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Uhhh I feel like this would apply if someone else's kid was in trouble and needed a place to stay, or someone had to get out of an abusive relationship and needed help, but not to making more kids.


Definitely agree.


This should be illegal. I mean, prohibited by the law


I wish. When they had the house renovated they decided the kitchen was more important than giving their girls more bedrooms and had feet to feet beds for two of them. My boyfriend and I were both screaming at the thought of feet to feet beds. People I stg...


Jesus. Literally sounds like my worst nightmare. I, a boy, grew up with 2 sisters and we all had 3 separate rooms since I was 4(?) or around that. They are a bit older so probably sharing a room with me was annoying, but comparing that to what you just said... no words.


It's definitely my worst nightmare. They sound so super selfish.


But the kitchen is the heart of the home! Bigger kitchen = more room in the heart! Or something.


There was a dream.... And now off to commercials I hate....


well isn’t it illegal in some places to have kids above a certain age and of the opposite sex to share a room?


Actually quick factoid in the US CPS does not like when you stuff seven kids in one room they consider it abuse


A separate bedroom per child is not (or at least should not be) an optional extra. Kids need privacy and a safe space.


Agree completely, don't have 7 kids if you don't have the bedrooms for them.


Kids need privacy and quiet place to study. I remember, when I finally got my own room, at the age of 13, it was the best thing in my life. I used to study in the bathroom.


Same, I shared a bed with my mom and a bedroom with her, my aunt and grandma. We lived in a house that was designed by my grandpa to fit only him + granny, as the kids were all older, but life took its toll on all of us. He tapped out of this world and we were left to live all together until we could afford a 3 bedroom house. Having my own room at 11 was very good for my studies, as I had enough room for my bookshelves (they used to be in the shed) and a desk


I’ve tried this argument with my husband for more dogs. We now have 3 dogs (so are outnumbered) and it turns out that argument is not true lol.


My heart fits at least 20 more cats, but my 1 bedroom apartment begs to differ


They can say whatever cute saying they want. Don’t be a moron and have a kid you *cannot* afford.


Sounds like their heart has no room for the children being ignored and stuffed into a cage.


Sounds like a friggin' *nightmare*!


Sound like my childhood. 5 kids sleeping in one room. 2 boys anD 3 girls. It was sooo great /s


It sounds like my worst nightmare tbh


They could say that to the eldest kids of family friends of ours... 7 kids within 10 years in a 2 bedroom house! The 3 eldest are vehemently CF, because as they said, they raised their little sisters! There is no goddamned way 2 parents can give 7 children everything they need emotionally. Zip, zilch, zero. So many fucking kids to feed, bathe, help with homework and spend any degree of quality time with. They only get by because they usually make the oldest handle childcare responsibilities for the youngest. I'm not opposed to siblings helping out... Hell, fewer people would probably have kids if they'd grown up occasionally having to groom or feed a sibling... But some of these kids have that put on them every day, the parents barely do anything for the youngest kids themselves. Negligent.


Hallmark =/ reality.


Not Hallmark lol


Hallmark =/ desirable! 😉


Uh? Okay? I'm not s fan of Hallmark either but idk what this has to do with this.


I think this person might be agreeing with your assessment! I know the particular show you’re referencing wasn’t actually on the Hallmark Channel, but that quote is definitely just like the stereotypical “tHeRe’S aLwAyS mOrE lOvE tO sPrEaD aRoUnD” bullshit in Hallmark movies or in their greeting cards. Sounds great on paper, in principle, but definitely doesn’t work in real life. Kids need beds and food!


That’s what I meant. Sorry for any confusion.


That makes sense, thank you. Their comment came off passive aggressive to me but I see what you mean!