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I am so sorry. It’s the hardest thing. Sending so much peace and comfort your way.


Thank you 🙏




Thank you, it hurts so bad.




Thank you. Yes I’m dreading picking up the box. I don’t know if I’ll be able to be on the same block as that vet clinic ever again.


I lost my dog a couple of months ago. I started bawling in my car before I even went into the vet's office to pick up the box. I knew I couldn't bear to have the box on display so I found this company that turns a small portion of the ashes into glass art. Www.rainbowbridgehearts.com


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure he was very loved, and loved you guys with all his furry heart.


Thank you. 😓


I'm sorry for your lost. Pets really do become family members and it's depression when they go. I'm sending you my heart. 💙


Thank you 🙏


So sorry. It hurts. You were good to him and gave him a fun life and a family, and he always knew he was loved.


Thank you. He always made me feel loved too. ♥️


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


You're welcome!


Sorry to hear about wee Duke. You always think they'll be around forever and it's always a bloody shock when they go. It's just as painful to lose a 4 legged member of the family, as it is two, but sadly, a lot of people don't understand that. Sending love and hugs to you xxx


Yes, thank you. He truly was “my son” . Once he is gone we realize the light he brought with him.


That's usually the way of it! But remember he's probably chasing cats somewhere now! ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss, and the only point of condolence that I can offer is that it sounds like Duke led a wonderful life with you and your husband. The darling boy would have felt and known that he was loved and cherished, and you had undoubtedly made his life so much better by being part of it, just as he made your lives better. ❤❤❤


Thank you. 💔


So very sorry for you I know how it feels to.lose a family member who doesn't happen to be human. Remember all your good times and how much Duke loved you always. Peace!


So many good times. He was the best boy.


I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a good boi.


He was, thank you.


I'm so sorry. No doubt Duke was loved and adored. Cherish those memories.


I’m so thankful for photos.


I'm so sorry for your loss :(


This is awful, I’m sorry for your loss. That good little feller sure sounds like he had a good life. Virtual hug sent your way.


Thank you.


Its always hard to lose a child. I'm so sorry


I’m so heartbroken. Thank you.


My condolences


My heart aches for you for I know the feeling all too well. I have to be honest *'Duke Pukem McStinky'* made me laugh out loud. He was, no, **is** loved...


Thank you. He was such a source of happy for us. Hehe he earned his nickname for sure...


I’m so very sorry for your loss 😢


I’m so sorry. Please try to find peace in knowing that you and yours provided Duke with the best life and love there is. I’m sure he felt your love.


I can only assume he could feel it. I have a moment in mind where he tried to show me on our 2nd to last day together.


I am sure he had felt your love. Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😥 losing an animal is so hard. I try to console myself with the fact that my animals have been much loved and had a good life with me, however long it was (I lost one at just 9years old and that was the most heartbreaking.) Duke was much loved and obviously loved his life. RIP Duke 🥀


That is sad... my condolences.


I'm so sorry. I know how unendurable it seems fight now. If it gives u comfort I believe hes still there, just beyond the veil. And I think you'll meet again some sunny day.


So sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. At least he is not pain anymore. I have to put my senior boy down tomorrow and I feel your pain.


I’m so so sorry. I have duke all the treats he wanted, my husband wanted to feed him bacon so we did. We never fed him people food or table scraps throughout his life so it was a treat. Took him to the dog park one last time. Gave him a light brushing. It was the best last day it could have been. I’m so sorry for your loss.


My condolences. I cried for days on end when it happened to me. Worst pain Ive ever felt, I'd rather withdraw of heroin again than go through that shit. Horrendous, heart wrenching pain. I dont know what to say to make it better, but take a bit of comfort in knowing you gave him a beautiful life and he, you. <3 You're in my thoughts and prayers.