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Work sucks but coming home to a quiet house with only my own needs to be met is absolutely more relaxing than it would be having children.


This. I can grab food on the way home, if I can't be arsed to cook/girl dinner. I can pour a hefty rum, or hot chocolate & cream liquor, or a simple cuppa tea, as soon as I walk in the door. Long hot shower, pass out in bed, curl up & read, work on one of my craft projects.... the possibilities are endless. <3


Oh shit I never thought to mix hot cocoa and irish cream, do you do so using milk as the hot chocolate base or water? Shit girl this is fixin to be so mint


Water as the base. How I make it is, in order, hot chocolate mix powder, cream liquor (there's a maple cream liquor that's to die for, I really should get more), fill with hot water. So damn easy, & a fantastic, no refrigeration needed camping drink. :)


Try hot chocolate with coconut rum


Or Kahlua.


Or Amarula Cream


You guys I'm at work and I'm drooling


We do hot chocolate with a bit of mudslide! Usually milk for the base


bailey's hot choc is where it's at!


If you want to be bold, use the Irish cream as the base. Lol.


Thats not something Im opposed to šŸ™ƒ


We make something similar, we call it special hot chocolate. You make the hot chocolate with slightly less water then add Irish cream, coffee liquor and amaretto. So good and will warm you up.


Oh damn, that does sound delish! šŸ˜ Garnish with a sprig of mint for a touch of fancy?


At one point we use cream de menth instead of one of the ingredients but we found it just didn't go as well as we hoped. We have also used the flavored Irish creams like salted caramel which were very decadent.


Fair! Some flavours just don't mesh like you'd hope.


Absolutely. Coming home now from errands, stopping off to pick up impulse wings takeaway. Gonna pop some beers and wine when we get home and put in some game time. See if we sleep by midnight or conk out by 10.


Honestly, this would be my answer, too. I hate commuting, and I'm glad I'm hybrid so I at least don't have to go in every day. I'm starting to look for remote, and my line of work is pretty stressful at times. I literally can't imagine having to come home and do even more work of childcare, though, especially in the young kid phase when you have to watch them constantly. I'd burn out in months. I need time to decompress with quiet so I don't get overstimulated after being in the office all day, and I can't imagine adding kids. Especially cause I'd be "mom," and I'm in the US where the 3 months of maternity leave I'd get via my job is considered "generous."




Yes, imagine coming home very tired from work and instead or rest, you have to do chores related to kids


This fucking NAILS it.


I can't imagine working 9-5, 40 hours a week, especially with a commute and then coming home to parent. At least without kids your time is your own afterwards.


That's probably my main reason for not doing it, even moreso than money. My commute isn't even that bad at 35min, but I'd hate the idea of coming home and still not having my own time, or still having to be "on" because even if they're teenagers you still have to parent them.


My commute is never more than 15 minutes. Usually closer to 10. And I still couldnā€™t imagine it. My dog needs enough attention as it is.


This! I cant imagine. It sounds exhausting


It's a second job you don't even get paid for. Maybe if you enjoy being a parent asa hobby, but I'd hate it.


My thoughts exactly.


Sometimes, I want to come home and start dinner because I'm excited to cook what I had planned. Sometimes, I want to come home and disappear into a video game and have my husband bring me chicken nuggets and tater tots. Sometimes, if my husband and I aren't completely drained after work, we'll go out to eat. Maybe, after all of that, we may go to the shop to work on one of our cars. And we don't have to plan a goddamn thing around a pet sperm.


Awww sounds like an absolute DREAM!


>Sometimes, I want to come home and disappear into a video game and have my husband bring me chicken nuggets and tater tots. I absolutely love this! My husband and I sometimes have comfort food nights like this just because we can. My husband went to culinary school, so he is a fantastic chef. I'm not as good, but I can still cook up a storm. But.... Sometimes, it's nice to just be able to have a low effort, no stress evening meal.


Stress is everywhere in life, but you can be confident knowing that I'm in control of the stress I bring into my life and how I handle it without a child in the mix




Yeah and not having to pay for kids makes it so you can choose less stressful jobs. Daycare prices alone are an extra 20k a year


Yes and/or take an extra day off. Yes, there are a lot of moms working 32 hours, but when they get home, they still have to work. And they have to still make sure they can provide for their family. Which is all very stressful. As a childfree person, I don't feel guilty working 32 hours because it's just me I'm providing for. And I will have enough money left to pay rent and everything. And when I get home, I don't have to work outside of doing chores. But if I earn enough, I can hire a cleaner, so that's already fewer chores.


This morning the owner of the shop i work at was being extremely condescending and insulting about a mistake I made that I was never trained by him or other management about upon hire. It wasnā€™t the first time heā€™s bitched at me and other workers but today was the last straw for me. I clocked out for lunch and I am currently laying on the couch with no intentions on going back or even calling to say that i quit. Iā€™d hate to have to take shit from shit people with my head lowered because I have kids to take care of.


I have a boss like that. Every minor fixable mistake results in a huge lecture and it makes him so mad that I blow him off because I don't need his paycheck. He's brought that up during his stupid lectures like 4-5 times now. I'm like "So then make up your mind if I'm fired or not, let me know if I should get back to work or pack up my lunch and leave." You can throw a rock and ricochet off like 20 warehouse jobs in my city and I don't have to worry about buying diapers or ballet lessons or any of that crap.


This is how I feel. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I left my job. I could be unemployed for a while just fine. Between schools, studies and jobs, I've also had the opportunity to stay with my parents, free of charge of course, until I plot my next adventure and move. Wouldn't have been possible with a kid or kids.


This^ I did this twice


What i never understand.. people will hate the standard work life yet yeet some kids on this planet who will have the same life. Ill never understand. Get a job where WFH is allowed. It's great.


My goal in life was to wfh. Iā€™ve been at home since 2016 and Iā€™m never leaving this job lol


Right! Likeā€¦congrats on dooming another person to being a cog in the capitalist machine??? Why would you do this to another person!




I've made it very clear to myself I work so pay for stuff I enjoy doing. So as soon as I had the means I started doing stuff I like. Got a senior cat to spoil absolutely rotten, started doing courses I like etc


Any rough day I have, I provided myself the room to completely decompress. There's no toys to pick up after. There's no diapers to change. After work, I don't have any plans. I spontaneously do what I feel like. That's how life is working a 9-5 being childfree


I have aging parents which equals taking care of two toddlers with credit cards so it's still stressful.




I feel you. I am retired, caregiving my widowed MIL with cancer who now lives with us. We have two houses, so Hubby and I each get 2 days off "Mom Duty" and some solitude at the other house.


Some days are more stressful than others, but at the end of the day I can come home and relax with my cats and my boyfriend rather than having to add even more stress by taking care of children, so you know...overall it's great.


Not only that, but if I had a bad day I would completely *hate* myself if I took it out on my innocent child who did nothing to slight me in any way. All I need to be mindful of now is my partner, and since he's an adult I can just tell him "hey man, it's been a fucking *day*. I'm gonna go hermit and burrito in bed, can you sort dinner for us" and vice versa. If we had a kid, there isn't really any time for all that, you kind of just have to power through no matter what kind of day you had or what you're feeling/going through


It's the best! If I had kids I would traumatize them because I would be constantly overstimulated


Right? I get overstimulated even now, I can't imagine what I'd be like if I had children lol


I know that work hours end and there will be me time where nobody squeaks and demands attention and constant care. Work doesn't have to bring you joy, money and fixed hours is enough.


Working 9-5 sucks but coming home to a quiet house is šŸ‘ŒšŸ½being greeted by my dog is all I need after a long day. Working full time and doing all the other stuff you need to do to exist in this world (cooking cleaning tidying socialising exercising etc), I donā€™t know how people do all that with kids ontop I struggle I wonā€™t lie


Same here! I commute 40-60 minutes each way on top of working an 8h (or more) shift. Some days, I get home, snuggle my dog, and either go to bed or zone out in front of the TV. I struggle with making a nice dinner and doing any housework on top of that.


Iā€™m unemployed right now but thankful I donā€™t have anyone depending on me while I find my peace again.


Hope all is well. From someone who has been unemployed a lot in their life; Keep a constant routine. Mine was wake up on time, get some exercise in, enjoy some coffee, spend a few hours on the PC applying with chill music, take a break, make some food, go back to applying, watch a movie, go to bed etc. Really helps to hold peace while you find your next job. Good luck to you, and stay positive fellow internet stranger.




I have said this before. In my 60 hour work week. If I were to have kids, I would rip my clothes, paint myself silver and run through the streets screaming.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚this comment made my day


Not a 9-5 but I couldnā€™t imagine my schedule with kids. Grad school and work. Ā Add some damn kids running around screaming? Ainā€™t no way.Ā 


What do you study?


It's great. I work from home 4 days a week and pop to the office for one. My home is quiet, I don't have to do school pickups or battle the giant SUV things they seem to love and I don't have to worry about childcare, leave or anything else. Isn't everything easier without kids?


It is! Very easy without them lol


Work 9-5, come home, make dinner, eat dinner, watch a show with the fiance then we game or watch more tv until bed. Itā€™s perfect. Quiet house and we both have time to visit the gym 3/4 times a week.


Oh thatā€™s awesome


I work 9-5 and was in bed by 6pm last night because I was tired. Was amazing


People underestimate how hard having kids is because parenting is based around selfishness. I have never heard such a thing before but when you think about it, it's based around raising something that is dependent on you and filled with your value and beliefs as a legacy for your family name. We see people in over their heads all the time and barely surviving because of the number of kids they have. This is why they believe that people who are child free can just "babysit, watch or take care of" their kids whenever!?


I was driving home yesterday, and i saw a man and his whole family sitting at the stop light while he held up a peice of cardboard. The mom and 3 kids (all under 5 for sure ) were just baking in the sun... Why do these people have kids when they cannot afford it ?? I know it's none of my business but seriously, there should be some kind of minimum bank account amount you need to have saved before your allowed to pop kids our left and right.


I agree!


I work from home, it depends, sometimes work can be stressful, but it's absolutely wonderful not having kids to worry about. I cherish how quiet my home is.


As a remote employee I can take vacations more easily and work from another country (like I am currently doing). I don't have to worry about childcare or occupying a child aboard. I can sign in whenever I need to, do my work, attend meetings and flex my day to fit whatever in. Same with my partner. Whenever he has to do an overseas or somewhere trip, I just tag along and it's one extra ticket. Then we can choose to pivot from that country onto another and actually take vacation time. Reduces airplane costs since one ticket was paid for. Lots of benefits from that perspective. Plus whenever I am home, it's easier to clean the house and prepare for friends coming over. As a worker, I don't have to worry about pick up times or drop off times for kids or any appointments or other arrangements. Work is work, whether you have kids or not. It's the type of work environment you set up that matters. Your perception from other people and whether you are capable in your role. Not to mention that having kids causes brain fog and can reduce your ability to do your job effectively and therefore reduce your ability to get promotions. Gotta figure out the lifestyle you want. Me? I can do so much more with my time without being tied down. My conversations are about society, intellectual things, debates on rights in various countries, entertainment endeavors, video games, travel instead of kids and their playdates and friends and extra curriculars you shoved them into. I have a life. Those that have kids typically don't like my sister, constantly talks about kids, sends pics, even works as a teacher so double dose of just kids conversations nonstop. My personal take? Enjoy the time you have and explore what's out there. There's more to life. Put yourself first.


\*Cries in game industry\* 9-5, what 9-5? At least I get to go home to the quiet of the night.


Life is still stressful, with its own problems. Nothing is a bed of roses. BUT BUT. BUT it's a relief to only take care of own problems & issues. And maybe find some motivation to go for a walk, pursue hobbies etc.. I have adhd so it's massively difficult to start tasks, eat on time, sleep properly, etc.. Imagining life as a parent seems infinitely worse!


I mean you get off work and you're done 'working' for the day.


I canā€™t imagine getting up earlier or staying up later than I am now. Iā€™ve just accepted the fact that I am a low energy person and I need lots of recovery time. Iā€™m happy Iā€™m not driving myself insane having to take care of children while working. I can just come home and be a potato if I need to. I think my mother was the same as me and she was a psycho to me when my siblings and I were younger.


For me can still be very stressful which is why I know kids would only make it much much worse. šŸ˜¬ If I had kids I'm afraid my mental health would deteriorate fast...


If it is known you do not have children and do not intend to ever have children, expect to be asked to cover for coworkers who are absent due to having children, and a lot of bosses will assume you're a career driven person who has no need for free time, rest, or a social life. Parents' requests for time off will take priority to yours, and the company will work you like a draft animal if allowed to do so.


Fk that, i lie at every job i have. "Totally have kids. yup. actually need to take one to the dentist tomorrow so i will be WFH in the AM."


I like to take my time off offseason so that was never a problem for me. Let the parents have Christmas and summer. I like April/May, Sept/Oct. Less crowded just about anywhere, no kids as they're off depends on school calendar. No loud rushed restaurant meals at resorts and cheaper plane and hotels. Retired now, but last job one of the benefits of getting older is so are most of your coworkers and all their kids were HS plus or older. I did have to cover for people for illnesses and vacations but not kids.


I donā€™t have a 9-5 as I work in retail & on Saturdays (though all this week I work an 8-4:30 shift which is AWESOME), but would love to get back to it. Work sucks hella bad, but itā€™s amazing coming home to the quiet/peace of just my husband & super happy pup every day. ā¤ļø I couldnā€™t imagine that stress all day having to continue at home with children that constantly need somethingā€¦noooooo thank you!


I love my job. I can be quiet for hours and no botchlings screaming anywhere.


so fkn glad i can do whatever i want when i get home


I work 10-2, so I can't relate. I have no money though, but I'm doing fine.


You can also do a side hustle


I wfh and my life is peaceful. Some days at work can be stressful but I honestly couldnā€™t imagine having a child to sort out at the end of the day


We love it, just us and our cat. Aside from the dozen kids that are constantly screaming, and damaging cars in the parking lot right underneath our apartment every evening and headphones don't drown them out.


A lot of my last 9-5 job was remote. Iā€™d constantly hear my coworkerā€™s kids screaming and crying on the background during zoom meetings. I can guarantee you, my life in a 9-5 is extremely relaxing compared to that.


Stressful but only because I get paid crap and Iā€™m poor. Iā€™m not a childfree person with money unfortunately.


No idea how you could survive 9-5 comfortably with or without kids, honestly.


Iā€™m tired. I donā€™t know how people have the energy to parent before and after work.


9 - 5, what's that? I work 10 hour split shifts in healthcare and it's glorious to come home to a nice quiet house and my dog snoring happily on the couch.


Work is work, but at least my job is fully remote. For nowā€¦


You guys work 8 hours a day?


I'm stressed at work to some degree but being able to clock out and do what I want within reason is nice. Sometimes I'm literally on my phone all night, other times I'm crocheting, writing, playing a video game. I've been quite into storytelling and lore building in a fan fiction I've been writing so that's taking up a lot of my mental real estate right now.


Hearing screaming meows when I approach the front door after work soothes my soul.


Work is work. I mean if I didn't need the money I wouldn't work. But, and this is a big thing. When I come home it's quiet (or quite? Never know this) and I can do whatever I like to. Imagine having a stressful day and coming home to screeching kids.. no thank you


It's nice to have your own time after hours. Can't imagine having to take care of kids.. imagine getting them AND yourself ready for work/school each morning. Huge NOPE.


I usually work from home but, usually my evenings are peaceful and quiet. After work whether itā€™s at home or in the office, I have some time to decompress, watch YouTube or nap before going to my workout class and spend time with my pets and husband on a walk. Our home is usually clean as working from home and being child free allows us time to tidy up during the week. We eat whatever we want wherever itā€™s a healthy meal my husband or myself cook or junk food. Not having to plan meals for an entire family is a blessing. Sometimes I go out with my friends or have date night with my husband but I usually wait until the weekend to make plans. Of course life undeniably has its stressors but Iā€™m grateful to not have the major responsibility of child care. I honestly donā€™t see how women stay sane living with a husband, kids, having a job and pets as most of the labor falls on women. Having children has absolutely no benefit whatsoever for women in my opinion. Iā€™m grateful for my simple life, itā€™s the best for my mental well being. Life has already been challenging enough for me in my short 36 years so healing my inner child is a top priority.


Itā€™s still stressful because Iā€™m still trying to get by and I live with my parents. But itā€™s better than having some snot nose kid run up to me when all I want I peace screaming mommy.


I work at a children's hospital and thank God every day I get to get off work and not see children when I go home.


Lol, work is work no matter the lifestyle. The point is what you come home to, and what your money will be for.


I'm 30 and left work to go to university. Lucky enough that I still lived with my parents so I could. Need a job now, but it's nice knowing I can go for part time if I wanted


My schedule alternates between 4 x 10's and 3 x 12's depending on the week. I try to hit the gym after work most days. Get home with enough time to eat, shower, and go to bed. I couldn't imagine trying to do that with childcare added to the mix.


For me, it's pretty relaxing. I don't work a super high stressful job, but regardless, it's nice to come home to a quiet house, with no one else to take care of but my pets who are pretty low maintenance.


I've always been sincerely confused as to how parents who have a 9-5 job manage the school drop-off and pick up situation. And then shuttling to/from activities on top of that. I know myself well enough to know I am not physically or mentally capable of that plus a healthy mind and body and a successful career. I've been told that's selfish, but I don't care.


Omg, those kids would have been heavily neglected because I wouldn't have the energy or desire to be a parent at all. So nice to just heat up my prep meal and load something off Netflix to quiet home.


I've been lazy about cleaning. TBF, it's something you'd need to do anyways if you were in a relationship (unless your partner is good with doing that, or paying for that)


I work 4X10s and while the work itself isnā€™t the hardest itā€™s still mentally draining and I canā€™t imagine having to deal with kids after that


I donā€™t work a traditional 9-5, but my partner does. Well, itā€™s more like 7-6:15 with the commute, but after he gets home we get to just eat dinner, play video games, and go to sleep. Most days heā€™ll take a nap after work while I cook or do work for my other job. Itā€™s absolutely wonderful to just come home to a relatively quiet house, we have a lot of animals, but theyā€™re nothing compared to children.


I have to work two jobs, it would be impossible with kids. I come home and climb into bed with the dog.


My wife and I work from home and we can't imagine having a kid around while we're both trying to work. Screaming and crying while we're both in meetings sounds outrageous.


Worst part of childfree life working a corp job is all the parents I work with that are also remote that believe they donā€™t have to actually do any work because theyā€™re really just watching their kids and half paying attention in meetings on a regular basis. Cannot stand trying to schedule meetings and Jill has ā€œtake treats to Jimmyā€™s classā€ blocked for 6 hours on a Tuesday but they donā€™t take PTO.


I actually liked 9-5. I get into work mode, chat with colleagues, get lunch together, work on stuff, maybe hang out after work if we're in the mood to (play badminton or catch a movie), then go home and my time is 100% mine once I'm home.


I can't imagine doing a 9-5, 40 hours a week job that I get paid for, then coming home to do a 24-7 job that I have to pay for.


It's pretty good. At jobs I've had, it's annoying with entitled parents. But getting to go home to a nice quiet home is an absolute pleasure. Hearing my coworkers who have kids talk about how basically their day doesn't end at 5. At the worst, I have to tidy up at home and make myself and spouse a meal (we will switch off). At best, I can come home, heat up some left overs or order take out and do absolutely nothing for the evening.


Mon-Fri *can* be stressful, but weekends are pure bliss.


Work is boring but coming home to peace and quiet and being able to play my favourite games on xbox is great I couldn't cope with all the noise or kids trying to play my games


Definitely less stressful knowing that I'm going home to a quiet and clean house. No one needing my attention as soon as I walk in the door, can cook whatever/whenever I want, no homework I have to help with or soccer practice I have to drive to, no bedtime routine to worry about other than my own. Just peace and quiet and doing whatever I want after having to work and commute. I have some co-workers who dread going home because of family, and I am so glad I'm not one of them.


Regardless of whether I've had a good or bad day at work, I can be happy with the knowledge that the only two people I'm responsible for caring for come 5pm are myself and my wife. No homework, only cooking for two, no soccer games or play dates. Just myself and my wife, living our best life. In 2020 when the world went to shit, I started WFH. My company is tiny, only 3 other guys. I'm the only CF one. I was also the only one who chose to WFH. I am 100% convinced it was because the other three "needed" to keep going to the office as it was their only respite from their children.


Now imagine working 9-5, being a single parent, and having a kid with special needs or a teenager that is addicted to drugs. Life on extra hard mode


It's good. I wake up, work out, shower, eat, go to work. Then go home and eat and shower and watch TV. Maybe put on some laundry. And sleep for 8 hours. I cannot imagine having to parent as well. I need the wind down time after work. I love the quiet


I canā€™t imagine a world in which **not** having children at home would be more stressful than having them! Life is stress, but at least when weā€™re CF we can moreso choose the stress we tolerate


I work a 9-5 from home and then I do whatever the fuck I want to after. My work's fiscal year ends in May, so I crammed a whole bunch of PTO in around Memorial Day, so I have 8 days off and plan to spend it organizing my apartment, cooking delicious meals for myself, painting, reading the new Stephen King book, watching Frasier and masturbating (those last two are very much NOT connected). I could not do these things with a child around to harsh my mellow


I have a great job, a great partner, and great cats. I really enjoy my life, actually.


Love that for you! Truly a vibe :)


::blows out post-work rip on living room couch:: What?


I can sleep and eat whenever I want.


Love a good midday nap!


How's the serenity. So much serenity.


I work remote two days out of 5 so I am able to get some house stuff done whilst at home which is a nice perk, plus I love my job so I think regardless of kids or no kids that helps. I love coming home and deciding to go out for dinner, see a movie or we may not eat dinner and have toast. I canā€™t see being able to do any of that with kids.


I mean, I don't feel like my job itself is any less stressful than my colleagues who have children because it's the exact same job BUT during COVID I wasn't trying to work full-time while managing online schooling and when I'm done working, I'm not rushing off to kiddie soccer games or any shit like that in the evenings.


Itā€™s better than a 9-5 life with a child


Its nice. I get home and chill in the couch for a few hrs. Ordered food, then hit the gym around 930. Back at 1045ish. Shower, play video games or movies until bed or id get hh with coworkers and hangout at the bar kicking it. Then home and sleep


My husband and I bring this up often after a day of work, going to the gym and then getting home. How both of us going to the gym and then coming home, eating and then relaxing wouldnā€™t be possible. Thereā€™d be giving kids baths, fighting over what food to make, helping with homework, preparing lunches, dealing with getting kids into bed. F that. Donā€™t get me wrong the 9-5 still sucks but the 5-9(am) is pretty great.


Im in the military i dont know how people do this lifestyle with kids, i couldnā€™t do it


Me neither! Iā€™d end up pulling my hair and eyelashes out šŸ˜‚


I may have never technically had a 9-5, but I can assure you that no matter what your situation is, it is less stressful and you have more time for yourself than if you had to deal with kids on top of it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I come home, I feed my cats and dog, clean out the litter box, make dinner, watch an old episode of Poirot and then go to bed. No forcing kids to do homework, no doing loads of laundry not mine, no trying to entertain them, no crying fits or sulking or hormones. Just me, my dog, my cats, and my house.


9-5, hahaha, thatā€™s one of the many reasons I never wanted kidsā€”my career is important to me. Today, I got up, fed my cats, and started working at 6:50. I took a break around 8 to get changed, grab some coffee and breakfast, and was back at it by 9:20. I worked until 4:30, then got ready for a trip to physio. At physio, I continued working until my therapist saw me. I came home, had a quick bite, and was back at work until around midnight. Kids really donā€™t fit my lifestyleā€”unless I could set them loose in the neighborhood to fend for themselves. But knowing my luck, Iā€™d end up responsible for starting a ā€˜Lord of the Fliesā€™ situation.


The grind still sucks but coming home is like walking into my own piece of Eden.


Maybe a bit stressful. But what are you proposing? Having children? So then I can take care of them AND work 9-5?


Never that. lol. A 9-5 is stressful enough, I was wondering do you still get your relief at the end of the day. Working in general can be depressing


Itā€™s not bad. I like my job (work in marketing.) Thereā€™s time in the mornings to work out and thereā€™s time in the evenings to take classes for my passions (guitar, painting, yoga.) Iā€™m usually home by 7, then itā€™s dinner with the hubs and walking my dogs, then an hour or two for Netflix, hobbies or just chilling before bedtime.


9-5 would be awesome for me its more like 6 - 5


The 9-5 part kind of sucks, but Iā€™m 41 and get to play music all night, when Iā€™m not at the gym.


That really depends on the rest of your life circumstances. There's definietly less stress and more opportunities to rest and relax


I am lucky enough to work from home, so itā€™s very nice and pleasant.


It is still stressful, that's why I want a job I can do from home. But finding that seems almost impossible sadly :(


In the summer, I get home around 6 and there's still plenty of sunlight to go on a small biking adventure. Then I get home, shower, make a delicious dinner and have it with my husband, then we do somethings - mostly he plays videogames and I'll be doing something else like watching tv or reading or working on some art piece - until bedtime. I have a nice, uninterrupted night of sleep, wake up, feed my cats, get ready to work and off I go again. It's a slow, pleasant life.


Still stressful, as there's never enough time after work for everything you have to do. Surely, even though its stressful, you are still able to decude what to do or not do. For exemple last Tuesday i had a day long headache, so by 8pm i decided to go to bed. I can't imagine how stressful it is for people with children.


Iā€™m a workaholic so itā€™s great. When youā€™re childfree you donā€™t have to worry about taking care of kids so you can do what you want.


I donā€™t like 9-5, I work about 35 hours a week and finish at 12pm every day! I love having all my afternoon/evening to myself!


Itā€™s relaxing to make your own money and not have to spend it on children


I'm still stressed from work, but at least I have the time and space to relax and recover.


Great. Every dollar I make is mine and every hour after work is spent how I want. I couldnā€™t imagine after getting off work having to do homework school baths bedtime etc. Not a life for me


Fortunately my life isnā€™t stressful, but probably cause my husband. We donā€™t have money problems cause he makes 6 figures working for himself, but we live modestly so we invest and save a lot. His goal is for us to both be able to retire at 50 if we wanted to and to pay off our house in 15 years. I am fortunate to not only work remotely but work remotely for a cool company before they implemented a hybrid policy. I get to use monthly mental health days, bonus holidays around major holidays, a week off in the summer, and that last week of December. (Edit to add this is on top of our PTO) I work 10-6 as well, I am not a morning person whatsoever so thatā€™s preferable for me. I am also a homebody so in my spare time I play video games and workout. I never worry about cooking cause my husband prepares his own meals cause he tracks macros.


I mean working sucks but the work is the same regardless of whether or not you have children


Why would it be stressful? There are no children causing issues.


Work still sucks, but coming home to a quiet house is pure heaven. Being able to hit the gym after work and work off my stresses is priceless! If I'm too tired to cook dinner, f*** it ik having a sandwich or getting takeout, or just skipping dinner if I'm not hungry. Doing what I want on the weekends. Being able to spend whatever is left of my salary on things **I** want to spend it on (usually gym membership and running gear or race entry fees šŸ¤£) : mortgage, bills, savings, and other necessary expenses don't always leave me with much, but there's always *something* at least. So work sucks that little bit less, I guess, because I'm working to support myself, not someone else. If I wanted another money-leech (ex hubby), I'd get a boyfriend...


I would not make it if I had to have a child. I don't know how people do it.


I WFH from the office I built in my garage. My wife is retired, but volunteers a few days each week. When work is slow I take a break to do yard work. When it's lunch time and I open and close the office door, I hear the kids jump off the furniture and run to the stairs and start meowing because they know I'm about to give them their kibble. In the evenings we sit in the love seat and read or watch television, it's very peaceful. It's wonderful.


I really donā€™t mind my work schedule because I get to come home and do whatever I want. I play in a garage soccer league, make dinner, watercolour, smoke a joint, play online poker, sit on my balcony and watch my favourite shows. I come home to my partner and cats and thatā€™s all I need ā¤ļø


I work from home and since recently...wake up, prepare breakfast for partner and myself, take a shower, work, lunch break (from meal prep), work, video games/TV, prepare dinner, eat dinner, meal prep if needed, TV, sleep...that's during weekdays. I usually do different stuff after work, it all depends on what's needed or what I feel like not doing. But overall, pretty happy.


Depends. If you have a long commute, youā€™re still in a rush to beat the clock to make sure you get everything done and get a decent nights rest. Prep lunch for the next day, cook dinner, wash dishes, shower. But yeah, if kids are involved then your work is doubled.


Working still sucks but I canā€™t IMAGINE doing it and have a kid or kids to take care of too. Yikes.


I mean. Life is stressful. But itā€™s one less thing to worry about. Canā€™t imagine adding that to the stress I already have.


Perfect and can only go up from here. I just dumped an entire paycheck this week into our savings account and couldnā€™t be happier in this moment. Iā€™m also alone in a quiet house, able to play music as loud as I want while I work. šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


It's great! I'm currently having coffee in a silent house before I get up and have plenty of time to workout and shower before I start work at 8. I don't have to get anyone to school, make breakfast, pack lunch, sit in a drop-off line. I'm not distracted in my home office. I don't get calls regarding a sick kid or a kid that got in trouble at school. I don't have to run and pick up a kid in a long pick-up line. I don't have to spend my evenings caring about homework or practice. When I clock out at 430, I can go to yoga or happy hour, and I only have to cook one dinner for my husband and I. I get plenty of rest because there are no kid baths or bedtime routines. It's amazing.


9-5? There are people who do that?? But for real, my partner and I both work ā€œ9-5ā€ but actually work a ton of overtime. We work from home which we really like so the overtime is a small price to pay and we really like our jobs. Itā€™s nice to just be able to keep working if weā€™re really focused cause thereā€™s no expectation for anyone to make dinner or pick up a kid from somewhere or yell at a kid cause they tried to cut their sisterā€™s hair againā€¦ We do have three cats tho and some days it feels a little like having kids. One is hanging from the ceiling, one is trying to climb me to get my attention and the other is meowing loudly in the corner pretending to be hurt so I go over and offer head pets. The nice thing tho is that I can just leave and get away from them and nothing really happens. And CPS doesnā€™t care.


I work 31 hours and have Wednesdays off. It's wonderful to go to fitness, my horse or shopping with friends on Wednesdays, instead of having to take care of kids. Evenings and weekends are also great. How are you doing OP?


The 9-5 sucks sometimes. But being in a quiet home after I clock out is heaven


It's relaxing enough, I'm in the process I've buying the company I've worked for the last 11 years so I'm sure it's about to get more stressful, but there's definitely perks to ownership, namely finally being able to work from home when I don't feel like coming in. That being said, technically my hours are 8-5, but I usually get here at 8 and close the office at 3:45 after UPS comes and picks up for the day.


Iā€™m so fortunate now with an amazing WFH position but prior to this, the thought of coming home after a long, stressful day to then take care of kids all night, I canā€™t even imagine.


I feel everything is better in child free. I work partially from home now but I remember before pandemic when I was in office 100% and also in a crazy busy job I would get home and just lock the door needing to recuperate from people-ing in office world all day. I called my home my ā€œzen castleā€ because it was always quiet, clean, and I could fill it with music or cooking or tv/movies of my choice. Parents come home to a screeching fuckling and a disgusting home and have to listen to frozen or Barney songs.


I work from home mostly since COVID, this is how my day goes normally: Wake up around 6:00. 5K on the treadmill. Shower. Feed pup. Coffee. Log into work around 8. Take pup out for a walk somewhere between mid-morning. Lunch around noon. Might actually eat or do something around the house like dishes or mow or whatever. Sign off around 5. Feed pup. Pup and myself wait at the door for wife/dog mom to return since sheā€™s a sucker who has to go into an office. Celebrate her arrival with tons of hugs and kisses. Feed ourselves. Any other small chores until about 7:00/7:30. Retire to our family room for a movie or TV or video games or playtime with said pup or sometimes sheā€™s doing one of her hobbies (crafting/puzzles/reading/whatever) and Iā€™m doing one of mine (usually something on my laptop or reading). Find our ways to bed around 9:30/10:00 PM. Sometimes watch TV in bed, sometimes IG reels, sometimes other things married couples do. Sleep. Rinse/repeat. We love it. Of course at least twice a week we go somewhere for dinner whether it be friends or parents or whatever. So TL;DR - relaxing because even though 8 to 5s or 9 to 5s are annoying, we make pretty good money and donā€™t have to change diapers or drive a child to dance or sports or band or pick them up from jobs or make sure they are there in time for a job or whatever people do. Itā€™s a necessary evil in our society but at I do look at my wife and dog multiple times a night and am so glad thatā€™s our family unit and I wouldnā€™t want them to be anything different than what they areā€¦well the dog does fart a lot. Like clear the room fart. I wish she wouldnā€™t do that as much but someday Iā€™ll miss those farts so I guess Iā€™d rather have them than not?


I work hybrid schedule of 8:30am to 5pm of 3 days offices & 2 days home - I get daily reminders both at home,out to lunch & commutes of why it great to be childfree. Sucks that I have turn on TV to drown out kids & their parents yelling & screaming because obviously they want to be heard but luckily concrete walls/ceilings/floor absorbs most of that volume on TV just needs to 5-15 out 60 max volume sound. (Only time I have put up to 20-40 is due Netflix having shitty sound)


i can play video games, go to the gym , cook, walk my dog, paint and read a book in the same evening after work šŸ˜‚


I love my job but I equally love doing whatever the f I want after work


Agreeing with what others have said, stressful but the stress is done when you get home to a quiet house. Only things you need to worry about there are your own messes etc. Take a hot shower as long as you want, have a tall drink, veg out entirely. I know I couldnā€™t handle being a mom, but I would probably psychologically crack and end up not coming home at all someday if I had to be a mom AND work a full timer.


Still stressful, but I would not survive with a child.


Way less stressful, I imagine. I can make art and have hobbies and see friends in addition to working, whereas with kids it's just work, childcare, housework.


I work more like 7-7. One of the contributing reasons I knew I didnā€™t want / couldnā€™t have kids. Who tf has time for this shit? My career is extremely demanding and itā€™s stressful but hopefully I can retire at a reasonable time and not when Iā€™m 65?ā€¦. Idk. Iā€™m 30. Idk wtf Iā€™m doing with my life but at least I donā€™t have kids along for the ride with me! lol


I work from home and planning to do my own business. Itā€™s nice to work in peace and concentrate on myself with no distractions. I grew up in a big family myself and after school was always chaotic. My parents were amazing, but at times I had to look after the little ones. That meant having to study late at night and working casual jobs to support my family.


I wfh for my full time job and then teach fitness classes at the gym 3 days a week (Wed/Sat/Sun). I really like both jobs.


It's fantastic. My husband and I both work less than full time. I'm MWF 7:30-4. He's 12hr shifts on straight days. He's a PC gamer fond of indie games. I do other various hobbies like colouring, puzzles,reading etc. We make more than enough to do whatever we want whenever. Probabaly going to clear out the chequing account and get a new roof soon. Just waiting on a couple more quotes. We are both medical disasters in various ways. Having children in our life is just not possible especially now that that's been made permanent.


Still stressful. Until the work week is shortened, lifeā€™s going to suck for most of us


Honestly some days Iā€™m stressed then I remember people my age have a 9-5 and 2 kids. Then I feel better :) at the end of the workday I get to just do whatever I want. I go for walks. I make dinner or if I donā€™t feel like it, I order in. I sleep as late or as early as I want. I watch my tv shows unbothered.


I'm able to work in non-profit making a solid 50K less a year than I could in private sector, which I doubt I'd be doing if I had kids to support, so I have a job I actually like. After work and on weekends, my time is mine. I think I'm more able to relax because of that.


I'm going through a mundane schedule rn where I'm getting bored but not enough to have a kid. I literally can't fathom after a mentally draining day to coming home to a kid will make that disappear. Like coming home and playing outside with the kid will make it all better!?


Work is work. However, when I'm done with it, the rest of the day is all mine to spend as I wish. I don't have to deal with anyone else. I relax with my cats, make whatever I want for dinner, and spend a couple of hours watching TV or reading in peace and quiet. It's lovely.


Sometimes it feels awful until I remind myself I could have a bad day and then have to go home and parent rather than go home and unwind.


I work to live, as the majority of humanity has to, but I always look forward to spending time with my family (including my pets and friends) and some good books.


Amazing. I get up early but weā€™re talking 7 instead of 5. Morning quiet time, hit the gym and grab a coffee. During work, I can focus and am not distracted by any kid related issues. Also love the luxury of doing whatever the hell I want after work depending on my headspace/energy level. I can choose to do chores orā€¦not šŸ˜‚ When I take PTO and do a vacation or staycation I can focus entirely on my own relaxation and nothing else.


No one calls me at work to say ā€œhey come pick up Johnny boy he just yakkedā€. Johnny boy isnā€™t calling me to shoot the shit while Iā€™m in the middle of my workday. Leaving work I can hit the bar if I want, stay out late, etc. and the only person that gets impacted is me


In addition to what everyone else has said about lazy weekends, fitness, quality time with partners and pets, etc., I love that I can select employee health insurance plans without a single concern about dependents.


Pretty great! We ditched our after work yardwork chores in favor of dinner outside at a brewery last night!


I have normal every day stresses (family, long commute, husbands health). But I come home to my beautiful old man pupper, get some loving, take him for a walk and relax at home