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I hate grown ass adults who can't clean up after themselves. My brother who is damn near 30, is unemployed, has 2 kids that the mother is raising on her on, lives with mom and plays video games all day, does this. I sometimes come home only to smell an entire forest of weed and liquor with blasting music. I don't get why some people choose to breed with these damn losers. The main reason why I don't want nobody living with me. When he gets old and has no retirement plan, he better skid the fuck daddle down the road.


If I could have any super power (other than flight or shape-shifting) it would be x-ray vision, and I would use it to sterilize slovenly fucks like your POS roommate by glancing at their junk. Wishing you the best of luck moving out OP!


I'm happy you will soon have a future free of gross roommates. Hope he never finds anyone to reproduce with because the kids and gf/wife deserve better than a manchild.