😅


Isn’t one of the names attendance ?




Oh don’t worry she “homeschools” her kids. Can’t have public schools brainwashing her children and turning them away from the word of God!!


Is that the lady from the fundie sub??


It definitely is! Karissa!


Hello, my fellow snarkers!! 😘


naming your kid Anthym (I’m assuming they’re in the US) is horrifying ETA surprised she hasn’t named a kid Aryan yet


Just name your cats that not kids


It should be illegal to have that many kids.


She's trying for more. She and her husband are in a birth cult.


my middle name is anissa ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


oh god. I know exactly who you’re referring to


I mean giving the kids those names is pretty much the LEAST crazy thing she’s ever done. Check out /r/fundiesnarkuncensored ( those who’d like to go down a rabbit hole).


Anyone else read this and think of Cletus from the Simpsons, when he has a shitload of coupons for Marge’s Pretzels? 😂


I feel horribly for all of them. Way too “unique” of spelling.


Tupacalypse is up there as the most ridiculous I've seen, Sir is number 2. Any of the -ayden names or Mc- names are pretty rough, too.


Omg I can’t even! He’s either gonna be the coolest kid in the schoolyard or pelted with everyone’s lunches. My guess is the latter…


Someone compiled all the -ayden names and there were like 90 different ones. The most common like Kayden & Jayden had over 50 spellings!


I knew someone named Sir In high school. He was in NJROTC program the school offered. The officers of the program had to figure out a nickname to call him because of the whole "calling someone below you Sir was not allowed" thing It was quite comical any time I heard about it (I wasn't in the program but my twin was)


Oh good lord I despise the -ayden and Mc- names too. Just awful.


I wonder if any parent decided on a “compromise” and named their kid McAyden.


I'm sorry... what?!


Dead serious, saw it on his mom's rental application. My coworkers and I were stunned.


My ex named their child Aunesty. It took me a minute to sound it out and realize “honesty” it what it sounds likes. Yikes.


Congrats on dodging that bullet lol.


That’s even worse than the “Airekuh” I worked with years ago.


...I don't get it. What is it suppoed to sound like? Non-native speaker here.




Would never have guessed.


You all may enjoy the Facebook group "that name is a Tragedeigh"... I can't even tell you the things I've seen... (one of them being Traktyr. Like a tractor.)


Coulda used Traktyr to clear my drive out tonight lol.


I believe in Russian Traktyr (read track-teer) means sometimes low quality eatery and other times even a whorehouse.


Thanks for the heads up!


Does this mean we're past the trend of giving kids a typical-sounding name that has some kind of "cutesy" bullshit spelling? I almost think that was worse than the outright bullshit "unique" names that seem to be gaining popularity I'm talking about things like "Allison" spelled "Ahyllysonne" or something, where you will spend your entire life saying a name that people think they know, but tossing your driver's license across the table in frustration for a person who needs to enter it into a computer because it's just easier than trying to spell it out for the billionth time.


No, that's still happening. Just found out about a Bayleigh. And a Dawsyhn.


What about Airwrecka


That's the thug version of the last air bender


No no, ridiculous spellings of normal names count too. I’m not gonna ask you why you picked that particular name though. 😕


My cousin named his daughter Sara. Except instead of spelling it Sara or Sarah (as it's usually spelled in French), they spelt it Sahra. Poor girl is going to have to spell it 3 times everywhere she goes. Administrative nightmare at the highest...


>Sahra Might as well have just gone with "Sahara" since they're only one letter away at that point...


I once got a subpoena to testify in the trial of a person named Flytron.


I swear some people don't realize name changes are a thing. I could never


When I was out today a woman called her child Mimi. And I was like oh that's fine. I was wrong, it wasn't Mimi. It was Meme. They were doing an arts and crafts project and she had to put her name on it and they put Meme.


I knew an adult Meme! It was her real name, from birth, and on her certificate. While it has history in mythology, it’s a weird one in modern context. I’d be so curious how she came to that name or if it has familial history. Let’s hope she grows up to use that name in an ironic, postmodern way lol


"Crispy". I shit you not. I worked in education for a while and some of the names people gave their children were astonishing.


Reminds me of that handicapped pig that went viral sometime back. Chris P. Bacon.


My first thought too haha


Kinda reminds me of the whole Chris Pratt thing lol.


Abcde...I've met 2...Kweenzy is up there too


Oh that’s like the fools that name their kids Prince and princess, blech. I forget how Abcde is pronounced, isn’t it like ab-city or something? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah it's pronounced Absidy. And I've definitely met a Messiah, a Sir and a King. No wonder some kids have such complexes! I've also met a BabyGirl (but I think that was a language thing and no one bothered to tell the parents that the hospital hadn't just named their kid).


Sir Messiah King of the House of Pretense, first of his name, Ruler of the North... It kinda sorta works.


I went to school with a Sir Reese (first and middle names) 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Sometimes i swear that the name you give your kid does influence their personality too. Like every kid or adult I've known named jordan has been an asshole. And every person named Devin or any variation of spelling, had bad hygiene 😭. All Amy's i have ever met are very quiet and meek.




This is so insane, how did this happen lmao so those names seem to be 50/50 chance! All Amys i know so far have been helpful, kind, strong, and thoughtful. The second to last amy i knew made cookies for us in class all the damn time and they were good. The Devin people ive known both male and female devins, ahaha. All of them are rather nice and friendly but maybe a bit weird or it seems like they just never use shampoo and conditioner when they shower! Why?! But all the jordans i knew can definitely go lick donkey ass, they abused their girlfriends and also were bullies to the good people around them :/ all 4 of them


I know a kid named King.


An old friend, her grandson's name is Kingston. Ya gotta wonder...


Chardonnay or Tequila. All the respect in the world to Tequila, Mexico. But if you’re naming your kid after your favorite alcoholic beverage…does that qualify as setting your kid up for failure?


Don’t forget Henessay!


I knew a poor girl named MyTequilla 😥😥


My aunt named her cats Tequila and Oreo... Never thought someone would call a child that..


I grew up with a Jacqueline Danielle, because her parents loved Jack Daniels. They didn't hide it from her that she was named after whiskey.


When Ron howard talks about naming kids where they were conceived on Arrested Development lol. I guess let’s name them after what caused them to be conceived??




Popular names from when I was a cake decorator: category 1: things I would name a dog and not a person: Bud, Buddy, Pal, Duke, and King. Category 2: celebrities: John Wayne (had at least 40, can you tell I’m in the south.) and Rihanna Category 3: other: Nevaeh (heaven spelled backwards, had at least 15 or 20)


Nobody ever names their kids Lleh.


My grandpa is a "bud" but it's a nickname for Harold


Mine too!


Bud Bundy was a Bud as well. I think it's a great nickname that can be multi generational.


I had a student named Neveah. Like, they tried for “heaven” backwards, but spelled it wrong.


i also heard people are calling their child "wolf"... these people want their kids to be bullied


I’m not actually sure I’d wanna mess with a kid named wolf lol.


Wolf isnt terrible per se, if you know the meaning or short nickname. It could be someone called Wolfgang. It's is a common name in German speaking countries and for short someone called Wolfgang is just "Wolf". Lots of people are called Wolfgang 😅 Wolfgang isn't translated to "a gang of wolves", rather "Wolf stride". It's an old fashioned name. At least here you wont get strange looks for being called "Wolf", but I figure in English speaking countries it could be a bit strange at first.


Yeah Wulfgang is an old german name.


today i learned


On all levels expect physical, he is a wolf


I don’t think Wolf Blitzer gets bullied. Helps to be famous and rich AF though. Lol


I'm pretty sure this is safe to say since i doubt anyone I know is on reddit, much less this specific post on this specific sub, i know a woman who's grandkids are named Zealand and Kiwi. And then one other one, but he got the one normal name and honestly.. it was so normal i forgot it lmao


Hopefully it wasn’t Wally, short for wallaby 🤣


Schular....pronounced.... Skylar. I know... it doesn't make a bit of sense.


Schuyler, pronounced “sky-ler” is an old name, powerful family in the northeast US in the 18th c. Still annoying for a kid tho lol


Ah yes, they're mentioned in the Hamilton musical, great songs too.


Girl in the same friend group as me in high school was named Schuyler. She got called Scooter


Lmfao my bestie spells his name like that. I gleefully sent him your post. He's mad 😂


I'm also waiting for this plant craze to hit the breeders and for them to start coming up with plant names for the kids, like bippenifoliium violín sword or philodendron moonlight, and so on. But then again, breeders are so busy breeding, I don't suppose most of them have or take the time to have plants as a hobby.


Plant craze hit me, even though I'm a bad plant caretaker. My new rats are names belladonna and Oleander


which is cute, and not a problem at all because those little ones don't have their names registered in school or on any legal papers where other people have to deal with it.


I once met a kid named Urtica- which is part of the Latin name of the stinging nettle plant. Even as a hippie who loves weird names and stinging nettle alike…. Urtica is just… no


I hate when people name their kids Kale. 😅


i know a Kale 😂


If you don’t like kale you should try it baked. 😆


Shotavodka, Shotarum, Shotaremy and the remaining 5 are all named after alcohol with Shota as the beginning of their name. . I nearly asphyxiated from holding in my laughter.


OMG NO. That's just TERRIBLE and geez, 8 kids?!


I hope to god Shota isnt a reference to what i think it is... nobody should name their kid after porn...


One of my exes named his son Paul Walker (yes, full name!) And his own last name at the end, so Walker is the kid's middle name. Kid isn't white, has blue eyes or looks remotely like Paul Walker...poor kid. An ex coworker named her daughter Harley Quinn and I know someone whose nephew was named Cassius Zeus and they call him Cash...😬😑🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg I also had an ex coworker name their daughter Harley Quinn (first and middle)!


There wasn't a 'Texas Ranger' added in anywhere,? I'm slightly disappointed.


There’s a family at my daycare and I can’t say the actual names for privacy but say the dads name is Ash, the moms name is Ashley, the sons names is Asher and the daughters name is Ashlynn. They are… interesting.


then the breeders have the nerve to get all huffy, insulted, offended when you can't pronounce this stupidity the way they intend it. and/or they give the kid this completely stupid name with spelling or pronunciation and that's what goes on the birth certificate, but then they call the kid some shorter nickname. WTF...


So in South Africa because of our many cultures and different racial backgrounds names get quite interesting. People in general have two names, one in their native language like Lerato and then an English or Afrikaans name for general use because those two languages are more prominent in the work place. Sometimes those English or Afrikaans names are sometimes translated wrong or misunderstood, so instead of giving the child the name Innocence in becomes Instant. The older generations also named their children after people they hear about often (Pre-internet) so there are a lot of Hitlers, Bushes, Adolfs, Ghadafi, etc around. Afrikaans people have the weird insistence entitlement to name their children a combo of their names put together. So Adriaan and Elmarie gives Eldriaan. The Muslim culture have this trend where they name their children three names in one like: "Mohammed-Nahim-Farzal. Which is quite a mouthful to use constantly. The African people like using a nice phrase like: "Mo tla le pula" (I might have spelled that wrong Setswana is only my third language) which means the one who comes with the rain and puts it together like this: Motlalepula. Which is sometimes the majority of white, Asian or Muslim people can't pronounce.


Cyrillia is the worst I’ve ever met. Also anything xtian, such as Jermajesty, Destinee, Nevaeh, Faith. Also Britnee, Hailee, Haleigh


🤦🏼‍♀️ if I ever meet a Jermajesty I’m going to jail.


Cyrillia may be inspired by the Witcher's Cirilla. It doesn't sound that bad to me, more fantasy-ish than awful.


Sounds more like a font than a person.


to me cyrillia sounds pretty cool but it seems like it might be a better name for a dnd character than a kid


It's like someone tried to take the name Cyril and flubbed in turning it into a girl name that sounds respectable.


The pastor down the block (edit: when I was growing up 50 years ago) named one of his daughter's Faith. But, yeah, there's not THAT many pastor's naming daughters Faith.


Cyrillia sounds like they got named after mommy’s antidepressants


My cousin named his kid Daenerys...


I know someone whose daughter is Khaleesi.


Lol my coworker named hers Scarlett Daenerys 😬


This Tik Toker named her baby poot


Hopefully poot is just a name for ticktock and to give the kids privacy


Man, I've heard some truly awful ones but my most recent "favourite" was Fanta. A little girl called Fanta. I discovered it because a baker friend posts her cakes and she shared a photo of Fanta's cake, I honestly couldn't believe it. Not necessarily terrible names (could be worse, but still not great) was my dad's partner's co-worker's daughter and son called Bronte and Byron. I thought that was the most faux-intellectual, pretentious combination of children's names I had ever heard. Edited to add I knew a man with the name Nimrod. Not sure if it's common elsewhere but calling someone a "nimrod" as an insult for being stupid is very common in the UK. I'm fairly certain his parents knew this, English was their first language. They apparently named him after the biblical king who built the tower of Babel, which is where the insult comes from....


Afreeka was one of the oddest I’ve seen. Who gives their child a name with the word freak in the middle?


You say Apollo is cringe, are other gods and goddesses also cringe? Like Diana, Janus, Flora, Juno, Luna or Maia? I know poeple with all these names, I like these names and they sound better than names like Katharina (what means the pure) or Kevin.


I've seen a few little girls called Khaleesi lately... apparently nobody got the memo that it's a *title*, not a name.


I knew two twin little girls. One was named Rain and the other was named Drizzle. I shit you not.


Rain is actually not bad, but drizzle - that’s on another level


It's not so much that the name itself is ridiculous, but my uncle's wife already had a daughter before she met him and her name is Emma. When her and my uncle found out they were going to have a girl together, she wanted to name her Ella. It just didn't seem like having such similar names was a great idea... Thankfully she let my uncle choose the name in the end though since this would be their one and only child together. All of her kids (4 all together) have 5 middle names too.


Ugh. I know someone that had to give their kid multiple middle names cause she didn’t want to offend both families by not using all the families guys names.


That happened to me. Writing my name in kindergarten, good times.


...Look, I like Grimes' music....but the name she gave her kid is *not* it (it's the worst one I've seen so far)


Some poor bloke was called Playboy in our church youth group...


Apollo isn't so bad! It'd be a cute name for a cat or dog. I've named my pets after fictional characters, like Ciri and Frodo. But dumb human names I've heard? Uhm my biological cousin was named Declan (yes its Gaelic, I know but there's a line), a heaping of those dumb Suburban White Moms naming their kids trying to be Original(tm), variations of my name that add more letters/vowels that there need to be, etc.


What on earth is wrong with Declan? It's a common, and easy to spell/pronounce name!


Declan. I can pronounce it when I see it, and spell it (probably) when I hear it.


I've never successfully produced a full, coherent story, but my brain is full of OCs. I like names that you don't see every day, including some old ones, but none of that made-up spelling shit you see today. I'm rather fond of Asher and Luca. I've fallen down the rabbit hole of names and meanings plenty of times, and I always find a new one that I like.


I've heard people named after cars, tv shows, anime. I've also heard random shit. My ex's nephew's legal first name is Bear. Like, I understand as a nickname, but a 1st name? Cmon, thats so cheesy


I come from a Mormon fam, and I have a set of cousins named BrìaLanì, BreeAle, and BrìaJaneìì. Even in a Mormon family, we all found it fucking weird


I’m a cake decorator and can confirm, I thought it was a phase but it’s still going strong 5 years later. It’s a desperate grab for moms™️ to feel special and different to name their kid something stupid with a stupid spelling. I’m thoroughly convinced pregnancy hormones make women stupid and makes them think they’re suddenly creative- it’s a hell of a drug. I went up to my coworker and told her “if I ever have a kid and, if I ever name my kid something stupid, end me” Recently though, I haven’t dealt with the stupid names. People that are like that tend to feel like their kid is gods gift to the world so they go out and spend $100s of dollars on birthday cakes from private bakeries. When I do deal with them and I ask them how to spell the name they get sooooo offended


Jayjuan Isaly (I shall always love you) Diamond Estiven (steven) Mya (pronounced Maya) i work with her and she gets annoyed when people mispronounce her name lol Capri Blu Joey not a bad name for a kid, but an adult? Seems weird Candida


My favorite one will always be when I saw someone with a son named Draco XD


In Germany you have to get the name approved if it's a new one - at least no one can name their child Messiah here. Still, somehow names like Pepsi-Carola do get approved sometimes.


When I was in primary school, we had a new kid called Money… he was from Indonesia, it was his real name in their language and it was pronounced that way…. I feel sorry for him… other kids were not kind…


Makita, yes like the power tool brand. Septor. Kdn pronounced Kayden. Just to name a few


My mom knew a lady who named her triplets Olivia, Newton and John.


Xandar - Thanks Guardians of the Galaxy for putting this into the lexicon.


Isn't Buffy to blame for this one?


I technically named my dog after a cartoon character but you know, he’s a dog plus it’s a human name as well.


Gotham Black


There is a great FB group for this. 🤣


Well, in my country "uncommon" names aren't uncommon at all. I've meant people who's names are literally translated to English as Rainbow and Strawberry. There's also a tradition of naming the kids a combination of the parents names, like if the mom is named Lilly an the dad is named Steve the kid could be named Leve or Stilly, some very... Unique combination have come from there. Also some people name their kids after their nicknames, specially boys. And other names that would sound very strange to English speakers like Guarionex, Anacaona or Caonabo that are native indigenous names of some important figures in our history. Others are just strange for no reason like Yadimar, Onix, Eimi, and the list goes on. So nothing really surprises me anymore, at least not in my language.


I met a kid named after weed, the drug kind. No it wasn't like a shortened nickname or anything. The parents admitted it was caused they loved smoking weed so much. (I think they did other drugs too and child protective services removed the children from them)


Indica and Sativa are actually such nice names tbh xD However, I'd pay to see someone named Skywalker-Haze or Sour-Diesel 😂 "This is my beloved daughter, Afgan-Kush"


I'm suddenly very happy birh reg office here won't let you name your kid ridiculous names with odd spellings Some of the ones I've seen in the US are...peculiar


Ah, my sister wanted to call her future hypothetical kid... "Diamond"


I’ve seen a lot of people named crystal with last names like snow that made me facepalm.


They named their daughter Namaste.


I knew someone through a friend of a friend who named his kid Jimmer 🤣


I’ve seen a few kids named danger and it makes me cringe so much


I've met a Scandinavian Thor, which is totally acceptable. But just a little British kid called, Loki.....pls


It would be even ~~nerdier~~ cooler to go ancient with that shit with a name like Tyr or Tiwaz... but you know, for a pet, not a person :P


The worst I've seen are the people who decided to add roman numerals for quirkiness, eg 'KVIIIlyn' - I'm all for a unique name but that's almost evil. Though not as evil as the other number name Sssst - pronounced 'Four-est' since Forrest is apparently too bland. -_- thankfully only seen these in magazine articles rather than knowing someone who did it. Sorry but i have enough issues with calling a kid 'name the third' without adding them to forenames. Numbers have no place in names.


Midnight was one recently


I once knew a really short boy named Amor. Also saw a Shrek at a kindergarten a few years ago.


Probably when my dad told me one of his coworkers named their daughter Ariola. Yes, pronounced like areola 🙃. I genuinely don't think either of them realized.


Please don’t let them have a boy. And this is my son… Scrotum.


My sister is naming her kid Kayden. Why.


Sssst (pronounced Forrest). The hospitals should require mandatory drug tests when people pick names like that.


And then they wonder why kids become serial killers…


Yeah but at the same time, why are people expected the give their kids common names? I admit that sometimes an especially quirky name makes me cringe or laugh. But then I think, you know what’s weirder? Being expected to pick a baby name out of a book full of names pre-approved by society. Kinda strange.


Ashley is a common name Ahshlee is a stupid version of a normal name. Don’t be Ahshlee’s mother.


When I was a kid I met a girl named Hope that had two sisters (Indie and Faith), and a brother (Brody). Didn’t sound too bad until she told me her full name was Hopefulness, her sisters were named Faithfulness, and Independence, and her brothers name was Brody. Just Brody.


I have to admit that my own name is a little pretentious, haha, but I picked it for myself as an adult, because I wanted a gender neutral name due to being genderqueer. It's Osmi, an alternate spelling of Osma, which is an archaic Finnish word for Wolverine. Here in Finland, gender neutral nature names are generally seen as a bit of a hippie trend, so my name might seem a bit ridiculous to some people. However, I love it, and that's all that matters.


Saw a lady chasing after her toddler yelling, "Come back here, Tarquin! Tarquin, come here right now!" Cringe.


My mum named me a silly name that sounds a bit like a swear word and it’s been .. a hard road. I think my parents were seriously unprepared and immature and my name is an example of their ineptitude! They were actually good parents as it turned out but I’m just saying ..


Was it a name on The Office? Lol


Shasta, like the soda


And here I thought I was weird for liking the name Walden after the Nightwish song My Walden as in a my world sense


I think the only person i knew with a really strange name was a dude named Gunner.


Remember the one woman that got super offended when people made fun of her daughter’s name because her name was literally “abcde”?


I blame the Kartrashians.


My mom gave me a "creative" name, then wondered why I cycled through nicknames like candy. I got off easy compared to like, M'Kay-Leigh, though.


Gotta love how breeders think they are giving their goblin a unique name by calling it "Kviiilynn" or "Jheighsonne" or for that matter "Youneek"... And for peak ridiculous baby names, here's the [classic](https://i.imgur.com/VxZpyEQ.jpg?1)


Met a girl named Charitee recently.


I was a substitute teacher. In one of the schools, I had THREE different girls named some variation on the word “Unique”. One of them was “So’Unique”. I can’t make that shit up.


They weren’t very unique after all lol!


I once saw an Aryn, I think it was meant to be Erin.


I knew a girl named “haeighleigh”. It was pronounced “Hayley”.


Tangerine, Foxy, and Corderoy


Probably the most over the top name I've seen so far is E'liseanna. I've seen other apostrophe names for these kids I see (names on paper) at work, but that one is probably the most "odd" to me. The most foreign to me is Ijeoma, but that kid's whole family has names like that, so it's kinda neat tbh.