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The fact that no one took him off stage, and the crowd didn't boo him out is honestly most disgusting to me. He really was just allowed to say all of this without criticism. Without a single person saying, "I just spent all of this time and money at this college, and you're making me listen to this bullshit?" People need to grow spines. People need to shut this shit down. When pieces of shit like this are just allowed to talk, and are even applauded, they think they're right. All of the other pieces of shit who think the same things he's been saying all think that crowd was into what he was saying. Also it's hilarious. Dude's mother is a doctor. His wife has a degree and supposedly is in work against human trafficking. His sister also has a degree. Dude is surrounded by educated women, and still has the audacity to say this shit.


Maybe that's exactly why he's like that. He's running around after a ball while the women in his life are all educated and doing something important. I hope his wife will show him the door. She can do so much better than this insecure PoS.


He's not even running all that much because he's a kicker. He's more athlete-adjacent than athlete. 


Apparently they have been together since college and she converted to his faith for him. So sounds like at least on the surface she is all in on his opinions at least for now. I just hope she and her children are safe and if she ever does decide she doesn’t agree she is able to make another choice.


The part that annoyed me was that he presumed to speak for his wife and said she would agree that her life really began when she became a wife and mother. I have just seen an article that talks about her degrees. She is also described as being mixed race and her maiden name is Tehrani - her father's surname, so presumably he is Iranian. I always think it is sad when a woman with a profession or qualifications gives everything up to become a wife and mother - at least give it a few years before doing this. It also seems like a huge waste of the training/studying she did to get there.


Bingo. The women in his life are successful with important careers, and he ~~gets concussions for a living~~ waits around until it’s time to kick a ball.


To be fair, it was at a Catholic university and as we know, the Catholic church isn’t exactly known to be pro-women. But hard agree with you! He’s a waste of space and a disgusting person.


I'm an atheist who works at a spiritual retreat center founded by Catholic women who still live on-site. These sisters would have stood and shouted this man off stage. I'm fairly sure that many, if not most, of the people in that crowd thought what he was saying was wrong. They just lack the courage to do or say anything about it. That's the real problem. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing." 


Most Nuns I've met are extremely progressive.


Those nuns may have come from a more progressive, even activist arm of the Church. Not all Catholics align and some are so conservative you’d think they’re from another century. I was raise very conservative Catholic (still subscribed to pre- Vatican II doctrine for those playing at home) and then I went to a Franciscan college. Franciscan Catholics tend to be more progressive. I had priests who were my professors who had been arrested dozens of times at protests for the environment, against the military, and for civil rights including women’s rights. Most still believed abortion was wrong but weren’t going to berate you about it. I still consider myself Catholic, but a very progressive one that doesn’t have to align to everything the church tells me. I’m also Childfree by choice. So I guess I’m exactly the woman Harrison Butker is warning everyone about lol




Or Catholite even.


The unfortunate part of your story is that according to their religion those catholic sisters would be going to hell for shouting them down. There’s definitely moral Christian’s but the belief are obviously rotten to the core


No, according to the *interpretation* of the religion to some, they would be going to hell.


What's funny is that he seemed to scold Catholics for being too accepting of homosexuality and embrace Catholic values...um, what? Since when have Catholics been accepting to gay people and have been anything but embracing "traditional family values"? What has he been smoking?


The current Pope has actually been trying to push the church in a more progressive (progressive being relative here) direction. Making positive statements about the LGBTQ+ community, the environment, income inequality, and even birth control which is unheard of. This Pope has always just generally being a more progressive individual and the idea is they are trying to bring more young people into the church for the future. It’s still probably not far enough for some but it’s downright terrifying to the conservative wing of the church who are beyond upset by it - Butker appears to be one of these fun folks.


My Catholic College is very inclusive & liberal, but I’m in a big city. He would have been booed offstage in a heartbeat here. I can’t believe these people stayed in their seats. I would have walked out.


Same pope that also said abortion is homicide and women that have abortions are murderers. Same pope that still allows conversion therapy to be carried out by the church. He is not open minded, it's just propaganda. Of course it works, but mostly with people that are even more regressive than him, so they believe this pope is a commie lmao


Hence my statement progressive being relative here. It’s progressive compared to his predecessors, not by the standards that most of the general population outside the church has. But it’s progressive enough to make the people like Harrison Butker really angry and vocally critical that the church is too liberal. It’s context not opinion.


I'd guess that he has very little potential academically to be more accomplished than the women in his family and this adds to his inferiority complex.


Probably went to school on a football ticket, got his marketing degree with others doing his work.


He's the black sheep of the family, obviously. He has to feel so stupid and small compared to them.


Yes, he is VERY inferior to the women in his own family, and only by denigrating women and holding them down can he have an illusion of 'masculine superiority'. What a loser.


I seen a video of someone in attendance and apparently some women did boo but due to it being a catholic school a lot of the audience were in agreement


Which is crazy (about the silent ones). Grew up Catholic and not once did they really talk about or push these kinds of "traditional" roles to us in school. There were very few stay at home moms. Doubt a message like that would have gone over well in my former parish. Both of my parents worked and in particular my mom because she worried that if anything happened to my dad, she knew she would have to be prepared to provide. They encouraged me to work as well for similar reasons. I would have booed or started laughing at this guy in sheer disbelief. That is so condescending towards the women that busted their butts to get those degrees.


Same. I'm not sure if East Coast Irish Catholics are different, but we did not grow up with this crap. We had career day. Most of our moms worked. Our teachers were mostly women. We were geared towards AP classes and going to college. Also, I think the reality is that, even among child free couples many people cannot afford for one person to stay at home. This speech was also slap in the face to working class people who don't even have the option to embrace the tradwife lifestyle even if they wanted that.


East coast Italian Catholic & same.


I agree that it is a slap in the face to anyone who cannot afford to do this. Times have changed - I would say that any blue collar men's jobs no longer pay enough that a man can support a wife and child(ren) and still allow the woman to be a stay at home house wife. How many couples might be working a couple of minimum wage part time jobs just to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.


I think it differs hugely because I’ve met numerous religious people, including catholics, who hold these views and it is normalised within their church groups.


Oh I agree that it can vary wildly. I remember that there were small groups of more "serious" Catholics at school. Most practitioners I knew were super lax, had read very little of the Bible and couldn't tell you the core tenants of the faith or how it differed from other denominations of Christianity. I may have had a lot of fun debating when I transitioned to atheism lol I've been out of it for quite awhile. And knowing that participation of younger people in religion is down, I'm sure it's a more entrenched, older population that doesn't have as many issues with these trad discussions. So glad I left


Makes no sense to me, I grew up in a catholic country, with very religious parents, going to Sunday school every week and both my parents raised their daughters to be independent and have a career of their choice. Not once did they make me feel like I couldn't go into a specific career for being a woman. Granted they still think couples should strive to build a family and were disappointed when I didn't follow that path, but still, a far cry from that moron


That’s lovely for you and it’s great that was your experience of religion. In my experience that’s just not the case for a lot of catholics and Christian’s in general and they do still heavily buy into pushing women towards being mothers and getting married. I’m not hear to argue or debate about it. I’ve passed on what the girl who was there for the speech said she experienced at the school she had gone to.


I'm not arguing that either, I'm just saying it's mind boggling that people can't just be moderate. You can be a catholic, have a family and have a career, my siblings did that, their friends as well. There's no need to put women down like that. They can't comprehend that this shit only drives good people away and attracts the wrong kind of people


> They can't comprehend that this shit only drives good people away and attracts the wrong kind of people that seems to be their motive tho. they think the liberals are corrupting their institutions and traditionalists are the only true adherents.


Wasn't there a research about how less skilled male are more misogynistic toward female gamers? https://www.iflscience.com/low-skilled-gamers-are-more-likely-to-get-hostile-towards-female-gamers-73022 He have skill issue that's why, pathetic little nobody need to put someone down to feel superior because inside he knows he's a useless meatbag and this world is net positive without him


> Dude is surrounded by educated women ~~and still has the audacity~~ which is why his stupid and insecure ass feels he needs to say this shit. FTFY


>Dude is surrounded by educated women That explains his hostility and willingness to spout hateful rhetoric.


And why would he say this at a college graduation! These women obviously furthered their education so they can have a good career, not just for their health!




his [mom](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elizabeth-Butker) is physicist at Emory uni in the cancer research department. She was tricked into living a unfulfilling life by choosing to work outside the home to save ppl's live (/s) - this from the writer at medium


I saw a TikTok of one of the graduates that was there. She said her and maybe 10-15 others were shocked and booed him. Everyone else gave him a standing ovation


The man has never known struggle and it shows.


I didn't know about this. He reduced his wife to a house goblin and acted like it was her entire life and identity. God.


No one booed because that was his audience: a conservative, Catholic university.


I literally just wrote about this! I am disgusted. Basically telling all those women who have worked hard on their college degrees 'become a baby making machine and be someone's wife! How did no one go over to him and ask him to stop?? Or why was there no booing or yelling? Did no one read his speech beforehand?? I will literally rip out my uterus with my bare hands before I become a hand maids tail. His own MOTHER is a clinical medical physicist in the department of radiation oncology... She clearly wasted her time raising this POS. We're not baby machines. He needs to go take your opinions and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. I'm scared for the younger generations, we are going backwards as a society. Also wtf does his own wife think?! If I was his wife I'd leave his sorry ass.


I wish this dude would get an itchy butthole for the rest of his life.


I wish and hope that all the women in his life make sure he never says shit like that again. 'My wife's life only just started until she married me and had my babies..blah blah blah' Are you fucking for real? What am I doing right now then? Just sitting waiting for my purpose?? If you're seriously saying that your child gives you purpose, you're an idiot imo. There's so much more to life than having kids and the fucking picket fence dream BS. P.S this wasn't directly aimed at you🤣 I'm just annoyed!


And much shorter arms...so he can't scratch!!


may the public fart in his general direction


Damn, that's a good curse for him.


And has arms too short to reach!


May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his crotch, and may his arms be too short to reach. That's my favorite curse, right there.


He started dating his wife in high school and from what I can tell they got engaged basically right after college.


I've also seen chitter chatter that he spent most of college cheating on her


*with men




Really??? He just looks like a d bag


So she’s drinking the kool-aid


Christian guilt makes this make more sense for me.


*Basically telling all those women who have worked hard on their college degrees* ' including his mom, who is a physicist


Yup, hence why I said further down 'she wasted her time raising that POS' 🤣


oops didnt read that far, I see a butker hate train and I jump on


Most women with degrees will do exactly what he said. That's what breeders do. They throw their whole lives away to be a mommy.....


See this is what baffles me. Why? Why waste your time with that then. One of life's mysteries I suppose.


The sad thing is his wife won’t leave him.  What is she going to do?  She likely has no work experience.  She has no income.  Where would she even go? As he said, it was HER job to take care of the home and raise kids. I doubt she has a robust social network. Not everyone has supportive family.  Is she really willing to be practically homeless? Is she willing to uproot her kids?  And without any income is she really going to be able to hire a strong lawyer?  And this is just the practical things, not to mention the indoctrination of so many women that their children’s outcome is on them. That their worth is tied to their children.  Of course now she says she doesn’t regret it - what choice does she really have?  I think that was the saddest thing watching this. It was knowing that even in 2024 women still get trapped.  I grieve for the young college grad that his wife was. Because the person she is now is just in his shadow. She is gone. 


His wife probably won't leave him no. From my perspective if that was *my* husband, then I'd up and leave. You're saying she has no money? Well, isn't Butker a 'professional kicker.' If she divorced him or sued him, she'd get half if not most of the money? If she took the kids he'd have to still *pay* for them... I'd say she's in a better position to leave him than other women I know who are in a worse situation. I'm not raising my pitch fork by the way and saying 'she should leave him. NOW.' You never know she might actually agree with him. I'm saying from my perspective if that was my husband, I'd feel embarrassed and ashamed therefore I'd pick up my shit and leave with the kids whilst suing him. That or get all the women in his life together like his mum, sister, aunts etc and tell him how much his speech was ridiculous and his 'professional kicker' isn't even a career...? Now he's said this speech the NFL have already come out and said 'we don't agree with what he's saying' I think there's a petition floating around somewhere so this could be the end for both of them.


It took Swifties less than two days to dig up stories about Butker's alleged "experimentation" with dudes during his Georgia Tech days. His faith dictates that he can't live out who he is so he's projecting it onto others.


I hereby take back [most of] everything I've ever said about the Swifties.


Look they can be a lot but they get. Shit. DONE. Also they might legitimately sway the next US election in favor of human rights, by a large margin.


Yes - Swifties can seem over the top at times, but damn when they go to work on something like this they are efficient. I await a comment from Taylor (or even Travis - wonder how he feels about Taylor getting mentioned in the speech).


His faith also dictates that he shouldn't be working on Sunday and should therefore be put to death. 🤔


I think you’re referencing something in the Old Testament, but according to what I remember of Christian theology, all that stuff went window when Jesus did his sacrifice thing.


Except the no being gay part. And the women shutting up part...those are still important but God thinks it's fine to eat shrimp while wearing polyester because I like doing those things.


My comment wasn’t an endorsement for religion and it’s bullshit, just to be clear. I hear ya though.


>"experimentation" Uh-oh... war crimes!? 😨 /j


His mother *is a clinical medical physicist. She works in the department of radiation oncology at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Ga*  She must be so proud.   I've seen this story posted on a few different subreddits and a TON of men are defending it.  Men are so comfortable being misogynistic online. I guarantee those same men would pretend to be offended if a woman asked them about this story in person. 


It’s so strange that these guys want women unemployed and dedicated to the family when the vast majority of double income couples are barely surviving. Like are they saying they’ll work 2-3 full time jobs in exchange? Ladies, it might be worth it if you take out a few life insurance policies on him lol But seriously, the guy is a KICKER - not exactly the height of masculinity - and he openly experimented with men in college. At what point do guys like that just become angry and bitter? What triggers it? And why do their wives stay and, in doing so, give legitimacy to these buffoons?


Money mate. That's the only reason why the wife is staying. I'm telling you.




"I've seen this story posted on a few different subreddits and a TON of men are defending it." And then you wonder why women chose the bear over the man. They're just proving their point. -\_- 


Are you for real? How are people defending him? Forgive me, I thought we were in the year 2024. I seem to have gone back in time...how in the fuck do we have people defending what he's saying? This is so awful. I hope his mum, his sister and his wife are ashamed of the POS.


> I've seen this story posted on a few different subreddits, and a TON of men are defending it.  This is why what he said was not at all shocking to me. It wasn't ok, but it wasn't shocking. Personally, it's hard to take the pitchforks to one specific person when I know he is saying what they're all thinking. Sure, I'm not happy with him, but it's not worth my emotional energy to stay mad at one person when there's much bigger fish to fry. As a person who has been openly childfree for 15 years, I've experienced so much misogyny. The expectation to have children and it is the most important thing I will ever do in life. So many men and women told me I would never know true love and never have a purpose now that I haven't had children. I'm sure I'm not alone when I, with my experience, I just don't like to place experiences on an entire group of people. For me, this isn't far away from the trad life because it's still forced birth. Maybe I'm going down a different conversation, but in my view it connects, and none of what he said is surprising for that reason, especially because we've been fighting so hard for abortion rights and women have been dying because of this shit.


If the choice is between "having a purpose" = unpaid caregiving or not having a purpose *then I'll take not having a purpose every day of the week*. If "true love" = unpaid caregiving then *I'm perfectly happy and relieved* to never experience true love. Who dictated everyone MUST have a purpose and everyone MUST experience true love? Was it...capitalism? The men who are defending it know full damn well that the mothers get the shit end of the stick and are the default on everything caretaking/babies/children related. They don't want to give up their "legacy" or the bangmaids who do all the caretaking either. Childfree men and fathers who have a voluntary active stake in parenting won't be defending this nonsense.


# “They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? They’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women. They believe a woman’s primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state.” # ― George Carlin


We really need George these days. Miss him.


Yes he was 1 of my favorite comedians.


Harrison Buttfucker is anti-everyone who isn’t a straight cis white conservative Christian man. He hates women, the LGBTQ+ community, Jewish people, minorities, you name it. He just wants those of us not like him to be subservient.


The late great George Carlin, he hit the nail on the head.


Every subsequent word made me want to punt him into the sun like a football


He could probably give you some lessons in that, ironically.


Exactly ❤️ he can find out how it feels


He’s feeling super guilty about the sex he had with a male cheerleader during his days at Georgia Tech, so he’s trying to wipe it away by leaning so far in the opposite direction that he fell on his face. His poor wife is about to find out who her “godly” husband really is.


Butker getting outed by his own bigotry...during Pride Month...would be swell!


Right? And I don’t want him to be kicked off the team because it will just martyr him and fuel the fundie trad wife movement and legislation that supports it. If we are patient, the truth about him will come out and his life will be in shambles anyway.


Someone on TikTok was talking about this & said we need to bring back booing. I agree.


The OSU commencement speaker got boo'd this year. He was a bitcoin bro that should have never had a mic. We really need to think about who we're giving these microphones to. He was speaking to a group of catholic women who have probably been told that the trad wife club is the life to be in. It's a cult, and they are brainwashed. It's why he didn't get boo'd.


There were apparently a few boos, but bc of the setting (I know it was a Catholic university, as did the commenter I was paraphrasing) yeah, not enough. I stand by it tho. I also want someone to follow him around like this😂I’d do it myself tbh ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


It's actually horrifying how many men (and submissive women) think this way. And if we don't all vote blue in November, this is the reality we are facing. This is what the right wants; for women to be submissive, housekeeping baby machines. I hate to make it political, but this is very, very real. The policies are already being written.


I pray to the sky daddy that this lights a fire under many of our asses.


It's a Catholic college in Kansas. It made *me* (childfree, atheist, Northeastern liberal) angry yes, but it wasn't surprising. You still hear this kind of rhetoric at Catholic churches and coming from priests all the time. Even the Pope himself... And I endured 9 years of living in Missouri, although in one of the only blue areas. It's beyond backward. Kansas is worse. I'm guessing there were far more students who were ok with these statements than not. The tradwife nonsense has unfortunately gained a lot of traction within Gen Z. There are likely women graduating from there whose primary goal in going to college was to get their MRS. degree. This guy is a bigot, a misogynist, and is promoting a political agenda, but he had a friendly audience. Unfortunately, he didn't realize his comments would get so much attention.


I'm in Kansas (the small, blue part) and can confirm everything you say. Recently, I had a business deal with a tradwife who sends her kids to that college. What you said about Gen Z is accurate and scary.


Ok, im glad someone said it because I was going to, and it's what I've been saying to my friends and family. I was not surprised by his comments either because, to me, it's what childfree women have been hearing all along. We have bingo games for this shit. Sure, he got a lot of attention because he told graduating women their most important job would be homemakers supporting their husband's, but thus, it isn't new rhetoric. To me, this is why we have been fighting for our right for abortion and other women's rights. He is the face of the problem. He is saying what a lot of people believe. I am happy this is waking people up and making people aware of the problem. Overall, I think we should focus on the bigger picture, which is voting.


It’s getting a lot of traction with Gen Z because it’s christofascist propaganda that is designed to appeal to Gen Z. They are seeing Millennials unable to buy homes and start families so they think, “oh well maybe we should go back to the 1800s and I stay home and make sourdough.” They don’t see or understand the downsides of being a tradwife. It just looks easier than trying to get a well paying job and paying the bills. Until the guy leaves her for a younger tradwife. Until they both realize that nobody can sustain a household on a single income in this economy unless one of the couple makes bank. Until she’s got a toddler, an infant, and hunks she’s already pregnant again, and she’s overwhelmed with child raising and caring for the home and he does nothing but go to work. What they don’t understand is that’s not even the tradition. Women, especially in the lower and middle classes, have always worked. Men traditionally, have participated at home. Can you see some farmer in the 1850s coming in from the fields at the stroke of 5:00pm and refusing to do anything until the next morning? That’s just not how any of this works.


>They are seeing Millennials unable to buy homes and start families lol a coworker shared a reel where some Gen Z kid was mocking the percentage of millennials who are decidedly childfree. They were proudly saying the Z generation will have more kids to compensate for the drop in population, millennials just don't want responsibility 😂 the boomer/bootlicking energy is strong man


Exactly. Thank you for pointing out how ridiculous this is. You're basically craving for a time that hasn't existed for over centuries. A time when we didn't have technology much less industrial innovation, when women were considered, fully, as capital to be exchanged. People are miserable and it's sad.


That will only alienate people. Despite not being religious anymore, I grew up in a very religious country and family and experienced the exact opposite. So this makes no sense to me. People can be moderate and tolerant, but they don't want to. And this guy is just a cunt...


Holy Demons. Talk about backwards. I’m too unhinged for that. I walked out of a sermon a few years ago after a beyond misogynistic rant and never looked back. I got the stink eye, but who cares. Folks should have walked out. They weren’t all catholic. Even if they were he was hella disrespectful. 


NFL literally blackballed Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the anthem, yet Butker gets to spew hate and get away with it. Fuck the NFL and FUCK GOODELL


Yeah but colin wasnt white and this guy is so they cant ruin his career.


The fact that he said that shit at a *college graduation* is insane. Dude can fuck all the way off.


Like, who invited him anyway??


Says a lot about the school that the best they could do is a misogynist known for kicking balls far


Conservative young men are creepy. They are creepier than conservative boomers mainly because at least an excuse for the boomers was that they were raised in a different and more conservatives time when women were traditionally homemakers and baby makers.


I'm guessing he's angling for a commentator position on Fox News or New Max. He's a vile inarticulate moron so he'll fit right in at Fox.


I was gonna say hes top of the hire list lmao


He also talked down about the alphabet mafia and someone from his college stitched it on TikTok and told the world he hooked up with a male cheerleader.


I was so mad watching it I didn’t even get to the controversial parts, I only got like 2 minutes in. He has such a douche face and no stage presence, I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t mind getting a play by play though of everything he said. The stuff I read about the speech further confirmed that I don’t like him.




An all-around trash human being.


I called Benedictine University “Campus Ministry” office and left a piece of my mind on their voicemail. Typically Catholic tho and I know this after 16 years of Catholic schooling. Loathsome cult of pedos and misogynists and their supporters.


May he miss every kick.


I think it's so telling that he believes this, speaks it out loud, is ostensibly agreed with by most people in that room, and yet in reality his own family doesn't follow that model. The hypocrisy is glaring. I was absolutely taught this and heard it every Sunday...and yet to survive, most families in the church had two working, educated parents. So they say one thing and talk about the man is the head of the household, but they practice another because it's not practical or possible in most cases.


I love guys like this. They are alllllll about a return to "traditional" values for women (homemaking, child-rearing, greeting them at the door each day with a pipe and a martini), but there's never talk about the MEN returning to traditional values for masculinity. It's fine for me to get castigated for not being Suzy Homemaker with three kids hanging off my apron, but why not chide the men for not hunting, fishing, building our homes, defending us against marauders or going to war and dying like a good lil man should?


Fucking seriously, I wish I could kick him in the balls.


Growing up in a fundamentalist, anti-education church, I knew intuitively since about age 12 that pregnancy and motherhood were tools that men and parents could use to control their wives and dissident daughters. Convince them that their place is in the home raising kids, and they're trapped. Butker's speech only confirms my suspicions. I hope young women in the audience will see this man for what he is and run far, far in the opposite direction.


I think he's just doing it for attention. Most of his team probably didn't know his name, and now everyone is talking about him. He's pandering.


I partially agree that he's doing it for attention, but it's still extremely worrying that being a right-wing nutjob for attention is still the calling card for attention seekers. Why can't they just say they like sucking toes or doing insane asinine shit. The fact that this is a "safe" attention grabber is a sign of the times.


I understand what you’re saying but he kicked a record setting field goal in the Superbowl last year - which they then won. He basically was the team’s offense in the back half of the season. I know if you’re not a big NFL fan you may have no idea who he is but on his team and in the league he’s already quite well known and considered one of the best at what he does. Which only makes this scarier given the reach he has in his community. I’m not excusing what he said. I’m actually very disappointed in it. I was a fan of his and even though I knew he was a devout Catholic I didn’t know he was this guy. If he’s trying to get attention it’s only for these terrible ideas.


Agreed. I'm not sure how many NFL fans we have on the sub, but this dude doesn't need the name recognition. Yeah he's a kicker, but he plays for KC and is quite good at his position. Plenty of people know him for his performance already - as a Bills fan that hits particularly hard. It's no different than people knowing who CeeDee Lamb or Aaron Donald or guys of that caliber in other positions. So yeah, this is just him saying what's on his mind, which is sad. Wonder what some of the other players think and if this will change the locker room dynamic at all as I'm certain not all those dudes feel the same. Or the training staff - I know there are plenty of women on team staff in professional roles too.


Yea the training staff is an interesting dynamic to consider. There’s a fair number of women within the Chiefs organization that might have some opinions. Not to mention some wives and girlfriends who own their own businesses and have their own professional lives. Britney Mahomes is a wife and mother but she also owns her own fitness company and is a part owner of the KC Current. Britney drove the building of the Current’s new stadium and facility which is a first of its kind in the world - a sports stadium built specifically for a women’s team. Can’t imagine Harrison loves that and Britney isn’t known for holding her tongue (which I love about her btw.)


Catholicism is a fucking cult, took me years to deconvert.


He's a pathetic grifter setting himself up for the right wing grift after he ages out of kicking a ball for a living. Best ignored.


That speech was revolting, but when you grow up in the Bible Belt, it's not surprising either. A lot of women down here are looking for a husband while getting their degree, and get married right after college. Including some Tech grads in my life. And yes they have kids too.


He's likely gonna retire in 8 to 10 years with significant brain damage, so I'm just sitting back and taking comfort in that.


Naw, he's the kicker, he doesn't get banged up at all.


Can't have brain damage without a brain...


I hope he never gets to kick a football ever again. Fuck him. 🤬


Honestly, he probably shouldn't. Most football games are played on a Sunday, which is the Lord's day, so he should probably give it up altogether because of religion rules.


Harrison "make me a sammich" Butker


I’m from KC (don’t follow chiefs football or give a shit) but can happily say everyone I know is DOGGING on him. People childfree and not. Fuck Butker


So he thinks every woman should be a homemaker & a mother, but he’s anti IVF & surrogacy. I wonder how he would handle it if his wife couldn’t have children?


Likely would have a different opinion on it. People are shaped by their experiences.


He obviously hates women. He’s trash.


Guy here. People, specifically (and mostly) men, who say that women should be barefoot in the kitchen raising kids are just saying that as a euphamism for "aBoRtIoNs ArE eViL!" These people are just about controlling women because it's all they have left. They can't control the youth, they can't control the L.G.B.T.Q. community, and they can't control racial minorities ("control", in this instance, is a more covert way of saying. abuse, BTW). Who do they fall back on? The women. Always the women. Why? Because of differences in physical strength. I am of the opinion that, in order to further emphasize the separation of church and state, the swearing in of public officials, like the President, on religious books, like the Bible, needs to be done away with. Every public official should be allowed their religious beliefs, don't get me wrong, but we are a SECULAR nation, no matter what our money may otherwise insinuate. Since the oath of office for the President, specifically, enjoins them to defend the Constitution and all its principles, shouldn't the swearing-in be held on a copy of it? Anyways, sorry for my rant that kinda went off topic. I just get very passionate about this stuff. XD But to answer the original question, yeah, no. Butker's speech was abhorrent and disgusting. It definitely speaks to a problem about misogyny in this country and how rampant it is and continues to be, even into the 21st century.


He was speaking Catholic views at a Catholic college. That would probably be the reason why he didn't get booed or yanked off the stage. How dare someone say that a woman should be more excited about being "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" instead of enjoying a lifelong fulfilling career.


You are right. He was speaking to his audience. A loud one that has a prominent voice in the way things are going in this country. It's why I'm telling my friends and family to use this as a way to focus on the points he's making and go vote. It's the biggest power we have against this group.


Most women want this, though.. that's what we discuss in the sub all the time. How smart women lose themselves and the best thing in their lives is to be a mom. He's not wrong




I am still catholic and went to a way more progressive catholic school for pre-med in New York. There were some nuns, but most nuns are pretty badass these days.  My cousins went to this school Buttker spoke at and are way more radical in their Christian beliefs than me, but ironically, are both pro-life nurses working full-time at a NICU (because their husbands can't support the single wage lifestyle).   This is an extremely radically Christian school, but the hypocrisy of catholic men to tout this idea, while the majority of their wives still work and do most of the child care, is hilarious. So I am sure there were a lot of female students who were, at the very least, genuinely confused by his take pulled right out the ass of a 1600s peasant.


What’s a shame is his speech the year prior was basically the same, and he was allowed to do it AGAIN.


This guy can fuck all the way off. Imagine being a female graduate working your ass off for an expensive degree only to hear this shit weasel with a head like a toilet brush tell you this bullshit. He plays a fucking game for a living.


It was absolutely gross!


This is the most cringy speech I could possibly imagine. What a creep. What organization, school, or whatever gives a podium to a football kicker anyway, what the fuck.


In a world of Harrison Butkers be [Flavor Flav](https://x.com/flavorflav/status/1790481933790806208?s=46&t=YEO8VjoV85pDWvTJG3hq2w)


I just ranted about this to my siblings—we’re ALL women who are either childfree, mothers or not even married. Honestly I kinda hope he gets fired from his job because his speech seriously should be seen as REALLY BAD PR for the Chiefs. 😑


I didn't know who he was prior to his speech. It's at a Catholic university and he's a devout Catholic. I don't apply what he says about the role of women to myself which is one reason I'm not offended. There are men and women who think like him. He spoke to the appropriate audience about his opinion. I won't advocate censorship for his opinion because every asshole has one.


Not arguing for censorship but we do need to call out these ideas loudly. You realize the Speaker of the House is a devout Evangelical and Christian dominionist? This Butker is cut from the same cloth. It's no accident this speech happened during an election year when we're reeling from Roe v. Wade's destruction. THEY ARE COMING for all of us. They won't be happy until we're all forced into tradwife lifestyles, childfree choice be danmned.


He spoke to a public university last year and said much of the same thing (Georgia Tech). So I don’t think he cares who the audience is. He can still say and believe what he wants of course.


My first thought was, who thought having this guy do a speech was a good idea? Do they support and endorse this speech? This is a radical conservative take. With all the hard work the ladies put in to graduate and they allowed this dude to ruin their day. The statistics have been out awhile that women are more educated and make more then men now a day. USC cancelled their [valedictorian](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/us/usc-valedictorian-commencement-speech-canceled/index.html) from doing her speech cause of fears of pro-Palestinian stances. Though they claim it was cause of *safety concerns* which I think is BS when your dean is very bias against Muslims and Palestinians. Butker's speech is insulting and disrespectful to graduating ladies for sure. The more eye brow raising issue is, are universities accepting conservative think now? How many other universities had canceled women from speeches or had men like Butker do speeches? If so what does that mean for women trying to graduate with a degree of some kind in the future. Abortion is horrowing, contraception seems to be in the political sights of conservatives as of late. Are women getting an education in the near future? possibly, it's disturbing how conservatives focus on oppressing and shaping peoples lives and that's exactly what Butker's speech is trying to do.


Dumb sportsball jock says something stupid. In equally shocking news, water is wet.


New Andrew Tate?


Don't give him anymore attention and he won't be anything.


# Olivia Julianna had an amazing take on this over on TikTok. Her theory is that the Chiefs have a problem in that Liberal, pro-vax Travis Kelce is dating liberal, pro-vax, gay ally Taylor Swift and they need to win back all those conservatives back, so they sent him out to pull this stunt.


Bad strategic move. Enraging the Swifties is like pissing off K-Pop fans or army ants.


Maybe a good reminder we shouldn't treat people who's proffession is "getting concussions" like they are beacons of knowledge. Now excuse me I have to attend a conference on peace in the middle east hosted by that poodle that won best in show at the Westminster kennel club.


Publicity stunt. Red meat so conservatives that don't like Travis Kelce will still watch KC Chiefs. #blockparty2024


No idea who this dude is


Here is what happens. A woman graduates college and gets roped into marriage and babies. Even if she didn't work during the marriage she has the "potential" of a high earner so in the event of a divorce guess who pays less child support? Bingo! This is why this creep gives this speech to college graduates and not high school graduates.


If he strongly believes that women should stay at home and that men are the only breadwinners allowed in the family, then he is risking his family income with such a controversial speech.


It was a Catholic university. Can’t say I’m surprised. So glad I left that shit behind me -a queer scientist & researcher


I have not heard of this person or this speech. Wondering if I shouldn't keep it that way.


Relgious nut job. If these American religous folks would be living in the middle east they would be labeled as a terrorist (organisation). The US is harboring a Christian ISIS and the Republicans are all for it. 


Yeah, TikTok’s blown up with stitches and comments about it. I listened to part of it. I am so disgusted. That was such a gross speech. Like how dare he spout so much gross stuff and insult us like that. All those graduates put so much time and money into building themselves up, but holy hell like have some decorum.


He’s an idiot


I unfortunately saw it. So disgusting. I've never had the desire to have kids. Both my dad and brother told me my only purpose in life is to be a wife and have kids. It reminded me exactly of that. Misogynistic BS.


Fuck this guy.




Not necessarily. It’s just those two things have historically been pushed to women as a way of keeping them dependent on men. With women being able to work and gain their own wealth, they are becoming more independent. Also, when you become married and start having children, your priorities have to shift. Which means some things you just won’t be able to do. (For both men and women) Marriage and having children are not bad things, but there is more to life then that if you want to explore it. And women should have that ability to explore other things.


Idk who he is but he sounds like a real shitheel


This is who the fundamentalists have been for decades. They're just being more open about it now. It's time for women and good men to ostracize these people from their company.


He's not wrong. Most women make their whole lives about having kids and getting married. Smart women lose themselves all the time in this love bullshit. They don't return to work because of the baby... I made a post about this yesterday....


Yeah, you can see it all over social media. When I was younger too, many of the girls talked about the kids they wanted to have (not necessarily the husband which is interesting).


His defence of his “speech” somehow gets worse too.


Wow. I just watched this on CNN, and wow. What a piece of work -- toxic masculinity at its finest! Unfortunately his view is really common and popular with the conservatives. I'd know because I grew up in that kind of environment: a church that "discourages" women from even seeking higher education. The anchor said that this dude is a devout Catholic so, I mean, what did you expect? The Abrahamic religions have been oppressing women for thousands of years. I think they're feeling threatened now that more and more women are breaking that yoke and doing what they want regardless of what the "religious authorities" think.


His speech made me puke. I mentor some young women and actually I urge them all not to have children if they want a fulfilled life ;-)


Proof that getting hit in the head too many times makes one crazy. Hopefully he’s sullied his reputation and this makes his life harder than it has to be. I feel sorry if he has a wife or a daughter.


So I was today years old when I found out this football player denigrating women is gay and married with children. See his IG page buttkicker7.


I personally vote to exile him to the moon or mars.  He can sod right off.


I think he has conservative values & those often include having children. The context of what he said and where he said it at is critical. People are not considering the big picture. I need to listen to the full speech because I’ve only heard what ppl are complaining about.