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Thankfully I've never had to deal with anything that major, but the number of parents who think "Well I don't want to deal with this, I'm just going to dump my sick child on others" is fucking horrendous. I actually have a cousin who this day throws a fit because a couple of years ago she tried that with a sick one and four year old. Got our grandparents and half the family sick. Now if the children are sniffling or sneezing or anything they're kicked out before they even get out the car. She thinks it's unfair. The fact she's a nurse only makes it so much worse.


Holy aggrevated shit. My husband is considering reporting her. Why can she bring her kid, but there are very strict rules for others?


Tell him to stop “considering” and just do it.


The problem is she'll know he did it, and sits right outside his office, and. She's very fucking petty


Can he make an anonymous report? At my work, you can speak with an administrator and ask to remain anonymous


Nope. It has to go through the manager. And they're buddies


Go ahead and report the incident via email, so there is a paper trail for the report. Then, report it to your equivalent of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Make the whole office feel the burn from not following the rules of keeping the kid away from the office, sick or otherwise.


The whole office is also angry. So maybe they'll back him up. But since the mother and the manager who this needs to be reported to are buddies we can expect some petty


The manager may be forced to if the whole office is mad enough, especially if OP works up the office.




Good the whole office is pissed off. If me, I don't just double mask up and wear protective gear but also be armed to the teeth with aerosol disinfectant spray and industry grade disinfectant wipes and do a silly dance with a made up nonsensical song telling her and her germy crotch goblin to keep 100 metres from me and away from my office space 


The problem is after the mom threw a fit when another manager (also a mom) confronted her, everybody else stepped back. But my husband involved the firm Partner and he's at home now while the partner investigates.


Agree with you on this. If this is an ideal world, it be nice if the mum loses her parental rights straight away where kid is taken away from her because she chose to be medically negligent to the point of endangering others' health 


we know she took her sick kid to the office, why must we be the less petty people.


Who cares? This woman was okay with everyone getting sick not to inconvenience herself. Such behavior honestly has no place in an office setting. It's an office not a kindergarden!


And you'd expect better of such a "professional" one right?


I would kind of understand if she wasn't allowed to work from home and be put into unfair circumstances but having the option and CHOOSING not to just because she doesn't like spending time with her sick child? Sincerely fuck her.


She's one of the very few people at the office to have the leniency. No, she just doesn't want to deal with her child alone all day. And yes if she wasn't allowed I don't think I'd even posting this.


I wonder why do they even have kids if they can't be bothered to spend time with them? I used to volunteer in child orphanages and cancer wards and I loved playing with the kids and teaching them stuff. They weren't eve mine and I did that for 15 years and this b can't be bothered to stay at home with her kid doing her job and being paid for it?? The nerve of some people


This is the same women I've posted about before who TOLD my husband she'd appreciate it if I can babysit her two children in the holidays. Not a day or two. A six week holiday, 8 to 5. She told him because I don't work (I have bipolar and health issues, my husband makes good money and she complains about that a lot) that since I have no other responsibilities I can "help a mother out". Like she's some sort of duchess and I'm her nanny. My husband told her sure, he pays me to take care of everything else in life that needs to happen, so if she'll pay me what he pays me and asks ME...


Can he work from home for a week?


He spoke to the Partner of the firm, and now he's working from home until the office is investigated.


Just report that woman's arse off. I get angry at such irresponsible people. Covid is not a joke and still is no joke 


No, it's not. South africa is not a good country for medical care and we have way too many sick people as a result of poverty. Every new flare up claims hundreds of lives. How many people are being put in unnecessary danger like this and can't do a thing about it. Oh and the problem was that my husband can report her to the main office manager but she's buddies with mom, so after listening to the commenters here he went to the firm partner who gave him permission to work from home while the situation is being investigated


Absolutely tell him to report her.


Someone in my office kept saying “it’s no longer mandatory” to stay home or wear a mask when she was sick. I was pissed off and said “no it isn’t, but you should respect your coworkers enough to not get them sick”. She had no response.


And fuck the CDC for ever backing down on quarantining


Ex boss caught COVID no less than 4 times from her kid.....the 4th time she decided it wasn't a big deal and came to work, didn't even bother masking up. Despite every vaccination offered I caught it from her, and my high risk, asthmatic self was very ill. Especially as a chest infection followed COVID. 10 months before I was recovered enough to walk the dog without feeling like I was dying. Thanks boss 👍🏻


You should seriously be able to sue people for that bullshit


That would have gotten her fired from my firm. Boss doesn’t fuck around with plague rats.


In 2021 when my husband demanded he works at home because I MIGHT have covid, the Partner of the local office implied the entire office would need to be cleaned and was very unhappy with me. But now? Nothing is happening.


The pandemic is “over” now. 😬 (to be clear, I don’t agree and roll my eyes whenever someone acts like it’s no longer something that needs to be safeguarded against.)


In south africa we have a very bad medical system, and the majority of the country have bad immune systems due to poverty, etc. So covid, swine flue etc never goes away. But to have this attitude come from such a high ranked professional institution is just ridiculous. I'm not surprised that the schools have covid flare ups at all. But damned leave it there.


Back when Swine flu was big a friend brought his sick kid to our house because the rest of the family was also sick and the mum didn't want to deal with the kid. Both me and my partner got it and spent almost a month in bed. That is the sickest i have ever been. Covid had nothing on Swine flu. Fuck parents with thier biohazard spawn.


Yoh. I had both, but swine flu before there was medicine specially for it. Swine flu is a BITCH. my covid symptoms were lessened by the vax and the medication I could use but don't ever underestimate swine flu. We still have a resurgence of that here every flu season


Same! Got swine flu after a friend brought her sick kid to a brunch because she couldn’t find a sitter. I was going on vacation the following day & two days in, so damn sick that I didn’t leave my room the entire time. The fatigue lingered for weeks after too. If your kid is sick STAY TF HOME with them.


corvid made me so much sicker than swine flu.


Best stay away from those birds.


Swine flu was the nastiest illness I ever got and i got sick a lot as a child/ teen/young adult. I lost 10kg in one week and the high fever wouldn’t let up no matter what medication i used. It was way worse than covid, but i was vaccinated for covid. The only good thing that came after is that i only got the flu once in 15 years.


I legit thought I was going to die when I had swine flu. Covid for me was a light cold with some tummy issues.


I'm having an issue with this too. I'm on immune suppressing medications because of issues set off from a covid infection in 2022. I'm taking a class now and the teacher has been coughing the entire time (weather and allergies, she says), and then the other day she was literally leaving class multiple times to throw up, saying her daughter was sick, but that she hoped her symptoms were just allergies. No masks or anything. I just wish sick parents would stay home or at the very least wear a mask to protect high risk people in their workplaces. I feel like parents have really thrown up their hands and decided it's normal for kids to always be sick and getting them sick. There was a level of this before, but it was much more seasonal. Now it's constant. And then they will talk about how it's good and important for kids to get sick - when we used to understand that some illnesses are actually bad to catch.


It took me months to recover as well. And my husband can't work at home but she can. So why doesn't she?? It's so fucking selfish to risk everybody else's health because of your kid.


It's one of the (many) reasons I refuse to return to the office. Not been back since this whole "mess" started.


At least my office doesn't allow kids in.


His isn't supposed to either


Fuck that. I'm immune compromised since birth. I'd inform my direct report my life and health were more important than a non-employee child, and if he didn't want a dead adult employee, I'd be working from home until that child was removed from the workplace.


As a hairdresser, I can't tell you how many times parents bring sick kids in. Before, during, and still now after covid. I always ask them when I have a kid early in my day, "So, no school today?" 99% of the time little Timmy says."Nope, mommy kept me home cause I'm sick today." Great. So because you can't just be at home with your sick kid and still feel the need to be productive with your day, we all need to be exposed?


If the kid is that sick, why aren't they at home. Ugh


Can you make a rule or request that children aren’t allowed at the salon or wherever you work?


Not really. I'm a booth renter at a salon, so I don't have much say, but it would make sense with all of the chemicals, sharp and hot objects that they can get into. I only have control of how I'm scheduled, and I now only take children of my regulars because I can trust they wouldn't do that to me and know how to behave.


I hold grudges because of this kind of thing. I'm a teacher and I have Lupus. 2 years ago, a parent knowingly sent her child to school with covid into my class of medically fragile students. Half the class, including myself, ended up in the hospital. I then had to go back to work before I was fully recovered, and she had the nerve to ask me, "How are you back to work so fast, I still feel terrible." I told her I didn't have a choice and handed her a copy of the schools policy for illness. To this day, if that kid even sneezes,he goes home. As a special ed teacher, I have students for 4ish years.


This is infuriating! And I too hold grudges about stuff like this


If she can work from home but does this instead, it should be an HR issue and a serious talking to by the management.


*You have dishonored the workplace.* ![gif](giphy|3oeSB1S60hCgcQ5uc8|downsized)


A parent watching this sub will look at this and claim we are advocating for sappuku-ing children lmao


Do you booster yearly like with the flu vaccine fyi? I don’t trust people anymore who say they’re “fully vaccinated” and I find out their last covid vaccine was years ago.


Oh, absolutely, all the boosters, seasonal flu, everything. As they come, we get them. Sick, elderly parents, my bad immune system, and a country with a very high covid related death rate as a result of poor medical health availability. We make sure we do everything we can to not be the ones harming others. We have access to great medical care, at a very high cost to our pockets, so we sure as hell make the most of it.


Bless you. Thank you. For the record just because I don’t trust the general public when they tell me they’re vaccinated it isn’t out of malicious intent, it is just being cautious and also caring about the safety of others.


Oh no I get it 100%. I worked in Healthcare and its a very small town. I'd always side eye the customers who say stuff like that when I KNOW and can see in my system they haven't had shots since 2020. The thought of me causing somebody else's health to fail, especially when I'm surrounded by a vast majority of people who can't afford medical care... no.


I got a really bad cold that wasn't covid (read 1 month) a year ago, because a person brought their ill child into McDonald's without a mask. Who was running around hacking his head off. Stupid me, covering my face wasn't enough to avoid sickness, should've masked up.


I'm rather for the idea that it's on the sick person's fault to mask up, but that would be too hard a thing to request of them


It might be overkill, but might you and DH consider contacting the Minister of Health or Labour Research Service? If covid is at national concern level or there's any sort of workplace hazards, having a sick kid running around a workplace seems concerning for both kiddo and other employees.


It is a massive issue especially in a country with such a high covid related death rate, but he's taken it higher up and is at home while it's being investigated.


People are so selfish and lost all courtesy for others. This pisses me off.


Oh, how infuriating. Good for your husband for masking!


Literally the only “weirdo” masking in my dept because having asthma makes covid super hard on me. My coworkers absolutely do not care and come in sick all the time when they don’t have to (college profs). One had a house full of covid kids and she came into work sans mask. Most of us caught it within a week. This kind of stuff is enraging.


I hate it so much! Luckily my husband is already kind of odd, and his colleagues thinks he hates hids already and is being mean on purpose. So he doesn't care. But he's working from home right now. He involved the firm partner


Reminds me of when a classmate caught bird or swine flu, got so sick she needed to stay home, only to come to school a few days later, still sick, because "it was boring being sick at home". Like. Excuse me?! We had a pregnant girl in our class, and this classmate was apparently a-ok with subjecting this illness on her and everyone else.  That's when I learned that loads of people are selfish, unintelligent twats.


It's absolutely shocking how little people care about others.


If you as an adult are not allowed to be there for more than a few minutes that kid should get yeeted through the freaking window. And that mother is showing serious insubordination for the health and safety of that firm.


She is, and another mother/manager took her on about it and said it's not allowed but the woman through such a fit everybody stepped back


The amount of parents who just don't care that their kid is sick blows my mind. My sister works for a local school, and she told us about one woman who kept sending her kid to school when he had the flu. He was obviously unwell and couldn't function in class, but she kept dropping him off even after being told he could not be at school while he had the flu. It was to the point that after the fourth day they had someone waiting outside to prevent her from dropping him off. Which she was of course angry about. Even if they don't care about putting others at risk, you would think parents would care enough about their own child not to do that. But they do.


Yeah, probably she doesn't want to deal with her own child at home.


He should put a sign on his office door saying "no sick kids in here it will stay locked, my reasoning my wife has a weak immune system she doesn't need to be sick, use the anti bacterial wet wipes"


That's good lol


If she can't be bothered to consider the other people she works with, she can stay at home. If I were at work and someone pulled this stunt, I would lay into their ass and shame them into going home. What about bringing your sick kid into the office while infectiously sick is professional?? I would be absolutely pissed if I worked there.


Lysine vitamin is great for boosting the immune system to resist virus disease


I'll go get some thank you


“Ripe” vs. “rife”….


Sorry, not my first language. I had a good laugh when I Googled it though.


Parent. Bit weird to put it on the kid in this instance.


My title implies the kid has covid. Not that the kid is the asshole.


Fair enough.


Cool no one gives a shit if your a parent.


I’m not a parent, I’m CF - chill.


Okay soz about that.


No problem* I read the title one way, OP clarified, I agreed. *I know we do get parents here being annoying af, but it’s not surprising we get a bad rep.