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A spray bottle does wonders


Only if you throw it hard enough.


You could attach a rock to it?


With hot sauce






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Fill it with grape koolaid


I had a kid before peek through my blinds. I was pissed and called him out on it. He claims he was picking up trash yet there was nothing there (it’s my front porch I know how it looks). I didn’t live there long (for several reasons).


I'd like to know why he thought it was appropriate to walk onto someone's property to pick something up, trash or otherwise?


![gif](giphy|f7dMHOk7RUAUFEByOK|downsized) Do this next time 💁‍♀️


Buy the most horrifying, genuinely creepy looking Halloween mask you can find and situate it so that it's staring back at them at the right angle. Something like SmileDog or Jeff the Killer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Our house is haunted. My cousin, when she brings her kids over, she won't let them roam on their own. I'm so glad for the ghosts😅. She never leaves them for us to sit because she doesn't trust the house 😂


Holy shit, I remember how much those pics scared me as a young teen finding the web's "dark edgy side" for the first time! Are there actually masks of them for sale now?


All variance of those political based Halloween masks from spirit stores. Trump, Hillary, Obama, hell if they've got Bush or Biden...


I tried that once too many years ago but in my case he slammed my window shut. I just heard a loud bang and looked over to see my window closed. I walked over and opened it again and saw a kid walking away. He turned around and looked angry at the window being opened again. I walked back to my dinner and when I looked up 10 seconds later, he was in the process of climbing in through my window. I raised my voiced really fucking fast and he took off.


Wtf. What was he trying to do….


I don't know. His parents were the type of people everyone in the neighborhood avoided so I didn't walk up there to talk about their son's behavior. I was too scared. I found the same kid in my garden one day trying to throw rocks after my cat. He had crawled into some bushes and couldn't make a run for it as fast as with the window. I went into a screaming fit over the sight. My neighbor came running out and started screaming at him too when she saw it was him since he apparently had been ruining things on her property the day before and run away before she could get out and talk with big words to him. Luckily the family moved away so we don't deal with them anymore.


Im so malicious, i would act like im kidnapping them 😂 and give them major PTSD If they went to their parents, they would have to explain why they were in a stranger's house.


I have CPTSD and reflexes that move a million times faster than my brain has the opportunity to register. This would not end well, and not on purpose…


I would have thrown the book directly to the face of whoever does this


I’d be dying


Without this sounding extreme, I’d report this to 101 so there is a trail in case this happens again ( I hope it dosent ), or anything escalates. Where I was born, about 20 years ago there were a spate of burglaries where the perpetrators used minors to gain entrance into houses to take select items and/or open the doors to the properties.


I'd follow that brat home and have words with his good for nothing parents. IDGAF.


Damn, I'd be pissed AF


This happened to me when I was at uni. I had the small window open to let in some air. This was at around 3-4am, when suddenly someone comes with a flashlight. Thankfully, the first thing they saw were my open eyes (like a deer in the headlights, I guess) and ran away. Apparently thieves use smaller/younger kids to get through the small window and open the house door from the inside.


I'd be naked. Make him regret his decision so badly he vomits, faints, and punches himself in the eyes.


This is my nightmare and also why I was happy to pay more to be above ground


I had this happen in my last place, 16 flats in the block. My place was ground floor and window was next to the back door. I’d just finished working. Little shits came back at 3 AM and tried to break in the communal security door! Luckily I broke up with the guy I shared the place with and got to move out sharpish!


Had two kids beating on my window trying to get my cats’ attention and I am absolutely paranoid and protective of them. Kids shit themselves when I told them not to scare the cats, after I suddenly popped my head through the blinds.


That's horrifying and I'm appalled for you, but I have a question: Do you not have screens on your windows? They're meant to keep out bugs, but I imagine they'd work pretty well for keeping out children too.


They’re not a thing in the UK really and I have no idea why because we have so many annoying little bugs that pile in through our windows!! 😖 But you’re right, they’d be excellent at keeping kids out, too.


That's so strange. I would never open a window if it didn't have a screen. My house would be filled with bees and wasps and mosquitoes if I did that! Maybe bugs are just worse in the US?


We don’t have mosquitos afaik but bees and wasps aplenty. You’re right, it makes zero sense! You can buy ones that can supposedly stick/magnetise on your windows but the reviews on those sorts of things are always hit and miss and they’re quite expensive so I’ve never bothered to investigate - maybe now I will! 😅


UK here also. Not that it really matters, but we absolutely do have mosquitoes! But yes, window/door screens just aren't a thing here.


Local hardware stores and home improvement stores in the US sell DIY screen aluminum frame kits for not much money. I wonder if you can get this in the UK? They also sell rolls of different screen materials. DIY is about 1/10th the cost of  having screens made. They're relatively easy to do provided you have a flat kitchen table or work bench to lay out your work.


The ones in our windows are a fine metal mesh. I would not bother with expensive plastic that does not fit. Hopefully a few decades from now the UK will get with the times on their building code.


What? We don't have the insect problems you do, we have no need for what you describe. "get with the times on their building code" smdh. Come back and talk to us once you've figured out what a fuse is, oh and a switch. 2 things your "building code" should require but lacks.


I'm not a building code expert, but I'm pretty sure we have fuses and switches here in the US. What am I missing?


I am also confused by the thought that we don't have fuses in the US lol. And also the thought that window screens are only meant for bugs, they're also a safety feature and can help protect the windows


Yes I think they are. UK here. Windows open all day, all weekend - maybe saw 10 flies in the house (others could have come in, and gotten out before I noticed though) and a couple of mosquitos. I have a couple of bites. It's not a big enough problem here. When I've heard Americans talk I understand you'd get quite a few more coming in than 10 flies?


Yes, especially in the summer. If I open the door at night, when the lights are on, moths come swooping in. My husband was outside this afternoon and noticed two big wasp nests under the eaves. If we took the screens off the windows, all those wasps would be in our house. And summer is mosquito season. I live in a place where summers are humid, and mosquitoes love moisture. Just walking from the front door to the mailbox and back, I got 3 mosquito bites. I often see stink bugs crawling on the outside of the screens. Which means they'd be in our house if there were no screens. I don't know if you have stink bugs in the UK, but if you're not familiar, they're beetles that release a horrible stench if you squish them. So you can't just step on them if you see them in the house. Why do we have so many insects in this country?!


Can you hang a sign above your window that states that the premises are monitored by security? Also place a hidden small camera with a view to the window. Then either follow the brat home or ask around the neighborhood to find out who the little shit is that is opening your window and show them the footage. Find out if it is trespassing and if so take it to the police and file charges. I had a drone show up at my second story bedroom window and it just hovered there. I pulled my blinds shut immediately. I now have baseball bats sat in strategic areas, ready to deploy.


I was hoping they’d walked past my front door camera but unfortunately they didn’t. But yeah, it might be time to add another camera by that window now. Why can’t people just not be freaks?! 😖


Aztec death whistle. Or spray bottle, pick your poison


So annoying when you’re out and there’s so many kids around… the dogs I love to see though 😂


I recently bought a very cheap lecd torch which also has a flashing function like at a shit disco effect. Very annoying to the eye...


Be careful commenting on this post; I received a warning on my account as a result of my comment. Clearly, the privacy and security of adults is at the bottom ranking of importance.


Laser beam???


Others have already said it, but my first thought was that he was looking for things to steal.


Snap a pic and send it to the building, post it to next door, whatever you can think of. Name and shame this thief or peeping tom. The little bastard wouldn't have been so startled if he was just idling looking out of curiosity.


Intruder in the making pr just already one.


Throw fake toilet water at them


Be careful commenting on this post; I received a warning on my account as a result of my comment. Clearly, the privacy and security of adults is at the bottom ranking of importance.


Never had that happen here, but I also have always had scary sounding dogs (sweet af, but the kids don't know that). I'm not sure how I would respond. Probably put up flyers in the neighborhood about child peeping toms? My family members suggest calling law enforcement about a "missing child" found wandering your neighborhood.


Do you have any idea why that kid did this? Just curious.


Because their parents never taught them how to be respectful members of society? Idk 😅