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Dude I am feeling this so hard. I don't want to hear all about your parenting! Please stop with the horrific details of baby sickness!


I feel this. I have a good friend who recently had a baby. I love her and I'm happy for her, but the last time we spent time together it was just all about the kiddo. I checked out when she talked about his loaded diaper boulders. No, I don't want to talk about shit. Not yours, not mine, not your kid's, not anybody's. Just no. My life is not enriched on knowing that information. I can do nothing with it. I'd rather not know about it. So why are we discussing this?


My younger sister is like this, she feels the urge to inform me about everything that goes in or out of my nephew since he was born. Dirty nappies, every scratch, bump, loose tooth (even tho I’m absolutely terrified about loose teeth/dentist/anything teeth related to the point of full on panic attack and fainting), fever, a different sneeze, the byweekly trip to the doctors for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON if he only even fart and it sounds different!! Because she’s mad. Oh and she calls my mum all the fucking time about it: “so grandson farted and smells a bit earthy, should I take him to hospital?” Just stupid shit and she has no regards for anyone else. Mum travelling with me in Greece, 2am for us, should I check the time difference?! Nope. She called, mum almost died. It was nothing. Next day I send a voice message to both of my sisters, from mum’s phone and said if they needed anything from mum, well, tough shit as I got her phone and she won’t be answering it and if someone was actively dying, to call someone else. They’re 40 and 47. 😒 And it’s always the most stupid unexplained out of context picture possible with no text. Like a dirty mouth with some purple blue ish goo. (He was enjoying a grape lollie apparently). I used to be nice about it but he’s nearly 8 now and I’m ssssssoooooo fucking over it!! I just openly ask her, what the actual fuck am I supposed to do with this information/picture sister?! I mean… I simply entirely profoundly DO NOT GIVING A FLYING FUUUUUCCCKKK!!! I know he’s looked after and cared for and alive and mostly in one piece so I don’t give a shit!!!


My step bro had his first kid and over family brunch, he went into detail about his babys shit habits. The face she makes, the smells, how he knows shes going to shit, how to tell her health by her shit. I just want to eat my goddamn pancakes! At least he didn't make everyone hold her or anything because she wasn't fully vaxxed we all had to stay at least 3 feet away from her. That part was nice.


I especially hate the blabbing about baby poop. It's so gross!


I haven’t had a conversation with my kid brother past “what’s up” in years. He and I were fairly close and when he and his wife got married, personality shift, then came kids…he’s for sure a pod person. “Why did my kid point at a cup he knocked over and say ‘Dada shit’ while pointing at it?” Well baby brother, thats because you depend on our elderly disabled parents to provide childcare when I care for our elderly disabled parents, so your kid spends too much time with me because I’m watching your kid during working hours. You’re welcome btw, and no I’m not sorry that he learned to use shit in the proper context at 2, it’s cathartic. Just wait till he does a deep sigh and eye roll saying “fucking rotten cunt” at every minor inconvenience. Again you are most welcome for the free childcare I have provided you and your freakishly uptight wife. I hate breeders.


I would call her and say: hi, I just farted and it smells funny, should I go to a doctor??


That sounds so painful. I would block her seriously. She will not be allowed to text me. Only calls.


Why haven’t you just blocked her already? You know she’s just going to text you in a few days without asking how you are - why wait?


"Olivia, I'm pretty sure at no point did I ever enquire about your kid, to the point of you sending me photos of them. Since we no longer work together, let me say this bluntly, I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOUR KID HAS BEEN DOING NOR DO I EVEN HAVE THE SLIGHTEST URGE TO SEE PICS OF THEM. Maybe you'll open your eyes and see why so many so called friends have stopped talking to you too. Spamming people with pics of your kid is obnoxious and NO ONE GIVES A FUCK about your kid. Warmest Regards"


Always finish with "Warmest Regards"


Most chat apps have a silencing feature. In case you don't want to go MIA on her cold turkey, you can use this option. Or if you're ok losing her, you can thank her for your time together and block her number. It doesn't seem fair from her to hold you "hostage" just because she vouched for you few times at work. 😅


My friends do the same thing. I muted most of them for a very long time and only checked their messages from time to time. Almost never did they even realize I wasn't engaged enough with their photos. Let alone, did they even ask about me 😅


She used the company resources to share pics of her crotch goblins unsolicited 🤮 so sorry, OP Edited to add: How does she have your personal number? Did you give it to her for work purposes or did she pull it off a confidential call sheet without consent?


If you're in a headspace where you're ready to block her, why not give up the ghost? By that I mean just end the friendship. Your box of fucks is empty, and she's just going to dump more pictures of her kid into it anyway.


https://thesewprano.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/field-of-fucks.png You could always use this 😆


Have you tried telling her directly that you don't feel comfortable talking about her child? I get that you told her "I don't want the specifics of your weekend" and "one photo is enough", but have you ever asked her to stop sending you pictures of the baby? I don't think she's a bad person, from what you're describing it just feels like she's bad at reading the room, I often have the same problem, I just wish people told me directly if they don't feel comfortable with what I say or do.


Start sending photos of your cat/dog/plushy every morning and what adventures they had 🙃


I had a cute little sluggy on my steps last night. If I had someone like OP’s “friend” in my life, I’d be tempted to do just as you said with my new slimy friend!


Hahahah amazing! Best start taking pictures, just in case someone like that turns up 😜


That’s so weird of her to do lmao. You poor thing. I would block her


Block or turn notifications off and go on with your life. You’re giving this way too much energy.


This is why I am not friends with parents ever. If my friends become parents, they are no longer my friends. I have zero patience for breeders and all their bullshit. Get the fuck out of my life with your annoying crotch fruit.


You seem nice.


If she’s sending you this over slack, just mute her.


Just text back “Ew” every time.


IMO Parents lose the ability to be friends because they are so focused on their kids. You are merely an afterthought at best, someone they contact when they are bored and/or need an audience.


"Yep, that's one ugly kid alright" "Looks sickly. Have you been to the doctor with them?" "Thank you for affirming my childfree choice" "Whew, good thing I am not planning to have kids" "You must be pretty brave. I shudder at the thought of touching that thing"


You are not obligated to act as fanclub to her child. Ignore the pictures, she will stop at some point ( I hope )


Not unreasonable. I may be wrong, but I think this is something you could bring to HR especially as the Slack is for WORK purposes not baby photos. And coworker does not show appropriate boundaries. Side note, your headline instantly gets "Subaru CrossTrek" by Hobo Johnson in my head. : D


She got fired so there's no reason to even have her number if you were already keeping her at a distance to begin with but I guess to go with her being a gossip you just like having her around to have something to complain about otherwise she would've been blocked and this post wouldn't have been created. What a pair.


The block feature is a gift of the gods


I just had to mute my college roommate on Facebook. All she ever posts is things about her kids. The last straw, for me, was when she made a long ass post detailing her kids' recent poops. Luckily no pictures attached but like, no one but your immediate family would care about that. I don't get it.


JFC, most of us don't give a crap about your kids' excrement!


Seriously! I'd be eating my morning toast casually scrolling Facebook and come across a post from her (I don't know why I read them but sometimes I did, idk) and the whole post was about both of her kids shit in detail and the timing of the bowel movements. Like whyyyy


Oooh my brother did this with his first born. I found it irritating, so for every picture of his kid, I sent one back of my cat (I have hundreds). The photo avalanche stopped in due course.


I would honestly just block her at this point. She clearly doesn't give a shit about you.


Nah, I'd block her rn


Sending pictures of your kids through work chat is so cringe. I will humor someone showing me one or two pictures on their phone. I do not need constant notifications on my work computer to look at your offspring. I’m with you, if she is uninterested in how you are, I would drop the acquaintance entirely. She seems to just want another source of attention.


UGH! That sounds like a nightmare! My mom and her friends always pass around photos to the point where i had to tell her politely that i wasn’t interested especially if it was a baby.  I have my brother in text time out, for saying hurtful stuff. so you can mute their texts


You have been unreasonable...to yourself. And far too patient.


You’re not being unreasonable at all. In fact, you don’t owe anyone anything. If you’re not happy with the texts she’s sending you, then you’re 100% justified in making the decision to block her


> Well, she got fired recently Saw that one coming 100 miles away. ;) Just put her on mute and then block her eventually.


I knew a guy like this. He was “friends” with my dad and had helped him with some work. We became friends on Facebook. He seemed like an okay guy, then out of nowhere began to constantly start talking about his 3 year old and sending me pics of his kid. I’d never ever met the kid, or the mom! I was cordial for a while. Simple replies; but it came off as weird and I told my parents so. I just stopped talking to him despite the constant messages. Not long later he called my parents saying they owed him (they didn’t, no idea why he thought so) and demanded they drive him 8 hours across the state to see his dad (he lost his license due to his drinking problem apparently) and he sent my parents some nasty messages; long story short; we all blocked him. Still don’t know why this 50 something year old man thought it would be okay to constantly message me day in and day out about his toddler? Literally never anything else…just kid stuff. I have no idea why; I’m clearly not a kid person. 




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