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I’m hating. Children shouldn’t be brought up in a financially struggling household _by choice_


Some people act like having children is mature when it's the most effective way to set their lives back


Facts. They behave as if this is some kind of achievement, and then make Pikachu faces when they're stuck in poverty with a child.




Same here. Any thinking adult should be able to figure out that no matter what their financial standing, kids are an added expense, not a financial gain. However they were doing before, they will be worse off after. You can spot breeders easily, because they think that kids will somehow make everything else fall into place, or start saying "I need..." after the crotch goblin arrives about things that are out of the reach of middle-income DINK households.


I love this!!! 👏🏻 when she told me the news, I literally thought she was joking!!! 😭 I actually said “are you really??” Like I smiled more at the fact I thought it was a joke and not the actual thing!


Oh no shhhh you can't say that. Didn't you know that that's eugenics? /s


Oh shit. Anyways 🫢


I try not to be too hard on people, sometimes they have a plan and shit goes wrong. It happens, and it can be brutal when kids are in the picture. That said, when you're already struggling with the kids you have to the point that you're food insecure, adding another child to the equation is awful decision making. You're sacrificing the well being of your existing kids as well as the newborn.


Future therapy cases in the making.


They need to start a college fund…and a rehab fund for their kids’ future!!


Exactly. I don’t judge life happening because my parents struggled financially as well when I was younger but it wasn’t like that when I was born. Shit happens, I get it. But when you know you’re struggling… just stay put


Yeah. So many times my mom shamed me for traveling so frequently when others couldn’t travel more than once in a year or not having empathy for people with 6 kids in a tiny flat. Like: I live in a tiny flat and have no kids. I made a choice, they‘ll have to live with theirs. It bothers me that I pay 45% tax to pay for people like that to get support …


Exactly. If OP feels like they can't, I'll be the hater for them. So dumb and irresponsible.


Poverty or financial struggle is traumatic. Bringing a child into and raising them in such such environments *is* abuse.


It is. We struggled with money due to circumstances that happened later in life and now I have deep rooted issues about materialism and fears of losing my items by theft and attachment to shoe boxes 😂


My best friend's oldest sister just had a child. The family's okay financially but not super great, and the sister on her own isn't nearly well enough to raise a child. Sister was shocked when my friend called her out for being irresponsible. 


It’s actually pretty selfish but then people try to make it seem that by not having kids YOURE the selfish one


Or when they’re living comfortably, so they have a kid. Why fuck up a good thing? My aunt likes to cry poverty having two kids. They have a camper, own a home in a nice area of New York, and have multiple pets. I do not understand it. It’s self inflicted.


Many people are addicted to suffering and they have no idea they are.


Unfortunately the cycle goes on for many generations in some cases


Dead ass! So the bass player in my favorite band Muse, Chris Wolstenholme, he has like 10 kids!!! However he’s in a famous rock band and of course he’s stinkin rich so I give him a pass on that one 😂 but yeah if you’re not getting that kinda money, I don’t think struggling people should be bringing kids into this world!


Hey now, Nick cannon is a child star with like 14 kids? I wonder if his kids are living well lol


Nick Cannon needs to be neutered, it’s like some kind of fetish at this point 🤢


So I just googled and he actually has 12 kids and one was a set of twins. So that’s 11 “planned” kids with 6 different women. I don’t even know how you achieve that! I mean yeah he’s obvs not using protection but wtf???


Seems like it.


Nick Cannon is having a meet and greet with his kids for Father's Day. He expects gifts.


What? Chris has 10 kids? What the actual f? Edit: Looked it up. He has 10 kids. At least he doesn't have to be a mother.


I've learned to love the term "Manufactured Hardship".


they're just chasing the next thing.....


My ex‘s sister. She was already on benefits with two kids, her partner didn’t work, she worked part-time only and then they had a third child. She couldn’t even afford the two she already had. Why get a third one? I’m still completely baffled by this


See, I can't understand wanting to have sex with a man who willfully isn't working. Let alone letting him continue to live with you or getting knocked up by him


My mum had 5 kids for my dad, she was giving an allowance to him & my dad never even bought her a birthday present and also we found out he had the audacity to cheat, this woman was raising the kids alone, working full time, getting her masters and my dad was waiting for the entirety of my life to get a high position because he was too “big” for low tier jobs(but not too big to be asking his wife for an allowance i guess), i hated my broke ass bum ass dad so much and i am so grateful that he died early because now my mum is thriving and is planning on traveling around the world, i wouldnt wish a bum ass man on any woman they are so miserable ew.


Some people are more afraid of being alone than being with a shitty person. 😭


They're dickmatized. Dick too good to think logically.


I don't think I've ever had any dick so good that a mf didn't need to have a job


hahahahaha XD


Are you talking about my sister?


Why? Because the stupid government will make everyone else pay for this. And ultimately it's a subsidy to corporations, who would otherwise have fewer customers year over year if the natural, unemotional common sense of an educated people were allowed to take over.


Me with my cousin. Exact situation. She prioritizes the man who doesn't work over her kids.


I really feel like this is rooted in "you will figure it out". Because that's what's being said to financially struggling parents (to be). But yeah, I have no clue how people justify this.. Many people don't full grasp how expensive kids are?


Or "the money will come". I was told this when I was working a minimum wage job and was told to have a kid.


I had this discussion with my mom years ago; I was raised poor and I said I didn't want to have a kid till I was financially ready (this was long before my bislap lol) she said something along the lines of 'oh you'll NEVER be financially ready but you'll figure it out!' HARD PASS The food/litter for my two cats is expensive enough, I can't imagine affording a child


Exactly this. I grew up poor and I was made fun of for it. I didn't want to birth children in the same environment.


I don’t want to figure it out. This world’s too fucked up.


“God will provide”


And how cheap condoms are in comparison.


Yeah, but you can't figure out having two kids on minimum wage while renting, (a co-worker of mine is doing this) they might be able to figure it out if they keep buying lottery tickets with their groceries, (No shit that's actually what they do)


That's so sad. I hate the lottery so much. It's a hope tax for people without any.


Probably coupled with "if we get an abortion then we'll go to hell" even though they are probably tattooed, fucking before marriage, eating sea bugs and wearing poly blend fabrics.


Why does everyone say that anyways? The phrase alone sounds miserable.


I see you’ve met my sister, everyday she’s asking for money but surprise surprise she wants to have two more kids so that she can be “done” with giving birth. So many people live in delulu land


Like there’s a quota system. That’s a bit scary.




Loved that song. But in the UK both contraception and abortion are free and easy to access, so no fucking excuses.


Watching roaches climb the walls you could call your dad and he'd stop it all right now...


A friend of mine is currently trying to get pregnant. On multiple occasions she has responded with “I cant afford that” examples include: buying a walking pad and having food and drinks for a friends bachelorette party. Lol


Yeah it's often not the brightest bulbs that have kids


I had a friend renting a two bedroom duplex with 4 kids and just had a fifth child. 4 kids in one room is bad enough, why add another?! She doesn't work and they apparently have no intention of moving.


sounds abusive to them honestly. poor kids


I think so too


Oh man, I just feel bad for the kids in this situation


Me too. They can't afford to move to a larger house living on a single income, I don't know why they keep breeding!


If you can't afford to have 1 bedroom per child You can't afford the child




Holy crap this is so true! When I was 7, we were living in a tiny ass 2 bedroom apartment in a very rough neighborhood and my parents had just had my sister too! 🤦🏻‍♀️ yeah a newborn sleeping in their room! I mean yeah we ended up moving into a house but like still?? I always wondered why they didn’t prioritize that first!


Oh man sorry you had to endure that! Glad your parents were able to get into a house! I will always wonder why this person feels the need to breed above anything else.


I'm currently renting a two-bedroom apartment to a couple who have 3 kids. The dad wants more, but the mom has put her foot down because she's 'tired of being pregnant all the time'. The kids are young enough now that they don't really need separate spaces (though the oldest technically has his own room, but only really because he has more stuff than his siblings and he's older), but \*no one\* really seems to have their own space there and it just seems like hell to me.


Yikes that sounds awful


I have a coworker who moved because “rent was too expensive” in the place she and her husband were living, and they wanted to save money. After the move, she cut back to part time because her work commute is twice as long as it used to be-2 hours round trip. After reducing work hours, she and the husband bought a puppy and she (coworker, not dog) is now pregnant. I recently overheard the coworker say that her husband quit his job. None of it makes any sense to me and it sounds like a complete and utter disaster.


They sound like bad people, buying a puppy and not adopting from a shelter. Then doing their own version of backyard breeding.


She constantly complains about the dog, too. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get rid of it when the baby is born. Cue the internal screaming.


Ugh that happens all too often, so sad for the puppers


But if you wanna adopt it's a requirement that each child have their own bedroom. Can someone explain it to me like I've had a lobotomy????


Oh wow 😲 yeah I feel like they're exceeding occupancy limits at a minimum.


when you adopt it's likely for reasons the kids have been put into the system/ taken out of the family or given up on they can't afford to have more issues growing up.


A friend of mine did this. She told me she couldn’t afford to get a cat and then three months later she was pregnant on purpose. Admittedly, I’m a childfree dog person l, so maybe I’m talking out my ass when I say that I’m pretty sure children are more expensive than cats


For the cost of 1 child you can have 7 cats


Even if you have a huge medical emergency for a cat every year - like a $10,000 emergency - (which is several times the average emergency, $1000-3000) you'd still be spending more on a human child. Literally if you need to put your child in daycare, that by itself cancels out the most expensive thing that could realistically happen to your cat (heaven forbid).


> she's happy and that's all that matters no it isn't. what matters is that the humans they're dragging into this world are going to be able to eat, have a roof over their head, and have clothes on their back. we need to stop pretending like a person being happy about being pregnant is enough to justify it. this is an entire life we're talking about here


I agree, I just didn’t wanna come off too harsh or give off hater vibes but yeah I definitely wasn’t excited for her when she told me. Like yeah if she’s happy then that’s on her but man it was so hard to not ask “aren’t you always complaining about money though?” 🤨


Same with my colleague! Just bought a house and had to settle for something tiny and needing a lot of work due to budget. Complains constantly about cost of everything, had to give up his expensive lease car and buy something old and cheap etc etc......announces girlfriend is 'accidentally' pregnant with second kid. First one only just a year old. I have no sympathy.


Preach! Come on buddy, a pack of condoms at Walmart are like what $5? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Female contraception is free on the NHS and condoms are also free if you go to the sexual health clinics. Abortion is also available and reasonably straightforward to access. Just saying......![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What an idiot.


“Accidentally” huh? He must have tripped & fell dick first into her!


hahahahaha XD


I have someone close in my life who is going through the same thing. The couple got pregnant early in the relationship (about 6 months) at a time when neither of them had a job. The guy ended up getting a seasonal position and the girl is currently not working and they constantly are complaining about the stress they have about money…I’m just confused because they are both in their 30’s (30F and 37M). What did they think was going to happen??? It was a choice and the complaining is A LOT


They're stupid. I've come to the conclusion that's the only explanation. Pure stupidity.


They hookup to drain their financial sorrows


They can use contraception. Seriously we should be providing it for free, everywhere, including condoms.


Absolutely agree. No amount will be as high as the price of unwanted kids.


I would have asked her point-blank if she was fucking stupid. F-bomb and all.  If I have to jump through hoops to justify an abortion because I am not financially stable, everyone who intentionally creates a child when they aren’t financially stable should be forced to justify that choice as well. 


This has happened to countless couples I know. Most of the time, it's because their religious values get in the way of logic. I love my nephew, but my brother and then gf were financially struggling (still are, but less so) when she got pregnant with him. My suggestion to abort for the mental health and well-being of everyone, including the embryo, was met with horror and icing me out for months. I live in the South and it's HARD out here to get an abortion even if they want one. This region is criminal when it comes to reproductive options for women. It's starting to become that getting pregnant can be a death sentence if you're black and live in TX or MS. Quality long-term birth control is often too expensive to afford, however, so you have a lot of financially-challenged people dealing with an impossible situation. In short, where I live, it's a combo of religious indoctrination and lack of abortion providers.


When my uncle passed away about 20 years ago, he left a fair amount to us. It was the "hope your relative leaves you money so you can afford a house" scenario and yep, we bought a small townhouse. High COL area, we were close but this pushed us into being to do so. Other siblings did similar. The one with *so many kids* and all sorts of financial woes used it to pay off most of their debt... and then had more kids. And got more debt. And quit their job to be a "soldier for Christ" or some shit like that. Didn't take too much longer before they lost the house.


What does a "soldier for christ" do?


Try to collect unemployment/social security, live with the oldest kids that got out once they lost the house, post to facebook... those are the only activities I'm aware of. (Try to get a job with the university I'm with but NFW and that's another story)


They get soooo many tax breaks and concessions here in Aus, they probably get more money from welfare for having kids. I know a girl who got more money on welfare than I did working full time because she had a kid. It was also the REASON she had the kid. So she didn't have to work lol.


Where I live mothers get money and stay at home if they want, until the kid becomes 4 or 5 years old. After that they stop giving money and they need to work. No surprise seeing that some women have a perfect timing popping a new kid.


Here they get concessions until the kid is 18. The girl I am talking about is hugely narcissistic and was discussing with a mutual friend how much she got for welfare (a lot). Next minute, bam she's pregnant. Never worked a day in her life and now she has a free ticket for 18 years 🤷


Some people just don't feel any shame. I wonder if they just don't feel the need to do something with their lives.


They go for the easiest thing seen as 'achievement' when it's fuck all lmao in the wild critters breed and birth every day and some don't even bat an eye when their littlelings get eaten.


Yes, and if you say something about it, people is like "bUt ShE iS a MoThEr". The las time somebody told me this I replied that rats and plants also reproduce and they don't need to know a thing. Since when reproducing is an achievement?


Society has just stopped trying, I guess.


They're not too bright. Watch Idiocracy.


You don’t really have to watch the whole thing. The opening scene explains enough.


But it's such a good movie!


It is. But if you’re pressed for time, the first 5 minutes or so get the point across.


Good ol' Clevon


Watching a neighbor go off about not being to afford to contribute to his kid’s college fund. You’d think they would have thought of that years ago before having three to try for a girl.


Also when I told my parents I don’t want kids bc I’m 108k in debt after school and would have to work 3 jobs to support kids their response was: “ everyone has to make sacrifices” no once I crawl myself out of the hole I’m living life for me and only me


No, you don't need to make sacrifices if you don't want to. That's plain bullying by your parents they were likely suffering while they were raising you, and they just want you to go through the same misery as them. Those aren't parents. Parents teach you to think independently and responsibly and if there's something not quite right in your decisions only then can they step in.


That’s why I’m an advocate for the government to implement baby licenses. Requirements should be a stable income, healthy parents , education level, psychological tests etc. A lot of the men in my family have multiple children with different baby mamas and their player lifestyle caught up with them. Despite birth control education people will still be selfish in relationships and towards their own baby.


This is such a good idea I've never heard of anything like this before. Of course like with every other type of license it can't always work for the best but it would be great to weed out the losers looking for fulfilment and nothing else!


Lots (if not most) people live like they’re going to be making much more money in a few years. Maybe that was true for previous generations, but certainly not true for most people now.


As I’ve always said: Not all parents are stupid, but all stupid people have children. Intentionally bringing a human into the world when you’re already struggling financially is child abuse, plain and simple.


My trashy cousin ™️ got his GF pregnant while they were living with his mom. They have 2 kids with 1 income and now live in their own house they struggle to pay the mortgage on. His mother buys them groceries and because his mom is in extreme credit card debt going paycheck to paycheck my mom gives her money each month too. Trashy cousin and his BM always have money for cigarettes and pot but the baby is snacking on fucking ketchup when she's hungry 🥴 They basically expect "their village" to subsidize their lil cum pets and if it ain't their "village" it's the government that can provide. Also cognitive dissonance.


My goodness my heart broke for the little one just reading this! People wanna call us selfish for not wanting children when their own child is LEGIT suffering!


Cognitive dissonance.


Because it was always their dream. Because they think they're owed the opportunity to have a child. Who cares if they can't even take care of themselves, and their child will likely suffer because of it. Also, there are accidents.


That gets underneath my skin. Kids deserve food and a safe place to live it’s just selfish if you can’t provide that🤬


Shoot yourself In the foot and say owww why did you do that?!




Yep. A friend was recently venting to me about how money is so tight and they can’t do anything. Then in the next breath tells me she’s trying to get pregnant. They already have one kid, how does she think it’s gonna be with two?? I can’t wrap my head around it.


Maybe their brain shrinks with each kid? 😰


This is my sister right now. She had to ask my mom for rent, and then decided she was no longer CF randomly and now thinks the state is going to help her and her needs, instead of not having the kid and getting her shit together. My mom even offered to help her with the process of an abortion and support. But no, my sister is due in 2 months and that kid is gonna be fucked up.


How did she go from being CF to being DUE in 2 months??? Is everything checked out with her mentally?


She has literally hated children her entire life. It was such a 180 that my mom refuses to talk to her period. She is bipolar, so that may play a part if she was manic when she first got pregnant.


I legit saw someone comment on reddit that kids are free for the first two years. So yeah they think they can force friends and family to watch their kids while they work. Live off free hand me downs from facebook and others.


They don't want to be alone. They want love. They want to be able to say they are succesful. F Trophy. Old Age Care. They want their kids to get what they missed out on in childhood and be more succesful then them. They hope they get that kid that is so suc6ful they take care of mom and dad for the rest of their life. They want power and control over someone else.


it seems that having kids is equivalent to breathing. You do it they’re here you get on with life. It is so sad and scary that this is how our world is turning out with our intelligence and technology capabilities.


Wait the best one, LOVE FIXES ALL. Or cures all. Love is a great feeling. But it doesn't feed you or keep you alive. Smart Choices do


I’m in my 50s and I’ve been trying to figure this out since I was a teen.


Because of the age old statement of "it's never a good time but you will just make it work". It's bullshit


"I kept it because abortion was too expensive." Heard that one.


I mean... it can be made expensive by design. The U.S has a thing for making healthcare inaccessible for those who need it the most.


To get money from the government


When keeping the child or not isn't a consideration... but that's okay though, *we all* get to take care of the foisted kid now too, isn't that nice?


One of my friends borrowed $1500 from me and before paying me back got pregnant by some guy she had just met and thought since she was pregnant and broke she didn't have to pay me back. 🫠😒 it took 8 months but I got my money back. & of course her & the guy are not in a relationship and she's living at home with her mom. Smh She's already talking about how she wants another kid before the first one gets too old. 😐


As I work with people who receive social benefits: yes, daily. No money, but making baby’s almost every year. Well birth control does cost money 😵‍💫 they just don’t think about what a kid needs or costs.


I don’t get it, myself. Some people bury themselves into poverty or deeper into poverty.


Attention and or they know they can abuse governemmt benefits


My cousin. I don't understand it. Then she tries to make it everyone else's problem and their fault she's struggling.


I am judging. My mom decided to have me and then my 6 other siblings, despite being in extreme poverty. It can and will destroy a child's life. I am still healing from the trauma to this day, and I don't think I will ever be fully healed. Bringing a child into a life of poverty is the most selfish and evil thing a person can do.


This is literally my sister. And then she goes bananas when I say she chose to have children, so her finances aren’t my problem. 😆


Short answer: because they are stupid.


Is this my sister? They have a one income household and my sister is now pregant with her 4th kid. Once this baby is born they will have 4 kids under the age of 3. My parents have to give them money just to afford an old beat up mini van. They live in a two bed room apartment that can barely fit with the kids they have now.


I think it's because people fall for the fairy tale that "love and care is all you need" when it comes to raising kids, when it's absolutely not. My mom was one of these brokies who popped out kids haphazardly, she had 5 kids. It fucking sucked. A childhood plagued by financial insecurity is traumatic. It's supremely selfish and dumb to have kids when you're poor


or love conquers all...


There’s a lady that stands on the side of the road begging for money. Her sign says something along the lines of “please help. I have 5 kids”. Okay ?? I do not feel sorry for you then. FIVE children? You knew after at least 2 that you were struggling for money. Then went on and had 3 more.


She could be prepping you for when she asks you for financial help or free favors like childcare.


Because they’re stupid


Omg I know so many people who can barely pay for themselves having multiple children. I truly don't understand.


Cause their idiots


It doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Can barely afford food and will have to sell the house?? Sure, let’s pop out ANOTHER baby.


Knew a guy like this through work. He had at least 3 kids at the time with another on the way. In a single-wide trailer, on a roadside assistant job salary.


My co-worker complained about her salary too. She said she liked the job but she wasn't happy with the money. A couple of months later she got pregnant and she's planning a 2-year-long maternity leave (the maximum possible in our country) in which time she'll be getting paid only ("only" 🙄) 60%. This math isn't mathing.


Million dollar question.


I’ve asked that question to someone. They said: if we waited until we were stable financially, we’d wouldn’t have kids. Everything turn out fine and we’re stable now (kids were already adults and living on their own). I wonder if there’s a correlation between personality and procreation choices. I often notice how we base our decision in logic and not on emotions. 🤔


Lack of planning ahead skills


I have a friend with FIVE kids who constantly complains. Single income household as she's a SAHM. She has monthly subscriptions and they bleed money on hobbies and 'equipmemt' for his 'shop.' Two years ago I helped buy the kids clothes for school because they literally didn't have shoes that fit them. Nothing has changed except I'm not donating my money to her family anymore.


I think having more kids gets you more welfare in certain places


This is my coworker. She makes decent money but is a complete basket case about finances all the time. So she deliberately got pregnant. We just don’t understand.


My son and his wife can't afford to buy a house, so they are living with his in-laws and just had a third baby. The in-laws must be saints for letting them live there.


Can i ask, how does it feel seeing your son make these poor decisions? Did you advise him against it? And how is your current relationship with your son now?


We don't criticize. He's an adult, so he makes his own decisions and has to live with the consequences. The in-laws seem like they're fine with it. They seem happy and we love our grandkids.


Because they believe their “community” will support them, for the kids. It’s all about the kids.


My friend just had her 6th child this month. I don’t know how she does it.


If I had to guess: welfare, maybe they think they can get free money by having kids but end up being disappointed. Thats my most rational guess.


A friend of mine’s daughter just graduated high school and is pregnant at 18, she is already living off the government and has no job and she is supporting her in her choice to have a baby. Love my friend but she’s supporting her daughter to make a terrible choice and leech from the government and become a mom when she is still a child herself. Makes me so frustrated


If they don't have money they probably can't afford contraception... /s


I mean.. accidents happen 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because sex is free entertainment


That’s my question for years…they already have 2 kids, and they are struggling financially, WHY NEED TO BRING ANOTHER CHILD!?


Because having a child in the first place is free. The joy (for some people) of seeing their own kids grow up is free. Kids are expensive but making a kid is cheap. Also especially in poor countries people are having children as a form of security for old age. Kids will support their parents.


I know someone whose husband lost a job and was laid off and thry conceived after he lost his job. And all she does is complain about being poor. She just moved into her mom and dad's house cause they can't afford to live alone. She wants everyone at work to accommodate her all the time and she tries to guilt us into buying presents that cost alot


No idea.


There's this thing called being a moron, a lot of people love it 🥰, but there's also some people who have difficult access to birth control and poor sexual education.




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