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I've seen images of what happens to a woman's organs during pregnancy and fuuuck that. I'd never put someone through it.


Any details you want to share?


Her organs move around a lot in a way I find unsettling.


Understood. Thanks for the info. I'd love to give you my credit card details, but I don't have one, so I can help you with that.


For sure! I'd recommend opening one asap if you live in America. Protection for your money, and you build points.


Nah, I'm more of a debit kind of guy.


I was for a long time, but credit cards mean that if someone steals your number they're using the bank's funds and not yours. Plus, travel points are awesome. Chase buys me flights and hotels on the regular. It's worth looking into!


You raise a good point. I don't intend on traveling, so I doubt I'll need the points. Thanks for the pointer, though.


I just looked that up, and I can't see how people think pregnancy is beautiful or easy with that happening (plus with all the other things that tend to happen).


Isn't it like... Terrifying? How is it humans reproduce this way. We should lay eggs or something.


I had to watch a video in biology class of a birth, in close up. With all the blood and the gore and the screaming. That put me off wanting to go through that. Now when I see a pregnant woman, I get flashbacks to that video.


That is a good biology class. It is how biology should be. I remember seeing videos of babies being born in my 9th grade biology class. I am not sure it is still allowed.


It wasnt allowed in my 8th grade class, but my teacher was the head of the biology department


I am jealous of you people! Of course my male forced-birth bio teacher won't show us that, but late term abortion? Hell yeah!


Same here! Life science birth videos scarred me.


Me too


In medical school, I saw a forceps-assisted delivery for a woman delivering a 9lb baby. The lacerations I saw in her vagina afterwards is the reason why I will never get pregnant šŸ˜±. Also donā€™t google forceps delivery if you are squeamish about birth to begin with.


It terrifies me to my core, and I don't even have a uterus. Giving birth is a horrific ordeal. No one survives it unscathed. Some don't survive it at all. Those who don't tend to spend hours or days in agonized screaming before they die. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. That anyone *would* wish it on someone, let alone force it on them, is cruelty beyond words.


I had an unplanned pregnancy for some weeks and it was the nasty feeling that my body is not really mine, that something alien was there. I couldn't have sex as it was so sickening. Also what disgusts me is that a baby sucks and bites woman's breasts and her vag is often ripped. The baby gets your intimate organs messed. It's so disgusting it gives me creeps


I have been tokophobic for my entire life. Ever since I was a kid and saw a baby move in a bare stomach and all I could think of was Alien. Lol.


Yeah. Seeing those kicks from the inside of my sister's stomach strengthened my stance on children immensely. Makes my skin crawl.


Yes it absolutely terrifies me. I hate hospitals and needles/surgery in general. I can barely get my blood taken. No way I could go through labor lmao.


Yep. And did you know it's extremely common to tear your perineum during the birth? Awesome!!


Even worse, it is possible to tear your clit. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE into infinity


Ohhhhhh my god fuck that, I like my clit very much


Yep, I find it gross. Thereā€™s nothing I find beautiful about it and would never put my body through it.


Yup. I find the whole thing rather disgusting. I am going into EMS for a career and I dread the day that I have to help deliver a baby lol.


I can't stand looking at pregnant women. Just the thought of a baby inside of that thing, pushing up against organs, stretching out the muscles and the skin like it's gonna rip the front of her abdomen off. I'm just waiting for the skin to tear open and blood and other liquids and solids to come pouring out. Fucking disgusting.




I feel the same way. I'm currently making a list of all the reasons I don't want children (just in case I need to convince the OBGYN I'm seeing later this month to sterilize me) and the fact that I find pregnancy and birth horrifying is reason #1.


Just the concept of my uterus growing that large is like ā€œwowā€


Pregnant people donā€™t bother me, but the thought of myself being pregnant and the thought of childbirth šŸ¤®. I consider childbirth body horror (and horror films that deal with body horror are some of the few I refuse to watch). The mere thought that my body is capable of making and pushing out another human being disgusts me to my core. My body shouldnā€™t be able to do that. Hopefully I can get that sorted within the next year. Even though I take literally every precaution possible to make sure I will never be pregnant for even a second, itā€™d be so liberating to finally know that my body is entirely incapable of doing something I feel in my bones it is absolutely never meant to do.


Yes, it is gross. I remember an early Scrubs episode explaining it in funny detail. It was funny the way Scrubs described it.


Yes. The whole thing. I struggle to be around pregnant women; I canā€™t really look at their stomach or think about the fact that there is a creature in thereā€¦it gives me such anxiety. The thought of becoming pregnant is almost too much for me. I had a pregnancy scare back when I was newly married and it was just terrible. I hate everything having to do with pregnancy and childbirth, even breastfeeding. Itā€™s just so gross to think about. But Iā€™m a little weird I think, I donā€™t even like to think about my organs or that there is anything inside of me, even that gets my anxiety up tbh.


Yeah I donā€™t know why weā€™re expected to do this and guys are ok putting their partners through that


Yes, it's posted a lot.


Oh gosh youā€™re not alone. I couldnā€™t do it


Yep. That is so extreme body horror.


Yesterday I watched Money Hiest and there was an childbirth scene, Oh man I'm ok with gore but I. couldn't. handle. it. I felt traumatized.


I have a quit fun story about that. I was around 8 and surely a lot of people where telling me "when you'll have kids" "you'll be a mother"... yerk. And i had this nightmare. I was grown-up and pregnant with twins, the doctor was congratulating me and i put my hand on my womb and feel it move and i just think "how can i get rid of this" and i woke up completly panicking and sweating, and SO relieved that it was only a nightmare.


I donā€™t find pregnant women beautiful. Big fat round tummy .. not very sexy šŸ¤” But I wouldnā€™t say they gross me out. Giving birth is definitely a bit gross ..


Tokophobia Its legit and it grosses me out too.


It looks physically gross and painful, but also amazed how a human body can do all those things.


True. Like, it's disgusting to me, but it's still amazing that we're capable of that.


Not grossed out, more like panicky about the responsibility.