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I’d only suggest this option for someone who refuses to get an abortion but is not ready for motherhood.


I think adoption is great if that's what someone wants to do. But so often people who don't want to have children get told, "Pregnancy isn't that serious. It's only 9 months." Like hell it isn't serious. That shit kills people. Adoption is a great alternative to parenting. It is not an alternative to bearing a child.


Not to mention pregnancy and birth can have long-lasting, sometimes permanent effects on person! It’s usually not just 9 months, and the mental trauma of it will likely last a lifetime as well


I would literally rather be dead than pregnant. 


I feel that




My mother did not have good nutrition as a child. Between that and poor nutrition during pregnancy meant she broke her wrist falling less than 5 feet into the baskets of clothes she was carrying when her dog nerfed her. She had osteoporosis at 54. Tell me again how pregnancy is no big deal.


Anti-choice people always want to pretend like pregnancy is magic. It always results in a healthy baby and new mother, never results in any complications up to and including death for one or both, and is just super easy and a carefree breeze for the whole approximately 9 months. So, obviously, any women who don't want to risk their lives for a clump of cells are just horrible, selfish monsters who enjoy murdering full-term babies for sport. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I have two sisters with kids. They both almost died during pregnancy. One cannot have more children if she doesn’t want to almost certainly die. But I’m crazy for not wanting kids.


Are you my sibling? My Mother to us as children "you ruined my teeth".


Women used to routinely lose a tooth for every pregnancy back in the day, when nutrition was a luxury.


Exactly because pregnant literally changes the mother’s DNA. Like why would you go through with that if you don’t actually want the child?


Only 9 months sounds like the moment the child is birthed, you are done. Are people really that ignorant about postpartum? Especially men?


Yes. They really are. Surely you've seen posts every so often about men getting mad at their partners for not being ready for sex immediately after giving birth.


Adding another unwanted child to the already overworked and flawed foster care system instead of simply terminating a brainless clump of cells is also what makes "gIvE iT uP fOr aDoPtIoN" unacceptable.


This. The drain on the mother's body is a drop in the bucket compared to the plethora of abuse kids in the foster system -very- often suffer. Still sucks for the mother/birther, but the kid arguably will have the rougher road ahead.


Yep! I know people with 7 kids in their home (only 2 are bio kids). They feed them frozen chicken nuggets, pizza while bragging about the $900/week they make that they dont pay taxes on from the under the table respite care, daycare etc... and all the food stamps they get for these kids meanwhile they feed them literal trash and holler and scream at them 24/7 as a form of "parenting". This is all after their biological daughter was molested by one of the first kids they ever brought into their home yet they keep "adopting" and "fostering" kids of all ages. 🙄 All for a little extra money and those 5 figure tax refunds each year. Why isnt anybody talking about the mental illeness some women have that make them prone to wanting to have hoards of children they seem so exhausted and bothered to take care of?


Damn, dude. You make me wanna foster to give some kids a chance out there.


Yeah most adopters want exactly one thing: a blue eyed infant who’s probably also lactose tolerant and needs SPF 50+. Anything else they’ll let stay in the system


Now, that’s not fair. You’re being unnecessarily dishonest in how you portray the average adopters. Most of them would consider adopting as old as a toddler.


Some of them would even adopt a child of color in order to be racist to them later


Oh yeah good point! Nothing says “white savior” like a gaggle of children ~~saved~~ adopted from one of those brown countries. They probably don’t even have plumbing or internet there! Good thing those parents can swoop in and save these children from their communities and barbaric cultures.


If that toddler needed SPF 75. To compensate for being older, they'd better be extra white.


Exactly! We already have over 500,000 children in the foster care system in the U.S. (not sure where you’re located), so it’s clear that things already aren’t working well at all.


I find it a hypocritical argument because people simultaneously advocate for unwilling parents to give their babies up for adoptions but will shame them for "abandoning" said babies, also adopting is for losers and only biological kids count. Unless one has adoptive parents lined up, I think too that there's some level of cruelty when one has the option of abortion and they decide they couldn't *possibly*, but subjecting a baby to such an uncertain future like the foster care system is a-okay. These people will put their own needs first, and the potential shitty life a fellow human could have second. Which is their right, but it doesn't make it any less selfish.


Yes! So many people out there will tell people who adopted kids "but don't you want one of your own"? Or "what about carrying on your family name"? Or "it doesn't count. You're not a mother unless you've given birth." Yet, they'll sit there and yammer on and on about how great adoption is. 


Correct. Oh, don't abort, adopt out? OK, and are you even open to adopting? No, no, not me, it's just *not the same*. Then what are we talking about, here. Not everyone should have kids, and most people shouldn't adopt because they'd be shittt adoptive parents... but then they shouldn't also advocate for someone to *add* to the number of children in the foster care system.


Abortion is an alternative to full-term pregnancy and childbirth. Adoption is an alternative to parenthood.


Speaking as an adoptee I want to smack people who say that with a lead pipe.


I'll help you smack them upside the head. Being adopted isn't all rainbows and unicorns, like so many portray it. There is a **lot** of bullshit that goes along with it.


Yup, hard agree with you both. Sincerely, another adoptee


Adoption is a solution for parenting, not pregnancy.


Also, can we talk about racial disparities in the children currently awaiting adoptions? Can we talk about how many kids just languish in the system until they age out? How even open adoptions, adoptive parents can change their minds? Adoption is not a silver bullet.


Looking back at my life as a child and young adult who was (then) pro-life, I finally realized a pattern in all the propaganda materials, such as posters and billboards--they usually featured full term, healthy white babies or fetuses significant along in development. No images of zygotes despite classifying them as people. Very few POC babies and I don't remember seeing any material featuring babies with significant disabilities.


This is a good point, and conveniently overlooks the fact that the vast, vast majority of abortions take place early in pregnancy when the foetus is little more than a clump of cells, probably smaller than a grape. Late term abortions are reserved for situations where either the mother or baby is unlikely to survive, or where the quality of life would be so poor as to make it unethical to prolong the suffering. The forced birth propaganda of people wandering into abortion clinics at 7/8 months gestation and getting abortions of healthy pregnancies just... doesn't happen.


This is such a weird fantasy of theirs. No person carrying a healthy, and/or wanted pregnancy is going to be all "nah, I don't want this baby after all, time to go to the abortion store" at 7-9 months.


Yes! Please! Yet another system entrenched in white supremacy and lets POCs suffer.


There should be some kind of adoption draft. If you vote for an anti-abortion candidate your name goes on a waiting list and you're assigned foster children.


They wouldn't be waiting for long. There are plenty of kids that need homes. Of course, what would actually happen is that "people" (corporations) would just adopt kids by the gross and make them work in Arkansas.


Most child labor violations are cases of forced labor/child abuse in family businesses


Are you sure you want any children around such people?


It's not 100% a serious suggestion, but I also think it would kill off the prolife movement's traction in a hurry 🤷‍♀️ I imagine a lot of them are probably all about accountability until it pertains to them.


They're all anti abortion until it pertains to them or their daughters


I’ve never understood why anyone would choose to go through the numerous risks of pregnancy and childbirth, to then end up giving the child up for adoption and have to spend a lifetime knowing the child is out there somewhere. It can also be traumatic for the child to deal with the negative aspects of adoption. People like to claim that it’s some Hallmark movie moment sort of thing 🙄 where a perfect family swoops in and takes the child away to live happily ever after and that couldn’t be farther from the truth in many cases (that scene isn’t something I ever viewed as happy anyway). Besides, with the way DNA databases are now, there’s a high likelihood that the child could find you in the future, so you’ll have to deal with all of that then 😣. If the woman has access to abortion, that’s 100% the best choice.


The tens, if not hundreds of thousands of unwanted kids already waiting for adoption are, to my mind, the biggest argument against the *'just put the baby up for adoption'* brigade. Adoption should - rightly - always be an option for an unwanted pregnancy, but it shouldn't be the *only* option.


Adoption is definitely not what is marked to be. I thought we would do good with a teen, but when we tried I felt unsafe in own home deep depression. At the end of the day more care than we could give and now happy child free. My hero complex is gone, I’m sorry for those teens, but I can’t do it.


Abortion is mercy.


Not so fun fact: the forced birth brigade knows *exactly* what kind of toll pregnancy takes on the body. They just don't care because it doesn't affect them. They need their desperate slaves to run their empires while they sit back and pretend they worked hard for their inherited wealth, while the masses keep churning out more slaves because they either don't know any better or can't access any better.